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Also everyone tell me to fuck off but are we allowed to share our Amazon wish lists maybe? Buy each other a gift when our babies arrive? Only something small etc.

On the subject of clothes, my mum bought my son a newborn Nike Tracksuit. I remember saying that he’s a not a soundcloud rapper and nor will he be going to the gym at 6 months old. She was less than happy.
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I'm 37+3 today and feel horrendous. Whole body feels achy and I keep feeling like I'm going to be sick. Getting a little fed up abd miserable
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I’m overwhelmed by everyone being so kind!

I’m seriously reconsidering switching hospitals to have this baby if this is what is going to be like for the pregnancy. With my son they were incredible but today was horrible and scary, and the fact the doctor was so blasé about me going home to miscarry. I also can’t believe that it was down to a security guard to decide whether my husband could sit with me.

I fell asleep on the sofa; I’m such a crap crier that I get headache and I have to close my eyes. I went for another wee and no blood, no cramping, nothing.

I’m upset with myself that I didn’t have my logical brain engaged and realised that brown blood is old blood and that he had the test wrong. But I felt so vulnerable this morning that you could have told me that the sky was pink and I’d believe you.
I'd definitely consider it, I'd also be raising a PALS complaint against him, if he's saying that to you how many other expectant mothers is he potentially putting in unnecessary harms way by causing them even more stress at what is quite literally the worst moment of your life. I'll be thinking of you x
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Having a poop day. Found out an ex colleague passed away yesterday (she was only 29). We weren’t particularly close but because it’s happened so fast after her diagnoses I feel so upser. I’ve also been having awful headaches and nose bleeds the past couple of weeks, had my blood pressure checked but all came ok. I’m also feel super lazy as I was so active before preganancy but just can’t face exercise anymore as work is exhausting me. Am supposed to go swimming tonight but just sat on sofa eating Pringles ☹.
One positive is I’ve felt a lot more kicking than usual this afternoon which has comforted me a bit.
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Ladies sorry for TMI this time of day but is anyone else really struggling with a lack of sex drive? And by lack, I mean a complete disappearance….
We’ve had sex maybe 3 times since finding out I’m pregnant (I’m 20 weeks now). Husband is amazing and patient so there’s no pressure from that side at all but I just want to want it again! I’ve not had any issues with bleeding etc and when we’ve done it I’ve enjoyed it but it’s like I’ve been switched off in that department. I’m feeling well symptom wise at the minute too so can’t even blame sickness etc. I want my mojo back before I’m too big to feel sexy or too tired from having a newborn!
This isn’t TMI I think our hormones control us so much for the first few weeks I found out like weeks 6-10 we didn’t do it much but mainly because I was worried it would do something to me because I kept having pains. Then up until two weeks ago we have done it more than ever now I am struggling to do it because I feel huge and can’t move around much because of my spd 😐 I know this sounds basic but I bought myself some sexy underwear only from ASOS or PLT and the fact my partner was so thrilled really got me in the mood ( I now look like a ham with string tied round me with these on but I am 30 + 5) now I stick to putting some nice pants on and having a snog first 😝 I’m cringing at myself typing this but trust me you will get it back 💕
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Not turning this thread into a very depressing one but my much loved auntie passed due to Covid at the end of last year and it was angels like you that kept her smiling and happy and comforted until the very end. Knowing you talk to people on ventilators makes me absolutely bawl. You are truly wonderful.

Sorry you’re being treated like shit by management, really hoping you have a much easier time of it health wise now you are nearly out of the first trimester and also work wise. Definitely go sick as you cannot keep going as you are. Big hugs to you wonderful lady xxx
I want to point out that I’m actually an awful person generally, I swear far too much, I’m horrible sarcastic to my 4 year old and I drop the C word at anyone to dares to cut me up in traffic 🤣 but at work I’m very lovely and I’ll always wash your hair and brush your teeth when you’re asleep. One sentence I have said for months during covid is “I’m smallpotato, I’m your nurse, you’re in ICU in (city) and your family know you’re here. You’re safe and loved.” I never ever want to see family on FaceTime again.

I’m not sure if I’m being treated like shit, or that once again like in the NHS, everything is down to poor communication and lack of awareness with policies and general common sense.

In happier news, my Mum told me today she’s going to buy me the buggy (kinderkraft moov) that I want, and that’s such a relief off my shoulders.
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Ahhhh a lovely quiet hobby. His home hobby is call of duty and binge eating so in between the fizzy drinks and sweets I hear all kinds of profanities from the living room 😩😆🙉
Husband plays Destiny, he’s never been a COD fan admittedly! But yes, sweets all over the living room too. Husband and I are both a little bit anti social; I’m not good at socialising and just enjoy my own company but my husband is the most confident person ever but prefers to just sulk at home with me 🤣

Just editing this; nursery today rang me saying that they were worried that my little boy said he wanted to be alone today and he sat in reading corner. I explained that we have taught him this, if he feels overwhelmed or he’s had enough of people he can be alone. I do it, husband does it etc, nursery said it was strange. Ffs bore off
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We sound very similar. I can't stand characters on clothing, which is fine when they are really young as you decide what they wear, but as soon as they are a little older and form opinions and as you say start loving cartoon characters I'm sure we will be kitting them out in it to please them! 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
We don’t do character clothing at all purely because a) I hate it and b) it’s always absolutely awful quality. My son got a bunch of hey duggee tops and PJs for Christmas and they barely lasted until Easter. Everyone in my family takes the piss out of how I dress my son; it’s Next, Frugi, Marks and Spencer, Fat Face but plain tops only. Asda ONLY for leggings, pants and vests. I’m a massive snob when it comes to his clothes. Also another confession, I won’t dress him in black or blue because my Dad once said he looked like a cbeebies presenter so I do it out of spite 🤣

Everyone said he will start choosing his own clothes, but he will always go for the brightest pattern. However he really hates orange. M&S do great 3 for 2s, so all his nursery clothes are from there.

Work update; no one will switch my night shift prior to my consultant appointment (what a surprise) so I’ve had to move my consultant appointment. At first the only time they could move it was September (a full 4 weeks from the original appointment!) but the amazing receptionist got me in at 11am instead. I’ll get home around 0930, I’ll shower and husband is going to drive me so I can sleep. We can do this.
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Ladies sorry for TMI this time of day but is anyone else really struggling with a lack of sex drive? And by lack, I mean a complete disappearance….
We’ve had sex maybe 3 times since finding out I’m pregnant (I’m 20 weeks now). Husband is amazing and patient so there’s no pressure from that side at all but I just want to want it again! I’ve not had any issues with bleeding etc and when we’ve done it I’ve enjoyed it but it’s like I’ve been switched off in that department. I’m feeling well symptom wise at the minute too so can’t even blame sickness etc. I want my mojo back before I’m too big to feel sexy or too tired from having a newborn!
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McDonald's for lunch and just ordered some dungarees feel like I’m starting to embrace pregnant life!
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Ladies sorry for TMI this time of day but is anyone else really struggling with a lack of sex drive? And by lack, I mean a complete disappearance….
We’ve had sex maybe 3 times since finding out I’m pregnant (I’m 20 weeks now). Husband is amazing and patient so there’s no pressure from that side at all but I just want to want it again! I’ve not had any issues with bleeding etc and when we’ve done it I’ve enjoyed it but it’s like I’ve been switched off in that department. I’m feeling well symptom wise at the minute too so can’t even blame sickness etc. I want my mojo back before I’m too big to feel sexy or too tired from having a newborn!
I’m 30 weeks and we’ve only done it last two Sundays since conceiving beginning of Dec. I’m dead down there 💀😆 I feel sorry for him but as I said to him I’m just a bit busy growing something atm so he needs to wait x
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Morning all!

Bleeding has stopped but rang my GP just in case. Someone is going to ring me between 11 and 12. And they’re also chasing the midwife referral.

@Smallpotato I hope today goes okay! I’ll be thinking of you x
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New thread and we're already on page 4 😱😄
Love this little community ❤

@grumpycat so sorry you had a shit day. Pregnancy messes with us on so many levels, but know you're doing absolutely great! You got this 💪

@calmyourritas it's realy nice to see you pop in every now and then. Big hugs. The good days will start to outweigh the bad ones eventually, I'm sure. You are so incredibly strong! Hang in there ❤

My day was quite okay actually. Less self doubt, less nausea (thank you meds), but still tired. Had my second vaccine (Moderna) today and my arm is a bit sore already, but all in all okay. Happy I got them both now. Hope the symptoms will be minimal, cause I don't need any more nausea, tiredness or headaches 🙃

Went to Ikea afterwards and they have some very cute things for reasonable prices. Anyone have experience with their baby furniture?
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I’m almost 6 weeks pregnant, found out just over a week ago! Did it not feel real to anyone until they had a scan? 🤣🤣🤣
32 weeks on Friday and still not feeling real 😆 house covered in baby bits but just feels like I’m messing around and playing babies like a big kid
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15 weeks already! Wow. How have you found things in terms of feeding routine? Any recommendations for anything that has workef for you specifically? My friend has recommended getting a glo egg for room temperature.
So we’ve got a glo egg but it’s not been plugged in for the last 2 months 😂 I think for first time parents in the first few weeks it’s really handy to know the temp of the room but now we just know if you know what I mean? Our house is pretty warm so we don’t use any blankets at the mo. Currently baby is just in his sleepsuit and he’s fine!
in terms of a feeding routine I found it so difficult at first because sometimes he’d go ages and then other times it felt like he was feeding constantly. We’re bottle feeding - not through choice. He was severely jaundiced at birth so was really sleepy and just wouldn’t latch. If I’m honest I don’t think I got great breastfeeding support in hospital (was there just under a week) and being on a busy ward for 5 nights nearly killed me and I felt pretty much forced to use the bottle if I wanted to get discharged. It still bothers me weirdly, not all the time but it’s just not how I envisioned feeding my baby. If I know now what I knew then I would have 100000% persevered with it but oh well! He’s super happy so I can’t moan.
We had a few issues with silent reflux too so I changed his milk from cow and gate to kendamil which is so much better. Kendamil is the only British made formula. We also took him to a cranial osteopath which I highly recommend if anyone can do it. I had a very quick birth which can sometimes be a bit traumatic for babies (I didn’t realise this) and I have no idea what the osteopath did but it’s definitely worked! Sorry I’ve just completely rambled on here 😂 but feeding is great now he’s a bit older, he’s a lot more predictable so I tend to feed him before he goes crazy whereas I found with him as a newborn he’d literally go from 0-100 without any warning haha
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I've had a quick cry today because I just want the baby out now
I'm sore everywhere, the false labour dance is exhausting and I just want to know the baby is here safely, instead of worrying every day that something will happen
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My scan is Wednesday.

that was a horrible experience. The doctor dipped my urine and said it was a “weak positive” and go home and expect to miscarry. EPU wouldn’t scan me. Attempted to ring several ultrasound places and they are all booked up.

my head hurts. I’ve never heard of a weak positive before. It was a tiny bit of bleeding.
I’m so sorry - this is awful treatment. Could you try a different EPU? I was told to expect to miscarry as scan was empty and my HCG levels didn’t rise at all in 48 hours. It was the weekend and my doctor (private) suggested I call my local EPU and just explain and say I was having pain, luckily they were able to see me the same day and actually found a heartbeat. She did say it’s a bit naughty to fib about pain but to be honest it’s also no good for you to be left in a state for days waiting so in the grand scheme of things, tell the fib. Or try out of the area for a private one. Once baby has a heartbeat the HCG indicators aren’t what they go by in EPU and later in the day you could have diluted it down by drinking by now. I really hope everything works out ok - it’s easier said than done but try not to worry, there’s nothing you can do and it is really really common to have a bit of old blood spotting. Like I said I was told it was bad news (had two large glasses of wine and sobbed for 14 hours), zero hope given and went to EPU to find out how to manage the next stage and I’m now 21 weeks with a healthy baby. Keep some hope and I hope you find someone who can scan you soon ❤
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