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For the ladies who are currently or close to packing their hospital bag... I have a very important question.

What snacks are you packing?! I need inspiration haha, so far I’ve got a bag of sour laces cause I bloody love a sour sweet, pretzels and beef jerky. Obviously I’m not packing a picnic and I might not even want any of it but wondered if anyone has a suggestion ive not yet thought of 😊
I’m not packing mine until end of March but i have already thought about this 😂 probably take a tube of Pringles, a bar of chocolate, bag of sweets and a bottle of diluting juice
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
glad to see everyone is doing well!
I’m bloody exhausted. 36 weeks and moving house tomorrow. Trying to pack boxes etc and getting mild cramps or feel like a I need a wee constantly. Not sure if the cramps are just the baby as he loves poking his bum right out under my ribs!! Just had a long nap in bed and no cramps for a few hours so I think I need to take it easier 😬
Good luck with the move! I moved recently, it’s stressful anyway let alone pregnant - just think once you’re in you can relax!
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Good luck, hope you and baby are well.

Seriously how have all you guys coped through pregnancy. Only being in my 6th week all I’ve done is be sick, or felt really sick all day long, need to nap, got emotional, had cramping, had spotting, feared for mc, had high blood pressure. And its only the 6th week. 🙃
It can be hell, but you will get through. The first trimester is the worst for exhaustion and worry (with cramps etc). I find usually around 11 weeks that bone aching exhaustion isn’t so awful any more. The sickness is a killer if it lasts though. I’m almost 31 weeks and still going. It feels like forever 😞
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I know lots of people swear by a Sleepyhead (think they are now rebranded as Dockatot). A little bit controversial as they aren't recommended by the Lullaby Trust but I think that's for overnight sleeping (might be incorrect) but should be fine for supervised daytime naps. I'm not sure if I'll get one as I'm thinking Moses basket initially, but apparently lots of babies that didn't sleep in a basket loved the Sleepyhead so I may get one if I'm desperate.

Anyone have any experience with the Aldi Moses basket? Really don't want to spend too much on one as they'll be outgrown after a few months!
My mum bought the aldi moses basket for her house for when my niece was a baby and we used it for my son when I stayed over, it was much better and sturdier than my one from precious little one!
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Seems to be so many of us have had spotting in the first trimester and turns out to be nothing concerning, must be more common than you’d think it is. Still worth getting checked if it happens though
Spotting is actually listed as a symptom around 6 weeks or so.
Definitely worth getting checked though as you say!

From what I've always been told it's due to leftover blood from implantation combined with the foetus burying deeper
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Had my midwife appt today for 33 weeks (was meant to be 34 but my fundal height hasn’t changed much) I’ve gone from being on the 50th centile to the 1st 🙄 it’s literally stayed at 29 since 28 weeks.. oops. Got a growth scan first thing in the morning so I’ll see what they say. I don’t feel very worried... I feel like most people that talk about fundal height to me talk about the inaccuracies of it! We shall see..

Will be thinking of you tomorrow @Kitt also!
with my 1st baby my finds height was measuring 5 over (I know that’s the opposite to you) for 3 weeks. I was due to go for a scan to check why baby was so big, but she was born the night before weight 6lbs.
My sister measured 4 weeks under for 3 weeks went for growth scan and they said baby would be tiny (this was at 39 weeks) she was born at 40 weeks weighing 8lbs 8oz so I don’t think they are anything to worry about really. I guess they still use it as at this point it is all they have to go on measurement wise?
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Morning, a question for the ladies are who already moms. When baby sleeps during the day, where do you put it down to sleep? I’ve read bouncers aren’t really recommended. Do you have something set up downstairs for baby to have daytime sleeps in? How does it work?
I used the pram in the day in the carry cot!
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Thank you. The dishwasher was the cause of my first sickness (dirty dishes from the Chinese the night before) I don’t think I’ll be having another Chinese anytime soon. I am just hoping once the sickness eases the excitement I had at the beginning returns.
It is so hard to feel excited when you feel so horrendous all the time. With my 3rd baby it was my first case of really bad sickness, and I remember I was about 24 weeks before I felt any excitement at all, because of just feeling so rubbish all the time.

If your sickness keeps up, make sure you don’t just keep suffering. Talk to your GP and they can prescribe you medication if that’s what you would like x
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I did wonder would she not just suck it up and use it anyway, it would be a funny story at least. But maybe it was still a bit raw for her to think it was funny!

One thing I was impressed with was that they’d picked a name for him ASAP. No beating about the bush because it wasn’t expected, he just had a name. And a nice one too!
Yeah I was going to say the same at least it’s a funny story when they are older, I haven’t bought pink seats and Moses basket though all my stuff is black/neutral colours but I have bought a lot of dresses 😂
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Hey all, been having on off brown bleeding last few days but been feeling, or been trying to feel, okay about it as I had it last week then baby was fine on scan. Just went to the toilet and had red blood instead of brown. It’s knocked me again. EPU told me to call if brown turned to red and so I did and they’re going to try to get me a scan tomorrow.

Feel so stupid with needing these constant scans. This is so stressful :(
You are not stupid for asking for scans don’t ever feel like you’re being a burden to them by phoning, they would much rather see you than not. Hopefully everything goes ok at your scan tomorrow sending you lots of love x
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I was wondering as there are a few people due soon or just had babies if someone could start a newborn baby advice thread? I am too new a member to be able to make a thread I think!
That is a great idea! I don’t have thread starting privileges either but definitely a good idea
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Thank you 😊 I have used those strips a couple of times before but totally forgot about them so thanks for the reminder. I think I was focussing on my go to painkiller than I couldn’t take. From memory I think my migraines really went away for most of my pregnancy just don’t remember getting such a throbbing headache last time. Or being quiet so hungry, I was dreaming about a fish supper the other night 🤣🐷
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Right I need someone to talk me down 🙈

I'm 18+5 and I just don't feel pregnant. I thought I could feel her move last week but I've not had much this week. On top of that my RHR on fit bit has dropped slightly, it was sitting up at 77 and gone down to 74 the last 3 days. Which I know isn't massive but when I had a loss ( albeit much 5 weeks) my RHR was the first thing I noticed dropping before it happened.

Am I just being stupid? I still have symptoms sore head/sickness/sore nipples.

I'm probably just majorly over reacting but I'm just so worried somethings gone wrong. On top of that I don't have a designated midwife (as mine left) yet so I don't don't know who to call/what would I even say?!
I think this is totally normal, second trimester is usually that point of pregnancy where you feel back to normal after things like sickness and exhaustion. I’m 30 weeks and honestly don’t feel pregnant unless my baby is kicking me and rolling around, which isn’t constantly. I didn’t really know the pattern of movements until 26 weeks as they were all over the place, some days were so quiet and then a few days of constant kicks. If you have any concerns with movement give you midwife a call though for extra reassurance
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Yes. I went to my uncle’s funeral in my first Trimester. Pregnant women aren’t at any more risk, the Gov don’t class us as a high risk group

Should have smacked the dr. What a dick.That doesn’t sound like much to me at all.

@Kitt so glad all is well x

11+3 means 11 weeks and 3 days. So I am 30+2, or 30 weeks and 2 days. So you can be 15 weeks, 15+1, 15+2 etc all the way to 15+6 then you change to 16 weeks.

The extra two weeks isn’t connected, but takes in to account the fact that they measure all gestations as if every woman has a 28day cycle and ovulates and conceived on day14. So technically it isn’t 30+2 weeks since i conceived (it’s 28+6 for me since conception).
I’m not a 28 day cycle I am 40 average so I don’t really get this xx

I’m really struggling with sickness - not actually being sick, but just 24/7 nauseous feeling. I’m having to force myself to eat but nothing actually takes it off at all 😣

I ordered some wristband things which came today. I’ve been wearing them since lunchtime and they haven’t made any difference so far but I’m hoping at some point they might make it a little bit better!
I am esxavtky the same get some ginger shots they are pricey but they really helped me today I’ve had a Nando’s for dinner first time I’ve felt hungry in ages and I managed some veg! The nausea will be back soon but the ginger shots help me so much! X
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Chatty Member
Oof had a bit of a down / hormonal weekend. Think the sickness returning has knocked me back a bit but also for some reason, Zoella’s announcement that she’s pregnant has cause me some aggro.

Firstly she’s able to know at 12 weeks that she’s having a girl. Now for this I can admit it’s pure jealousy. We’re finding out what we’re having on 23rd March and I’m just desperate to know at this point so I just got stroppy about that lol

Then in her thread everyone was saying how she’s had good timing cause her baby is due in September cause babies born in September do better in school. All I’ve ever heard when I tell people my baby is due august 30th is ‘oh you best hope baby is late, august babies don’t do well in school!’ And all this shit. It’s not like I can control when baby decides to arrive!

Also in her new video, Zoe is annoyingly sucking a sweet the whole time and food noises wind me up.Someone said it was for sickness, I said she could’ve managed without for the time she was filming that clip. And someone said you mustn’t know what it’s like to be pregnant and sick then!! Oooh the cheek. If only she knew.

so yeah I needed that rant. Basically I’m just a moany bitch but everything’s got to me this weekend!
I'm a teacher and I think that if the child has the right support outside of school, then summer borns can thrive just as much as other children. They might find it harder the first year or two because they have literally had one less year alive than some of the September babies but this can be avoided with support from home and access to pre-schools or nurseries with other children. And by the time they go to secondary school, the term they are born in plays no significance!
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I'm really similar (although lucky that I have a few close mates having babies around the same time as me, but we don't meet up that much). I want to try and make new mum friends too, but have similar issues with making friends. I never make the first move like suggesting coffee as I always think people will make a face or think it's a ludicrous suggestion, and I somehow always miss out on new friendship groups forming, this has happened at gyms etc in the past. But once I have baby I will force myself to make more effort, not just for me but I also want to set a good example to my child.
I made a friend once at the nail salon because I figured out she lived near to me very random but sometimes you have to be a bit forward and just talk 😆
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
How do you guys all feel about socialising and going back to ‘normal’ whilst you’re pregnant and haven’t had the vaccine? Assuming the advice stays the same re the vaccine...

i know it’s a bit theoretical but I’m supposed to be a bridesmaid at a wedding at the end of June and will be 7 months pregnant. Am really dreading potentially having to make a decision about whether to go or not!
I’ve been thinking about this since the announcement this afternoon. I’m happy I’ll be able to see mine and my partners family and friends in normal settings like popping round to peoples houses (eventually) and I’ll just continue being careful with hand washing etc. Hopefully if anyone was feeling unwell they’d know to let me know too.

I’m more concerned about the socialising side though... I know as soon as we can, my friends will want to be meeting up for dinner, Saturdays in the pub etc. Places like that are where I think you could be more likely to be exposed to the virus.

I also have a beauty business which I will hopefully be able to reopen in April. I’m a bit apprehensive about that but will have to send out Covid forms to clients before they come and will still wear a mask/sanitise everything constantly.

Being bridesmaid is a tough one though! Maybe if you didn’t feel comfortable you could do the service but not stay all night? Although I don’t know how much difference that will make if you’re already there, if that makes sense.
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