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VIP Member
Hello tattle friends, those cramps signalled the beginning of early labour and fast forward 10 hours and an emergency section due to tachycardia, here I am. Oliver ❤ - what a day! But my god, what a gorgeous boy 🥺
He’s gorgeous!! Congratulations 💙💙💙


VIP Member
They told me I was v low on iron last month so I was tested again last week My bloods came back today (nearly a week later 🙄) and I’m STILL low on iron 😭 I don’t know what more I can do as I have been on strong iron tablets, drink a litre of orange juice, spinach and kale smoothies and iron rich foods 😭 has anyone else had this?


Chatty Member
@Abcd123 i can’t believe you’ve still not gone to get checked 🙈 please please do.

salad, bananas and orange juice always make me go! 💩 can’t say I’ve had any problems in that dep thankfully.


Active member
Question for mamas that have been induced - probably a stupid question, but are you left in a room on your own or a ward? Or do you go to a private room then ward while you wait to progress? Thank you 🥰


VIP Member
Dunno what's up with me but I've got a right bad belly and been in bed asleep all bloody day today, didn't even manage a shower until after my OH was home from work :oops: just blinked and it was 6pm somehow.
The days just keep slipping away from me, I'm off sick atm but I really need to get back to work, dreading it. If I recall correctly I have some flexi accrued but I can see me using it all up on a late start, long lunch and early dart all on the first day :sleep:
That is so useful and reassuring to know, thank you so much. Now I think back the word ‘developed’ talking about lungs was mine and not hers, Chinese whispers 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ I got it all wrong, I think I was muddling info I heard about a friends premature twins needing steroids and NICU.

She said if I recall, ‘the vaginal birth process prepares the lungs’ so now thanks to you I understand! Thank you ♥
It’s so worrying when they throw words/phrases around and don’t explain fully isn’t it! Hope you make the decision that’s best for you ❤


VIP Member
I feel so rubbish today 😞😞 work was crap, I’ve had a terrible headache all day, cooked dinner and I can’t even eat any of it because I feel too sick. Just sat and had a cry because I’m feeling sorry for myself 🥲🥲
I remember feeling like that and feeling like it would never pass but it did. As dermot Kennedy says...better days are coming 😂😂
Allow yourself to have a wee cry and feel sorry for yourself you're going through major changes and it's hard! ❤❤❤

Bexy bex bex

Active member
I think last time at 42 weeks I'd put on just shy of 2 stone. Remember how much of that is placenta, amniotic fluid, extra blood, massive boobs haha, it's nothing to be worrying about!
My son was born at 31 weeks and I’d put on 25 lbs when he arrived. I’m currently 35 weeks and have put on 15 lbs so far but I started this pregnancy weighing probs not far off my end of pregnancy weight last time! So don’t think I could afford to gain the same again this time!


VIP Member
My bloods came back today (nearly a week later 🙄) and I’m STILL low on iron 😭 I don’t know what more I can do as I have been on strong iron tablets, drink a litre of orange juice, spinach and kale smoothies and iron rich foods 😭 has anyone else had this?
Can you request an iron infusion? I had my consultant document I needed iron infusion rather than tablets due to them constantly being low
Our little boy arrived today and he’s absolutely perfect, I never knew love like it until I heard his scream and burst into tears. We were in such awe it took a minute to ask if he was a boy or girl.

He weighed 6.13 and is absolutely perfect.

He is currently sleeping, I’ve got up and showered and now going to try and have a little sleep before he wakes up.

Section went well other than it took a few attempts to get spinal block in but after getting another Dr to scrub in, they managed it. It definitely was not as bad as my anxiety imagined.

His name is Aidan 💙💙💙
Ahh congratulations!😍😍


Well-known member
Thanks girls.

Its in my left leg the whole thigh area kind of on the side and front is the worst. But I can feel it all the way down my leg too. It literally just came yesterday. Its hurting so much and I've got to be on my feet all day at work I'm dreading it.
Ive actually lost a bit of weight so can't be the extra weight yet??
Its not a cramp it's constant is this what you guys had?


VIP Member
Baby girl Charlotte arrived safely on Wednesday a teeny 6lbs! 2 weeks early due to GD but perfectly healthy. Planned section was amazing. I've read online that they are really positive and a good experience. I didn't believe it could be, but it was truly amazing. We're going home today. Yay. I honestly feel amazing and just just so lucky. No feeling like it.

Feeling more sore today, hurts to get up and about. Especially now were home and my bed doesn't move! Hospital was short staffed so had to do everything for baby from about 6hrs fter birth once catheter out. And I do still have a numb bum cheek, not sure if it's from being immobile or the spinal...anybody experienced this? Wish I'd got stronger pain meds than para/Ibuprofen...! X
Comgrats x


VIP Member
On the topic of HV @Dipdab & @Gorbs You will find that your HV is more than likely interested in the fascination of twins more than anything else. Ours came last week and was more concerned over the fact there was two of them she actually forgot to weigh them 🙄 Same as the midwife once she got wind we were home she couldn't wait to get here before we'd hit the 28 days discharge. Good luck ladies 😂
Hehe thanks for the heads up. At my last midwife appointment she asked if 2 students could use the Doppler on me as they hadn’t had a twin pregnancy in for a while 😅.
Hope you and the girls are all doing well and settling in at home ❤


VIP Member
Those cheeky wipes? Where would you get them and would you need to get a lot of them and would you have to be constantly be putting them in for a wash when the baby poops/pee?
I got mine from Amazon, I don't find im doing extra washing or anything like that. I got 6 packs of 25.

Belle Amie

VIP Member
RE pillow chats. This is what I ordered. It’s so comfy, and I can imagine it being comfier without restless legs and a bad back 😂 well worth the money. Often wake to find my husband cuddling it too ‘thinking it’s me’ (I also sleep with this upside down as my arms go dead 😂)
This is the one I have! I still have a love hate relationship with it 😂
I sleep with the connected bit at the top but I sleep so far down my pillow I just leave my head on one of the arms and put one arm under it and one arm over (I hope this makes sense, there’s a lot of arms)

I tried to sleep with it upside down but hated my legs being off the bed in the air 😂