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Have any of you had really bad hormonal days where everyone and everything really pisses you off like I feel like a nutcase today and then now I could cry. Really don’t know what’s going on 🙃. Also i am now worried to get a gender scan my partner really wants to know I don’t think I am bothered anymore as long as everything is ok and I think I will just get neutral things mainly so everything will always match me 😜
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Thank you everyone for the comments. 🥰@PineappleTopper my family already knew very early because I was due to start fertility treatment as soon as I got my period which miraculously never arrived. I have told my two friends today I am not posting on social media and I’m not telling work for a while. I managed to do the pub crawl zoom and no one suspected I wasn’t drinking 😁 no my partner wasn’t allowed in so he came into the hospital and waited by the ward and hid behind some chairs then popped up when I came out and we had peck on the lips with our masks on which made me laugh 😆 @Kitt I straight after for the blood test and my partner went to work but i didn’t have to wait that long @orange club biscuit it is so nice to feel some relief as I haven’t slept a lot as I have read so many sad things so nice to have some good news to share. My grandad will now want to tell the women who work in Sainsbury’s he’s that happy 😆

Really wonderful news! Congratulations on a healthy little baby!
Thank you so much i know it is still early but feeling a little more relieved xx
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Good luck, hope you and baby are well.

Seriously how have all you guys coped through pregnancy. Only being in my 6th week all I’ve done is be sick, or felt really sick all day long, need to nap, got emotional, had cramping, had spotting, feared for mc, had high blood pressure. And its only the 6th week. 🙃
This was me at 6 weeks. I was not coping well at all with the amount of sickness and stress with the problems and I thought how am I gonna cope pregnancy is so long! I’m now 12 weeks and my sickness is easing and I’m feeling more positive. Time will pass, you will get through this :)
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I’ve just had an online relaxation class via teams with my community midwife. It was so lovely to see other pregnant women and have a chat about how things are going. We had a chat about doing pelvic floor exercises, then just a general chat to find out how we all were, we then did the relaxation and breathing. Just before we finished we had a little quiz about our eating habits. The class is going to continue every Thursday until baby girl is here so I’m really excited for next week already! Makes you realise how we took things for granted pre covid. One of the girls on there is being induced on Monday and said she will pop on next week with her baby, the rest of us are due next month or May. I’m 29 weeks now and it really feels like the countdown is on 😁
Aw that is lovely, so good that your area are doing this!

My team at work are doing a ‘compulsory’ social in a few weeks (it’s during work hours so I can’t pretend I have plans and in any case - I don’t ever have plans anyway these days) it’s an online wine tasting 😑 it really annoys me when they do this, even when I wasn’t pregnant I wouldn’t necessarily be up for drinking wine at 4pm at home by myself...I also haven’t told anyone at work yet but I also cba to sit there and pretend to drink!
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I'm a teacher and I think that if the child has the right support outside of school, then summer borns can thrive just as much as other children. They might find it harder the first year or two because they have literally had one less year alive than some of the September babies but this can be avoided with support from home and access to pre-schools or nurseries with other children. And by the time they go to secondary school, the term they are born in plays no significance!
Totally agree. I’ve taught plenty of September thick kids and plenty of very intelligent summer babies. All I want is a healthy baby in my arms and couldn’t care less what month it’s due
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glad to see everyone is doing well!
I’m bloody exhausted. 36 weeks and moving house tomorrow. Trying to pack boxes etc and getting mild cramps or feel like a I need a wee constantly. Not sure if the cramps are just the baby as he loves poking his bum right out under my ribs!! Just had a long nap in bed and no cramps for a few hours so I think I need to take it easier 😬
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Lulu Goss

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He has been making me laugh, keeps coming out with random things he’s read online. Today he came over while I was working and said “I’m worried about when you give birth you know” - I was like me too hun I’m the one who’s got to push a baby out!

I don’t know why but this has absolutely tickled me he will be telling you to stop using your phone next 🤪 @Lulu Goss
He did question whether I should have my phone laying on my stomach when I’d put it down for 0.3 seconds the other day!
  • Haha
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Morning ladies, hope you're all keeping well. I'm 13+4 today and the hunger has kicked in, but it's purely for carbs! I have to force myself to eat fruit and veg because all I want is crisps, bread and any form of potato!! I really wanted to eat well during pregnancy but so far that's gone out the window!🤦🏼‍♀️😂
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Agree. I’ve been reading about hypnobirthing and am more clued up about the downsides of having all the drugs like I wanted initially lol also find some of the birth stories are almost boasting that they had no pain relief other than breathing etc, great for them but definitely can see how some women will feel inferior or like a failure if they end up needing a load of interventions or a caesarean birth (my friend had this and also was unable to breastfeed largely due to really poor support from services and you can tell she is still gutted about it, it’s really sad)
It's a real shame that there's this culture of superiority among (mainly) women that the more 'natural' the childbirth is the better. There's no medal at the end for any kind of birth, just a beautiful baby!

My main reason for not wanting some of the drugs is because some can make you feel really out of control, I think pethidine is one of them, and also some cross the placenta which I'm not keen on. So if I can't take the pain or exhaustion any more with just hypnobirthing/gas and air etc then I'm going for epidural.
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Chatty Member
Hey! New to this thread
I am 18 weeks and Pregnant with baby number 2 and it’s a boy this time 😊

Hey everyone, can I ask if anyone experienced cramping in the very early days? I know it's normal but I just want to hear real experiences rather than internet reading! I'm actively avoiding Google!

I had my positive test on Saturday and it was pretty strong. From my calculations and opk tests, my period would likely be due tomorrow. So it's still very early but the fact I have cramps coinciding with my period due day is freaking me out a tad 😩 I had an early miscarriage last month, so while I'm thrilled we caught again so soon, I'm on pins now!
Yes so much so that I thought i was going to come on any minute
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Just had my reassurance scan. I lost one in October and all is good though I thought I was 8 weeks (based on first day of last period) but it’s only measuring 7+4 ☹
Glad all is well. Try not to worry about the dates, the smallest millimetre in their measurements at that stage makes such a difference.
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We should do a poll on the next thread, boy, girl, surprise, don't know yet or gender neutral!
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I had my 20 week scan today and had the worst experience ever with the sonographer. So bad that I burst into tears as soon as we walked out and couldn't stop crying :cry: She was the most rude, unfriendly person I've ever had the displeasure of meeting!

- She had a go and me and my partner because he was waiting outside but not close enough to the doors so she had to wait about 20 seconds for him to walk in. She shared her annoyance about this to me and also in the room when my partner was there saying if she had to wait for everyone's partners to walk in she would be working until midnight!

- Told me off for not having a full bladder, like actually told me off!! Said she needed to spend too much time trying to look at the organs because the picture wasn't very clear and this was because I hadn't drank enough!? She was scanning me for 45 minutes and it started to hurt so much I had to ask her to stop.

- Mumbled under her breath the whole time (I think she was telling us what she was looking at, but who knows)

- Told me she could see the heart but couldn't get a good enough image to check if there were any holes and that we couldn't go back for another scan because they are at capacity! Also could only find one kidney and couldn't measure the stomach properly.

- She asked half way through if I had any questions about what was on the screen. I said no (close to tears at this point). I expected her at the end to ask if we wanted to know the gender but she didn't, so I asked. She huffed at me and said "I already asked if you had any questions and you said no", put the scanner back on my stomach and then said "I think it's a girl but if you buy anything make sure you keep the receipts". I know it's never 100% but wtf?!

My partner and I were gobsmacked! She ruined the whole experience and I came out feeling absolutely awful. Luckly we managed to book private scan for 2 hours later which was amazing and exactly how I had imagined it. They confirmed all is fine and managed to check everything the lady at the NHS couldn't. Plus we found out we're having a little girl!! ❤

Sorry for the massive rant and thanks if you've read this far, just needed to get it off my chest! Hope you're all okay x
Congratulations on your little girl!

I am sorry to hear your nhs scan was so terrible. You should look in to complaints procedure for that. Her attitude etc obviously awful, but I would say more importantly the fact she implied there could be medical issues (missing kidney for example) and failed to offer a follow up scan, or explain how this would be dealt with moving forward.

Edited: 🙄🙄 just saw your have already complained, sorry!
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I can't help but feel somewhat guilty that my toddlers not gonna get all my attention when baby's here 😬 I feel more anxious as the weeks get closer and knowing our dynamic is all gonna change and its not gonna just be me, my fiance and our son? Does this go away because I feel like an awful mum ☹
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Chatty Member
Can't get it done because your cervix is shut, you need to get it after the baby's born (I'm sure it's 3 months after), I got mine saying it's overdue but my GP said just call after your babys born and they'll book you in! X
Thank you both. I wasn't sure but I will call to confirm I will be waiting. One website said it was ok whilst another recommended not to x

I am 8 weeks with my first pregnancy. The constant sick feeling and intense sense of smell is really getting me down. I never realised how bad pretty much everything smells. Just thinking about the bin in the morning can start sickness.
Oh god, the smells! I always thought they exaggerates in films but I was genuinely not able to go in the kitchen for the first 12 weeks and still can't even look at a bin or the dishwasher! I also had phantom smells that really got under my nose but I couldn't work out what it was. Am 19 weeks and still get it some days! My partner thinks I'm mental searching and sniffing for something that smells like 'mouldy cucumber' or a 'burnt tea' 🤣
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Almost 2 weeks of not being sick and feeling pretty good and then this morning I woke up and was sick and feel so nauseous I can’t move again. Been feeling so good and productive and then today I’m a big useless lump again haha help!
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I feel the same as a lot of you. My parents have already said when we’re vaccinated we can’t wait to see you!! I’m like ok but I’m still high risk so it’s not quite that simple. My mom gets so upset about not seeing me though so I get guilted into going along with what they want.

Also library customers are often a certain type.. and I feel like once we reopen properly in April they’ll be approaching me up close while I’m shelving or something and be like it’s ok I’m vaccinated!! You have to be quite forceful with the public with things like this and I don’t feel like having conflict while pregnant. It’s why I’m hoping I do get to go off at 28 weeks in June so I don’t have to deal with all that.
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