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All the cover ups, NDA’s, now the PR all the support from paid puppets I think he’s in a nonce ring and goes higher up straight to the top of television industry, maybe even government. He seems protected maybe knows too much. I honestly think he will get away with it all unfortunately or ends up like Epstein
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View attachment 2213697

Unless he’s the greatest actor to have ever graced planet earth, Phillip is utterly broken.

He physically shakes when he talks. At times I had to lean forward to hear him, so softly spoken was he. He’s more bone than flesh and looked dead behind the eyes — a carcass of a being.

At times he couldn’t make eye contact. The shame is real — very, very real. Right now, no one hates Phillip Schofield more than Phillip Schofield.

But by speaking so candidly — this is a man with nothing to lose but also, crucially, nothing to gain — he’s reminded people the person at the centre of this storm is just that: a person.

The witch-hunt on social media must stop. And slowly, finally, it seems to be.

As Piers Morgan said yesterday, the persecution — unless a crime has been committed — needs to end.

Now — as those on social media love to preach — is perhaps the time to #bekind.

Is this woman for real????!!!
More bone than flesh? A carcass of a being? He looked like that 3 years ago in lockdown
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View attachment 2214749
It's pretty clear Stephanie kept just as close to Phil as she always did, after his "outing" - in fact, I'd simply call it "carried on as normal".

"Booted out" suggests absolute rage and a spouse drawing a line, and that doesn't seem to have happened? Both still wore their wedding rings. In fact, when Phillip mentioned his wife being "very angry" in the last few days - I'd suspect it's anger he has got caught, that the story has caught fire again but this time there could be legal repercussions, even financial ones.

If there is any anger from Stephanie, I'm betting the prospect of financial ruin and / or loss of status will be the root of her fury.
And yet nearly two years after the ‘booting out’, Steph popped up on the Lorraine show fawning over Phil’s 40 years in TV. Joking that she’d need him to work another 40 years…
They clearly have (and had) a business arrangement for many decades. She’d give him kids and the cloak of family respectability, and in return get a £££ lifestyle. All this booting out and Steph is so furious is just total rubbish but has to be said because otherwise she (and the girls) are revealed as totally complicit.
No divorce…why? What wife would stay married to an openly gay man having gay relationships. You’d expect his girls to be floored at these further revelations yet they are stoically and loyally on suicide watch. Makes no sense.
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I've dipped in and out the last couple of days but I'm outraged by two things (at least, there are more but I don't have the energy)...
1) This is not about homophobia you rupugnet chump.

2) Don't compare yourself to a lady with serious mental health problems who was victim of a smear campaign that amplified those mental health issues (and before people say she hit him with a lamp whilst he was sleeping etc, please read the transcripts because no she didn't).

This is all insane. There are endless comments in the Mail asking 'What had he done really? Except have a relationship with a younger man'. Are these people simple??

We should all let it go now because poor Phillip is suffering. Fuck off. Letting it go is how these things are allowed to continue decade after decade.

The person he had a relationship with may well have felt it was consensual. That's what grooming does. He was young enough for people to say that it was iffy. We can say that for him, even if he was unable. If a fifty odd year old bloke was sleeping with my teenage son I'd be very upset. If that child had extra vulnerabilities I'd be extremely upset (I'm playing this down obviously).

How are people buying that he's the victim???
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I am so very sorry for your loss x
In a strange way I'm glad for her. She was saying she would do it for a long time and was under hospital care at the time. Her health was failing terribly and her reasoning was if I was a dog I would be put to sleep as it's the kindest thing . Her life would have been miserable if she was here today. It was quite brave in my opinion she took control. It's just sad for those of us left.
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May be working on FB, but not on this thread 🤣
I’m a lurker passing by, but today in shop someone was saying how awful it is that PS is afraid to go out in case he’s spat at. He’s got no idea. This entire thing, as someone who went through grooming at the hands of someone locally popular effects others. I ended up leaving crying. I was the one spat at and abused in the street. Even after leaving it’s happening again because I stupidly told a mental health nurse who also decided I was lying (fat and ugly = liar) and put it on staff email list. It’s horrific.

Anyway the ONLY people I feel for is his victim(s) (eventually decades later discovered there were almost two dozen us of the man that hurt me) and those effected by these constant newspaper articles about how dreadful it is for him. ITS NOT. Many have been impacted by this story (including indirectly like me) and don’t need to see this creep whining about losing everything (try having your medical and social care stopped and benefits waiting for bailiffs - that’s losing everything) and impact on HIS mental health. Ffs.

I hope you don’t mind my vent. I just needed to, and, I’m surrounded by people falling for his ‘woe is me’ act.
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This is an eye - opening read. Just saw it posted on Twitter…

I wish she hadn't played the feminist card so much: toxic behaviour in work spaces is toxic behaviour, regardless of who it is done to.

"But overall, as a feminist, I could not sit by and watch what I witnessed happen to my female colleagues and myself and I told ITV as much"

if someone is being innapropriate, you have to speak out, and it shouldn't be dependent on you being a card carrying anything.
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Just watching the interview. Here are some thoughts:
He talks about speaking on twitter, however he's now deleted his twitter and social media hasn't he? So he obviously done that so people can't go back and check his twitter. Tattle always keeps receipts though!

Stuff happened 4 or 5 times? Hmmm yea ok phil. So MM fell that quickly did he.

He mentions he is best friends with people who helped him get into the business and likes to pass it onto others like he had. No I'm thinking was PS groomed and abused in his younger days and thinks this kind of behaviour is ok? Just a thought on what he said.

The amount of times he says God no......I feel he says it when he's telling a lie.

He's saying nobody knew about all this. Well that's not true because everyone knew!

11,300 followers then 11,400 followers. Very specific number that he's trying to remember. He definitely has rehearsed this to come off as the victim and also point to the fact he follows so many people. Therefore it shouldn't be an issue if I follow this one young guy.

"What have you done wrong"
" I kissed someone in the workplace"
If he felt this was the only thing he done wrong then whys he doing such a massive dramatic interview. If he truly feels that then he would be confident in himself that he wouldn't need to do these sombre interviews.

I'm feeling he's protesting too much around the NDAs.

"I had a secret WhatsApp group" yea that don't sound dodgy at all does it. A group to find the most " elegant" way to come out on TM. You can't convince me otherwise that he doesn't have another type of WhatsApp group for this interview on how best to lie 🤣
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The #bekind mob can fuck off. Prize hypocrites the most of them.
I want other teen boys ( and girls) protected from groomers such as he. I'm not interested in egos being flattened or people offended.
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Have those criticizing Schofield considered that the then Lady Diana Spencer was around the same age as the mystery guy when she first met the then 30-year-old Prince Charles. Are you going to call the now King Charles to face the level of abuse being given to Schofield, if not what is the difference, other than the sexuality of the couples?

you really dont get it do you .
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Does anyone else think that BBC interviewer was a little to easy with the questions 🤷🏻‍♀️
Of course. But what do you expect from Amol .... former asst. to Mr. Lebedev. :rolleyes: First question should have been: "So Phil, you lied to your wife for years, you say you lied to ITV, why should everyone watching believe you're not lying right now? Pretty fucking simple question.
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Screenshot 2023-06-03 at 01.24.55.png

Unless he’s the greatest actor to have ever graced planet earth, Phillip is utterly broken.

He physically shakes when he talks. At times I had to lean forward to hear him, so softly spoken was he. He’s more bone than flesh and looked dead behind the eyes — a carcass of a being.

At times he couldn’t make eye contact. The shame is real — very, very real. Right now, no one hates Phillip Schofield more than Phillip Schofield.

But by speaking so candidly — this is a man with nothing to lose but also, crucially, nothing to gain — he’s reminded people the person at the centre of this storm is just that: a person.

The witch-hunt on social media must stop. And slowly, finally, it seems to be.

As Piers Morgan said yesterday, the persecution — unless a crime has been committed — needs to end.

Now — as those on social media love to preach — is perhaps the time to #bekind.

Is this woman for real????!!!
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With PS and defenders crying homophobia, the man who is exposing all this is gay!! Dan Wootton is gay
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The problem with “we shouldn’t judge” etc is that we really can, and probably should, judge someone who makes sexual advances to a much more junior employee in the context that Phillip did (and then lies about it). As in, it’s wrong and shouldn’t be happening. We aren’t talking about two adults of similar age & status acting on a mutual attraction, but instead about the effects of a massive power imbalance.

Watching Phillip’s BBC interview, I don’t even really think he understands what he’s done and why it was so wrong. And did Phillip care about the young man’s mental health when propositioning him at work? Does he care now when talking about him on national TV? What about the mental health of the Loose Women runner who was moved on, too?

I’ve done plenty of wrong things in my life but I can honestly say I’ve never made a pass at a junior colleague decades younger than me and I wouldn’t expect sympathy if I did.
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