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Thank you so much! I'm glad it's not just me who's felt this way. My sons only 2 so still too young to know what's going on but I think getting him a gift from baby will be a good idea. We're gonna set up the moses basket and next2me next month to give him time to get used to it and hopefully that will go well hahaha! X
I’m a librarian so excuse me while I go all librarian on you haha. There’s lots and lots of picture books aimed at helping with this kind of thing! Helps put the idea out there that there’s a baby in mommy’s tummy and then what that will mean when baby comes. Lots of parents come in and ask for them!
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Lulu Goss

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Glad someone else mentioned the sneezing pain, I had it one night recently when I got into bed and the pain was excruciating for a few mins!

I’m applying for a new role (internally). If I wasn’t at risk of redundancy in my current role I really wouldn’t bother at the moment but I feel like I should at least go for it as back up. The thought of starting a completely new job at the moment does scare me a bit though, I’ve been feeling so rough so although I’m logged on, I’m doing the bare minimum. I just hope I find out next week that my job is safe and I can stay where I am and chill out until I got on mat leave ☹
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Hi! Switching from the TTC'ers topic to this one.
After almost 1,5 years of trying I had my very first positive pregnancy test ever! (I have PCOS)
Last period was 21st of Jan, so I guess that means that I'm 1 month along, but it's 2 weeks since ovulation.
Honestly this is all so new for me, it's so exciting and confusing! First echo is scheduled in a month!
Don't really have any complaints/symptoms yet, apart from some mild cramping every now and then.
Any tips for the first weeks?
Don't worry if you get symptoms and they go. Don't worry if you don't get them at all.
It's all normal and doesn't mean anything! ❤
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Lulu Goss

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For the past week or so I’ve been SO cold all the time. I assumed it was because we had a bit of warmer weather and then the temperature has dropped again. But I’ve been cold in the house with the heating on, cold when I’m wearing a jumper and sitting on the sofa with a blanket, I was even cold in the shower last night! Googled it this morning and apparently it’s common in early pregnancy, something to do with hormones changing. I feel like I’m learning so much 😂
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How annoying are some women who’ve had babies a long while ago so aren’t in the know about current health recommendations? My mom is doing my head in.

I said I’m gonna get a pregnancy pillow cause i keep waking up on my back. My mom said ‘what’s wrong with that?’ I explained. She said ‘sorry but I must’ve slept on my back loads when pregnant.’ Ok good for you but I’m sure lots of women also did and weren’t so lucky.

I also explained about baby needing to lie flat when sleeping so needing a flat pushchair and she was snooty about that. I’m gonna have to be strict on her when baby is born to make sure she’s following what I say should be done not what she thinks she knows best. I’m just glad my husband doesn’t see his parents so I don’t have MIL putting her 2 cents in as well. 🙄
Just the people in general that say "Oh don't worry about it. I did it loads. My baby was fine"

Are the ones that annoy me.
There are health recommendations for a reason. Just because you or your baby was fine, doesn't mean somebody else/else's will be!
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I think we've just got to sit tight and see how this plays out week by week.
It could all be fine or there could be some new strain that puts us into lockdown again. Only time will tell and I think we will just have to roll with it as best we can.
I'm going to continue avoiding people as much as I can and keep myself as safe as possible.
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Hi everyone. I’ve Came over from the ttc thread. I’m 4 weeks pregnant today. After multiple losses, including a chemical pregnancy last month. So I’m very very nervous and scared. I’ve had a lot of Mild cramping today and I know they say it’s “normal” but I can’t help over analysing everything. I have a 6 year old and don’t remember cramping with him. Just feel like my periods coming. Anyone have the same at 4 weeks? Praying so hard that this one stays with us 💜
Congratulations 😀 I had this in the early weeks, felt a bit like tugging and period cramps, there’s a lot of women on the thread that are in the first trimester too that have said they are feeling cramps, all totally normal 😊
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So true. If any of you ladies don’t have a dog, I recommend one as part of baby purchases 🤣 they clean up the weaning mess a treat! Sadly our great eating girl died last year, our other dog is much fussier so not sure how we will get on with weaning this time. I may have to tidy it up myself!
I've had such an aversion to our dog during this pregnancy. I feel so sorry for her, but the smell of her makes me sick to my stomach. She's not even that stinky, but this superhuman sense of smell is like a curse!

So true. If any of you ladies don’t have a dog, I recommend one as part of baby purchases 🤣 they clean up the weaning mess a treat! Sadly our great eating girl died last year, our other dog is much fussier so not sure how we will get on with weaning this time. I may have to tidy it up myself!
I've had such an aversion to our dog during this pregnancy. I feel so sorry for her, but the smell of her makes me sick to my stomach. She's not even that stinky, but this superhuman sense of smell is like a curse!
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My fella enjoys take aways, the odd kebabs, crsios as a snack pre dinner, a few drinks in the evening - hes hardly a shiny beacon of health, but because im preggo, he pulls a face if i make any meals from freezer food haha. To be fair, he pulled a face at freezer food before i was preggo too.. Dude aint a fan of freezer food, although i think its amazing when you need food quick and don't want to cook!
No judgement, I bloody love a freezer (or tinned) meal! Especially now almost every. single. meal. is cooked at home it’s nice to have a bit of a break from washing up 5 pans!

My husband has also just started reading the ‘Pregancy for Men’ book and is keeping me informed of me all his revelations, it’s been quite funny. Like OMG we need to wash all the vegetables because of toxoplasmosis. Here’s a pregnancy yoga class you can go to! 😂 it’s actually so nice that he’s getting involved but it’s made me laugh (as most of them are fairly obvious things most women already know!)
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That Aldi next to me cot looks good! I got the snuzpod second hand from a friend of a friend for £100, then just bought a new mattress. Got the cot for £70 off Facebook marketplace, Mamas and Papas one currently selling for £300 in store!! But don’t intend to use it until he outgrows the snuzpod so no need to get early, I just saw a bargain lol
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Lulu Goss

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Has anyone else’s thoughts about giving birth changed since they got pregnant? I always used to say I wanted a c section, just let them do it all then pass the baby to me when it’s done 😂 Since being pregnant I’ve completely gone the other way, I’ve been reading about hypnobirthing and water births and I just feel more... maternal? about it all!
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Morning hope everyone is OK, not posted on here in a while @Kitt hope all goes well today.

I'm 19+2 today and the last few days it's felt like my bump has started to pop... Its gone from feeling like I've just put on a few pounds to more of a taut, firmer bump. At the same time my hips and lower back suddenly feel like they've aged 30 years and are so, so achey, it also feels like I'm getting vague period cramps here and there and my lower stomach is a bit tender 😐. Is it normal for all this to happen so suddenly? I'm normally a side sleeper anyway so my sleep positions have not really changed as I know that can be a factor. I'm just thinking if I'm this achey now how am I going to cope in 3rd trimester! I'm usually normal weight and fairly active (work out around 3 times a week plus walks).

Also a bit anxious as I've felt no movement yet (although I don't know if I have an anterior placenta, will ask at my 20 week scan next week).
I'm 33 weeks now and my hips are awful.
Before they'd just ache and hurt if I laid on that side for too long, then I'd turn over and the other side would start to hurt so roll back over again 😂
But now... By the time the other one is hurting, the other one hasn't stopped hurting yet.
And they just ache all day from my hip down the sides of my legs! 😑
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With regards to birth plans and the expectations you may have going into labour if this is your first baby honestly just go with the flow. Whatever other pain you’ve ever been in in your life and think you’ve not got a high pain threshold etc. Labour is not like any of those other pains, yes it’s very painful, but it’s a productive pain, it’s manageable. Yes at times it’s excruciating but you will surprise yourself and manage whatever happens to you in labour and however you end up giving birth you will be so proud of yourself because at the end of the day you’ll have your long for baby in your arms. Labour really is just the beginning of the rest of your life with your child and if anything I think the first few weeks can be harder and take more of an emotional toll on your body. I’ve given birth 4 times and each one was very different, I’ve never been induced or had an epidural (I just don’t like the thought of needles in my back) I’ve always had pethedine or gas and air. My first labour was long and tiring but I did it, my second was ultra quick, just as painful as the first just over sooner. My 3rd was a dreamy home birth, a bit stop start and tiring but a really good positive experience. My 4th was horrendous. Longest labour to date, I screamed for an epidural but don’t have one as I was still to scared, longest pushing stage, retained placenta, lots of stitches and baby ended up in NICU for 10 days (he was born at 37 weeks and had immature lungs still) but do you know what that was manageable too, horrible at the time but I did it and now here I am at 29 weeks and can’t wait to do it again! What will it be like? Who knows? All I know is it’s going to be painful again but wow at the end of that baby girl will be here and it will all be worth it. We’ve got this ladies however our births work out. We really are champions. Xx
Thank you for this beautiful post- I really needed to hear this.
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Sensitive subject but for those who have had miscarriages, is the pain a similar type of pain to labour? Not in intensity/severity but I mean in terms of the type or quality of pain? People talk about early labour pain as being like period pains but I haven’t had painful periods for 10-15 years and until last year hadn’t had a period for 7 years due to the coil so I can barely remember what period pains feel like. Had a 7w miscarriage last year and remember the pain from that so wondering if there is any similarity there
Mine felt like bad period pain yes. Started off as dull ache and then turned into pain that took my breath away. Have never been in labour so can’t comment but it was certainly painful xx
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Thank you ladies❤ Honestly I'm driving myself insane. You all put me at ease I find myself reading every day. Sorry I'm not the most active of members🤣
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I went to Nct classes with my first. We met up for the first year and then most of the couples moved away and now it feels like a polite hello on SM every now and then. We all had such different births, mine being the most straight forward, and comments were made about it and how I didn't have to go on antidepressants afterwards. I felt like they pushed me out because I didn't have that in common with them. A few comments were made for me to feel this way which I won't say on here, it wasn't just me randomly feeling sensitive.
That’s really crappy, I’m sorry. it’s so dependent on the group you get and the experiences you have. Birth and child rearing can be such a sensitive issue and people can push their own insecurities on others. I’m lucky to have a few close friends who have small babies, I hope our group gets on but if we don’t I won’t be losing sleep.
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There is a section in my green folder of notes about birth plan, which others may have in their notes. Not that I believe anyone has ever looked at mine when I’ve been in labour!
For anyone who is unsure what a birth plan should include, I’m attaching some info from the positive birth book. It’s a visual guide to birth plan choices. I’ll attach the link as well but not sure it will work as it’s from a Facebook group.



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Best nursing bra/vest tops recommends please
H&M for nursing vests. I also use them for bras, I get soft/sleep ones, but I’m very small chested so may not work for bigger boobs

Anyone feel so disorganised in their 2nd pregnancy? 31w tomorrow and only have a few outfits and name picked 😂 not even ordered my pram yet. I just don't have the time to focus on baby stuff right now because my toddlers so full on so at least my pregnancy is flying in 😂
31+4 with baby 4- we haven’t the clothes down the attic, nothing For me bought and no names picked- haven’t even discussed them tbh! Loads of time 🤣
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