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Anyone suffer from leg cramps? I had them super early on and now they’ve started again (20 weeks). Think I’m getting a cold too, sneezed about 50 times yesterday and woken up with a blocked nose.

also feeling down about how big I am :( I just can’t stop eating 😞 I’ve always suffered with my weight and was in a pretty “average” place before pregnancy and feel so guilty for eating so much crap but I don’t have the energy to cook meals really, I’m exhausted by 6pm still and never got the burst of energy promised. Being anaemic has really knocked me. Got a scan on Tuesday though and at least get to find out whether mini muffin is s boy or s girl and praying everything is ok with the baby and I don’t get shit about my size.
Are you taking iron supplements for your anaemia?

I would give yourself a bit of a break about the food right now, I’ve only just reached the point where I have energy to prepare meals and I’m not ravenous through the day, I’m 25 weeks tomorrow. It’s hard watching your body change especially if you think what you’re eating is contributing to it in a negative way but what you weigh and look like aren’t static, they are very changeable characteristics of a human so just remember you’re riding a wave of change at the moment, in 9 months time your body will be very different.

I remember being pregnant the first time round and finally being happy because my body was doing something it was designed to do and looked that way too after years of being conditioned to hate it I finally liked it 😂 it was refreshing!
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I’m off sick today and I’ve been watching YouTube videos of positive birth stories and 2nd trimester videos which have been good… I know I’ve got plenty of time but thought I’d ask for mums who have already given birth, what’s the reason for picking epidurals or the reason for not having one? I was definitely having one but recently I’m thinking different
I was induced with all 3 of mine. Didn't have the hormone drip with my first and didn't need an epidural but that hormone drip is something else 😂
I was so adamant I wouldnt have one as well.
They failed in both labour's though so 🙃😂 waste of time anyway 😂

I came to the conclusion of why feel pain when you don't need to 🤷🏻‍♀️
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First time posting I'm 24 weeks tomorrow
At my 20 week scan they said baby was on 10th centile but femur just below 5th centile I've been worried sick for the last 4 weeks after googling it not being seen by consultant until 32 weeks for scan has anyone else experienced this x
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The itchy boobs and itchy belly I can totally understand but itchy feet?? 😂 why is pregnancy so weird??
Get it checked out if it continues to happen! Itchiness in pregnancy (inc feet) can be to do with a condition called ICP
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i now know why pregnant women start losing it in the last few weeks lol. i'm 37+6 and there is NO SIGN of anything happening. the anxiety from just waiting around for something to happen is making my husband and i lose my mind. plus idiotic family & friends constantly asking me everyday how things are going, whether baby is here yet - fuck off. if the baby was here you'd know.

just feels like i'm stuck in limbo. idk what i'll do if i go past my due date honestly.
Haha hang in there!! Although this is exactly me just now. 41+1 and seriously losing the will😂 sure people think I’m going to have her in secret as well, it’s SOOOO annoying! People forget all about you too, all about is she here yet? Any sign of her? Well no not last time I checked, I’m fine thanks for asking🙄😂 absolutely sick of getting up to pee 3042 times during the night then taking over 2 hours to get back to sleep🙃
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Morning! How do you decide about the hours you’re gonna do when you return to work?
As time is ticking on, I’ve been really thinking about what I will do, what I can afford, childcare etc … I’ll definitely be returning back to work after my maternity leave but deciding on the hours is tough! What I think will be best for me is 2 days in work, my mum babysitting 1 day, partners mum the other day but it’ll be a shock going from full time money to part time money!
I went back part time after my first and actually it wasn’t AS MUCH of a shock as I thought, because my tax, NI, and pension contributions were lower and I no longer qualified for student loan repayments, so it would definitely be worth fully checking out. Also, working any more days wouldn’t have made us any better off after childcare costs. Remember that you don’t need to decide yet anyway! Can’t remember when you have to notify your employer but you’ve got some time to think on it
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Has anyone bought a bedside crib yet? I thought I’d make the most of the Black Friday sales and order a Snuzpod. It’s came today and I’ve read only good things but then I spoke to a new mum a couple of days ago who said she was told not to buy one as they aren’t recommended! I’m just a bit concerned now even though they have great reviews.

I suppose we will always hear different views!
my SIL has a snuzpod and is going to lend it to us when her baby has grown out of it. I looked into some other bedside cribs and they all seemed sort of similar to me, with small differences like being able to elevate one end for reflux, rocking or not, how much you can adjust the height etc. Seems a bit odd someone told her not to get one as they feel quite widely used.
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30 week appt and baby is measuring on the 50th percentile and all is looking ok thankfully 🎉 they looked so big on the scan though, it's crazy to see!
Asked about antenatal classes and they haven't resumed post covid so I guess I might try find something on YouTube maybe? First time mam with anxiety and ocd so i can't just 'wing it', I need allllllllll the information to help keep me calm 🙈
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Thanks everyone luckily my community midwife rang me and I went to see her. Baby is fine thankfully, my community midwife is with a different trust to the hospital I go to (joy of living rurally) she was furious at the maternity assessment unit, going to see if I can change trusts and hospitals as not impressed so far.
That is really bad that triage said they didn't want to see you - my midwife and maternity day care have both emphasised that if I'm not happy with baby's movements, I should go in. I went in on Thursday after feeling like baby had been quieter than usual and they were really helpful and understanding even though he had moved recently, just not as often as I'd have liked.
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Hello everyone, first time posting here but need some advice. I’m 37+2 today, I was in day unit a few days ago for reduced movement and got sent for a growth scan also and baby is measuring small and problems with the cord so baby is struggling to get the blood flow properly. Was sent away with no reassurance and was told id he seen for another growth scan in 2 week. I haven’t been able to settle since and still don’t feel like movements are back to normal, is it worth ringing and going back over to be monitored?
Yes please please ring!! I went twice in one day once as I wasn’t happy 🤷‍♀️
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Why did no one tell me about the hot flushes and cold sweats?? I'm 11 weeks today & I've spent the last 3 nights stuck to my sheets - heating off, fan on in the room & I'm still melting 😂 is there anything I can do to help it or is it just a case of sweating it out? 😫
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Got my GTT tomorrow. How quickly do they let you know if there’s an issue? Does anyone know? X
I had one at 16 weeks. My trust uses an online portal and my results were on there about 7pm the same day. Got one on Thursday as well!

Hot tip, get there early like 15-30 minutes before they tell you to arrive, means you will start your countdown earlier and get to eat sooner! MIL is picking me up at 7.45!

Tetley decaf! (personally) I think it tastes great and I love tea...well I did until I went off it early pregnancy 😂

Also, why do films, shows ect make pregnancy seem glamorous? Currently at week 15 having had bleeding, nosebleeds and a burst ovarian cyst and still having nausea, sickness, heartburn, anxiety and now milk blisters which are quite painful. If anyone has any remedies I would be so grateful. Just feeling sorry for myself, and not sure of my point. It took us so long to conceive, we used fertility treatment, and feel I should be enjoying it more but really I just feel quite upset I am not enjoying it and wishing time away until baby is here. Sorry for the moan but I know some of you have experienced similar and it has been helpful to not feel alone x
I was pretty miserable until about week 16-18 (nothing like you have been through though!) and also felt quite sad about not enjoying being pregnant after we had waited so long. I hope things improve. I found it helped to really embrace even the smallest improvements, like being able to get up and go out on a Saturday morning, or having energy to do the washing up, or be able to make my own breakfast without being sick. But, it was also hard to do when I was still feeling terrible so do try to be kind to yourself, it is very tough
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Last night after needing a wee in the middle of the night when I got back into bed, I turned pretty quickly from being on my right side to my left. This made my muscles all around my uterus painful for like 10 seconds, like I had pulled them. it was quite sharp but went away quickly.. I’m not really worried but just wondering if this is normal cos I moved too quick and if it’s happened to anyone else? I’m 9+5
I get this probably 5 - 8 times a day, especially if I move too fast.

I think I’ve realised that saying I can drive three of my work colleagues to and from my work Christmas do in a months time (which finishes at midnight and is over 40 minutes away) might have been a tad optimistic as I haven’t been able to stay awake past 10pm in months 😐
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hello all, currently 4 weeks with my first and have moved across from the TTC thread after finally getting my BFP this week. Still very early and overthinking every twinge. Is a slight cramping feeling normal?

Also can anyone recommend any reputable pregnancy vitamins? I’ve heard not great things about pregnacare but there doesn’t seem to be any other options in the UK shops.
I’m currently just taking vitamins separately and have since starting TTC
Cramping can be very normal.

I've always just bought asda or tesco own pregnancy vitamins!
They have pretty much exactly the same stuff in just without the name 😊
All supermarkets do their own version for around £3


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Awake since 2am because my minds in overdrive (general anxiety, the foundations for our self build are being poured today and I've to get a flight tonight) and I'm just wondering how many breakfasts is too many?! Just asking for a friend.....🙈

On the plus side of being awake most of the night, I was kept company all night by wee bubs kicking away and it's a lovely feeling
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I’ve just read through the whole current new baby thread and put the fear of god into myself 😭
I just can't get over the fact they need fed every two hours how do people not do stupid shit from the sleep deprivation and end up accidentally hurting themself lol
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Sonographer thinks baby is just big but as his abdomen is slightly outside normal ranges we need the scan reviewed by a Dr so currently waiting in the assessment unit. She also said the dr might want me to do the GTT again 😭😭 what is it going to find that the first two didn't!
My friend had to have the GTT done three times during her pregnancy and passed every time, she just had a big baby (birth etc was all fine though!)
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