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Does anyone on here have a tilted uterus? After years of scans no one has ever mentioned it but the sonographer at our 13 week scan told me a few weeks ago as she said it was making baby harder to look at to check everything.

I only ask as my back pain is so bad however the only thing she said was baby will grow inwards before popping out (belly I’m guessing although I have a bit of a bump!?) when they’re much bigger.
So I’m assuming that’s what the back pain is as it’s right on the side baby was at the scan a few weeks ago.

Can anyone tell me it gets better? Because this paired with what my midwife thinks is sciatica is turning my poor back in a 90 year olds 🫠🫠
I have a tilted uterus 🙂. Also made it much more difficult at my first scan and ended up having to have an internal one.
By my 20 week scan, baby had grown and tilted it back the correct way which is pretty common apparently so we had no issues.
Luckily it didn’t give me any back issues. It’s not uncommon so I wouldn’t worry 🙂


Active member
I’m 27(almost 28) weeks pregnant with my third baby, I’ve been noticing a lot of mucus discharge this week, like it’s my plug. Is this a sign I might go into labour early?
Sorry if it’s TMI 😳😳


VIP Member
I don’t have periods because I have the implant in which I why I can’t work it out myself. Will the hormones from my implant hurt the baby?
I would imagine they'd send you for an early scan if it does come back that you're pregnant. The blood test won't show you how far along you are if you are pregnant because the hcg levels vary so much!

If it comes back you are pregnant, they'll get it taken out for you ASAP.

I'm pretty sure there's research to show it does not affect pregnancy or the baby though on the rare chance someone were to fall pregnant on the implant.


VIP Member
Has anyone experienced a red patch on their breast during pregnancy? Kinda just to the side of my nipple. Just feels abit tender.


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Do you not have to pay back money to workplace if you don’t go back? Or does it vary company to company?
As long as they don't pay you any extra than basic maternity rate, you don't have to pay back anything, no matter where you are😊


VIP Member
Had a meltdown at today's midwife appointment. She was lovely and let me rant lol. I was made aware due to EDS I'll need to get three growth scans. Do these just check the baby is growing as it should? Got my date for the diabetes test... Dreading that tbh.
They do, yeah 😊 they measure the head, thigh bone and stomach and they also check your placenta flow 😊


VIP Member
Haven't felt baby move since last night. Rang triage but they don't want to see me, text my community midwife but no reply yet I think she might be on holiday. Maybe she has just moved but it's not very reassuring.
How many weeks are you? Mine still goes hours without moving sometimes 30+6 x


VIP Member
I’m trying to come up with possibles for my maternity leave as I have a meeting with my two bosses tomorrow about when I go off and I’ve thoroughly confused myself 😐

I’ve got 14 days and some change annual leave left this year. My due date is 18/03. When I come back in 24 I’ll be due 29.6 days annual leave (leave year runs from end of May to June)

I’ve worked out I can either start my maternity leave on 27/02/2022 (21 days before due date), using annual leave to go off for my last working day on 31/01/22 and come back on 5/4/24 or I can start my maternity leave on my due date, take annual leave to finish on 14/02/22 and come back on 08/04/24. I can’t work out how there’s only 3 days difference on the return side when I’ll have 9 days annual leave left in option 1 and 13 days days annual leave left in option 2?!

eta - never mind, I can’t count. How does it work if I don’t have my baby until 2 weeks overdue? Does the maternity leave start later?Or is that a risk with starting it earlier?
If you start maternity on your due date and baby comes late then your maternity leave doesn't change. Its just if baby comes before the start of mat leave that it has to adjust. I'd say the first option, you'll want time to relax and prepare before baby. I ended up bringing mine forward so I finished at 36wks because I was so fed up.. baby came at 38wks so it's a good job I did 😂


Well-known member
hello all, currently 4 weeks with my first and have moved across from the TTC thread after finally getting my BFP this week. Still very early and overthinking every twinge. Is a slight cramping feeling normal?

Also can anyone recommend any reputable pregnancy vitamins? I’ve heard not great things about pregnacare but there doesn’t seem to be any other options in the UK shops.
I’m currently just taking vitamins separately and have since starting TTC
Hi, I’m in a similar situation, having quite a lot of cramping etc. My doctor has told me it’s all normal etc. Just ligament growth. I’m 6+4 and been getting cramps on and off since the weekend of my missed period.

unrelated - Been today to endocrine because I have hypothyroidism. They’ve planned me in for a 9 week scan and brought my booking appointment forward. The consultant used the term ‘viability scan’ and hearing it put like that has sent my mind spiralling 😔 The next 3 weeks are going to feel so long.


VIP Member
You'll save time on sterilising but I couldn't have imagined looking after another kid during cluster feeding 😳 I'd say try BF but be open about formula for the odd feed and see what works
Mm this is what I wondered about, thank you! My partner will be around to help too but I guess we’ll just have to see how we go.


VIP Member
28+1 and baby was previously breech at previous checks but I think they flipped/moved at the weekend because all the kicks are now at my ribs as opposed to very low down. Is it normal for your stomach to feel quite tender? Up at the top of my bump near my ribs where I now feel all the kicks feels almost bruised if that makes any sense 🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm 38 weeks and I still have an area that feels bruised if she pushes against it. Sounds like a similar area to yours.

Her favourite thing this week is to wallop me in the left kidney 😖


VIP Member
Thank you ladies for all of your replies! It is the Snuzpod4 I have and I will be definitely making the use of it when baby is here!

I think this too, I think she may be getting confused with the sleepyhead now dockatot. It just makes you think when it’s your first baby. In other news I am just waiting for all of the other Black Friday sales!
Anyone got any recommendations of what to look out for in the BF sales? We definitely don’t need a cot and have clothes coming out of our ears already. I’m guessing changing bag, sleep suits, baby monitors might be good to look for?


VIP Member
Honestly they can all get effed. You know how many people have told me the awful stories of birth and raising children? So many I can’t count. You know who’s told me anything good about having kids? One of my work colleagues. ONE. When I first told her she told me with a massive smile on her face how much joy her kids bring her even when they’re being ‘difficult’ and how it’s a change but for the better.
I told a friend who then went on to tell me absolutely horrific birthing story that I won't repeat here. Like, obviously I know people go through stuff like that but you like to stay positive don't you 😂


Well-known member
Going off NICE guidelines, everyone has the right to request (and be granted!) an elective section. If a consultant disagrees with you they have to refer you on to someone else until someone does agree essentially.

I had an elective for no. 3 following unresolved birth trauma from 1&2. (no. 3 was a genuine surprise and I realised very quickly that I couldn't face giving birth naturally) my section however wasn't granted until 38 weeks and I had her at exactly 39 weeks. This time round I mentioned at booking at 8 weeks that I wish to have an elective section again and had it agreed by a consultant, and the date booked, by 11 weeks. Which from hearing from other ladies this is very early to have a solid booked date.
Ah ok that’s interesting thank you! I’m blissfully ignorant about childbirth so I’m going into the whole situation blind basically. Only one of my friends has given birth, she had a virginal birth and she talks about it as if it was a breeze 😂. I can’t lie I think about it everyday and it does cause me a bit of anxiety but I don’t know if it’s better than I don’t know what I’m going in to?
Both my labours were back to back and only on gas and air 🥴 I don't have anything to compare it to so I'm not sure how helpfully my experience is! Labour is painful, no two ways about it! I wouldn't be bothered if this one is back to back again though. It hurt my back during active labour and I found it easier to be upright/bending over to try and take some of the pressure off my back. It was do-able though and you can always have an epidural if you want one x
Thank you! I suppose it is what it is, and like you say labour is painful regardless. Still have a little while to go so just going to keep hopeful that she flips and stays at some point! x