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VIP Member
I think Polly is shooting herself in the foot here tbh because she clearly thinks waiting it out in silence is the right thing to do but I feel like she's just prolonging another furore. The Twitter account about her has over a thousand followers now and the second she's active again I think it will all kick off again tbh, especially if she just posts something like business as normal and doesn't address it people will be furious again. Idk what advice she's taken but this approach seems really unwise to me.
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i had a look at the profile pictures of everyone who liked her post.. what did they have in common? every single one of them was white.
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Well-known member
Lol she was coming across so well until that response
She could’ve said “I don’t want to be associated with her in any way anymore” without sounding petty about gossip sites
Just say you’re hooked on reading your former employer’s tattle and go
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VIP Member
I think she sees her actions as the equivalent of saying 'I'm not using that pen, that pen is gay' when you're 12 rather than them being genuine hate speech.
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I won't lie, I very briefly hesitated to unfollow her when I realised her account was locked, but only because I wanted to keep snooping. Maybe some folks are still following solely out of morbid curiosity?
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VIP Member
Well she kind of is a victim here. She wasn’t racist or bigoted but her career has been affected by the actions of her boss, and the idea of her staying in that job afterwards was completely untenable. Beth did nothing wrong.
The tone of her post was sour. Aiming her anger at gossip sites (which have actually supported her business!!) instead of at Polly for saying that stuff in the first place.

It reads like she's angry she had to quit her job because the gossip sites were gossiping rather than because her boss is a racist homophobe.

She doesn't say anything about all the people who were effected by those words. She just talks about herself.
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New member
While everything you say here is worth considering, it's important to note that Polly is someone who has been on the internet since she was at least a young teenager. She's someone you could describe as 'chronically online', and if her conservative household and private education prevented her from being more open-minded as a child and teenager, then at the very least the very prominent BLM movement in 2020 (which for the most part took place on social media due to the pandemic) should have made her sit with herself and consider her own views as an adult (as it made me). Over ten years have passed since the earliest tweets she posted, and not once did Polly - someone whose whole brand and personality is based on 'being online' - think to look back at her previous views, challenge them and remove them from the social accounts that she relies on to reflect her brand. Her tweets and the views they represent may be a reflection of who she was a decade ago, but her lack of action and self-reflection shows who she is now.
I feel a lot of what you say here really rings true, especially your last statement. I don't bother with these sites, but as a sigh customer and follower of Polly for the last two years I wanted to know the extent of what's unfolded and just felt so compelled to write here in case she reads it.

To be honest, I've been utterly horrified and disgusted at the remarks that have surfaced, and feel so, so disappointed because I've been a returning customer to Sigh, and have recommended Polly's products to friends and fellow businesses owners, and if these statements had been discovered any earlier, there's simply no way her business would have grown the way it has.

Whilst I do believe people can learn, grow and change, the sheer volume of offensive remarks are disturbing. Did Polly learn nothing last summer? Given how much BLM dominated social media (and rightly so), I cannot believe it went unnoticed by her. I didn't follow Polly closely at the time so I don't know what she shared (if at all) on her stories about the subject, but you can't help but notice now the lack of support on her grid content, both on Sigh and her personal account. So many people stepped up to vocalise support and share resources, and I don't see any evidence of this by her on her social accounts (not even on highlights). To be honest, it looks like she continued to post as normal during the key timeframe.
This is just one example, and if I've missed something I apologise. But what I mean to say is, Polly if you really have changed, and really don't feel the same way now that your remarks portray - last year was a bloody good opportunity to demonstrate it. I appreciate hindsight is a wonderful thing, but you really could do better.
(I don't mean to attack her about a lack of acknowledgement about one movement last year, I am just drawing reflections looking back now given the nature of some of these tweets).

It's also very disappointing to see her minimise this issue through a privated account and a restricted comment section on sighs Instagram. Quite frankly, it reeks of privalege and an unwillingness to confront her problems head on. Ultimately, she will have to surface again even if via her business, and she is making things so much worse by trying to hide what's happened and not owning her mistakes to her customers and audience.

Polly if you are reading this, as a previous Sigh customer who genuinely invested in your brand and business and HAS seen these tweets, please step up. And grow up. Own your mistakes, be transparent about this issue, and really show people this change in mentality you say you have. I appreciate when running a business there are cogs turning and things that have to happen behind the scenes that people don't know about, but after a few days of silence, you only make things worse. I will not continue to follow you or your business, and I will be unable to see this 'change' in the future if you hide behind a private account and refuse to admit to your customer base your mistakes. I can imagine that this whole situation is incredibly overwhelming, and upsetting for you, but be considerate to the people you have hurt through your words and the opportunities you've had through people investing in your products and supporting you. Support them back now.
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VIP Member
My teenage kids started using the M word around the house a few years ago, and I was horrified and spoke to them about the meaning of the word and how it was offensive and not okay to use. Once I’d explained, they understood and they haven’t used it since. I’m not a perfect parent, but what the fuck were these girls parents doing?! Guaranteed they used this language around each other and in the home, and not just on twitter.
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New member
as a muslim girl who has bought stuff from her (got my friend a keychain and decal) Im sooooo sickened! the things she said about my religion hurt. And yes I also noticed that she doesn’t really hang out with or employ anyone who isn’t white/cis. bar maybe one or two people.
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Chatty Member

An artist I follow, Tomasz Mro, posted this on his story.
Completely agree that she's trying to victimise herself in anyway to get some sympathy, even though she deserves none
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VIP Member
I think that speaks volumes about what Polly and all her mates think of the situation. No matter what polished PR statement she comes back with, we’ll always know underneath it all she still thinks she’s not to blame for her own actions… it’s the fault of others for “dragging up” what was always there in plain sight. I bet she’s counting down the days to her return now Elle Darby’s making her comeback. For me Polly’s use of the n word will always be unforgivable and is the worst example of online racism I’ve ever seen.
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Ami Ford has called her out to her 10.4K followers! Progressssss!
I don’t think she’ll be able to claw her way back from this.
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I’m disappointed with how quickly this has fizzled out but it should pick up when Polly speaks out. She can’t stay silent forever… surely?!
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