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VIP Member
I had one in between, so I had one around 10 weeks, then again at 16 but my next one isn’t until I’m like 23/24 weeks. My mum is a bit horrified really as she said she had them monthly when she was pregnant 30+ years ago. I think it depends on the area you’re in as well?
See this is what I expected we would have but we’ve only had 1 at 8 weeks then our 12 week scan with sonographer and next midwife appointment at 20 weeks then next scan at 21 weeks.
It had 16-20 week appointment but she crossed the 16 out & has left put it at 20 weeks but I thought that 20 was for our scan which now isn’t until 21 🤦🏼‍♀️


VIP Member
Any good ideas for snacks that aren’t meat based (I’m veggie), don’t cost the earth and don’t require a lot of effort or brain power? I’m managing to make lunch and breakfast fine but just finding that I want a snack every few hours at work.
I had the same in my first pregnancy with my sons femur measuring at 5th centile on two growth scans. I like you googled and made myself worried sick about it. Ended up having a chat with the consultant who was so reassuring and told me not to worry about the measurement at all although I still did. It put such a dark cloud over the end of my pregnancy and as soon as he was born I wanted to check his legs 🤦🏻‍♀️ He was absolutely fine by the way - his legs were completely normal proportion and he’s now a healthy average height almost 3 year old. I declined growth scans this pregnancy because of the worry they caused.
Thankyou for the reassurance it's just awful it's in the back of my head everyday they tell you not to worry but I feel like it makes you worry more then going down the black hole of googling how much did your little boy weigh when he was born if you don't mind me asking I've never had a small baby before so this is all new to me x


VIP Member
For anyone who has breastfed & bottle*fed breast milk- what steriliser did you choose? Just browsing and I didn’t know there were so many!! Hardly any have information on whether they’re suitable for breast pump parts


VIP Member
Thanks ladies on the responses about vitamins! Will stick to my individual but I should get better at taking calcium since I don’t have much dairy as it is, all the multi’s I tried trigger my IBS so must be too much for me 😂


VIP Member
I was hoping they’ll fit a tap so they can do two in one, but NHS website just says it’s one blood withdrawal then another after the liquid. I will inform you of what mine was like tomorrow!
It has just been a blood test in 1 arm/hand and then another in the other arm/hand after the drink and waiting 😊 I've had 3 GTtests 😊
It’s so strange cos it’s horrible having the symptoms and you wish for the day things ease and then as soon as they do it’s a worry!! My 12 week scan is booked for 25th Nov I just hope it flies by!!
Aww not long then mine is the 18th, I know it’s such a strange time! I feel like the last few weeks have gone quicker weeks 4-6 seemed to last forever


VIP Member
Re next to me style beds; our bed is in an alcove and only 35cm from the wall each side (small wall with a radiator my side, full wall my OHs side) It’s quite a heavy ottoman bed so shifting it to the other side wouldn’t really work. What’s the alternative to them? Just having a normal crib?
I never used a next to me. Had a moses basket but only used for 3 weeks then he went straight into the cot x


VIP Member
yes I had a horrible head cold a couple of weeks ago which took ages to shake. It really got me down. And my nausea and vomiting seems to be back. I feel like I’ve been sick constantly and feel all I do is complain. So different to my first pregnancy.
My nausea came back with covid and I have such a chesty cough atm it’s making me want to be sick. I know what you mean about feeling down, I feel relatively useless during pregnancy anyway 😂 but this is making it worse. Also getting up off the sofa is becoming more of a challenge too and takes ages and I’m out of breath by the time I’m up I need to sit back down again.


Active member
Had my 28 week appt today with the GP. All went ok but when she dipped my urine, she said it had blood and white blood cells present so she prescribed me a weeks worth of antibotics for an infection. Super confused by this because I've had uti's over the years and felt dog rough with them where as now I don't overly have symptoms bar being tired and peeing a lot which I was putting down to just being pregnant. Has anyone had anything similar where they had an UTI without typical symptoms? 🤔


VIP Member
Another day another question… coming up 21 weeks now. Had quite a few short sharp shooting pains to the left hand side quite low down. Isn’t happening when I’m moving around… so wasn’t sure if it was round ligament! Anyone had similar? Is this a concern?


Well-known member
Anyone can request one, and they have to find someone who will say yes.

However, I requested one due to a 4th degree tear and a lot of trauma with my second and the first and second consultant refused me.
And I didn't have the confidence to fight for it!
Ohhh goodness sorry to hear that!


Well-known member
Hello all! I've noticed I feel 'sore' top of my abdomen on the right after I cough - doesn't hurt, or hurt to touch, just notice it feels sore now and then, almost like theres a bruise ( which there isnt )

Has anyone experienced similiar? Im 30 weeks tomorrow. Thank you x


VIP Member
At my antenatal course (run by the trust) they spent quite a lot of time on vitamins/supplements, it was a bit odd to find out fairly late on what they recommended (quite a lot!) because it never came up at any of my midwife/consultant appts

I have anterior placenta and only felt tiny taps/flutters after about 20 weeks or so.

My SIL's baby was back to back but I think that happened fairly late on as she was having growth scans and it was a surprise that he was.
How strange, what supplements did they recommend? They only put those 2 on the NHS website as well so odd they recommend different things depending on where people are but it seems to vary completely depending on trust which I’ve always found strange


VIP Member
Has anyone done the appointments at John Lewis? I saw someone mention you get a discount if you book an appointment with them…. But do you have to order stuff that day to get the discount… or do they give you time to have a think before ordering?
We just did one yesterday looking at buggies. The assistant emailed me the discount codes. She said we have 2 months to use them. They are for 10% off £1000 or 15% off £1500, you have to spend it all in one transaction to use the code, can do it either online or in store. T&CS at the bottom some brands are excluded so depending what you're looking at might be less useful


VIP Member
It was an absolute waste of time. I was meant to be seeing the midwife after to get my BP taken so she booked me in and said that the debrief usually takes about an hour but if I run over then not to worry etc. I was in and out in 15 mins!!!

I felt like she glossed over everything and just picked out highlights. I tried to stop her to ask a question or go back a bit but I felt totally rushed and like it was completely pointless.

I feel totally deflated and I'm going to have to complete the request thing so I can go through them at my own pace.
This is pretty sh*tty of them. Did they not release your notes for you?!

I’ve made my request asking for all notes from day of admission to the day of discharge. I only really care about a 36 hour window but hey ho


VIP Member
And typically the midwife hasn't rang 😭 Or is seriously overrunning. Don't want to phone the GPs to check in case they call when I'm doing that! I just want to speak to someone as I feel like I've totally been left to my own devices so far. My Mum said back in the v early 90s when she had me she was in all the time for check ups.