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VIP Member
The mention of Celebrity Juice in the Holly thread has reminded me how Phil used to go on the show and pretend to be one of the lads, hinting that he loved Holly's boobs and secretly fancied her

(Please don't judge me for watching that show, I was like 10 😂)
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I’ve only just started following but don’t understand why this has blown up so much. Was the younger man underage when he started relations with Phil? Did he get promotions through Phil? How is this different from any other affair?

we suspect this and ask ourselves if it was 'just an affair' why did he resign etc etc etc.
Get yourself settled in a pillow fort with snacks and drinks to last a few days, switch off all forms of communication, close the blinds, lock your doors and catch up on these threads. Also click on the wiki button at the top and read all about it.
You will get hooked in.

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Thanks you, do keep us informed if anything else comes up dodge, thanks for reading it for the team!
Having @StonedCyclist interject intermittently with extracts from PS's biography reminds me of the time Simon Amstell randomly read Chantelle's biography on Buzzcocks making Preston storm off.

I'm sure PS books are flooding charity shops across the Home Counties as we tattle!
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I'm sure this has been posted before, but in light of information that's come out....filmed on a Thursday, just started at Loose Women, social media break and working at the soap awards, which of course Philth was hosting.

Just seems like he's really trying to put a positive spin on things.

And who the fuck was buying Phillip Schofield wine?? Imagine whipping one of them bad boys out at a dinner party. Actually, if you're buying Phillip Schofield wine you probably have no friends.

That video is so upsetting because you can immediately tell what power imbalance there must’ve been.
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Pom Bear

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Looking forward to catching up tonight 😀💖 xx

Meanwhile I've left a pic of Philth in his dressing room which Eamonn had witnessed after Philth had come out on This Morning..😄 x

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It's clearly an audition tape. So what was the plan? Did PS show this to management in an effort to get MM an on-camera gig? I'd find it hard to believe they went to the trouble to shoot it without intending to use it to further the guy's career at the very network where he was already employed. How did management react? Do we know when it was recorded vs when he was shuffled off and then out?
I don’t think PS ever wanted MM to have a career in television in his own right and independent of PS. Abusers are control freaks, so that would not do at all. I think PS arranged that showreel just to keep stringing MM along… “yes of course I’ll get you a big job in television! Just as long as you’re a good boy and keep doing what I want you to do”…..

Tried and tested abuser dynamics innit 😞
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Wackie Jeaver

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Spent the afternoon gardening, which is good thinking time. Remembered that Mr J and I were at a party about 40 years ago. Very good friend hosted the party, she worked for a male (gay) fashion designer, and for some reason the convo came round to Philth - might have been when he did Joseph? Anyway, Mr J said in relation to PS "oh he's a nonce" in front of male gay fashion designer. There was a silence, while I stood on Mr J's foot very hard - but fuck it, he was right??
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Holly was a strange choice to front This Morning. She has been doing it about 13-14 years, so she would have been in her twenties. It was quite a mumsy programme for someone of her age. He would have been in his late 40s. She was completely out of her depth, ripe for moulding by Pipsqueak. And she benefited from his fame and power, the golden girl who could make him seem like some young dude rather than the middle aged man he was. Appearing young as always been important to him - the hair dying, the skinniness.

TV has moved on in a way from the old man/young girl tv marriage. Apart from on This Morning. SCD had Bruce Forsyth who carried on his younger tv wife thing from Generation Game (where he ended up marrying one), Play your Cards Right with the Dolly Dealers and then professionally hooking up with Tess Daly until he stepped down. It is slowly changing.
IIRC Davina McCall was who ITV wanted to replace Fern but Philth chucked a strop and threatened to quit unless they gave it to Holly and they gave in. He can’t cope with a woman being his equal.
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Kerry has waited 10 years to get her say on the way she was treated. Good on her for letting it all out!
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Good point on gb news. The runner MM was on stage at the nta awards with the editor Frizzell and Emma Gormley yet they claim they never knew.
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Working class women complaining about abuse are almost always disregarded, or discredited by their abusers - Savile operated like this.
Saville. Harris. Even the grooming gangs from working class towns. All preyed on working class kids. And when police get involved it’s always the same. They’re lower than low. Runaways. Working class pond life. Did it themselves. Gagging for it. The abusers are ‘respectable’. Charitable. On tv every morning with tea and sympathy. Business owners running friendly kebab shops. Priests. Classism 101
* tho I do agree. As I’ve said quite a few times the bullying toxic behaviour to guests is secondary to the grooming of a young lad who was then hung out to dry
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I’ve just read on the DM that Carolyn McCall isn’t going to face the parliamentary committee on Tuesday, she is sending someone else instead
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Nice pad. Plenty of mirrors in the bedrooms, I noticed 😏
there's a change of details at companies house giving Stephanie Schofield as person with significant control on the 18th March 2023 processed on 20th March 2023 and his flat goes up for sale on the 30/03/23 a few days before Tim Schofields is convicted. the actions of someone or them both who knew his days were numbered! there is deffo more to all this and deffo something else going on in the background
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But yet they don’t call out one of ITVs own like Ferne McCann for what she did and give her a tissue when she starts crying 🙄
Yes that riles me. Why is fearne mcann not cancelled. What she said was horrific and so insulting to the victims. Yet she cries on the sofa and all is forgiven. ITV are a complete shambles. The very top need to go now along with holly!
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Belgian Bun

Chatty Member
He groomed him from a child, took him out for Thursday playtime, set him up in a job, then when he got too old, shoved him aside, and eventually ITV kicked him out with a big fat payoff and probably an NDA. All while he was married to the gormless Steph. It will all be in the Wiki I've probably missed loads out
I have a feeling Steph isn't that gormless. I am old enough to remember when they met. She was a friend (ETA not a friend of mine, of his) who was house-sitting for him. Yup, that's backed up here. The comments he made at the time were...well let's say he wasn't overcome with romance. Something like "I liked the way it was going, so she moved in". Given that there were stories in those days circulating about him and Jason Donovan, which may or may not have been true, she would have been well aware that he was allegedly a flexible young man. I was terribly jealous of her as in those days I thought I might still be in with a chance (ETA - I did not know him, I just fancied him on the telly. These daft mistakes are what happen when you drink in the afternoon...). They probably came to an agreement and they both have got what they want from it. I do not doubt his much expressed sentiment that they are a family - they clearly are. But I suspect he's been absent from the marital bed for some time.
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It’s not the Schofield saga that’s worrying ITV, they are worried about the bullying becoming public knowledge …. The number of NDAs from ex-staff is extraordinary
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Wasnt it a family member he was accused of abusing or am I getting him mixed up with someone else
Yes. I know Michael IRL. All very sad. He was found not guilty. I can't go into details as it would identify the under age person. Just to say it was a revenge accusation for something Michael Le Vell had done to his family, which was unwise but not illegal to quote a relevant saying. The accuser was attempting to make him pay for his misdeeds.

The accuser admitted it was all a lie after the trial.

On topic, I can see why people think that it was MM using PS to further his career, I am sure that does happen. But MM doesn't appear to be the manipulative type...PS on the other hand.
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