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Chatty Member
I’ve put a pad on, I’ve cried at Mr Neo and I’m going to see what’s there in the morning and ring the GP and 1, ask why a midwife hasn’t contacted me yet and 2, ask to be seen x
Failing that be pushy! My GP refused to believe I was pregnant (I needed meds) so I filled in a self referral form at the hospital of my choice and got meds myself.
let us know how you get on tomorrow x

Husband plays Destiny, he’s never been a COD fan admittedly! But yes, sweets all over the living room too. Husband and I are both a little bit anti social; I’m not good at socialising and just enjoy my own company but my husband is the most confident person ever but prefers to just sulk at home with me 🤣

Just editing this; nursery today rang me saying that they were worried that my little boy said he wanted to be alone today and he sat in reading corner. I explained that we have taught him this, if he feels overwhelmed or he’s had enough of people he can be alone. I do it, husband does it etc, nursery said it was strange. Ffs bore off
Strange? How rude. I’ve worked in early years for about 5 years in total and actually quiet spaces are encouraged? So much for communication and self regulating.
bore off indeed and do some CPD backwards nursery workers
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I can still sleep pretty well. I do wake up a few times a night (around 4:30 and 5:30), but can always fall asleep again pretty easily. However, I don't feel rested at all. I tried sleeping in this morning, woke up a few times because of very chaotic dreams/nightmares and in the end, decided to get up, because it's just no use. Even if I sleep more, it still feels like I've been hit by a truck 😩

Also, any recommendations on sleepwear for leaky boobs? Now that that's apparently a thing, I'm a bit paranoid I'll wake up in a damp sleeping shirt/bed (even dreamt about that, come to think of it).
I tried sleeping with a bralette with some toiletpaper stuffed in there as "nipple pads", but my boobs have grown to much to fit nicely, so that was uncomfortable.

Edit: sorry, I feel like I'm always complaining in here. I just haven't found the entire ride of TTC and pregnancy enjoyable at all. I can't wait to meet my little girl, but I just want this over with. Unsure if I'll ever have the courage to try for a second...
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thank you for this!! I’m gonna try it tomorrow when my husband is back he’ll love that 😂
I know! When I done it I called my husband down from his office and he was like “get that glass off the counter top and bin it” he was horrified at the glass of piss on the island 🤣

I’ve Just done two and they both said girl!
Oh yes mine was correct for that too!
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Im so happy for you! I’m definitely going to pay for a scan I think.

you’re definitely allowed to be fucked off. Partners/boyfriends/husbands are so annoying during pregnancy and I think it’s because they don’t understand what we are going through as its not happening to them. My husband currently is in the dog house as he’s been following me around like a horn dog for the last week and when I’ve got a toddler, I’m knackered and I just feel sick all the time it’s the last thing I want!
My husband allowed the kids at the weekend to have all the ice poles I bought for myself as it’s hot and the only thing keeping my dry mouth at bay 🙃 once he realised his mistake he went straight to the shop and bought all the ice poles (apart from the ones I really wanted) and filled the freezer right up. Kids think I’m mad. Brother in law witnessed my meltdown and crying also thinks I’m mad 😂
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Glad I’m not the only one with a in law Xmas crisis already. It’s stressing me out so much. I want to do what I want to do and balls to them, they never visit us, they don’t really do anything for us but want the glory of babies first Xmas. Never mind the fact it’s MY BABY and I might like to spend it doing what I want to do. I’d rather spend it at my house (first Xmas in our new house with baby) and for my parents to come over who literally do so much for us. Just causes so much tension
Do it! Put your foot down - I imagine year one of having a baby is the only time you can get away with it!

We had such a great Christmas just the two of us last year in lockdown we’ve been discussing doing it again…will have to deal with family fallout from both sides!
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We just moved into our four bedroom house yesterday and I am soooo excited to have a spare room to escape to hahaha (don’t tell my poor husband). We are small people but are both very light sleepers and somehow the king bed is still too small and we constantly disturb each other - last night he woke me up at 4am tossing and turning 😑

Re Braxton Hicks - I am sure what you have all described is what I’ve been having these last few days - not painful just really tight. Probably my body telling me that moving house DIY style at 32w was a terrible idea. Was literally on my hands and knees cleaning the stairs with a sponge earlier…🤦‍♀️
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Random question but I've been speaking to my husband about it wanted to know what everyone else's thoughts are - when baby is here how do you guys feel about in laws/extended family etc holding the baby? Pre covid I was fine with my first son but this time round I feel Abit ahh stay away from my baby just as she will have no jabs/protection until she is 8 weeks and I don't know where these people have been who they have seen. Do you think it's unreasonable if I ask them to do a lateral flow test before they come over? Or am I being over the top I have alot of family that work in schools and that freaks me out at the mo 😂
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I was expecting an hour long scan and the sonographer and person in with her were asking why I was there as I’m low risk 🥴 I came out deflated tbh but I’m guessing of there was anything wrong she would have flagged it 😭 anyway I’m after booking a private scan 🤣 if you throw money at an issue there is always a resolution 🤣
100% book a private scan, they’re so worth it! I didn’t like my nhs one at all, the woman was really rude which I was shocked at and the whole thing was a bit clinical rather than a happy moment. The private scans I’ve burst into tears all 3 times because they’re just so lovely and really talk you through everything and seem as interested in your baby as you are! ❤
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I’ve just weighed myself and I’ve lost 3lbs. I’m putting it down to eating better and cutting out rubbish (except darkmilk buttons because they’re amazing)
As long as I’m eating healthily and drinking water and stuff, I’m guessing it won’t cause any problems?
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Hey everyone! So happy to be re-joining this thread after our miscarriage a few months ago. I'm only early days again (4w today) and terrified of mc'ing again, but trying to stay positive that this bubba sticks. 🤞

Have awful nausea (not been sick yet this time!), but struggling with the light headedness and fainting. I've been finding cold drinks helps, but wondering if anyone knows of any good lucozade equivalents that don't contain caffeine? Only just realised that it has caffeine in and I'm trying to avoid all caffeine rather than 200mg daily limit.

Or any other tips with the lightheadedness/super low BP? 😳
Congrats and welcome back ☺

Probably a basic one but have you had your iron checked? I don’t think they do that until your booking apt. Also might be wrong but I don’t think most flavours of lucozade sport have caffeine in? When it’s super hot or I’m dehydrated I use dissolvable electrolyte tablets instead (cheaper/less packaging - think you can get them in most supermarkets/Boots) which are pretty good.

We are FINALLY moving house today/tomorrow, thank the lord. Although my husband has decided we can DIY this move instead of pay for movers 🤨 good luck getting the 32 week pregnant woman to be any sort of help to you mate 😂
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For things like this it’s worth having a look on Facebook market place. I got a gro egg for £5 and an Angel care bath support for £10, both in practically new condition!
LOVE facebook marketplace! Got a new next2me for £40!
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Thank you all 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Breast soreness has hit me like a train but other than that, I’m feeling good 😀
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Running on absolute 0% at the moment, after 3 all nighters in hospital this week and a hulk like steroided up hyper toddler who’s not sleeping with a bad chest infection I actually feel like this is the closest thing I’ve felt to being drunk in a long time 😂 sooooooooooo so so so so so so tired. Plus relentless nausea and not wanting to eat anything that’s remotely good for me safe to say I’m a hot mess atm 🤢 meant to be going away next week but I’m not even actually sure I’ll make it before I have to have a full 48 hour sleep 😂 grim. Sorry for the moan but my partners actually too tired to care too 🤣🤣

On a more positive note we have our dating scan next Sunday at 13 weeks and I’m just so excited. I usually feel all kinds of anxious before scans after some rough scans/times with my previous pregnancies but as it’s my third I’ve told myself to keep a calm and rational head and enjoy it 😍
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and the colour.... I was shook!! Like the literal life was drained outta it!
I haven’t seen mine for like two months my partner hasn’t commented on it yet so must still look the same 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🥭😂

YAAAAAAAAAAAAS NEWPOTATO IS WELL ❤❤❤ (the smallest potato I could think of)

Speaking of vaginas, is it too early for lightning crotch?! Am 26+5 and I don’t remember it happening this early last timebut I guess it’s not *that* long until the third trimester 😱😂
I’ve had this since 13/14 weeks it is normal but it fuggin hurts make sure you are using a pregnancy pillow and watch how you move about x
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I hate presents, I don’t like people buying me stuff because I usually don’t like what I’m bought (the clutter too so usually goes straight in bin/charity shop) but I am genuinely thinking of asking for food or just eat vouchers when baby is here if people want to be kind 😂
Do it! I've said to my mum, if anybody asks, I don't want any little outfits etc they never end up being used, just send me all the food vouchers.
My neighbour had a baby about 4 weeks ago and every single day she gets something deliverood. Fair play to her, absolute dream life.

Ha this sounds amazing!! I wish my in laws would accept the two week wait, my MIL breaks up from school the day before I'm due to be induced she's already said about moving in?! No way I'm okay thanks!!! She didn't get to see my son much because he was 4 months when we went into lockdown and she had to shield so I think she's hoping to get that time back with this baby fml!! P.s you are crazy for laying on lunch for everyone just after birth!!!
😬😬😬 Omg I could not tolerate that.
They all live a good few hours away so all decided to come together. It was their first grandchild/niece etc so they were keen! I remember the midwife turning up and her being horrified. They'd all trampled grass in the house and I was apologising to her for the mess but also half in tears at the prospect of having to hoover again. She offered to tell them all they needed to leave. 😂
Never ever again!
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Haha I’ve still been going to the pub each game and I feel hungover today even though I obviously wasn’t drinking!! 🤣
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Doctor said kicks aren’t expected until 24 weeks and not to worry about a pattern until 28 so I feel a bit better. Baby must be having a sleepy day.

In terms of loving pregnancy…. Few people in real life seem to despite what media would have you think! I feel very lucky I’m 22 weeks and it’s been relatively smooth sailing with regards to symptoms. I felt like I was permanently hungover for weeks 6-14 but second trimester hit and I’ve felt fine since, most days wouldn’t know I was pregnant at all. Bump is starting to grow but mainly just look a bit podgy. People have said oh I’m glowing but I think they’re just being polite, I look fairly normal. I wouldn’t say I love being pregnant though - it just kind of is what it is? Like I don’t dislike it but I’m not sure what people love about it? Maybe that’ll come with a bigger bump and more constant kicks or something but yeah, so far I think it’s oversold a bit really!
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Chatty Member
My partner also has a lot of hobbies. If it wasn't for covid and lots of them being on hold, he wouldn't be home on week nights and Saturday 🙄 He's a bit of a puppy that needs to do aaaaallll the stuffs aaaalll the time. Honestly, I don't know how he does it. If he has a quiet week followed by a weekend in, he gets a migraine 😅
I on the other hand have way less hobbies (the ones I have are mutual with him) and need time off, just to relax.

It hasn't sunken in yet that he might have to quit some hobbies once baby's here.
He's like "ooooh, we'll just have a babysitter over and life will continue as usual".
He doesn't get why I wouldn't want to leave a newborn at home, in the care of some babysitter twice a week 🙃 Sweet summer's child...
Are we with the same man? If anyone dares tell him he can’t do his hobbies he says his life won’t change and will make he can squeeze everything in 😆
He threw a paddy when I told him his £5k bike can’t stay in our bedroom because the HV will deem it unsafe a d we’ll be flagged up! I’m just going to let things slowly dawn on him…….

Yeah that’s exactly it, I know it’s no fun just staying in but it’s even less fun staying in on your own! My partner played football tonight, and is watching the game out tomorrow night and is already thinking about England getting into the final and where he might watch that 🙄 can’t wait for the euros to be over haha!

Yesss I feel exactly the same with that too. Not that I used to particularly work out either but even looking at the pregnancy work outs I’m like nope cba! As crap as it is it’s nice to know these are standard pregnancy feelings though x
Mine is out now go karting & at his friends tomorrow for the match then working all weekend! (Works full time too) I feel you! X
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