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I won’t lie I take three hours paid leave even if it’s just a ten min Appointment up the road. I work with all men non of them have children so they don’t really know the process. Then I go shopping or to McDonald’s. Am I terrible person 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
I do this 🤣 all my appts have been about 12 and I just leave at 10 and don't go back for the rest of the day (I only work till 2) its great tho...wee half day 🤣
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I've just got back from my 31 week midwife appointment and the baby has gone from the 50th centile to 98th. I am shitting myself. I'm being referred for a growth scan. I said to be he midwife before she measured me that I think I've got a lot bigger, and she confirmed it. My bloods came back ok for GD but now I'm worried something is wrong. I'm probably being emotional because I'm over tired, what with waking up at 330 every morning, but it's made me really sad and feel like I want a little cry.
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Anybody else get so irrationally pissed off at their husband for daring to sleep so soundly?
I've been tossing and turning since 1. Went downstairs at 2 for some ice and to stretch out my back. Came back up at 3. There he is, dead to the world, snoring like a jumbo jet. Bastard. 🤣
I'm so so tired. Sleeping on my right is more comfortable for my back but I get breathless.
Got my 28 week midwife appointment later and then I'm going to nap.
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Ladies sorry for TMI this time of day but is anyone else really struggling with a lack of sex drive? And by lack, I mean a complete disappearance….
We’ve had sex maybe 3 times since finding out I’m pregnant (I’m 20 weeks now). Husband is amazing and patient so there’s no pressure from that side at all but I just want to want it again! I’ve not had any issues with bleeding etc and when we’ve done it I’ve enjoyed it but it’s like I’ve been switched off in that department. I’m feeling well symptom wise at the minute too so can’t even blame sickness etc. I want my mojo back before I’m too big to feel sexy or too tired from having a newborn!
I'm exactly the same, I feel like a lump and deffo haven't been in the mood/had the energy. We've probably been intimate twice since Feb, poor bloke!!

We were watching a film the other day and a heavily pregnant woman was on top and I was like WTF!!! This is deffo written by a man...
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Chatty Member

I had a horrible experience this morning. They tried to find the heartbeat with the Doppler and couldn’t find it for ages and had to take me for an ultrasound the 15 minutes waiting for the sonographer was the longest 15 minutes of my life why do they do that?!! I literally had my scan yesterday where they had the heartbeat playing. The baby’s arm is always in front of her/his face so she said that’s why they couldn’t hear:oops: also anterior placenta. Only positive was I got to see the baby again properly.
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I'm close to insanity. Whilst I'm beyond grateful I get to be pregnant again, and carry twins I cannot hack another night of not being able to sleep. Not ontop of 12 hour shifts. Im 25weeks.The skin on my stomach is now that tight it hurts and no matter how I lay in bed there is a twin either side who will kick till I change position. I am so exhausted, work don't seem to care I've asked if I can leave early today and they said no I'm seriously hoping my consultant signs me off next week because I honestly don't think I'll cope much longer 😣
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Thank you, I’ve got an autoimmune disease which effects my spine and causes extreme fatigue and I just didn’t realise how much extra pressure and tiredness I’d have.

Our early scan is on Sunday so that might help x
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Unfortunately I think most places are the same in regards to miscarriages. I understand there is nothing they can do but they could at least make you feel cared for and like they're bothered!
It's been my experience before with the doctors!
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I want to point out that I’m actually an awful person generally, I swear far too much, I’m horrible sarcastic to my 4 year old and I drop the C word at anyone to dares to cut me up in traffic 🤣 but at work I’m very lovely and I’ll always wash your hair and brush your teeth when you’re asleep. One sentence I have said for months during covid is “I’m smallpotato, I’m your nurse, you’re in ICU in (city) and your family know you’re here. You’re safe and loved.” I never ever want to see family on FaceTime again.

I’m not sure if I’m being treated like shit, or that once again like in the NHS, everything is down to poor communication and lack of awareness with policies and general common sense.

In happier news, my Mum told me today she’s going to buy me the buggy (kinderkraft moov) that I want, and that’s such a relief off my shoulders.

Sorry, couldn’t help it when you said “I’m small potato” 😄
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Oh god bringing back memories 😂😂 and no one tells you you literally push your asshole out, no vagina pushing just through your ass what is that about?!?
I got told off for trying to push through my vagina she was like shaking her head like no no ’PUSH LIKE YOU'RE POOING’
I was so red after I gave birth I looked like I’d been sunburnt 😂
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Third trimester tiredness is really taking it out of me. I thought first trimester was the worst for tiredness but third trimester is tough! Tired all the timeeee.
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Yeah I want to look for things at my own leisure, I change my mind and I’m wildly specific.
@PineappleTopper I’ve not heard of cook! Gonna check it out…I definitely won’t be cooking and my partners skills only extend to a baguette so we’ll deffo need help in that department!
I am also a bit funny I don’t like anything with cartoons on or Disney I basically like plain things Zara, Next, M&S or home made knitted clothes. I am also sometimes partial to designer items and I don’t expect anyone to buy any of these things so far anything which has been bought people have sent me pictures of first which I think is actually amazing because my facial expressions are such a give away when I don’t like something. I am dreading i my baby loves pepper pig and I have to buy her merchandise 🤦🏽‍♀️

I think vouchers are great and I think I will start ordering hello fresh maybe to help with the ease of cooking x
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I have my anomaly scan tomorrow and I’m an actual ball of nerves 🙈🙈
Such a scary name 🙈🙈🙈
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This is a bit off topic but I’m ten weeks pregnant and I’m not sure how I feel about it... it took 2.5 years to get pregnant. Second baby and I feel like I should be excited but I don’t really feel it. I’m more thinking wtf have I done/have I made a mistake. My first child is 9 so it’s getting a bit easier now, he’s more self sufficient, let’s me lie in etc. I’m worried that I might crave my old life back. This baby is definitely wanted and I’m very grateful to be pregnant just wish I knew how to feel.

Did anyone else not feel excited right away. Please no judgement as I’m struggling to comprehend how I feel.

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Had my 20 week scan yesterday, everything is all good, baby is still a little boy. Kept dreaming that the 16 week private scan was wrong🤣. But she said baby is breech, I didn’t even know they told you that at 20 weeks🤣🤷🏻‍♀️

Doctors have rang.

The doctor was clueless. She didn’t even know what a chemical pregnancy was.
She’s booked me in for a scan tomorrow and the hospital I don’t want to go to. And now I’m sat in tears because she didn’t help or explain anything
so sorry hope everything goes okay! X
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Chatty Member
I hate presents, I don’t like people buying me stuff because I usually don’t like what I’m bought (hate clutter too so usually goes straight in bin/charity shop) but I am genuinely thinking of asking for food or just eat vouchers when baby is here if people want to be kind 😂
Ive made a babywishlist on amazon and im sending out the link if people want to buy the baby a gift. Ive added toys and books, a playgym and some simple vits that arent expensive. Also suggesting Cook vouchers (its healthy ready made meals you can have delivered), which would be really useful to save us cooking.
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Thank you so much. I’m in town inbetween Lincoln and Nottingham 😉 I’ve rang Lincoln, Nottingham, Peterborough and Mansfield. Peterborough have a space tomorrow but they say they won’t scan me if I’m likely to miscarry, but these tests have reassured me a bit.
I mean I don’t see how they can say you’re likely to miscarry and refuse to scan with only a bit of brown blood and a blazing positive test to go on! Bright red & pain I can understand they might say no but it doesn’t make sense with what you’ve experienced. I’m sorry they’re putting you through this but honestly the first doctor sounds like an idiot and the tests are not weak in the slightest!
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