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Recently found out we are expecting but very very early days. I only have the one daughter and she's 12 - baby stuff has REALLY moved on since then! Any tips or tricks for the first trimester?

Sounds like a lot of you a close to the finish line!
Stuff has changed so much even since I had my first! But babies stay the same so it’ll all come flooding back to you (hopefully not in a horrifying way 🤣)
First tri - eat whatever you can when you can, no worrying about eating well if you feel awful. Drink plenty, don’t forget your folic acid and vit D, and go to bed as early as possible to combat that exhaustion. Congratulations!
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Can anyone help with backache? The top of my back, where the bra goes is in absolute agony. I just want to cry. I can’t get comfy, had my whooping and flu jab today in different arms, so laying on them hurt on top of sore, heavy, possible restless legs 😭 struggling with the fact is have just under 11 weeks left of this
Is the backache right between your shoulder blades?
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Does anybody else get really anxious/annoyed when they see people sharing really horrific birth stories all over the gram? I logged onto Instagram this morning to see a post about a woman who nearly died after PPH. I’m anxious enough as it is and I’m only in early pregnancy and I’ve always had a massive fear of birth with my other two. I get it’s important to share stories etc but sometimes I feel like people do it just to scare others 😭 Definitely having a few days off of social media!
Yes, I’ve stopped looking at my discover page in insta as it’s full of babys with defects and birth horror storys. I let it affect me so much I ended up spending a fortune in extra private scans and including my private scans and hospital scans I’ve had 12 so far!! The internet can be a curse
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Pretty sure they're fine. My friend has one and her midwife said it was fine as it's over 70 degrees.

Hope this helps 😊
You'd just have to make the bottle up straight away 😊
Thanks! I figured as much but there’s something about baby hormones that make you second guess the most simple things!
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Chatty Member
Yep and yep 😂
The leg cramps this time round have been absolutely UNREAL. I literally have to jump out of bed when I feel them coming on or I’m just in agony for hours. They knot so badly as well into the next day sometimes like you said 😭 I drink enough water and lower salt intake etc but nothing seems to ease them so I feel your pain!

I have mainly itchiness around my boobs and chest, it’s unbearable sometimes. I think mild itching is normal though. Have you changed your washing powder recently? Or something along the lines, maybe a new moisturiser/bio oil on your bump/legs etc? You might be mildly allergic to it even if you aren’t normally, sounds weird but I’m allergic to cats when pregnant and not when not, a lot of people find they get weird allergies that do go when you’ve had the baby but could deffo be a possibility! Xx
I normally do anyway, but I am counting down the minutes for my husband to get home to give it a good rub 😂 hearing it's normal is a bit of a relief.
The itching I dunno, nothings changed at all I don't think but I could be eating something that's previously never caused an issue that is now. Again, it being normal is a relief and I'll mention it at next app just incase. Just don't want to wreck my skin scratching the fuck out of it, but it's like orgasming every time the itch is satisfied, it just never lasts long 😂😂😂

There is also something called PUPP I think with itching on stomach?

I actually just called my midwives as I had bloods taken Monday as I’ve started to itch (previous OC) and they’ve come back normal but the itching has taken a notch upwards the last day or so 😩
I'll look up PUPP and speak to consultants at next app but I really don't think it could be OC, I'm maybe even a bit early for that at 27 weeks? Maybe it's the change in weather and wearing more layers than we would've done at the beginning? 🤔
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I just went by Google reviews to be honest - I’m going to the London Acupuncture clinic in Wimpole St. I’ve seen a few different people and I think most of them practice at other locations too. It’s £70 a session but honestly worth every penny.
Yeah the only people I know who have had it are in London so wasn’t sure who to ask for recommendations because I’m up north. But I’ll get on google thanks!


Chatty Member
Actually had a successful consultant appointment finally 😄 they’re booking me in for an induction on 5th nov, feels so surreal to finally have an eviction date for the twins. Although not sure how I’ll cope with another 3ish weeks. I’m new levels of uncomfortable now!
So exciting!!! Are they both behaving and head down? Have they been head down for a while?


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I really really need to sort out will out too. It’s one of this things you put off and off but really needs to be done! Am going to get ours started this weekend. I think November is wills months anyone else is thinking of it too
Martin Lewis said last night that there's there's really good offers on wills. We did ours about 3yrs ago through a charity (they do this in the hope you'll leave them a gift). There was a few companies giving key workers free wills recently too, can't rmemeber who though


Chatty Member
It will fly by♥ I remember thinking mine was only a week away last week and now it’s been and gone💙 will be thinking of you next week when you go for yours🥰 ohh £30 isn’t bad, the one I was looking at is £40 but think I’m gonna have another look tonight. My partner would do that as well!!😩 We’ve just come home and he’s already fast asleep snoring away next to me and I’m the one that’s been awake since 4:30am!!😭 I’ve added a load to the baby wish list but refusing to buy anything yet, waiting to see if there are any offers in the Black Friday sale🙈 yes.. I keep hearing “oh you’ll pop one day blah blah” and I’m here thinking yeah but when?!?😭😂 xxx
yeah I’ve been counting down for the last few weeks to be honest 🤦‍♀️ and now it’s less than a week so it’s going fast, it will soon be here! Aw thank you 🥰 I’ll be sure to come on and update you all straight after 😂. The one I ended up getting was a Koala Babycare one, a few people on here recommended it but there are quite a few decent ones to choose from on there! Urgh there’s nothing worse than snoring 😩 hopefully you’ll be asleep soon! I’m doing the same, I’m hoping there will be a prime day and Black Friday to get some baby stuff, after the 20 weeks scan I’m going to get my ass into gear and make a list of all the stuff we need and want to buy so I’m ready to go in the sales. Urgh same 🤣 I preferred it when no one knew I was pregnant and I could just get away with looking like I’d ate a large meal rather than people commenting on my tiny bump xx


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Still selecting the 30-36 bracket three threads later 😫😫 @Dipdab I’m wondering if centile charts are individualised as on mine it has details of my weight etc and my previous baby’s details. I thought it was all standardised! But now I remember the sonographer telling me they would put the measurements onto my own chart and the doctor would look at what that meant for me…
ETA- Google tells me that customised charts are used adjusting for maternal height, weight, ethnic origin, parity (previous babies) and smoking/diabetes. Makes sense!
Ah never knew that! Does make sense! 🙂
Urgh me pregnant birds, approaching the 37th week, homestretch and now having to monitor my blood sugars 4x a day due to baby being on 97th %tile… anyone been through similar?

still catching up
@SavvyBee so sorry to hear about your dog, take it easy ❤ it’s such a heart breaking thing and they’re family (sometimes more so than our actual families) x
Ahh this is what I’ve got to do now. Was so clueless about it all!


Chatty Member
Can anyone help with backache? The top of my back, where the bra goes is in absolute agony. I just want to cry. I can’t get comfy, had my whooping and flu jab today in different arms, so laying on them hurt on top of sore, heavy, possible restless legs 😭 struggling with the fact is have just under 11 weeks left of this
I have no suggestions but I feel your pain! It's like where the bottom of your ribs would be but at the back? Brutal 😭
And omg don't with the 10 weeks! We're nearly into single digits... terrifying!


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I've only just read the replies. X
Today my leg has hurt so much. It was a making me feel rough and sick in itself where I was up and having to walk on it. My boss told me to go home. I never asked as I feel ridiculous 'I've hurt my leg but don't know how😂' but she could see me limping and was very nice. I said no at first but I gave in because it really is killing. I feel crazy though.
When I was sat down it wasn't as bad, it isn't still but it's more there now than yesterday it's like a really bad ache and it's throbbing. When I'm up it's just so painful it's making me limp.
A woman at work said her daughter got a bad leg when pregnant she had to take her to a clinic as she couldn't walk on it at all. But she was 30 something weeks and the baby was leant on the nerves, it was their weight.
But im 13 weeks, no bigger and have lost weight. Not cramps like i said earlier that it says online about the nerve thing.
At a loss as its no better and dreading tommorow!
This is even if it is pregnancy related x
Definitely speak to your GP or midwife. They might be able to prescribe you with a stronger painkiller. Mine gave me codine the other day for my back as paracetamol isn’t touching it. Maybe try some deep heat on it too? X


Chatty Member
I’m 35 weeks tomorrow, did anyone start having pain “down there” at 35 weeks and how long after did labour start for you?


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I know!! I didn’t get it because I’ve decided to be a recluse for the duration 🤣 Jesus Christ does anyone else HATE their maternity hospital? Like what is the average wait here for those of you that have to get ultrasound and the clinic? Mine is 4/5 hours and I’m lucky that I’m off work atm because taking 5 hours off every fortnight would NOT work in my job 😭
And that’s with an appointment?! Our wait is maybe half hour max!


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What are everybodies favourite remedies for heartburn?

I started with the morning sickness last week but now finding I'm getting a bit of heartburn on an evening which I think is worse! I don't even know what is setting it off as I'm struggling to eat anything remotely flavourful and toast and plain pasta is quickly becoming my best friend.

I've never really taken anything for heartburn before, but i need something to take the edge off
As the thread title suggests, loads of us have found love heart sweets seem to fix heart burn?!? If not, peptac liquid but it tastes vile