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VIP Member
Looks like favourite child is having dinner. Look at his bib apron thing, it's literally covered in old dried on food🤢🤢🤢 she is absolutely minging, it looks like it's never been washed 😭 poor kids they must stink too
That's his painting apron with dried paint on it
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Chatty Member
Maybe if she stops thinking/trying to be the perfect insta mum with gentle parenting she might actually realise that most parents loose their shit every so often. Sometimes the only way the little swines will listen/stop is by yelling. Yes it’s not nice and yes you feel guilty as hell afterwards but it’s normal parenting. Tomorrow is a new day.

Oh and it’s also helps if you haven’t given your child everything they’ve wanted/demanded for the last 2 years and then suddenly expect them not to react when you try and tell the spoilt brat no.
now this is an Instagram parenting account I’d follow
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VIP Member
Vinted is amazing i buy off it all the time for kids clothes etc. What's bugging me about the six necklaces is the price of delivery she must have paid! It's just typical of her to jump on the bandwagon but not actually save any money.. if she bought an item at £2 for example, she'd pay at least another £3 for insurance and delivery so therefore the bargain isn't a bargain anymore.. if that makes sense. Has she done this six times? Vinted is ace but only if buying bundles or higher priced items than a couple of quid on ugly cheap tat!
She said she paid £26 or something like that for the 6.
Don't know whether that's including shipping ect though because she showed the shoes she said were £3 which wasn't including the shipping and fees
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VIP Member
That's the one she's moved Vesper into last night
Gotcha, thanks. I was that annoyed for Vesper at the post yesterday, I didn’t realise she’d already moved her to that room.

And as much as she annoys me, I wouldn’t call her out for not having decorated the room between last night and this morning 😂 perfectly reasonable to not have that room decorated yet
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VIP Member
I don’t ‘need’ to buy clothes on Vinted but I do because it’s better for the environment and I can try different styles or brands. She’s awful generally but I’m not going to have a go about Vinted, I love it!
I don’t need to either but it stops fast fashion, and makes sense to buy second hand if possible if I was going to buy brand new 🤷🏼‍♀️
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