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VIP Member
Had a meltdown at today's midwife appointment. She was lovely and let me rant lol. I was made aware due to EDS I'll need to get three growth scans. Do these just check the baby is growing as it should? Got my date for the diabetes test... Dreading that tbh.


VIP Member
Hey everyone.. I had my beautiful baby 20 weeks ago, and tonight I’ve just found out I’m 4 weeks pregnant. I can’t believe it, I feel totally shocked and overwhelmed tbh I don’t even know how to feel or what to do. Both completely unplanned (am with partner 7 years, engaged in a house with a dog etc). Myself and partner initial reaction was oh no how do we provide for two (in time, attention, money). I had a horrific pregnancy on my first and was in hospital for majority with HG.
I don’t even know why I’m writing this I just don’t know where to turn tonight!
Lucky mama! Congratulations 💗


VIP Member
Just been pram shopping - looking like the Cossatto Wow 2 is what we want. Anyone got one and got any experience of them? I really want the Fox pattern XD


Chatty Member
Anyone here in Ireland on Cariban and not being fleeced??? €237 for a months supply for me and only on week 12.. long way to go


VIP Member
Any typically the midwife hasn't rang 😭 Or is seriously overrunning. Don't want to phone the GPs to check in case they call when I'm doing that! I just want to speak to someone as I feel like I've totally been left to my own devices so far. My Mum said back in the v early 90s when she had me she was in all the time for check ups.
Have you just referred to the midwife services?
With ours, you give them all your details, due date ect and then they contact you around 10 weeks. You don't hear anything until then. Not even acknowledgement that they've got your details.

Just editing to say I've seen you said you've got your first call today!
Have you got another phone you can call on? Partners phone ect?

Appointments usually go; your booking appointment around 10 weeks and bloods.
12 week scan, 16 week midwife appointment, 20 week scan and then 25 week appointment if it's your first. 28, 31 weeks for first baby, 34, 36, 38, 40
You can see a list of appointments on the NHS website) 😊


VIP Member
Random but has anyone been to the dentist while pregnant without the medical exemption certificate? I don’t have mine yet but worried they won’t take my word for it
How far along are you?

I'm not sure how you'd go about it really as I've always been asked for proof


VIP Member
18 weeks tomorrow and the tiredness & nausea seems to have come back in full swing 😵
Had to nap for an hour today and still feel like I could sleep if I went to bed.
Also been eating 2 dinners the last few days because I’m so bloody hungry. I’m thinking I’m not eating enough during the day & then feel ravenous by the time I get home from work.
Anyone got any filling lunch ideas? I feel like I’m eating the same boring low carlorie (not on purpose) meals!


VIP Member
Thanks for your advice everyone I wasn’t aware about the doctors so if it does end up being positive I’ll do that. Going to get up early tomorrow so I can do a test without being interrupted. I got clear blue so hopefully will be reliable
Thinking of you… let us know how you get on x


VIP Member
I have a question about being prescribed aspirin. I went to pick up omeperazole prescription and there was an aspirin prescription waiting for me that has never been mentioned to me. On the box it says take from week 12 until delivery. I'm 17 weeks. I'm miffed I wasnt told I was to take it or that I had a prescription, but also upon googling it seems it's for people at risk of high blood pressure? Yet at my last two appointments my blood pressure was low. My BMI was a little on the high side at booking so I honestly feel it's like it's just been a case of oh you're fat you're probably at risk of high blood pressure here's some aspirin. Maybe I'm being over sensitive? I did try contact my midwife to ask today but she didn't get back to me and now won't be able to speak to her until Monday. Should I hold off taking it or would yous start taking it in the meantime?


VIP Member
Movements question. Baby was being super active over the weekend - kicking away really hard. He's still moving and kicking but it's not quite as noticeable and possibly feels a bit more internal. Has he just turned round or should I be worried? I'm 28 weeks tomorrow.
I don’t know the answer but I'm
In a similar position… she’s been quite high on my tummy recently but today she seems to be back down on my bladder/shifted back.


VIP Member
Any mums out there with some knowledge- I find feeding a bit of a minefield so any tips/ideas welcome!
I would like to feed baby breast milk but not breastfeed- my partner really wants to do 50/50 feeding and I honestly don’t like the idea of it always falling onto me to feed.
I may feel differently when they arrive & I’m open minded about that.
- Is it possible to exclusively pump? How does that work when in hospital once they’re born? Do I formula feed until supply gets going? But will they then refuse my milk?

Or am I better off exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 weeks then starting to pump?
And if I can’t breastfeed for any reason I’m 10000% happy to formula as I was FF but just a preference I guess!


VIP Member
Egg bites! Full of protein and you can add all the veggies. Mix eggs and a little milk into a jug, spray some oil all over a muffin tray and add the mix, throw in your fave veggies maybe a lil cheese and Chuck in the oven for 20 mins at 200 😍
I should have said I try and avoid eggs where I can 🫠


VIP Member
Hm, mine is in the antenatal clinic. Basically 2 days a week they just do blood tests in the clinic. they book however many people they can fit in, you queue up at the desk and get a number. Then they call you for the first blood draw + drink in number order, and same again after 2 hours. But if it's in the normal blood test place it may be run slightly differently.
Is it a full on blood test they do or just a finger prick? Just so I can mentally prepare myself if it's two proper blood tests in one day 😪


Active member
28+1 and baby was previously breech at previous checks but I think they flipped/moved at the weekend because all the kicks are now at my ribs as opposed to very low down. Is it normal for your stomach to feel quite tender? Up at the top of my bump near my ribs where I now feel all the kicks feels almost bruised if that makes any sense 🤷🏻‍♀️


VIP Member
Last night after needing a wee in the middle of the night when I got back into bed, I turned pretty quickly from being on my right side to my left. This made my muscles all around my uterus painful for like 10 seconds, like I had pulled them. it was quite sharp but went away quickly.. I’m not really worried but just wondering if this is normal cos I moved too quick and if it’s happened to anyone else? I’m 9+5
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VIP Member
Missed this last night but I had a growth scan yesterday at 28+5 and my baby was also estimated at 3lb5! It looks like just under 90th centile on the growth chart which is on the high side but not outside of normal range, so if he follows that trajectory he will end up around 9lb, very consistent with babies in my immediate family. But your growth chart might look different, I don't know how they work them out!

Also my nephew was 8lb8 at birth but doesn't looks chubby as he is tall like his parents, my guess is our baby will be chubby as there is less height on my side of the family.

Whatever your baby weighs she will be tiny and cute (she'll a newborn after all :love:) and if anyone starts making negative comparisons you're well within your rights to tell them where to go, they are different babies and will be their own little people.

This is something I've been thinking about a bit as my baby will be quite close in age to his cousin (9-10 months apart) so it feels quite natural to compare what they were doing at different ages. We are also borrowing a lot of stuff from my SIL which could lend itself to comments like oh has he grown out of it already (although she is lovely and would never say that with any negative intent) and I don't want to get into a habit of making comparisons especially if it could be construed negatively one way or the other. All these things to think about and they aren't even here yet!

Bloody loads if I'm honest

Choline 550mg a day
Collagen 1g a day
Vitamin D 2000iu (this is loads more than in my multi vit and more than my consultant recommended which was 800iu)
Calcium 1000mg
Omega 3

Also made a big thing about getting capsules rather than tablets because that will mean the ingredients are purer (ie they weren't huge fans of pregnacare as there is extra stuff in the tablets to make them into tablet size/shape but surely the capsules have stuff in them to keep the ingredients in?)

Not sure they presented it in a v helpful way as lots of people in the chat immediately started going oh my god should I stop taking my pregnacare! I am a tiny bit sceptical about supplements beyond a certain point but others will feel very differently.
Missed this last night but I had a growth scan yesterday at 28+5 and my baby was also estimated at 3lb5! It looks like just under 90th centile on the growth chart which is on the high side but not outside of normal range, so if he follows that trajectory he will end up around 9lb, very consistent with babies in my immediate family. But your growth chart might look different, I don't know how they work them out!

Also my nephew was 8lb8 at birth but doesn't looks chubby as he is tall like his parents, my guess is our baby will be chubby as there is less height on my side of the family.

Whatever your baby weighs she will be tiny and cute (she'll a newborn after all :love:) and if anyone starts making negative comparisons you're well within your rights to tell them where to go, they are different babies and will be their own little people.

This is something I've been thinking about a bit as my baby will be quite close in age to his cousin (9-10 months apart) so it feels quite natural to compare what they were doing at different ages. We are also borrowing a lot of stuff from my SIL which could lend itself to comments like oh has he grown out of it already (although she is lovely and would never say that with any negative intent) and I don't want to get into a habit of making comparisons especially if it could be construed negatively one way or the other. All these things to think about and they aren't even here yet!

Bloody loads if I'm honest

Choline 550mg a day
Collagen 1g a day
Vitamin D 2000iu (this is loads more than in my multi vit and more than my consultant recommended which was 800iu)
Calcium 1000mg
Omega 3

Also made a big thing about getting capsules rather than tablets because that will mean the ingredients are purer (ie they weren't huge fans of pregnacare as there is extra stuff in the tablets to make them into tablet size/shape but surely the capsules have stuff in them to keep the ingredients in?)

Not sure they presented it in a v helpful way as lots of people in the chat immediately started going oh my god should I stop taking my pregnacare! I am a tiny bit sceptical about supplements beyond a certain point but others will feel very differently.
The tablet comment is funny to me cos my midwife gave me multivit and folic acid tablets. Surprised they haven't suggested the collagen cause I have EDS which is caused by a lack of collagen 🤦. Everywhere seems to do everything so different depending on trust and area.