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Chatty Member
I’ve started crying tonight and I just can’t stop. I feel so alone, my other half has been doing lots of extra shifts wanting to buy things for baby. I’ve tried reaching out to friends but none have kids or have been pregnant so I feel (as in, I’ve perceived it this way and it might not be true) like they don’t know what to say to me and I feel so disconnected from everyone. Tried to reach out to a friend tonight and I don’t know why but it turned into an argument. I don’t know if I’m hormonal or just exhausted from being sick all the time. Has anyone else felt like this?
Put the kettle on and park yourself with us. There’s usually someone who is or has been in the same boat whenever you have something wrong 💛
I’ve had times crying in bed saying I felt like there was a dark cloud over me, mixture of sickness, lockdown, hormones and grim winter weather
I cried a lot in my first trimester x
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Why do I feel like if I say my child’s name, someone from “real life” will find me on tattle and hunt me down 😂😂 it’s not like I put anything else personal on here 🥴... how would anyone know if my nipples got big or my vagina swelled 🤷🏻‍♀️
I posted on the secret celeb thread once about my previous job when I worked at a record label. Woke up to a PM asking if I was X, as they remembered me from our hometown. Spooked me 🤣 but if you ever meet an ICU nurse with a kylo ren tattoo… it ain’t me 👀

BABY KEITH 😭 love it
Baby Keith is the cutest kid mind you and his mum is just fab, but when she said Keith I was like YOU WHAT? KEITH?????

Have to also throw this name out there, NEGAN. Baby NEGAN. Named after the walking dead character. If you have ever read or seen walking dead, Negan is this huge presence of a man in size and personality. Baby Negan is a weed with a snotty nose.
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this is my little fur baby! He has proper separation anxiety when I leave him because he was only 6 months old when lockdown happened x
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So to make matters worse I told her to her face that I found it rude she didn’t reply when I actually needed her advice and she just didn’t care really so now I am not asking her anything and I’ve stopped commenting in the group chat. I only posted in there because her one friend who is nothing to do with me is in there we have met a few times and I was doing it to include her. She sits on her phone 24/7 so her excuse about being busy is a load of rubbish. It’s annoyed me that much I feel like I don’t know her anymore / I am sick of making an effort when she doesn’t reply for days. Hopefully I can make some new friends ☹

I lost all my friends after having my first. It was devastating, but actually if they aren’t interested in my and my family, they’re better gone. I made new friends (and that’s not an easy thing for me at all) who all had babies round them same time, and it’s the best thing that could have happened. My old friend group and I had gone in very different directions, had very different priorities, and they couldn’t really accept that mine were different from theirs and support that (all this was seen in hindsight).

You are fab. You will easily make a lovely new group of friends who are better suited to this new point in your life x
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Is it pregnancy hormones or is Gareth Southgate really fit?
To me it’s hormones he’s not much younger than my dad and he has large teeth 😜

I’ve started crying tonight and I just can’t stop. I feel so alone, my other half has been doing lots of extra shifts wanting to buy things for baby. I’ve tried reaching out to friends but none have kids or have been pregnant so I feel (as in, I’ve perceived it this way and it might not be true) like they don’t know what to say to me and I feel so disconnected from everyone. Tried to reach out to a friend tonight and I don’t know why but it turned into an argument. I don’t know if I’m hormonal or just exhausted from being sick all the time. Has anyone else felt like this?
So basically I’m the last to have kids I’m only 30 but my one friend who I thought would be really supportive has been absent she had kids really young. I messaged to ask about something and she didn’t reply to me for 4 days and then said me and this other girl chat shit in the group which really pissed me off as it was to do with scans etc now I just feel really disconnected from her and I feel like a bitch but I feel I give a lot to my friends really makes you see who is really there for you. My other friend asked my babies potential name then started to laugh and say are you being serious so I’ve turned away from her a bit too. I feel really lonely with no mum friends. X
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I really like Fiadh but I know the Irish spellings are a nightmare. I contemplated Thea but with my (and everyone else’s round heres) very south London accent it’ll be said like “feeya” which I feel spoils it 😂
South London too and it rules out so many names especially as you say anything with a TH sound! I loved Ari for a boy but it’ll just sound like an even more common version of Harry when I asked any of my family to say it. I went to a baby shower yesterday and got to a point when if a new person asked me about names I just politely said “no, haven’t got any yet” and moved the conversation on. Also got told umpteen times I have no bump at all and don’t look pregnant for 22 weeks which i guess is only marginally less annoying than being told you look like you’re ready to pop - I just do not enjoy my size and shape being the centre of discussion, full stop!
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I’ve had three twixs for breakfast and a slice of left over pizza… oh and a decaf mocha.

😂 I’m out of control!
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For the ones talking about first aid.. I keep a baby and child first aid app on my phone just incase. It's made by British Red Cross.
Always thought having it there is quicker than trying to Google something when I don't know what to do if something happened!

They also have free courses you can book yourself onto on there too run by British Red Cross 😊
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Chatty Member
Thanks for getting back to me. Your completely right she is a cunt!😂 I left the hospital in tears because of her. She just kept repeating the same stuff over and over again and couldn’t seem to grasp that she was being condescending and really rude.x

She is a hospital midwife.

I am defo putting my foot down that I will not be dealing with her. I have been giving it a lot of thought about putting a complaint in against her. It’s been two days and I’m still furious.

I always thought you got the injection as soon as you found out about being rhesus negative but she kept telling me that my spotting didn’t count. The consultant that she kept talking over and domineering told me that they need to be able justifying giving me the injection before 28 weeks.
This is the right thing to do.
No one has the right, qualified or not, to make you feel stupid for worrying about a life or death matter.
Get that complaint written now and edit tomorrow after sleeping on it (write with passion Today and edit to be more sophisticated tomorrow morning).
If we don’t speak up things don’t change, a bit deep but I’m a firm believer in that! 💛
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It's only soft cheeses with a rind or soft blue cheeses that are off limits I think. Or at least I hope as I've been scoffing spreadable cheese on crackers for the whole 9 months! I reached peak pregnancy problems last night when I sat and ate crackers in bed at 3am 🤣
I was probably being over precautious to be honest! Literally going to just fill a basket with spreadable cheese & crackers later 🤣


Couldn't help but think of this meme! :LOL:❤
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3 cats and having same worries.
Anyone else had people try and tell them how dangerous it is having pets with a baby 🙄🙄
Yes Karen because no one in the history of ever has had pets with a baby, everyone just gets rid of their furry babies the second a human one comes along
I posted a photo on my FB of one of my cats in the crib. I made a joke about it, seeing as I was still pregnant and it was cute. Boy oh boy, the comments. They were disgusting and hurtful.
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Yep I’ve had some friends that didn’t even bother congratulating us when the baby was born! I’m the first out of my oldest friends and it’s a shame but I can’t say I’m surprised at all. Then there have been some people that have come out of the woodwork who have really surprised me in a nice way and that’s been lovely
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Ah get out! Fiadh is one of the names we've picked!

It's funny, I'm Catholic and my husband is protestant and you wouldn't have a clue with our names which side of the fence we sat on. (We're from NI) But with all the combos of names we've picked for them, let's just say there are certain areas of Belfast we'll never be able to go to again lol
My husband is English, I am N. Irish and we live here. He still doesn’t get that certain names are used by certain groups of people. Anytime I make a comment about name and the connotations he just doesn’t get it🤣

Why do I feel like if I say my child’s name, someone from “real life” will find me on tattle and hunt me down 😂😂 it’s not like I put anything else personal on here 🥴... how would anyone know if my nipples got big or my vagina swelled 🤷🏻‍♀️
Same!! I’ve said one of ours but I was thinking if I said anymore someone may “know it’s me”. 🤣

I loove Ivy! I couldn’t consider it because it would be laughable with my name 😁
I’m now convinced you must be a Holly. I think Holly and Ivy would be spectacular together 🤣
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Oh jeez, when are you going on maternity leave? That sounds horrific ❤
tomorrow lunchtime 🥳 I wanted to have as much time after as I could.

Teaching full time, wearing a mask all day in this year and feeling sick has seriously tested me this week but the end is in sight x
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Deep breaths disneylife! Your little bubba will be here soon and all the stress will be over. I know it’s so hard, the last few days/weeks/months (ok all of pregnancy 🤣) genuinely feel like a marathon! Are you booked in to have any more sweeps?
Booked in on Monday and I'm gutted because my birthday is next Saturday and they're saying they won't induce me until next Saturday so my birthday is going to be spent in hospital in pain 😂
I think I'm so desperate for him to be here after having a loss with a previous pregnancy, its like I'm desperate to see hes really here and hes ok so I can finally breathe
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Right here’s a question that is way too early to ask but it’s playing on my mind
I live really close to the hospital (less than 10 minute walk normally)
If all goes well will I be able to walk home after giving birth (natural or c section)?
I don’t know if people will agree with me or not but I would just get a car. You’ll more than likely be knackered and bleeding heavily plus we had so much stuff to come home with (bags, laundry, baby stuff etc) it was easier to just whack it in the car!
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