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It’d be nice to find similar people to talk to. A problem for me is that I have anxiety and I always feel like a burden socialising with people. I convince myself they probably don’t actually want to hang out and I cancel plans. I’ve lost a lot of friends that way. Need to lose that when I have baby and try and put myself out there a bit.
I'm really similar (although lucky that I have a few close mates having babies around the same time as me, but we don't meet up that much). I want to try and make new mum friends too, but have similar issues with making friends. I never make the first move like suggesting coffee as I always think people will make a face or think it's a ludicrous suggestion, and I somehow always miss out on new friendship groups forming, this has happened at gyms etc in the past. But once I have baby I will force myself to make more effort, not just for me but I also want to set a good example to my child.
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Hey ladies and congrats on all your pregnancies. Im 7 weeks with my second and finding this pregnancy very different. I was sick the first couple of weeks but it has stopped which I find more worrying as I was so sick for 9 months with my little boy. Anyone else had very different pregnancies? I'm also so bloated especially at the top bit of my tummy. Anyone else find that? I'm a size 18 and after reading the horror stories of some of your scans I'm now really nervous 😂😂 i don't remember any comments about my belly first time round. There was one synographer who was so angry I went to the toilet before as I was DESPERATE and needed a number 2 as was so nervous 😂😂
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Lulu Goss

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For anyone else struggling with sickness, I’ve found that chewing gum has helped a bit with it today!
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I’m actually feeling a bit reluctant to tell people I am pregnant tbh (sounds awful I know). My husband and I are really happy but I’m worried about telling people as have only just returned to work (start of this year) after having my second child. I’m worried about the hundreds of “what about work?” Comments and questions that everyone will have. I don’t have supportive parents, they are very old fashioned and would think that I shouldn’t be paid for maternity leave. I’ve told one friend who is really supportive but the others are stressing me out.
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I can't help but feel somewhat guilty that my toddlers not gonna get all my attention when baby's here 😬 I feel more anxious as the weeks get closer and knowing our dynamic is all gonna change and its not gonna just be me, my fiance and our son? Does this go away because I feel like an awful mum ☹
You are not an awful mum! I have been feeling the same way about my daughter too it’s been just us for 4 years and I do feel slightly guilty that a new baby is coming and she won’t be my centre of attention anymore, I actually had a cry the other night in bed thinking about it 😢 I’m sure it’s probably common feeling going from mum of 1 to a mum of 2 though, I am planning on getting her a present from the baby when she arrives, Iv heard of a few people doing this, x
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My Mum will be so excited to be a Nanny but I dread this exact thing because we’ve already had words when just discussing things my friends are doing / following with their babies! I said my friend was unable to drive too far because baby when he was brand new (and prem) shouldn’t be in the car seat for more than 30 mins at a time. Absolute nonsense she said, that’s why they design them for prams. I told her these days you don’t wean a baby until 6 months, nonsense again she says, she gave me baby rice / rusks at 3-4 months and I’m fine! Told her my friend got upset at her mum giving her 4.5 month old a chocolate button... “oh but there’s no harm it’s only a little lick of it”. I try and gently explain that science and research changes and you can only go on the most up to date advice and she just scoffs so it’s going to be a long road with a lot of chats here before baby comes. She’s an absolute know it all in general and is always saying she doesn’t know why people make such a fuss and can’t get out of the house with a baby, how you just need a routine etc like it’s that simple but people choose not to bother!
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
Talking of H&M, I have their maternity jeans. Got them October/November time and they have been amazing. Still in them at 31 weeks, no sign of ripping. Hoping they will last me to the end!
Ooh I might have a look at those. I don’t have enough of a bump yet for maternity jeans but my usual jeans are starting to get a bit tight!

I’ve seen some lovely baby clothes on H&M too, really reasonably priced
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Lulu Goss

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I am 8 weeks with my first pregnancy. The constant sick feeling and intense sense of smell is really getting me down. I never realised how bad pretty much everything smells. Just thinking about the bin in the morning can start sickness.
I’ve been the same, there’s one particular cupboard in the kitchen that I can’t deal with - it’s only got spices/pasta/bread etc in it and my partner keeps saying it doesn’t even smell but it 100% and it makes me heave every time!
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I was so lucky to find an amazing group of friends through a baby group. We all have very similar views on child rearing which definitely helps. We’ve been friends almost 8yrs now and still speak almost every day via messenger.
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Congratulations @LongishCat and welcome to the thread. So so happy for you. What wonderful news ❤

Tips- eat little and often, come and chat to us about anything - however small. Were always here. Weve all experienced slightly different pregnancies. Some ladies here are having 2nd or 3rd pregnancies, some are close to giving birth and others are waiting for the 12 week date and counting down.

Some ladies are really sick, some not.. Some get cramps whoch feel like your period is coming for a quite a few days, others are off certain foods. Its all completely normal in the pregnancy world. We will all try to reassure you as much as possible.

Whats an echo? A private scan? Xx
Thank you so much! ❤
Ah, maybe that's something we only say in Dutch, but it's a scan indeed :) I'll be 8 weeks then!
Actually, I do already have a question. What does it mean when people say they are X+Y far (ex 8+2)?

Fantastic news!! Congratulations! Make sure you’re taking folic acid and vitamin D, look up what you can and can’t eat and try not to stress :)
Great! Have been taking folic acid since Oct 2019, so I've got that covered. Also have vitamine D, so will start taking those too!

I can't say enough how grateful I am for Tattle! Everyone in the TTC'ers topic is so wonderful and looks like it's no different here ❤ Thank you so much! Really happy I can share this journey here.
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I think people just have too much to say about what others do with the babies but honestly if it’s not your baby it’s not your problem/business 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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Does anyone get really sharp pain in their tummy when they sneeze? Scares me every time.
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Hi everyone,
Been following along since thread 2 but haven't said anything because we hadn't announced to an IRL friend on here 🙈
I'm 9+6 today, already seen baby once to date the pregnancy.
I hope this isn't triggering for anyone but I have a really big fear with covid at the mo and going into hospital. I was so anxious at my scan.
I've had the letter for our 12 week scan and it says to turn up 30 minutes before the appointment and it's making me freak because I just don't want to be sitting around in a covid hotspot for that long 😬
Is this a thing everywhere? Its not entirely clear to me why I have to turn up that early. 😫
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Chatty Member
Bit random but can I ask if anyone else is struggling to drink enough? I'm 18 weeks and am trying really hard to drink enough water but I'm just really not that thirsty. The morning is better but by the late afternoon, its clear when I go to the toilet (sorry if TMI) that I haven't drunk enough. Feel like I'm constantly sipping and am fed up of drinking or having a bottle of water attached to me all the time!
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All this bottle and sterilising talk is making me feel like I know nothing! I'm planning on exclusively breastfeeding to start with although I know this may not always go to plan. Also thinking about pumps but that's another minefield as well, no idea what will work out best. I like the sound of the mam bottles that sterilise in the microwave though, very handy.

I thought after my 20 week scan last week I'd be shopping like mad but I just don't know where to really start! Definitely not buying pram or car seat until shops open so I can try them out. I guess starting with other biggish things like bedside crib, carriers etc may be the way forward? Any other tips on getting started?
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That is brilliant! I am really up for using cloth nappies - some friends did it recently and got on really well with it. I know it doesn’t work for everyone but we’ll try give it a shot.
I’ve used cloth nappies on all 3 of my kids, and they’ll get their final outing on this next bum 😊 once you find what works for you it really is easy, just a matter of a couple of extra wash loads a week! I really would recommend cloth wipes too, they are SOOO much better than disposable ones! The hard part is finding nappies you like and work for your baby. If there is a nappy library near you you can hire kits and try loads of brands to see what works best.
I hope you find somewhere new soon, moving with a newborn would be very tough 😩
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Back to work for me tomorrow. Teaching in a tiny classroom with 32 kids! A portable Perspex screen has been put in my room as extra protection but it’s so hard if you can’t get near them. They’ll be wearing masks as well this time which is good but difficult.

Got 8 weeks until I’m classed as shielding so hopefully they will fly be without incident
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Hi everyone. I’ve Came over from the ttc thread. I’m 4 weeks pregnant today. After multiple losses, including a chemical pregnancy last month. So I’m very very nervous and scared. I’ve had a lot of Mild cramping today and I know they say it’s “normal” but I can’t help over analysing everything. I have a 6 year old and don’t remember cramping with him. Just feel like my periods coming. Anyone have the same at 4 weeks? Praying so hard that this one stays with us 💜
Congratulations, lovely! I know how hard it is being pregnant after loss, I can’t imagine after multiple losses ❤
with this pregnancy I definitely had cramping the day before and day my period was due. I was convinced my period would begin, but I’m now 32 weeks. Had cramps on and off in the first tri.
Hope you will be with us for the next 9 months x
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