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I’ve cried my eyes out tonight watching Stacey solomans stories. I know she isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I love her and found her stories so moving. Took me right back to May and wishing I could do it all over again 😭😭
I cried too and I can’t stand her 😭😭
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When you suss this out let me know 😬
Cba with the in laws at the best of times, they expect to see us way too much. They always make digs about assuming that we've been with my family and it's like... if we were, so what? But, usually we actually haven't. My SIL (their daughter) has moved away now, but when she lived up here it was unusual for her to go more than a day without going round to theirs - sometimes even more than once a day. No fucking way!!!
Yes, a grandchild might be on the way, but that isn't going to change the frequency of us seeing them, which I think they'll find a shock as they were used to constantly having SILs kids round.

As for the smoking, I was planning to ask my midwife for a leaflet about it at my appt yesterday but I forgot, will hopefully get one at my next one 😈
Need to start sowing the seeds of *why* we won't be leting them do things with our kid the way they did with our niece and nephew (e.g. bedsharing, despite them both being heavy smokers and my MIL being disabled and using strong painkillers that knock her dead).
I know I'm gonna be the bad guy, but it's serious stuff they do that worries me, if it was just stuff like slipping them sweets after we've said no I could turn a blind eye.
Ahh it’s so difficult isn’t it. Getting a leaflet is a good idea for the smoking, they make out they smoke outside but they’re always all just stood in the kitchen especially if it’s bad weather.

I can’t believe your sil would go every day! I’m the same with my partners sister she drops her son off on the Friday and leaves him with them all weekend so I feel like their expectations are different. They also don’t have a car and I think their expecting my partner to drive over an hour to get them then spend time with the baby then drop them off and he’ll be shattered poor thing.

I feel like I’m being really uptight but I’m hoping if they see her quite quickly the pressure might be off then we can pop over round Christmas and hopefully the novelty will wear off a bit 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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Still selecting the 30-36 bracket three threads later 😫😫 @Dipdab I’m wondering if centile charts are individualised as on mine it has details of my weight etc and my previous baby’s details. I thought it was all standardised! But now I remember the sonographer telling me they would put the measurements onto my own chart and the doctor would look at what that meant for me…
ETA- Google tells me that customised charts are used adjusting for maternal height, weight, ethnic origin, parity (previous babies) and smoking/diabetes. Makes sense!
All centile charts are personalised, and then further personalised when it's a multiple pregnancy in with the national average in multiples. (Or so I was informed anyway when I was told my personalised chart was incorrect)😂
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Can anyone help with backache? The top of my back, where the bra goes is in absolute agony. I just want to cry. I can’t get comfy, had my whooping and flu jab today in different arms, so laying on them hurt on top of sore, heavy, possible restless legs 😭 struggling with the fact is have just under 11 weeks left of this
I stand up and either walk around or rock myself side to side. Moving positions really helps if you’ve been sat for too long.
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Yep rennies did nothing. Not much longer to go but I did not know what to do with myself last night, even my chest was hurting from it. 3hours sleep and the in-laws visiting today🙄 send help 😂
Get peptac peppermint liquid from the pharmacy its instant relief and specific for preggos
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Just come home from eating out after my 20w (19w) scan and I literally feel like I’ve won the lottery🥺 saw all four chambers of his heart beating♥ Also he’s definitely a boy💙🥳 and measuring right on 19+1 but got to go back for another scan when I’m 34w as I have an anterior placenta but it’s quite low still, lady said it’s very common at 19/20 weeks… has anyone experienced this and the placenta has moved up? X
I had this 😊
90% of them move up 😊
Mine did!
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Hello 👋🏻 I just wondered if I could hop on for a bit of reassurance! I found out I was pregnant last week and it’s still very early days. I think I might be 5 weeks on Saturday. But basically I’ve got quite regular cramps just like my period is about to start but it doesn’t. I’ve had no bleeding and my tests are all still super dark but it’s making me worry. Just wanted to know if anyone else has this? I keep checking the tissue when I’m wipe as it’s just like period pains! X
Hey - congratulations!
I had period style cramps too - I thought it was PMS and didn’t realise I was pregnant. It’s likely to be implantation and change in hormone levels. I also bought a 20/30 pack of pregnancy tests (just the strip urine dip ones) off Amazon which I would dip for reassurance in my first trimester. Good luck!
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Puffy face!!!! Please does anyone have any cures for the delightful puffy face I have woken up with this morning! I feel like a marshmallow! 36 weeks and not loving life today!
I’m the exact same.. everything is puffy and I’ll cry if my rings don’t ever fit me again
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Just come home from eating out after my 20w (19w) scan and I literally feel like I’ve won the lottery🥺 saw all four chambers of his heart beating♥ Also he’s definitely a boy💙🥳 and measuring right on 19+1 but got to go back for another scan when I’m 34w as I have an anterior placenta but it’s quite low still, lady said it’s very common at 19/20 weeks… has anyone experienced this and the placenta has moved up? X
Yay glad to hear all is well! I had a low lying placenta at 20 weeks by 24 weeks it had started to move and by my 28 week scan it had moved to anterior high. I think 9/10 times it will move up 🤞🏻.
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Seems a bit extra! I used freezer bags and some of bags that baby grows come in. Labelled with a sharpie 🤷‍♀️. (Have the label everything as my husband becomes blind when he has to look for anything) 😅
Lol I’m 36 weeks today and saw that and was like what the fuck 😭🤣 this same woman is like 20 weeks 😭
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Welcome Baby London!

I got a letter a couple of months ago saying a health visitor would be in touch to come and see me at 30+ weeks.
The appt has come through now, she's coming in a couple of weeks for a 30-60 min visit. Anyone know what happens during this, is it just a general snoop around the house?
ours was just a chat about support/ our lifestyles in general like is my husband about etc, how we intended on sleeping etc. Mine was lovely and it was more of a case of her just having a bit of a run through.I can’t say she/the health visiting team was much use in general after my son was born though 😂
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That’s amazing news been thinking of you all morning x

Does anyone else suffer nose bleeds in pregnancy? I’m just over 19w and woke up this morning to one (sorry tmi) and now I’m in work was on a call with my manager and noticed it started bleeding again… google tells me it’s normal but I get worried over silly things nowadays. Also can’t concentrate in work as I have my 20w scan at 4pm, so my head is elsewhere and definitely not bothered about people’s silly queries/complaints today!!🙈🤣 I was also just sitting here at my desk thinking about the baby and happened to look out the window and there was a random butterfly just hovering outside then flew off as fast as I could look at it… hope it’s a sign everything’s okay as I was given knitted butterflies after I miscarried so I always love to see them as they bring me a sense of calm… sorry feel like I’m going crackers now x
Yep I’ve had a few nosebleeds (never had one before pre pregnancy). The first one happened at work it was really embarrassing as I hate blood and really freaked out 😅
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If they want to book you in for induction for whatever reason at what point of the pregnancy would they tell you?
They should do? 2 of My inductions were all because they were late and I wasn’t booked in until 41+.

Question for mamas that have been induced - probably a stupid question, but are you left in a room on your own or a ward? Or do you go to a private room then ward while you wait to progress? Thank you 🥰
I have always been induced in a delivery suite, left for an hour or so on a monitor and then moved down to anti natal ward to wait to progress - I think it’s when you get to 4cm they will move you back to delivery suite x
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I have already reduced to 4 days a week using my leave which helps a bit but the issues are still there when I’m in and honestly my tolerance for peoples shit has just gone out the window 😂 still pondering over what to do but they were fairly insistent I see my GP so will book an appointment. I always feel though the GP will just sign you off and not really advise on whether you can continue.
Oh god I’ve literally just been saying this everyone is driving me nuts except my family and partner 😂
You might end up loving it going off a bit early loads of time for relaxing and getting everything sorted bit of you time before the baby comes and less stress?
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Mine was a bastard to build too that’s why I don’t want to take it down 😭🤣 I don’t know like something that’s not massive 😭 like I do have a Moses basket for my mothers house and this is a ridiculous question but can babies actually sleep in them all night? 🤣 I’m as clueless as fuck
Yes they can 😊
They only tend to last around 3 months though!
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