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Thanks for the advice girls, I’ve written down all your recommendations. I really appreciate it!❤
apparently dark chocolate and cream mixed to make a mouse is good 👀 I’ll report back!

It was such a shock to hear at this stage, as my BMI was so low prior to pregnancy and now just feel guilty and worried!

Done a few pricks and they’ve been quite low so far which is a bit reassuring. My husbands did the healthiest food shop and I’m raring to go 🥴

hopefully next week I’ll know more!!
Don't feel too guilty. Remember that the values you need to be under have become way more strict the past (couple of) year(s) and that testing for GD is actually something quite new. Loads of women had GD without knowing before us and babies still turned out ok (be it a bit large maybe :p)

Also getting very nauseous after taking pregnancy vitamines btw. Tried different brands, but nothing changed. So now only taking vitamine D. Have an appointment with the gynaecologist today, will ask her if that's ok.
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The Freerider leggings look good and get really good reviews (pricey though but I feel like if they carry me through Christmas looking semi presentable they’ll be worth it), and the Seraphine leggings get good reviews too, I think I’m going to order a pair of each. I love my sweaty betty ultra high waists but I want something plainer and less sporty looking for afterwards too. I’ve got H&M maternity leggings which are good but I think will be too baggy around the waist when the bump starts to deflate, I want something that feels like it holds you in a bit more.
Planning on taking high waisted leggings, a nursing vest top and some baggy shirts / hoody / shocker type thing and a maternity loungewear set with looser tracker type bottoms in my hospital bag to give me the option. I have also bought a couple of XL dresses from Zara that fit me now with the bump and have a nice stretchy waistband and are super loose and floaty just so I feel like I’ve got something new and nice that fits and is comfy, I know if I’m feeling crap and hormonal having nothing but tatty old PJs and leggings to choose from when we’ve got visitors isn’t going to help my mood!
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Hi Ladies, just a question to keep my peace of mind. I’m 10 weeks pregnant and haven’t been contacted by midwife to arrange first appointment, is this something that’s completely normal? First pregnancy and worried Id been missed off the list!
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Our little boy arrived today and he’s absolutely perfect, I never knew love like it until I heard his scream and burst into tears. We were in such awe it took a minute to ask if he was a boy or girl.

He weighed 6.13 and is absolutely perfect.

He is currently sleeping, I’ve got up and showered and now going to try and have a little sleep before he wakes up.

Section went well other than it took a few attempts to get spinal block in but after getting another Dr to scrub in, they managed it. It definitely was not as bad as my anxiety imagined.

His name is Aidan 💙💙💙
Congratulations 💙 what beautiful news 😊
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Does anybody have any advice on nice clothes? I'm only 6 weeks but definitely feeling bloated so not enjoying my usual jeans.

I'm a size bigger than I was last winter so a lot of last year's autumn winter wardrobe doesn't fit.

I tend to buy most items secondhand so I'm a bit clueless on where does nice clothes these days. I'm reluctant to buy loads knowing I'm going to be growing considerably over the coming season.

Does anybody have any must have items they swore by in the first/second trimester
I have always lived In primark vests and leggings, however, they are just so uncomfortable this pregnancy, and unless I get the long line vests, they rise up 🙃
New look pack of 2 leggings with elasticated waist are 👌🏼
H&M have nice jogging bottoms too.
As much as I hate summer and being hot, I miss not wearing dresses as they were the best in 1st/2nd trimester
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We have no idea on middle names, 100% sure on a first name for a girl but less so with a boys name. Would have been nice to name after lost loved ones but honestly their names were fucking awful :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Sorry ghosty jackolantern seniors if ya watchin x
Boys names are sooo hard. We are going to struggle with this one if it’s a boy
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Have you got an Aldi nearby? I bought these yesterday, obviously not used them yet, but they look quite good?
Oooh see we are doing well with the "Pampers premium" and these look a good dupe! When we are released from our covid prison I shall have to investigate. Thanks!
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Fun question for you all. I don’t really have a better way to explain it, but I’m 35 weeks and my Nunnie keeps really hurting like aching. I’m guessing it’s where the weight of the baby is pushing down on it? Really uncomfortable especially at the end of the day. please tell me I’m not the only one experiencing it? 😂🙈😳
Yep I’m getting this too! Especially if I’ve been a doing a lot in the day. Have you got a bouncy ball to sit on? I find that helps a bit as the sofa can be uncomfy
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VIP Member
Does anybody have any advice on nice clothes? I'm only 6 weeks but definitely feeling bloated so not enjoying my usual jeans.

I'm a size bigger than I was last winter so a lot of last year's autumn winter wardrobe doesn't fit.

I tend to buy most items secondhand so I'm a bit clueless on where does nice clothes these days. I'm reluctant to buy loads knowing I'm going to be growing considerably over the coming season.

Does anybody have any must have items they swore by in the first/second trimester
I’ve been lucky and hardly bought any maternity - I didn’t have too much of a bump until I hit 30 weeks or so and my usual summer wardrobe was floaty and loose enough. I’d go for some dresses with stretchy waistbands (Zara usually have lots) and maternity tights and some “smarter” leggings and then luckily it’s winter so just layer with a stretchy vest top and some cardis/jumpers. I’ve picked up a couple of super cheap and cheerful work bits from Boohoo actually which will do the job and see me through my last few weeks at work. But weekends I live in A line Zara dresses in a size or two up!
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Chatty Member
Hello tattle friends, those cramps signalled the beginning of early labour and fast forward 10 hours and an emergency section due to tachycardia, here I am. Oliver ❤ - what a day! But my god, what a gorgeous boy 🥺
Oh my god he is beautiful massive congratulations!!! 😍❤

Oooh I thought it was for her bum not babies 😂😂 that makes sense

Oh my he’s gorgeous!! Congratulations 💙💙💙
I thought her bum too 😬😬😂😂
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After the chat the other day about what to wear leaving hospital, has anyone any recommendations for leggings with high waist/thick waistband?
Plan on going home in something that fit while pregnant. Stories of going home in your pre-pregnancy clothes happen to like a lucky 1% 😂 I was back in my pre-preg skinny jeans within a week, but at the leaving hospital stage was def in maternity leggings
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Chatty Member
Thanks for your replies! 💗 I’d wondered if it was them for a couple of weeks but now I’m convinced! Im going to try the seven seas one thank you! X
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It's 1am and I'm just casually sat here redrafting our will to try and cover every single bloody eventuality.
We don't actually have one properly lodged anywhere because I feel like I'm never done drafting, I always think of another scenario or tweak when I'm in the shower or trying to sleep.
I need to get us booked in with a solicitor, I'm determined to have this all squared away before the baby is born. I also have some more chasing to do on our updated life insurance tomorrow, it should have taken effect a few weeks ago but there's been a snafu.
I wish I had more chill.
I really really need to sort out will out too. It’s one of this things you put off and off but really needs to be done! Am going to get ours started this weekend. I think November is wills months anyone else is thinking of it too
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I think sometimes you’ve just got to listen to body, my job is a lot less emotionally intense than yours and I’ve been thinking of finishing earlier than planned.
If you don’t want to go off totally you could see if you could reduce your hours and ease into it gently?
I have already reduced to 4 days a week using my leave which helps a bit but the issues are still there when I’m in and honestly my tolerance for peoples shit has just gone out the window 😂 still pondering over what to do but they were fairly insistent I see my GP so will book an appointment. I always feel though the GP will just sign you off and not really advise on whether you can continue.
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Quick question ladies, has anyone experienced really bad cramps in their leg? I've had it in my left calf the past couple of nights but it's now continued into today. Haven't done anything particularly strenuous.
Also IM SO ITCHY! it's mainly the bottom of my bump just above the pubic area (which I can understand due to stretching) but I'm also getting it on my bum and my legs, accompanied by little spots. Is this normal? I can't imagine it's OC as I've read that's mainly in your hands and feet and I'm not swollen or anything. I refuse to Google it, for no doubt it'll tell me I'm dying lol
Yep and yep 😂
The leg cramps this time round have been absolutely UNREAL. I literally have to jump out of bed when I feel them coming on or I’m just in agony for hours. They knot so badly as well into the next day sometimes like you said 😭 I drink enough water and lower salt intake etc but nothing seems to ease them so I feel your pain!

I have mainly itchiness around my boobs and chest, it’s unbearable sometimes. I think mild itching is normal though. Have you changed your washing powder recently? Or something along the lines, maybe a new moisturiser/bio oil on your bump/legs etc? You might be mildly allergic to it even if you aren’t normally, sounds weird but I’m allergic to cats when pregnant and not when not, a lot of people find they get weird allergies that do go when you’ve had the baby but could deffo be a possibility! Xx
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Sorry for the double post (hope they'll get merged). But any tips for bleeding gums?
My gums have been way more sensitive during pregnancy, which is normal apparently.
But now I have one spot right behind my upper front teeth which is especially sensitive and sometimes starts to bleed without any reason. I can sense my gums are a bit inflamed there. Now this morning it started bleeding again while I was just lying in bed. And then I had the great idea of touching that spot with my fingers. The bleeding got horrendous and blood was spraying everywhere (rip bed sheets and thank god for paper towels). Other than keeping my teeth hygiene up, is there anything else I can do, because this was honestly a bit scary 😳 Must've looked like a scene from a horror movie.
No tips I’m afraid but my gums have been awful. Looks like a blood bath when I brush my teeth. Maybe as we’re entitled to free dentistry get your dentist to have a look. I think bleeding gums are a common side affect of pregnancy and I’m hoping they settle down once baby is here. I might go back to corsidil mouth wash once she’s here (not sure if you can use it whilst preggers so haven’t bothered)
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Omg twingey bum cheek pain is the best description for what I get. I’d forgotten I was going to look into acupuncture at the beginning. How did you find a good one and is it expensive?
I just went by Google reviews to be honest - I’m going to the London Acupuncture clinic in Wimpole St. I’ve seen a few different people and I think most of them practice at other locations too. It’s £70 a session but honestly worth every penny.
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Thanks for the tips on the iron tablets. Will take them with orange juice then.
Only started this morning and I am feeling nauseous, but thinking that might just be a placebo reaction?
I have to take mine after food or I feel incredibly nauseous x
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