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Well-known member
Ok I know Iv asked before likely but anterior placenta… when did you feel first movements…. I’m 19 weeks and don’t think Iv felt anything yet. Having a panic with 20 week scan coming up
I have a posterior placenta and even with that, only felt bubbles at 19 weeks but not proper movements until 20 then I’d say the big kicks only started about 23-24…27 weeks tomorrow and she has no pattern yet.


VIP Member
Re next to me style beds; our bed is in an alcove and only 35cm from the wall each side (small wall with a radiator my side, full wall my OHs side) It’s quite a heavy ottoman bed so shifting it to the other side wouldn’t really work. What’s the alternative to them? Just having a normal crib?

anything at all

VIP Member
Is it a cervical length scan? I’ve had a couple. It’s an internal scan where they measure the length of the cervix, I think they are looking to make sure it’s within the expected limits that they have (at 22 weeks I think I was told they have a 35mm threshold is what they look for it to be above.
Shouldn’t affect your 4D scan. But careful on timings as I got held up waiting for a doctor to look at the scan and review it with me - because they had some emergencies come in they had to triage. If you’re left waiting too long ask if it’s normal and get a phone consultation for later x

I think it is yes. Thank you for the info x

Appointment is at 9am so should be okay to make it to 4D scan at 2.30 I would hope!


VIP Member
Did anyone bleed in early pregnancy ans everything be ok? I’ve lost two pregnancies this year ans started bleeding v light pink last night. Heads a mess x
I had some light pink spotting at around 7 weeks and I'm going to be 16 weeks tomorrow - if you're concerned you can call the maternity team for advice, that's what I did, and they reassured me that pale pink is fine but if it gets more red/lasts longer to call back or go to A&E. Hopefully it's just standard spotting that lots of us have experienced 🙂
I was meant to have a GTT last week but my appointment wasn’t actually made. I’m having it next week now instead so I’ll be 31 weeks. I’ve not been well last few days I think it’s just a cold but really bad sore throat and fatigue, swollen armpit glands and really tired. I’ve also had two episodes of hypoglycaemia. I’m hoping it’s just where I’m ill but I’m freaking out about gestational diabetes now. I do suffer from hypo episodes as I have suspected adhd where I forget to eat, so it’s not unusual for me but now I’m panicking 🥴


VIP Member
thanks everyone for your comments, I think because I’ve had such a difficult relationship with food in my life it’s messing with my head. I’m pretty ravenous and have been since my nausea went. Doesn’t help I was at a work dinner on Thursday and everyone was wasted and dolled up and I looked like an unfun blimp (only three people there know I’m pregnant) which just reinforces it

Are you taking iron supplements for your anaemia?

I would give yourself a bit of a break about the food right now, I’ve only just reached the point where I have energy to prepare meals and I’m not ravenous through the day, I’m 25 weeks tomorrow. It’s hard watching your body change especially if you think what you’re eating is contributing to it in a negative way but what you weigh and look like aren’t static, they are very changeable characteristics of a human so just remember you’re riding a wave of change at the moment, in 9 months time your body will be very different.

I remember being pregnant the first time round and finally being happy because my body was doing something it was designed to do and looked that way too after years of being conditioned to hate it I finally liked it 😂 it was refreshing!
Yeah I’ve got supplements which def have helped, I would say I still find “normal” days tough. I know everyone is different but for contrast, a lot of women still work out during pregnancy and there is absolutely no way I could work out for more than 5 mins without getting out of breath and exhausted. I had to run through a (small) airport yesterday and I think that’s what caused me to be really rundown, I lose my breath really quickly and feel faint easily.

thanks, it makes me feel a lot better hearing that :) I also don’t look pregnant, just fat 😂 if I had an actual obvious bump I would probably feel different but now I just look like I’ve eaten too many pies which tbf is probably true anyway 😂


VIP Member
Have you just referred to the midwife services?
With ours, you give them all your details, due date ect and then they contact you around 10 weeks
No I'm in Wales so I think our systems a bit more convoluted. I had to ring my GP who then booked me in for a phone call appointment with the midwife.


Well-known member
Just back from 34 week midwife appt and little miss is back to back 🤦‍♀️. Midwife has said not to worry as still plenty of time for her to spin, plus even though head is down, it’s nowhere near engaged so she has lots of room to move. She’s just recommended going on the ball every evening and trying not to sit too slouched on the sofa etc but now I can’t help but panic about a back to back labour. Anyone had any past experience?
I had my baby 9m ago so just dip in and out of this thread so apologies if the conversation has moved on! Just wanted to reassure you - I had a back to back labour and it was totally manageable. I did have an epidural in the end as it was a long one (56hrs 😵💫) and I was exhausted but managed to get to 8cm at home and only had the epidural 8hrs before he was born so although I’ve got nothing to compare it to I wouldn’t have thought baby’s position meant labour was more painful if that makes sense. Hopefully little one will move around in time but if not you’ve got this 💪🏼

Got the call back late afternoon and I am confirmed pregnant and not sure how to feel at all. I’ve always said if I got pregnant young I’d have a termination, but now I’m in the situation I’m not sure I can. Me and the dad are both working rather than in education and are both fairly mature etc, and I’m starting to wonder if it is possible to actually continue the pregnancy?! I am crazy for saying that?? I don’t know what to think
Sending lots of love and luck, whatever you decide to do xx


VIP Member
Had an awful, awful nightmare last night that I can’t shake. And I was woken up by the worst RLP I’ve ever felt - not from turning over but from shuffling my bum back about an inch! It lasted for about 1 minute but felt like an eternity 😕


Chatty Member
I just double checked as I was freaking out 😂 but it’s between 20-25 weeks you get it and you have to share it with your employer before 25 weeks
oooo I’m 23 weeks, my 25 week appointment with my midwife isn’t until 21st Nov so I’ll be over 25 weeks then, and I was told they’d give me my MATB1 in that appointment 😬 May have to ring up my midwife tomorrow about that if I need to share it with my employer before I’m 25 weeks
Anyone else really struggling with there sleep? 31 + 5 and my hips and lower back just above my bum are agony 😭 in the day it’s not to bad but at night it’s awful I’m tossing and turning all night
Yes me, I’m 33 + 4 and even my pregnancy pillow isn’t helping now 🙁. My bump also feels so heavy when I’m tossing and turning. It’s no fun is it. I’ll be making the most of a lazy Sunday today!!


VIP Member
Huge congrats neo! Hope baby neo is doing good x

on the topic of BF - can anyone recommend a good baby monitor
We have just recently bought this one and it is really good. You can talk through it if you require (we tested it with our 4 year old and she thought it was magic 😂) and the quality of the camera is really good considering how dark it can get in their bedroom.



VIP Member
I’ve got a pain in my ribs which has been there for 3 weeks. I told my midwife at my appointment and she brushed it off.
It’s effecting my sleep, my day to day life, and I can’t move without feeling like my ribs about to pop out.

Is there anything I can do? I’ve tried paracetamol, codeine, magnesium gel, and a hot water bottle. The only thing that mildly helps is the hot water bottle but I’m convinced that’s because I get distracted by the heat.

any ideas would be great x


VIP Member
When you get a min get yourself a prescription for omprazole for heart burn. You won’t look back
I'm not sure if I can have it because I'm on blood pressure tablets but I will defo ask at my midwife appointment today. Thank you 💜


VIP Member
This time round I noticed that the baby has been basically camped out on top of my bladder. They put so much pressure on it, it can weaken your pelvic floor and yup… cross your legs when you sneeze, that’s my advice.
Ugh I fear this is happening to me this time around too - I don't remember having any urinary incontinence with my first son, but this time around I keep feeling like a bit of wee has come out, and he keeps kicking me in the bladder too!


VIP Member
When did everyone get into a pattern with the baby movements? Im still getting used to the movements but thought I’d ask!
I have a posterior placenta so I’ve noticed baby movements from quite early on. I’m 25 weeks now and it’s in the last week or so I know when she’s going to kick, she kicks me during the odd hours, usually 7:30,9:30,11:30 etc… on my first pregnancy I had an anterior placenta and I wouldn’t say I could form such an obvious pattern with her movements, so it was definitely different. This baby seems a lot more active than my first - but that could easily be the difference between a front or back placenta.