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Mine was a bastard to build too that’s why I don’t want to take it down 😭🤣 I don’t know like something that’s not massive 😭 like I do have a Moses basket for my mothers house and this is a ridiculous question but can babies actually sleep in them all night? 🤣 I’m as clueless as fuck
Yes, Moses baskets are fine to sleep in, but they don’t last long! I put my second straight into a cot, and it was far too big. He shouldve had a crib or something. I know you said about the next to me cribs being too clinical, but it has been the best thing for me in terms of
Moses basket for eldest
Cot for second
Next to me for third. They are so easy, loads of space and much better to lift the baby in and out


VIP Member
Hi everyone,

Back again if anyone remembers me with my worries 😂

I had my scan yesterday and all is healthy!
So relieved. I'm also 4 days ahead so I'm 13 weeks today
I was amazed. I am actually having a baby!!!!

A very random and weird thing though.
My left leg started hurting yesterday afternoon. Didn't hurt it or anything. It's actually painful and is still like it now. Bizarre. Didn't think it would be anything to do with pregnancy but it's weird as I've done nothing to it and I'm actually limping. I googled it (I know I shouldn't but still..) and it actually does have about this to do with pregnancy!
It says about where your growing something sits on the nerves causing cramps. But it's not cramps it's literally hurting all the time especially when standing or walking. It's had me up all night. The other suggestions is DVT or blood clot and to call midwife ASAP but it's not hot and I don't think swollen.
Unlikely but has anyone had this?! I'm so confused 😂😂
Ah! Glad your scan went well!
where abouts is your leg hurting? As the top of my left leg (on the side) always hurts. I can barely sleep on it and hurts to walk. I’ve had this with all of my pregnancies though, so mine is defo pregnancy related where my body can’t take the extra weight and my left side is my preferred sleeping side 😭


Active member
Hi all! I’m new to this thread as didnt want to be insensitive and put this pic in the TTC thread so hope this is ok.

I am 2 days late, this was our first cycle of not being careful / using protection and kind of using the Flo app for an indication of ovulation (I didnt do any ovulation tests, was going to wait till next month)

I have just done a cheapo Morrisons test and got this result - am I right in thinking even though its faint its still positive?

Just finding it hard to believe because I dont feel pregnant at all .. with my first I kind of knew before I even tested and even had a fainting episode before!

Thanks xx
Congratulations!! Yes looks like a positive to me 🥳 I used these but from Asda just before the 4w mark and they showed a faint positive, did a frer the day after and it was a blazing positive xxx


VIP Member
Baby girl Charlotte arrived safely on Wednesday a teeny 6lbs! 2 weeks early due to GD but perfectly healthy. Planned section was amazing. I've read online that they are really positive and a good experience. I didn't believe it could be, but it was truly amazing. We're going home today. Yay. I honestly feel amazing and just just so lucky. No feeling like it.

Feeling more sore today, hurts to get up and about. Especially now were home and my bed doesn't move! Hospital was short staffed so had to do everything for baby from about 6hrs fter birth once catheter out. And I do still have a numb bum cheek, not sure if it's from being immobile or the spinal...anybody experienced this? Wish I'd got stronger pain meds than para/Ibuprofen...! X

Aww amazing!! Congratulations 🎉 and welcome to the world baby Charlotte 💖💖💖


VIP Member
Am I the only person not taking a towel as in to shower with? I used hospital one last time and will again. I'm trying to pack minimal amounts... I took far to much last time and it was hard to make space around the bed etc!
I took a towel because my hospital didn't provide them but I've also never showered there.
They did have a special bath though that I went in. So was glad I took it
Has anyone been diagnosed with GD in late pregnancy? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I didn’t get tested before because ‘I wasn’t at risk’
I’m 33 weeks and just wondering what happens next,


Chatty Member
Yep 33 weeks on thurs! We are pretty much on standby now Incase they decide they want to pop out early. 3 ladies on my twin antenatal course had theirs between 32-34 weeks 😅.
I'm scared! While we're preparing now, I have not remotely entertained the fact that they will be here before December, am I mad?! It is absolutely mental though you're in the final hurdle, this time next month your babies will probably be here!! 😱😱


Active member
If anyone is looking to bulk buy - pampers size 1 nappies are 6 packs for £30 on boots online today. If you spend over £40 you get £4 off your total too. So handy to stock up on wipes etc if you need too ☺
Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but how do you know what size to buy?! Should I stock up on size 1 only for the first few weeks? I have no idea haha. I want to make use of this offer!!


Chatty Member
I think all the ones in the supermarket are the super thick ones which I liked for the first couple of weeks but after that you just want to start feeling normal again! I wondered about just normal liners but they aren’t big enough and normal pads I think you aren’t supposed to use for a reason I can’t recall but think it was mentioned on here. Something about being designed to pull away all moisture or something
What about trying the disposable pant things for the following weeks or are they really thick too? I have some always ones on my list but I haven’t actually purchased just yet!


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thank you ☺ everything was fine at the 16 week scan so hopefully it will all be fine, trying to think that anyway! Ahh how amazing, congratulations 💙 I have a feeling that I’m having a boy too by what a sonographer said in a private scan and just a feeling, but it was too early for them to officially tell us. Fingers crossed we find out next week if the baby will move their legs this time haha, my boyfriend is adamant it’s a girl though so that will be interesting to see who’s right 😂

yay we are so close together, my due date is the 24th of Feb but I originally thought it would be 4th of March due to my last period xx
I had a feeling this one might have been a girl, but I was so wrong!🤣 My oh asked if he could cheer if it was a boy in the scan room and I said no🙈😂 got my fingers crossed for you that baby moves into the perfect spot so that you can find out♥ It feels more real time that we’ve now found out, but I did originally want a surprise but the sonographer at my 13w scan kinda gave it away which I was a bit cross about as he didn’t ask first 😭 that’s such a lovely due date!! 24/02/22 💕💙 hoping the next week flys by for you xx


VIP Member
36 weeks now, was laying in bed last night watching footballers wives and my fingers were itchy and uncomfortable… had to say goodbye to my wedding/engagement ring and 2 other rings I have on the other hand 😭 this is normal right? Swollen hands?
Yes I have had mine off for a while now, with my son I had them off from about 20-something weeks. It's most likely just the extra fluid in your body but I know it can be worrying as it can be a sign of worse but if that's the only symptom I wouldn't worry


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so I just got my induction date in the post and I’m having a little cry. I’m so scared. I have a massive phobia of hospitals. I’m scared of being induced. I have to go in alone at 8am and my partner can only visit during 11am and 8pm unless transferred to the delivery suite. I’ve heard of inductions takings days. I’m really hoping I go into labour before because I didn’t realise how scared I was until this letter just dropped through the door. Like it’s real. It’s happening.
If it’s any consolation although my induction was looooong my work colleague got induced at like 9pm and baby was here by lunch the next day. Can’t help much with the hospital phobia but just think it’s only a couple of hours until your other half can be with you xx


VIP Member
If they want to book you in for induction for whatever reason at what point of the pregnancy would they tell you?
Normally they'd discuss it with you first because you can say no and a lot of people do. But not usually until right near the end.
Induction was only mentioned to me this time at my 40 week appointment because I brought it up myself


Chatty Member
Quick question ladies, has anyone experienced really bad cramps in their leg? I've had it in my left calf the past couple of nights but it's now continued into today. Haven't done anything particularly strenuous.
Also IM SO ITCHY! it's mainly the bottom of my bump just above the pubic area (which I can understand due to stretching) but I'm also getting it on my bum and my legs, accompanied by little spots. Is this normal? I can't imagine it's OC as I've read that's mainly in your hands and feet and I'm not swollen or anything. I refuse to Google it, for no doubt it'll tell me I'm dying lol


VIP Member
I am having the hardest time finding maternity pads. Last time I got Boots own and they did thick ones and thin ones and they were pretty good. Now they don’t seem to do them anymore? I went into store a few weeks ago and they had absolutely zero for sale. Looked online and they have some thick ones but no thin ones in stock although not the same ones I had last time. The supermarkets seem to only have thick ones. Can anyone recommend somewhere I can get both? Or order off Amazon etc but all the brands on there are unknown to me


VIP Member
I’ve been told at my next consultant appointment (36 weeks, in 3 weeks’ time) they will give me a date for induction 😱 they offered induction at 40 weeks and I said no so they suggested 41 weeks which I agreed to. No risk factors other than I’m a larger lady! The consultant last time was very pushy and booked me in at 38+5 and this time round luckily they have been a lot more reasonable and said no need to go early at all. Still feels like so long to go but also so close knowing I’ll soon have an induction booked!
Is there a reason they're pushing for it?
Being bigger isn't a need for inducing early at all.
My bmi with my first was 50. And there was no need for me to be induced early at all. Only got induced in the end because I was going so far over

Bexy bex bex

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I know this isn’t something I should be worrying about loads really but more just curious, those of you around the 35 week mark how much weight have you gained so far please?


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What are everybodies favourite remedies for heartburn?

I started with the morning sickness last week but now finding I'm getting a bit of heartburn on an evening which I think is worse! I don't even know what is setting it off as I'm struggling to eat anything remotely flavourful and toast and plain pasta is quickly becoming my best friend.

I've never really taken anything for heartburn before, but i need something to take the edge off