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Anybody else think she doesn’t quite understand the GRAVITY of what she has said??? She literally used the NXXXO word multiple times, there’s no excusing that or putting that on ‘bad mental health’
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You know I really don’t think we can compare girls using slurs like r*tard and m*ng flippantly when they were young to what Polly has said!!! Yes these words are very very wrong but you can definitely learn the meanings of them, stop using them and be sorry as you grow up, it’s a bit different to the hate Polly was spewing imo, like I’m quite sure Kara is much younger than Polly, so I’d go as far to say she was about 13 in those tweets
R*tard especially was used in a lot of American films/ tv shows at the time. We know better now. Not the same at all.
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I also think it’s interesting people point out “16 is old enough to understand racism”. Sixteen in many countries isn’t even old enough to understand consent. Many people much older than 16 sadly still do not understand racism. But at sixteen, you’re still living with your parents. You’re probably in school. Your world is much smaller than it later becomes. I know I didn’t share those views when I was 16, I knew better. But then again, I was raised in liberal household, went to a public school, was exposed to books and ideas that made me realise my privilege. I’m not above thinking if my life situation had been different, I could have grown up with racist views too. You’re not born racist. Not everyone reaches the same conclusions at the same time - but isn’t the point that they grow, change and get there? (Also I’m not saying Polly has arrived there lol I can’t comment because I don’t know, but simply wondering)
While everything you say here is worth considering, it's important to note that Polly is someone who has been on the internet since she was at least a young teenager. She's someone you could describe as 'chronically online', and if her conservative household and private education prevented her from being more open-minded as a child and teenager, then at the very least the very prominent BLM movement in 2020 (which for the most part took place on social media due to the pandemic) should have made her sit with herself and consider her own views as an adult (as it made me). Over ten years have passed since the earliest tweets she posted, and not once did Polly - someone whose whole brand and personality is based on 'being online' - think to look back at her previous views, challenge them and remove them from the social accounts that she relies on to reflect her brand. Her tweets and the views they represent may be a reflection of who she was a decade ago, but her lack of action and self-reflection shows who she is now.
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I also hate the “future proceeds will go to X” bit because 1) you could just increase your prices to absorb that cost and 2) businesses can deduct charitable donations from their taxes???
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Let's be honest, these are some of the worst tweets a 'celeb' has been caught sharing, she categorically does not deserve a platform. Her tweets are disgusting and they don't represent a time in her life, they represent her.
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Just as a summary:

Polly Vadasz of Sighh Studios has been called out for HUNDREDS of vile tweets and tumblr posts from 2011-2014.

she posted a weak apology on her story over 24hours after the tweets were found. She has deleted Twitter and tumblr and made her personal Instagram private.

many small businesses and influencers have posted on their stories and unfollowed.

pollys Mum is now bizarrely responding to tweets in her defence and honestly making the whole thing worse. Calling out racism and everything else, is not trolling
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View attachment 968684
Also, in 2012 when some of the tweets were written, she was just finishing Year 11 and going into college. 1000% old enough to know better.
This really helps contextualise just how ridiculous the 'but she was only a child!!' argument is. She was old enough to be going into college. She was old enough to get the credentials needed to enter the workforce. She was old enough to be on the cusp of starting her own business. She was old enough to know better. End of.
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Hi Polly, I know you’re here. Your half-arsed, long winded, non-apology that you didn’t even write is not enough. Donations of your own stationery.. not enough. Not actually addressing what you’ve done in the past… you’re not even close. Try writing a real apology to the people you’ve hurt and that will be a small start. Listen to the comments they’re making on your posts. Actually work on yourself rather than making excuses by saying you’ve been to therapy. All you ever talked about re therapy was ex boyfriends?! Donate to relevant charities, and not from your FuTuRe ProFiTs.
Sigh(h) never mind, I don’t know why I’m bothering, we all know you haven’t and won’t ever change.

On that note.. next thread title idea: PollyVdsz: donating future profits, instead of from her pockets…….. ?🤔
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He might have tried to reset the password on the Polly Exposed Twitter account - it gives you part of the email address to show where to send the reset link - so it could show like ‘J*********’
The use of the initial as well is quite threatening. Not potentially someone related to Polly trying to threaten/ scare the anonymous account that has shared the tweets that Polly wrote all by her big self.
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She’s liking all the comments on her post that outright defend her and say she shouldn’t have to apologise for something so long ago - does that sound like someone who is sorry?? My blood is boiling, if she wasn’t her own boss she would be facing consequences but it seems like she’s just going to carry on as usual from here on out.
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My teenage kids started using the M word around the house a few years ago, and I was horrified and spoke to them about the meaning of the word and how it was offensive and not okay to use. Once I’d explained, they understood and they haven’t used it since. I’m not a perfect parent, but what the fuck were these girls parents doing?! Guaranteed they used this language around each other and in the home, and not just on twitter.
Posh white women let their kids get away with murder. I was a chef in a restaurant near a private boarding school and I was truly horrified at how vile the kids were. They don’t mix with anyone ‘less’ or different than them, which often creates very narrow minded views - just like Polly’s.
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Polly really needs to tell her Mum to quit it. She’s only going to make an already hideous situation even worse. What is she expecting Janey Godley to do exactly? Call everyone c*nts for being outraged at her daughter’s disgusting diatribes?
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Nah, that isn't on. Not good enough, especially when those comments would have gotten any one of us fired from our own jobs (in the real world) Fair play for trying to protect the people round her, but lets not forget her own mum targeting someone vulnerable, asking for help and framing it like her daughter was being bullied and not that she's nasty, racist, homophobic etc. "Help teenagers find themselves'? Hun, we're going to need more detail on how a notepad can do that.
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Obviously Amelia left, leaving jess and Beth (?? Might have got the 2nd ones name wrong), the other 4 were just Christmas temps. So I guess it’s just the 2 of them that need to decide what to do. Out of interest what would all of you do if you were her employee rn?
it's a really difficult one. if it was me and I was in the same position, I couldn't just leave - not to be a dick but I need to eat, pay bills etc. I'd probably get saving and more importantly start looking for other jobs. I don't think I could stay forever, but let's not forget that bills cannot be paid by principles. for sure I'd be job hunting though.
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Polly lives alone in Manchester miles from her family so I do hope that she hasn’t been on her own through all and not sure if her bf would stick with her through this. She’s a vile person but I imagine it’s a pretty vulnerable time having so many people call you out at once (even though it’s truly deserved)
It's time to stop feeling sorry for people after they've been outed for their own behaviour.

If you start to feel empathetic that Polly is on her own, miles away from her family, think about the thousands of people who looked up to her that she has used derogatory language against, and who are now sitting with the knowledge that they were nothing more than a number to her.

That ought to do it.
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View attachment 963616
Looool someone please make it stop. Also the original tweet is from 16 hours ago so Natasha is obviously actively looking for beef
They’re really trying to push the “it was over 10 years ago, she’s a different person now” narrative. Once again, there are tweets from when she was 18 and 19 years old. It’s disgusting how ignorant they are being about this situation. Polly’s mum is making this so much worse.
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Is anyone else finding it difficult to not fully go in and argue with everyone defending her in the comments
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