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On the other hand, I started mat leave at almost 37 weeks (don’t know how I would have physically gone on any longer) but she didn’t come until 41+3!! So I had 5 long weeks at home beforehand, the longest 5 weeks of my life 😂😂😂😂😂
5 long weeks at home doing eff all is not unattractive to me. If I could stop tomorrow I would! I'd quite happily be a kept lady!
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Thanks everyone luckily my community midwife rang me and I went to see her. Baby is fine thankfully, my community midwife is with a different trust to the hospital I go to (joy of living rurally) she was furious at the maternity assessment unit, going to see if I can change trusts and hospitals as not impressed so far.
Glad everything is ok and you got seen and the midwife was helpful, given some of the stuff in the news recently about maternity care you would think the assessment unit would be more on it!
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Had the worst nightmare 😭 woke up to him kicking the life out of me as if to say mam I’m fine don’t worry 😂 god pregnancy is a bloody rollercoaster
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Thanks for the lovely responses/advice! I personally suffer from mental health issues which are under control right now due to medication and mentally I’m feeling pretty good. I’ve heard breast feeding can take a toll on some ladies mental health for various reasons and I really just don’t want to risk it. PND is something that’s been on my mind a lot too, I don’t know if I’ll be more prone to it due to existing mental health issues and the thought of that plus breastfeeding is just overwhelming. So much new territory for a young first time mum 💗
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God my nausea today 🥴 never known anything like it and it's really got me down today, I've been such a bitch. My other half had soup for lunch and it made me gag looking at it, but then I managed a pizza for tea 🤣 I don't know what's going on lol
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Got the call back late afternoon and I am confirmed pregnant and not sure how to feel at all. I’ve always said if I got pregnant young I’d have a termination, but now I’m in the situation I’m not sure I can. Me and the dad are both working rather than in education and are both fairly mature etc, and I’m starting to wonder if it is possible to actually continue the pregnancy?! I am crazy for saying that?? I don’t know what to think
Sleep on it, if you can. Take a few days if you need to, to think of all of your options and choices. At least you have your mum who knows so you're not bottling everything up. When you're ready, talk to the dad too. Either way, you sound sensible and I think you will be absolutely fine with whatever you decide
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I'm 13 weeks tomorrow going off my dates and have our first scan booked in Monday coming, 14th. We had a miscarriage in June at 7 weeks and I am SO ANXIOUS, I even put off going for an early scan to make sure everything is okay because I'm terrified of being told again "sorry, there's no heartbeat". I took 2 Ibuprofen the other day and have since realized they're not the best to take, I'm now panicking and worried I've done something to baby. I still have all my symptoms and belly is getting a bit bigger and bloated, I'm trying to enjoy it and take one day at a time but feel like I've been robbed of the happiness from our previous loss. Have been reading this thread and it's been a lifesaver; I don't know what the point of my comment is, but I know a lot of women are in the unfortunate same boat as me (ie. previous loss) 👼 💗
Sending you a massive hug. I am due any day now with my rainbow and the first trimester was hard. All you can do is take things day by day and remain as positive and hopeful as you can. Hope everything goes ok with you scan.
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At today's antenatal class I found out that forceps are to pull the baby out from INSIDE YOU 😱 I thought they only got used once the head was out 🙈
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my husband met his dad yesterday for lunch, and FIL asked him if he could be the first one to see the baby after me (even before my husband). he was not joking at all and it sent my husband into the biggest rage bc what the fuck is wrong with all our family members!!! husband cussed him out and told him he's literally last on the family list and if anyone were to see his son first it would be him and not anyone else. FIL was so offended and couldn't believe my husband said no. he then proceeded to tell my husband "i hope you know that the baby isn't just your son, he's everyone's grandchild and nephew" and my husband went "i dont give a shit what he is to you, he's my son and that's my only priority"

also got a message from my SIL asking me if i can avoid labour during her exam period, as if it's in my control in any way and as if i give a shit about her schedule.

absolutely can't stand my in laws sometimes, their audacity knows no bounds
Shitty inlaws but it's nice to see your husband calls them out on it. Mine does too and I've seen so many friends' relationships end when kids come along cos their husband won't tell their interfering mother to fuck off.
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the real mccoy

Chatty Member
Anyone going through IVF or has? I’m disliking the butt shots. I get implanted on the 11th. I voted just looking, but I’m mega pumped up on hormones and could use any and all advice and hope to join with a successful pregnancy when I get my blood test on the 21st.
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I feel like 90% of the movement I feel atm is the baby kicking a nerve - gives me that horrible fuzzy sensation you get when you hit your funny bone, except either in my bum or in my vagina 😐 pregnancy, so glamorous.
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Thanks for the replies - booked in for a scan today and had no more bleeding. It’s just when I feel internally really (which I need to stop as woukdnt know because nothing on wiping) and pink watery mucous type (sorry tmi) so could potentially be my cervix? 🙏🏼
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Im 10 weeks today and I have been feeling pretty normal the past few days as in im not exhausted all day and needing to nap. I’m partly happy about this but also wondering if it’s normal (I think the placenta starts to take over now) and can’t help think something bad is going to happen..
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I literally can’t control my anger today. I feel a burning rage inside 😂😂😂 anyone else had this in second trimester? I literally feel like being evil to everyone I encounter unless it’s a mum with a baby
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Totally normal, I'll be brutally honest it ends up like niagra falls towards the end you don't know if it's discharge, your waters or you've wet yourself.
Carrying and growing a tiny human is the height of glamour!
Thanks, I did have a quick google and it says to look out for it being yellow tinged. TMI this is not. It’s clear. There’s been a few moments where Iv had to question did I just let out a tiny bit of wee!
So much stuff no one warns you about 🥴
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Thanks for the lovely responses/advice! I personally suffer from mental health issues which are under control right now due to medication and mentally I’m feeling pretty good. I’ve heard breast feeding can take a toll on some ladies mental health for various reasons and I really just don’t want to risk it. PND is something that’s been on my mind a lot too, I don’t know if I’ll be more prone to it due to existing mental health issues and the thought of that plus breastfeeding is just overwhelming. So much new territory for a young first time mum 💗
I have to say breastfeed has been the hardest part for me so far, I intended to exclusively breastfed and for various reasons it just didn't work and I was heartbroken. At the time it was the end of thr world, looking back a few months later it really wasn't worth it.
If we have another I don't know whether I would try again now I have more knowledge or whether I would skip it and go straight to formula. My baby is absolutely thriving with combi feeding.
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xoxo GG

VIP Member
Is it normal in pregnancy to have abit of clear watery discharge? It’s not masses but sometimes do feel like Iv wet myself abit!
Yes, in my experience once it started it only got worse 🥲 the joys of carrying babies!
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anything at all

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Funnily enough, this morning it feels like baby has moved back to the position it was in and I can feel it tapping away again! I wasn’t anxious because I could still feel movement but it was like muffled which felt different, these babies aye!
Having an anterior placenta just feels so stressful ! Some days it feels like my boy has moved over and away from the left side so much that yeah movement just gets muffled a lot 😭

Last night hubby got to feel the taps/kicking a little for the first time and he said ‘is that it’ 😂 hopefully he gets why it stresses me out sometimes!
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