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Belle Amie

VIP Member
Wow my back and pelvis is aching today. I’ve been so lazy for the last 13 weeks 🙄 we’ve walked around a car show room and I’ve cleaned the bathrooms & my makeup kit - the ache it’s caused 😭
I have a wedding in a couple of weeks made up of the bride, 4 bridesmaids and mother of the bride and I don’t know how I’ll drive there back and stand for 5 hours at this rate 😩
Ladies who work for the NHS/on your feet what did you do when you were 20 weeks? My day jobs sat at a desk so I’ve not had this issue yet


VIP Member
that is so bad, I can’t believe people are saying that to you 👊🏻.
I live next door to twin girls (10y/o) and my friend also has twin girls (2y/o) and they are so fabulous! The 10y/os have just started to become so sassy/teen like, they’re absolutely hilarious!
It’s a blessing!

I hired a fella to visit and clean it internally and externally 😂😂😂 I want everything fresh 🥴🥴🥴🥴
I must admit though, it does look great 😂
Internally is a genius idea!! I've got some damp in mind and I've been meaning to mask up and attack it with baby wipes- think thatll be husbands paternity job now!


VIP Member
What about trying the disposable pant things for the following weeks or are they really thick too? I have some always ones on my list but I haven’t actually purchased just yet!
I have heard people swear by these but I just cannot bring myself to go there! Surely it’s like wearing a nappy?


Well-known member
I’ve just bought the lil-lets maternity pads from Sainsbury’s! They were on offer for about £1.50 or you can get a few packs on Amazon :)

it’s all whole new world of products isn’t it 🤣
How is it fair that when you already feel rubbish with pregnancy, your immune system also decides to just up and leave so you literally catch every bug the toddler brings home?!? I now have hand foot and mouth disease 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
Ugh you poor thing, I hope you feel better soon. I really feel this though, we're currently all ill, and this is the toddlers second cold in 10 days 🙄


Chatty Member
Thank you! It’s so helpful to hear of people having the same. I’m trying to avoid googling it as I’m sure it will make me worry more! X

Ah thanks so much! That’s made me feel so much better! Xx
I'm really glad. It's an anxious time, we must only be a few days apart so happy to chat if you need to. Don't know about you but I'm finding it a bit lonely at the moment 😂 x


VIP Member
I’m 35 weeks tomorrow, did anyone start having pain “down there” at 35 weeks and how long after did labour start for you?
I guess it depends what kind of pain.

I had pain down there for weeks and weeks. A lot of it was pressure and swelling


Me! 39+4 everything is currently being over analysed!
I think mines just aches and pains. I’ve had no show, no waters. I’m going with I think you know when it’s time.
That’s what I keep telling myself anyway 😂
I’m trying to relax and get as much rest as possible. Baby feels like a right lump 😂
How far along are you???
I am 37+1, I saw my midwife last week and she said I was ready to drop any day. I also spent the night in hospital due to a uti and possible pre E, all the drs and midwifes said I was ready to go.

I’ve had extra discharge but normal colour. So don’t think it’s a show or waters.
I am the same every twinge and niggle is being over analysed.
I wonder if you can feel contractions in your bum?


VIP Member
Hi everyone,
Sorry I went off radar!

I'm still having massive trouble with my leg.
Has anyone had sciatica in pregnancy and even weirder, early pregnancy? I'm 14 weeks it's just bizarre. I'm not even convinced it's that tbh but I'll go with it.

I have had to be off work as, as soon as Im on it it become unbearable. I'm not allowed pain relief obvoously apart from paracetamol which does not touch it.

Hoping someone here may have advice. Or I just wonder how long this could go on for!
I suffered very badly in all 4 pregnancies (worst with my boys, who were both bigger babies too). It would have started quite early as well, especially with my 3rd and 4th. With my 2nd it was so bad that at one point I could barely walk, and that was around 20 weeks. I was in agony constantly. I saw a physio and she absolutely beat the daylights out of me, but it was 100 times better afterwards. She also did acupuncture which I think helped.
Weirdly, mine almost always disappears around 30+ weeks, I believe when my babies turn head down. Once they shift and the pressure is off my nerve I get it occasionally but I’m not crippled.


Active member
36 weeks today and boy am I ready to not be pregnant for much longer - it’s been a smooth ride so I can’t complain really I’ve been super lucky but the aches and general heaviness and getting up 5 times a night to do the worlds smallest most pathetic wee are starting to take their toll. GD means I can’t even eat my feelings - if I see one more protein bar I’m going to throw up! Exercise ball is arriving today (and some lovely perineal massage balm, how glam!) so I am ready to start getting ready. I’m not sure I’m actually ready for a baby to come though - isn’t it unfair we can’t just have a week off between pregnancy and baby? I really could do with a week of good sleep and being comfortable before the reality of life with a newborn hits!!

PS anyone else just push the pram round the house like a lunatic - “practicing”? I feel like a little girl with a new doll’s pram all over again!
Of course you can have a week off between, you can have as long as you want! Just tell your work your going off, its YOU that decides when to start maternity!


VIP Member
Hello tattle friends, those cramps signalled the beginning of early labour and fast forward 10 hours and an emergency section due to tachycardia, here I am. Oliver ❤ - what a day! But my god, what a gorgeous boy 🥺
Ohh congratulations and he’s just beautiful 😍
Has anyone else experienced a massive flare up in asthma during pregnancy? I had fairly bad asthma issues as a child but not as an adult and not during my last 2 pregnancies. I’ve had 2 asthma attacks in 2 weeks 😭 i know breathlessness is common but obviously hugely different to asthma…It’s made me insanely paranoid as I’ve not had my Covid jab yet (it is booked) but will have only had the 2nd like literally the week he is due 😩


VIP Member
The hospital was only built a few years ago and they completely did away with wards, every unit has just single en suite rooms.
My grandad passed away in thst hospital and being able to close a door for privacy rather than just pulling a curtain was so much better.
Are you in Scotland by any chance?


VIP Member
Quick question ladies, has anyone experienced really bad cramps in their leg? I've had it in my left calf the past couple of nights but it's now continued into today. Haven't done anything particularly strenuous.
Also IM SO ITCHY! it's mainly the bottom of my bump just above the pubic area (which I can understand due to stretching) but I'm also getting it on my bum and my legs, accompanied by little spots. Is this normal? I can't imagine it's OC as I've read that's mainly in your hands and feet and I'm not swollen or anything. I refuse to Google it, for no doubt it'll tell me I'm dying lol
There is also something called PUPP I think with itching on stomach?

I actually just called my midwives as I had bloods taken Monday as I’ve started to itch (previous OC) and they’ve come back normal but the itching has taken a notch upwards the last day or so 😩


VIP Member
Ladies, where is the best place to get cellular blankets? I don’t mind size/colour but don’t want to order some if they are scratchy or horrible! Any recommendations would be helpful! X


VIP Member
Reading posts about pregnacare vitamins, I took them and they made me feel awful. I’d take them at night and still feel sick in the morning. I’ve not taken any since 12 weeks just trying to eat more fruit and veg, I know I need vitamin d tablets but do I need to be taking everything else? I can’t deal with the constipation again 😭
Midwife gave me a load of free ones, must be an initiate they're doing (I'm in the north). She told me not to buy anymore from the shops. I've got so many left will probably continue to take once baby here


VIP Member
Hello tattle friends, those cramps signalled the beginning of early labour and fast forward 10 hours and an emergency section due to tachycardia, here I am. Oliver ❤ - what a day! But my god, what a gorgeous boy 🥺
Congrats!! What a little beauty


Active member
Irrational panic - just realised I took a cocodamol rather than paracetamol to help with some back pain (38 weeks). Googling says do not take codeine 😩 I’m scared I’ve hurt the baby, anyone awake who can advise?