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Thanks all i just done a 2nd test just to know i’m not going crazy and theres a slight line on that one too.. going to go get a digital on my lunch 😄 xx
Don't be disheartened if you get a "not pregnant" because they need a much higher amount of hcg than the early response ones. Seen that happen to a few people who actually turned out to be Pregnant!

Edited to add: I defo see lines on both though!
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Baby’s okay. I’m 11+3 but baby is measuring 12+1! Tried to ask questions about what might be causing the bleeding and got no answers. Not gonna lie, the matron was quite dismissive, trying to get me gone. She checked my blood test and urine tests results and they didn’t show any sign of infection but she said ‘you are rhesus positive’ and I said ‘what does that mean?’ And she said ‘that you’re rhesus positive.’ I mean..

Anyway, just so thankful baby’s okay. Got my dating scan next week so I’ll get a lot more detail and info then hopefully.

Just wanna say you ladies are all amazing. Don’t know what I’d do without you all xx
She sounds like a dick. Basically rhesus positive is a good thing as it means your baby won’t get rhesus disease and you don’t need to have anti-D injections in pregnancy.
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Has anyone else’s thoughts about giving birth changed since they got pregnant? I always used to say I wanted a c section, just let them do it all then pass the baby to me when it’s done 😂 Since being pregnant I’ve completely gone the other way, I’ve been reading about hypnobirthing and water births and I just feel more... maternal? about it all!
I’ve been reading about hypnobirthing etc too and it’s made me feel a lot calmer about it. I was hoping to go into labour naturally on my own but currently it’s looking like I’m gonna be induced early as they think baby is measuring big I find out for definite next week. Really didn’t want to have an epidural either but think if I’m being induced I’ll need it as I’ve heard induction is a lot more intense and my pain threshold isn’t great but we’ll see. I’ve no birth plan as I know 9/10 it doesn’t go the way you planned so I’ve only really pain relief preferences written down and that I don’t really want to be lying on my back but now that I’m possibly being induced I dunno if that will be possible if I have to have an epidural
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I feel this way and have come to the conclusion that the majority of people are too! Covid hasn’t really helped either TBH. I’ve been trying to get better at it since we moved to a new city earlier this year but it still makes me a bit anxious - never been turned down yet which is good 😂 I downloaded the Peanut app to see if there was anyone in my area around a similar stage in pregnancy but it does feel a bit like an awkward dating app - especially since it’s a bit weird to meet up with a stranger for a walk at the moment. Hopefully it’ll be a little bit easier in the summer!

we also just signed up to NCT eventually - for some reason all the classes in my area were fully booked last week already?! But have managed to squeeze onto the nearest one as someone dropped out - wasn’t massively keen to do the one 5 miles away in a different suburb given the whole point of it is to make parent friends!

Also, have any of you had round ligament pain? what does it feel like? I’m 15 weeks today and getting kind of cramping down one side but it doesn’t actually hurt that much.
Not sure if it's round ligament pain but my vagina area feels like it's been kicked by a horse in the evenings 😂😂
  • Haha
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Hey ladies and congrats on all your pregnancies. Im 7 weeks with my second and finding this pregnancy very different. I was sick the first couple of weeks but it has stopped which I find more worrying as I was so sick for 9 months with my little boy. Anyone else had very different pregnancies? I'm also so bloated especially at the top bit of my tummy. Anyone else find that? I'm a size 18 and after reading the horror stories of some of your scans I'm now really nervous 😂😂 i don't remember any comments about my belly first time round. There was one synographer who was so angry I went to the toilet before as I was DESPERATE and needed a number 2 as was so nervous 😂😂
I'm a size 18/20 and had a private scan at 8 weeks and 12 week at local hospital. Both couldn't be nicer. My scan report did say something on it about 'subnormal view due to BMI' which upset me when I first read it, but nothing I can do about it and grateful that it wasn't in person as I'd probably heist into tears! My top bit of belly has been blasted and swollen even since I've found out. It's so weird as although I'm a bit bigger, I've always been more hour glass and had a smaller waist than tummy and still do now (19 weeks) - just sticks out at the front more now. Its constantly hard but I haven't gained any weight yet so think I'm just moving it all around!
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Thank you everyone for the comments. 🥰@PineappleTopper my family already knew very early because I was due to start fertility treatment as soon as I got my period which miraculously never arrived. I have told my two friends today I am not posting on social media and I’m not telling work for a while. I managed to do the pub crawl zoom and no one suspected I wasn’t drinking 😁 no my partner wasn’t allowed in so he came into the hospital and waited by the ward and hid behind some chairs then popped up when I came out and we had peck on the lips with our masks on which made me laugh 😆 @Kitt I straight after for the blood test and my partner went to work but i didn’t have to wait that long @orange club biscuit it is so nice to feel some relief as I haven’t slept a lot as I have read so many sad things so nice to have some good news to share. My grandad will now want to tell the women who work in Sainsbury’s he’s that happy 😆

Thank you so much i know it is still early but feeling a little more relieved xx

Aww this is adorable. I love that you got pregnant just as you were about to start fertility treatment. What a lovely feeling to see a positive test and no AF.
Thats super cute about your partner surprising you.

We all need a little good news right now (or any). I bet yout grandad will be so chuffed to share the news!

I like the idea of not sharing on social media. It feels like human connection is so important at the moment and wonderful news like this deserves not to be discovered during a scroll on the loo 😂
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Hey all, been having on off brown bleeding last few days but been feeling, or been trying to feel, okay about it as I had it last week then baby was fine on scan. Just went to the toilet and had red blood instead of brown. It’s knocked me again. EPU told me to call if brown turned to red and so I did and they’re going to try to get me a scan tomorrow.

Feel so stupid with needing these constant scans. This is so stressful :(
Don’t feel stupid you are doing what all of us would do and you should go for your sake. I hope everything is ok and we all thinking about you. No one tells us what pregnancy will be like for any of us so you should do what is right for you I would do the same xx
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That’s so odd! I am always hot and my husband is always cold so if this happens to me it’ll probably be very welcome by him, I never want the heating on and we sleep with a summer 4 tog duvet year round!!
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Hey I am
Not an expert on coming off the pill as I haven’t taken it since I was around 23 and it took me a long time to conceive however I did have very irregular periods I think if you don’t get one soon I would contact your doctor to get a second opinion as this could need investigation or may need additional drugs to help you ovulate depending on their response. I only have this information as I was due to start fertility treatment and this is what I heard from friends/ doctor. I do think three moments isn’t that long but also I wouldn’t wait around as it might mither you even more xx
Thank you! I know I probably sound very impatient but obvs time isn’t on my side and the Cerazette was my medication for endometriosis. I will sit tight and wait!
I have pcos and potentially endo I really know how horrible it is genuinely. I didn’t take the pill because it really messed with me and I decided to not take it once I learnt more about pcos. Give it more time it took me a long time to conceive and I am 30 definitely see your doctor especially if it is weighing on your mental health. I waited too long to investigate so glad I started the process as it actually stopped me stressing because I was hopeful I would get help and answers. Maybe try taking folic acid or proceve vitamins and I wish you the best of luck I’m sure all the ladies in here do too xx
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I am actually excited to get out of the house I feel really quite depressed at home on my own day in day out until my partner gets home. I miss going to the shops and I am looking forward to actually looking at baby things however I won’t be mixing with many people other than family and if I see friends it would be one on one. When we are allowed to. My partner had told me we won’t be going to pubs we don’t do that really mainly restaurants but he has said my friends will have to understand I don’t want to go to bottomless brunch and day time things where people could potentially crash into me or not follow the social distancing rules etc and round drunk people as they are less likely to follow rules. I am just going to see how it goes and I feel really missing people if I’m honest x
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I'm really similar (although lucky that I have a few close mates having babies around the same time as me, but we don't meet up that much). I want to try and make new mum friends too, but have similar issues with making friends. I never make the first move like suggesting coffee as I always think people will make a face or think it's a ludicrous suggestion, and I somehow always miss out on new friendship groups forming, this has happened at gyms etc in the past. But once I have baby I will force myself to make more effort, not just for me but I also want to set a good example to my child.
It’s good if you can get a few people and then can issue general invites like “we are going to the park at 2pm if anyone is free” that was there is no pressure on anyone. I still do this with my friends, and sometimes they can come along, sometimes we end up going alone, but I have quite a bit of friendship/social anxiety and have found that a general invite to something I am already doing makes it easier for me.
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Help me. Everything my husband is doing is especially annoying to me today. I feel like suuuuch a bitch hahaha
I tell my other half to F off often and tell him he is annoying don’t feel like a bitch our partners are just irritating sometimes 😬🙄 jokes aside I am very hormonal and keep crying at nothing I saw a sleep suit in the super market yesterday got tears in my eyes 🤣
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So found out I was pregnant yesterday! Thought I’d pop on here and say hello all! We’d been trying but I have PCOS so expected to need a little help down the line. Have been in a total daze today - not quite sure I’ve taken it in and not really sure what I’m meant to do next! I already take folic acid and I’ve self referred to my trust’s maternity unit so I guess I just wait and hope for the best. I have irregular periods (last 4 cycles have been 26-34 days after they started to regulate a bit), and I’m pretty sure I ovulated late this month around day 26 so I don’t know really know how to best work out my dates! Either way I guess all being well I’ll be due early November time!

Congrats lovely! Wonderful news! So happy for you ❤ take it easy for now. You may experience some period like cramping for the first week or two, i also had that-its to do with implantation and is totally normal. Its also recommended that you look at taking vitamin d also. Boots and holland and barrett do a folic acid and vitamin d in one pill.
Any questions, were all here for you 😊
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I had my 20 week scan today and had the worst experience ever with the sonographer. So bad that I burst into tears as soon as we walked out and couldn't stop crying :cry: She was the most rude, unfriendly person I've ever had the displeasure of meeting!

- She had a go and me and my partner because he was waiting outside but not close enough to the doors so she had to wait about 20 seconds for him to walk in. She shared her annoyance about this to me and also in the room when my partner was there saying if she had to wait for everyone's partners to walk in she would be working until midnight!

- Told me off for not having a full bladder, like actually told me off!! Said she needed to spend too much time trying to look at the organs because the picture wasn't very clear and this was because I hadn't drank enough!? She was scanning me for 45 minutes and it started to hurt so much I had to ask her to stop.

- Mumbled under her breath the whole time (I think she was telling us what she was looking at, but who knows)

- Told me she could see the heart but couldn't get a good enough image to check if there were any holes and that we couldn't go back for another scan because they are at capacity! Also could only find one kidney and couldn't measure the stomach properly.

- She asked half way through if I had any questions about what was on the screen. I said no (close to tears at this point). I expected her at the end to ask if we wanted to know the gender but she didn't, so I asked. She huffed at me and said "I already asked if you had any questions and you said no", put the scanner back on my stomach and then said "I think it's a girl but if you buy anything make sure you keep the receipts". I know it's never 100% but wtf?!

My partner and I were gobsmacked! She ruined the whole experience and I came out feeling absolutely awful. Luckly we managed to book private scan for 2 hours later which was amazing and exactly how I had imagined it. They confirmed all is fine and managed to check everything the lady at the NHS couldn't. Plus we found out we're having a little girl!! ❤

Sorry for the massive rant and thanks if you've read this far, just needed to get it off my chest! Hope you're all okay x
This is absolutely dreadful!
My little boy has kidney issues that were missed at our 20 week scan so I've already made a big deal about what I expect from our scans this time around. She can't just be like "oh I can only see one" wtf?!
So sorry you had to go through that and that she ruined what should have been a special moment. I'm glad you've complained.
Congratulations on your little girl!
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Can you recommend a good sling? Or do they all do the same thing 🙈 I think we get one in the baby boxes in Scotland but I'm not sure if every woman gets that or you have to meet criteria
They definitely are not all made equally. Many slings are pretty poor, even from well known brands, as they don’t all promote healthy hips. Whichever sling you use must support your baby from knee to knee, rather than have them dangling from the crotch (I’ll add some pictures). It’s also really important that the sling you use supports the baby’s back and neck, without allowing their chin to fall on to their chest as this can constrict breathing.

You should check out if you have a local sling library as they will have lots of great choices to explore and knowledgable people to explain how each sling is used. Different slings suit different people, so it is a really personal choice as to which one you go for. Try to avoid buying off Amazonor eBay as loads of fakes on there, which are not well made.

My personal preferences for slings are a stretchy for when they are little (Moby, Boba, Joy and Joe all do these) and a Tula for bigger kids.
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Can I ask if anyone uses a birthing ball and if it helps with back pain and how many weeks is it safe to use at? Im 30 weeks xx
It does help back pain(I found so anyway). I started using mine before 30 W, I think it’s safe to use anytime as you can use them for exercise when not pregnant anyway. I find just sitting on it to watch tv instead of sofa can be so much more comfy
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We’re moving soon too. Dreading the moving process but also can’t wait to move.

Should we buy full sized cot for when baby is born even though baby doesn’t sleep in it? Or do you normally buy it at 6 months when they move into it?

I feel so thick, I know nothing. Never been around babies or people with babies. The buying guide we got from the midwife yesterday has sent me on a spiral I think.
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My Mum will be so excited to be a Nanny but I dread this exact thing because we’ve already had words when just discussing things my friends are doing / following with their babies! I said my friend was unable to drive too far because baby when he was brand new (and prem) shouldn’t be in the car seat for more than 30 mins at a time. Absolute nonsense she said, that’s why they design them for prams. I told her these days you don’t wean a baby until 6 months, nonsense again she says, she gave me baby rice / rusks at 3-4 months and I’m fine! Told her my friend got upset at her mum giving her 4.5 month old a chocolate button... “oh but there’s no harm it’s only a little lick of it”. I try and gently explain that science and research changes and you can only go on the most up to date advice and she just scoffs so it’s going to be a long road with a lot of chats here before baby comes. She’s an absolute know it all in general and is always saying she doesn’t know why people make such a fuss and can’t get out of the house with a baby, how you just need a routine etc like it’s that simple but people choose not to bother!
Tbh everyone does things differently so I would just do what you think is best. My cousins partner started weaning her wee girl at 4 months she had her July last year and it’s recommended to do it at 6 months apparently but tbf I know a few recent mums have done that and I know a few have put baby in their own room from 3/4 months. I’ve been told not to listen to the health visitor either just do what I feel is right 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ this is my first baby though so I wouldn’t say I won’t listen
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I had to go for a joint cardio/ obs appt due to previous issues, and I ended up with sky high blood pressure and came home with a monitor for 24 hours due to worrying about being in the hospital 🤣 Luckily all good when I was at home but to be honest, when I was there for that and for my scan, you really don't come into contact with many people. The receptionists temperature scanned everyone who came through, sanitiser was everywhere and no contact with anyone other than sonographer, who I'm assuming is getting tested regularly. My friend works in our local hospital and she said its so much better with the lateral flow testing now. Not sure about your hospital, but maternity ward in mine was separate from everywhere else and didn't have to go anywhere near the wards where things would be the most challenging. It really didn't feel like walking around anywhere bad at all so please try not to worry x
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Hey everyone long time since I’ve I’ve posted been a hectic few weeks. I’ve been catching up as much as I can been I’m so glad baby is ok @Kitt. And just for fun I would say a girl! I had my 12 week scan last week and it looks like mine! X
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