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VIP Member
So at my perinatal appointment yesterday the psychiatrist casually mentioned that apparently they rarely let women on lithium go overdue and therefore they might want to discuss induction… first time I’d heard anything about this and it was only because I was saying my midwife teases me about potentially having a Christmas Day baby if she’s a week late.

Anyway, I know lots of ladies here have shared positive experiences of induction, which is great. I’ve just been researching and I’m wondering how much say I’ll get in the process. For example, can I refuse a sweep and move straight to the next step? Given my anxiety around Vaginal exams, The idea of a sweep genuinely sends me into a sweaty panic.


Active member
Hey! When I was in my first trimester I thought I had sciatic nerve pain as I’ve had that multiple times before and the relaxin hormone can trigger this type of thing. It turned out that I had a DVT in my leg which we think could have been down to dehydration (I had bad sickness and couldn’t drink much either).

this sounds a little similar to how I felt at first so really recommend you go to A&E and don’t wait to see how it feels tomorrow as I kept doing.

Let us know how you get on x

I've only just read the replies. X
Today my leg has hurt so much. It was a making me feel rough and sick in itself where I was up and having to walk on it. My boss told me to go home. I never asked as I feel ridiculous 'I've hurt my leg but don't know how😂' but she could see me limping and was very nice. I said no at first but I gave in because it really is killing. I feel crazy though.
When I was sat down it wasn't as bad, it isn't still but it's more there now than yesterday it's like a really bad ache and it's throbbing. When I'm up it's just so painful it's making me limp.
A woman at work said her daughter got a bad leg when pregnant she had to take her to a clinic as she couldn't walk on it at all. But she was 30 something weeks and the baby was leant on the nerves, it was their weight.
But im 13 weeks, no bigger and have lost weight. Not cramps like i said earlier that it says online about the nerve thing.
At a loss as its no better and dreading tommorow!
This is even if it is pregnancy related x


Well-known member
I think it really depends on the person. For me I actually like to see and read things like that. I like to know all possibilities so if anything does happen I am prepared and am not thinking what the hell is this. But in saying that everyone is different because I had gotten my partner a 'first time dad' book in my first weeks that kind of prepared them for what a pregnant woman goes through as the months go on and it freaked him out so much I had to take it off him after a few weeks because he was so worried about all the what ifs it mentioned. While I was so laid back about it all like yeaaah it's graaand I'm fine he was the complete opposite.
Yeah I totally get that side of it as well. I just don’t think it helps my little anxious brain so I’m off to buy iron tablets now to try and stop it from happening 🤣


VIP Member
I am having the hardest time finding maternity pads. Last time I got Boots own and they did thick ones and thin ones and they were pretty good. Now they don’t seem to do them anymore? I went into store a few weeks ago and they had absolutely zero for sale. Looked online and they have some thick ones but no thin ones in stock although not the same ones I had last time. The supermarkets seem to only have thick ones. Can anyone recommend somewhere I can get both? Or order off Amazon etc but all the brands on there are unknown to me
I got the boots ones a couple of weeks ago? They are usually with the baby bits rather than the pads/tampons. I noticed my local Sainsbury’s also do maternity pads which were around £1 a pack!

Edited - I misread your comment! Boots only had the thick ones. Not sure on thickness of Sainsbury’s


VIP Member
I thought the same as I thought you could only use water and cotton pads on baby 🥴 this woman is crazy! Imagine having 21 categories and still having a label for miscellaneous 🥴🥴
Oooh I thought it was for her bum not babies 😂😂 that makes sense

Hello tattle friends, those cramps signalled the beginning of early labour and fast forward 10 hours and an emergency section due to tachycardia, here I am. Oliver ❤ - what a day! But my god, what a gorgeous boy 🥺
Oh my he’s gorgeous!! Congratulations 💙💙💙


VIP Member
Our little boy arrived today and he’s absolutely perfect, I never knew love like it until I heard his scream and burst into tears. We were in such awe it took a minute to ask if he was a boy or girl.

He weighed 6.13 and is absolutely perfect.

He is currently sleeping, I’ve got up and showered and now going to try and have a little sleep before he wakes up.

Section went well other than it took a few attempts to get spinal block in but after getting another Dr to scrub in, they managed it. It definitely was not as bad as my anxiety imagined.

His name is Aidan 💙💙💙
Congratulations 💙💙💙


VIP Member
So at my perinatal appointment yesterday the psychiatrist casually mentioned that apparently they rarely let women on lithium go overdue and therefore they might want to discuss induction… first time I’d heard anything about this and it was only because I was saying my midwife teases me about potentially having a Christmas Day baby if she’s a week late.

Anyway, I know lots of ladies here have shared positive experiences of induction, which is great. I’ve just been researching and I’m wondering how much say I’ll get in the process. For example, can I refuse a sweep and move straight to the next step? Given my anxiety around Vaginal exams, The idea of a sweep genuinely sends me into a sweaty panic.
You have as much say in it as you like.

You can refuse all sweeps.

During my induction, they only did a sweep when she removed the pessary. So she was already up there anyway 😂
That's the only time I was given one during induction. But she did ask whether I wanted her to or not

You'll be put on the 24 hour pessary first, usually.
Which they only remove if either your waters start leaking or contractions come on too frequent.
That's the only time you'll have someone down there until they remove it 😊

Inserting the pessary is a little bit better than a sweep because they don't have to go up so far with their fingers.

(I don't know if it helps knowing in more detail, but it does for me personally) 😊


Chatty Member
Ah, how exciting! The nausea hit around 6 weeks and lasted another 9 🙂 sorry to hear about what happened with your ectopic. it’s a worrying, really crappy time, until you get that scan! I know my trust isn’t offering early ‘reassurance’ scans - or they wasn’t when I first contacted them in April. Hopefully they’ve started to though x
I'd be happy just with a blood test I think, my HCG was all over the place last time. Not sure they're even doing those at the moment but we'll see how next week goes! 😊


VIP Member
Hello tattle friends, those cramps signalled the beginning of early labour and fast forward 10 hours and an emergency section due to tachycardia, here I am. Oliver ❤ - what a day! But my god, what a gorgeous boy 🥺
Eeeeee!!! What a beautiful little baby! Lovely name as well ❤ Hope you have a speedy recovery xx


VIP Member
What’s everyone planning to wear (or wore for the mamas who have graduated) to come home from hospital? I don’t know if trackies are too casual but I can’t imagine wanting anything tight? 🤣
I like the idea that you could be too casual leaving hospital ❤ Whatever is comfy, the boohoo jersey dungarees is what I wore and they were perfect.


VIP Member
Baby girl Charlotte arrived safely on Wednesday a teeny 6lbs! 2 weeks early due to GD but perfectly healthy. Planned section was amazing. I've read online that they are really positive and a good experience. I didn't believe it could be, but it was truly amazing. We're going home today. Yay. I honestly feel amazing and just just so lucky. No feeling like it.

Feeling more sore today, hurts to get up and about. Especially now were home and my bed doesn't move! Hospital was short staffed so had to do everything for baby from about 6hrs fter birth once catheter out. And I do still have a numb bum cheek, not sure if it's from being immobile or the spinal...anybody experienced this? Wish I'd got stronger pain meds than para/Ibuprofen...! X
Congratulations ❤


VIP Member
I’ve just packed travel size shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste and deodorant 🤷‍♀️
plus most people live reasonably close to the hospital or even a shop so your partner could always nip out and get anything you’ve missed. No amount of lavender pillow spray is going to make those hospital beds any comfier …
Not caught up on thread so not sure if anyone has mentioned but at my trust we weren't allowed to use aerosol Deodorant only roll on. I had to smell for the first day till my partner got me roll on 🤣 not sure if it's the same everywhere


Chatty Member
They can turn I promise you. Twin two was head down & the breach almost every other week, on the scan we had when they detected her placenta was failing she was breech, but when she was delivered she was head down, so you might have an awkward one like me😂.

It's hard I'm not gonna lie to you, but I'm comparing it to when I had my eldest having one seems so much easier. But we are having a whale of a time, watching them change and cuddle one another is worth every sleepless night so far 🥰. How long have you got left?
Oh what a wee skitter! Well Twin 1 for me has been breech for every scan which is why I'm not confident he's gonna shimmy on round lol another scan tomorrow though so we'll see. 28 weeks on Thurs, nearly into single digits 😳

You're a superwoman all you've had to deal with so far so to get to now and see them thrive too must be so heartwarming too. Not that I have any frame of reference whatsoever but I don't think it'll even get easier once they start sitting, walking running and inevitably ganging up on you lol


VIP Member
I’m 5 weeks away from my due date and there was a docuseries about a maternity hospital in Dublin on the tv 😫 I stupidly left it on and really wish I hadn’t 🥴
Uh oh. Anything unpleasant in it, or just reality kicking in?


Chatty Member
Thank you so much 💙 looking forward to hearing about yours next week 💕💙💕 I’m definitely investing in one! Got my eye on one from Amazon so will be purchasing one as soon as I get paid next week🥰 my stomach feels solid in the middle, I’m thinking it’s probably everything moving around and making room for baby🙈 my “bump” is actually now starting to get rounder when I stand to the side if that makes sense🤣 think I’m still at that is she or isn’t she stage though! X
The waiting is killing me 🤣 It’s not long now though! Mines from Amazon, I didn’t want to spend a fortune on one so I think it was like £30 and honestly it’s so good, I don’t think I’ll ever want to stop using it 😂 the other morning I got up for work and when I come back upstairs my boyfriend was using it in bed 😒. That’s it, it feels like everything is squished up around the baby, I can’t imagine how it’s going to feel in the third trimester haha. I keep thinking my bump is finally starting to grow but I think it’s just my wishful thinking because no one else notices 😂 I’ve noticed it rounding a bit this week but I’m 100% still at the is she/isn’t she phase too, everyone keeps saying that soon it will just pop and I hope so! xx


VIP Member
Hello tattle friends, those cramps signalled the beginning of early labour and fast forward 10 hours and an emergency section due to tachycardia, here I am. Oliver ❤ - what a day! But my god, what a gorgeous boy 🥺
Oh my, what a Beautiful baby 🥰🥰🥰 congratulations mama hope you are feeling well xxx

Bexy bex bex

Active member
Puffy face!!!! Please does anyone have any cures for the delightful puffy face I have woken up with this morning! I feel like a marshmallow! 36 weeks and not loving life today!