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I just can't get over the fact they need fed every two hours how do people not do stupid shit from the sleep deprivation and end up accidentally hurting themself lol
Tell me about it. And what do you do when you can’t get them to settle for love nor money? Like if they wake on the hour every hour for multiple days? How do you manage that? I’m grumpy on 7 hours sleep!
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If in doubt I always go with a full bladder - it’s easier to empty it if not needed than go with an empty bladder and attempt to quickly fill. Although for one of my private ones they were running a couple of minutes late and I had a water infection so was in absolute agony with how much I needed a wee by the time they started the scan and pressing down on my tummy!
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Baby S born 35weeks 2 days via emergency c section due to ruptured placenta. Spent the last few days crying out of it. He's in NICU dad had been amazing and there 24/7, scariest time of my life
Congratulations ❤ this is exactly what happened to me. Sending you lots of love, we were home after a week, hang in there your baby is in the best place. Be kind to yourself xxxx
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Hi ladies, hope everyone is well. Had a scan earlier and they’re estimating baby to be 3lbs 5oz so far, I’m 28 weeks today. My BMI is a few points over but not terrible and I don’t have GD…is that big? If this isn’t your first, was your estimated weight accurate at birth? I’m not bothered as long as baby is healthy….I imagine she’ll be 8lbs+ (I was 8lbs 13oz) but my husband’s daughter from a previous relationship was 6lbs something and he keeps going on about how small and cute she was and making me feel like me and my baby are enormous in comparison. 😢
I replied on the other thread but none of my estimated weights have been accurate.

First was 7lb 6, estimated him at 9lb.
Second was 11lb and she was estimated at 7lb 2.
Third was 6lb 14 and estimated at over 9lb!

I had no risk factors just glucose in urine so sent for GTT and bam gestational diabetes, think you either get it or you don't. In US and Australia they test all pregnant women for it I believe
This is exactly it. You either get it or you don't. They say some people are more at risk. But you can't cause it.
It just either happens or it doesn't 😊
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Did anyone bleed in early pregnancy ans everything be ok? I’ve lost two pregnancies this year ans started bleeding v light pink last night. Heads a mess x
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I’ve got my first pregnancy cold 😕😩 I feel awful - congested, chills, headache. I can’t take anything other than just straight paracetamol can I? Normally I’d power through at work as we wear masks anyway but I think if I feel like this tomorrow I’ll have to admit defeat :(
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Pregnancy insomnia is hitting hard… 31 weeks.
2 hours I’ve been awake 😭😭😭 now I’ve got heartburn and a baby that’s on having a party.
I just want to sleeeeeeep!
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Any mums out there with some knowledge- I find feeding a bit of a minefield so any tips/ideas welcome!
I would like to feed baby breast milk but not breastfeed- my partner really wants to do 50/50 feeding and I honestly don’t like the idea of it always falling onto me to feed.
I may feel differently when they arrive & I’m open minded about that.
- Is it possible to exclusively pump? How does that work when in hospital once they’re born? Do I formula feed until supply gets going? But will they then refuse my milk?

Or am I better off exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 weeks then starting to pump?
And if I can’t breastfeed for any reason I’m 10000% happy to formula as I was FF but just a preference I guess!
I am 0 help with this but will follow as I want to do 50/50 and also don’t like the idea of it 100% being on me all the time!
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Hello everyone, first time posting here but need some advice. I’m 37+2 today, I was in day unit a few days ago for reduced movement and got sent for a growth scan also and baby is measuring small and problems with the cord so baby is struggling to get the blood flow properly. Was sent away with no reassurance and was told id he seen for another growth scan in 2 week. I haven’t been able to settle since and still don’t feel like movements are back to normal, is it worth ringing and going back over to be monitored?
Yes absolutely, I'm sorry they've not offered you any reassurance they should of absolutely told you to come back if you felt movements has dropped again. Go back ASAP x
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thanks everyone for your comments, I think because I’ve had such a difficult relationship with food in my life it’s messing with my head. I’m pretty ravenous and have been since my nausea went. Doesn’t help I was at a work dinner on Thursday and everyone was wasted and dolled up and I looked like an unfun blimp (only three people there know I’m pregnant) which just reinforces it

Yeah I’ve got supplements which def have helped, I would say I still find “normal” days tough. I know everyone is different but for contrast, a lot of women still work out during pregnancy and there is absolutely no way I could work out for more than 5 mins without getting out of breath and exhausted. I had to run through a (small) airport yesterday and I think that’s what caused me to be really rundown, I lose my breath really quickly and feel faint easily.

thanks, it makes me feel a lot better hearing that :) I also don’t look pregnant, just fat 😂 if I had an actual obvious bump I would probably feel different but now I just look like I’ve eaten too many pies which tbf is probably true anyway 😂
Honestly you might not show for a little while longer, you just lose your waist and look chunkier which is annoying. Nothing lasts forever though, your body changes week to week - as with childhood everything in pregnancy is a bit of a phase on the whole.(but yes it does hit the ego when your reflection isn’t what you relate to!) Chin up lass x
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Does anyone else keep seeing those articles come up on Facebook like ‘why I regret becoming a mum, it’s a scam’ 😬😬 (probably because I clicked on one before). I love children so much and I’m not a party girl/big drinker so Im not concerned about ‘mourning’ my youth or anything like that but mentally am I gonna be able to cope if it’s THAT hard that people regret becoming mothers? I’m scared I’m not going to be good enough.
I think I found motherhood a big adjustment at first, and I definitely have my moments where I wish I could just have a day to myself to go sit in a quiet coffee shop and relax, or have a mooch around the shops without a toddler in tow! But I love my son more than anything in the world and ultimately I wouldn't change a thing. I'm sure once you meet your baby, you'll feel the same way - maybe not immediately, but over time, that love will come, and it will outweigh any hard times.
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I keep sneezing and wetting myself. I’m so confused as I don’t know why I’ve lost control of my bladder this early! :(
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Thanks @Neo2021

Continue here……

old thread:

I wanted to ask if anyone who’s had a baby before had had experience of pethidine or remifentanil in labour?
I’m looking at the NHS website but it would be great to get some first hand experiences on it.

I’m trying to prepare for all eventualities in labour, my first pregnancy for some reason I thought I’d just sail through labour (that didn’t go to plan) so this time I just want to get to grips with everything a bit more. The lightning speed they went through pain relief at my NCT course did not allow anything to sink in…. 🙄🙄🙄

has anyone done hypnobirthing? Is it a fad? I’ve only heard good things about it.
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Last night after needing a wee in the middle of the night when I got back into bed, I turned pretty quickly from being on my right side to my left. This made my muscles all around my uterus painful for like 10 seconds, like I had pulled them. it was quite sharp but went away quickly.. I’m not really worried but just wondering if this is normal cos I moved too quick and if it’s happened to anyone else? I’m 9+5
Yeah I had pains like that quite a lot early on, I remember smashing a glass and jumping up to make sure my dog didn’t go near the glass then doubling over in pain. I still get them now when I sneeze but the midwife reassured me it’s normal because the uterus is growing so quickly.
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Woke up at 4.30 with my stomach rumbling ahead of my GTT at 9. Never been so excited at the prospect of some sugary orange squash!
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Girls what ever ye do make sure you eat before getting epidural. I went over 24 hours with no food or sleep 🥴
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