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VIP Member
She has. She was diagnosed as a child, which is exceptionally rare for a girl back then.

That’s not to say she doesn’t also have cluster B personality disorders going on also of course.
yep. Being diagnosed with Austism has no real baring on a personality disorder. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, and they can be misdiagnosed for the other (they frequently are).

I don’t know when Courtney’s autism diagnosis was made and I’m not qualified to diagnose her (obviously) but the childhood trauma, the substance abuse, the personal instability which are all well documented - lends itself more to a PD rather than autism. And of course, PDs are also hereditary.
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I've just remembered an odd thing I heard about Paula's alcohol choices. Her favourite thing was lots of those mini bottles of spirits like you get in hotel mini bars. Maybe she thought in some way that didn't count?
I don’t think she was tee-total Ithink that’s a bit of a myth, I understood that she wasn’t a “drinker” as in she might have a glass of something, but wasn’t fussed on it, or in the habit of doing it often or excessively. Any info in her biography?
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Chatty Member
i really don’t know how I feel about Grace Dent…off to search for a thread!
I’d be up for a thread - I’ve listened to all the Comfort Eating podcasts and read her autobiography but still feel quite ambivalent!
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Trauma Frotters

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I thought Michael was surrounded by photos of Paula when he was found which she argued as evidence of autoerotic asphyxiation rather than suicidal intent.
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
I don't know much about Paula's childhood was it THAT bad? In the doc she appeared to have adored the guy who brought her up Jess Yates. He had a mental illness but she seemed to o get on well with him. I know folk who have had horrific childhoods but choose not to inflict the same on their own kids. I agree one kid was more than enough for her. She probably had Tiger to try and keep MH or have some kind of permanent contact with him through the baby. Why on earth did she give her kids such stupid names?
I don’t know much about Paula’s childhood, but in an older thread we discussed how her mum wasn’t the best either.
The discussion starts around here -

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Wow that’s so bad. Did she even start out a bit tough and slowly get worn down, or was she unable to handle him right from the get go ?
and was she on drugs still at that stage?
She couldn't handle it at all no idea re drugs at that time.
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One of my best friends works on a ward full of people with head injuries, she has said before many of them aren’t aware they have a problem so denial is common
If they’re on a ward they’re not refusing treatment though!

My point was Helena saw him pass out with blood coming out of his mouth and ear and she didn’t advise him he needed treatment nor when his personality changed? It doesn’t make sense he covered it up and didn’t want anyone to know.
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Chatty Member
If you go on YouTube, there’s a programme called autopsy which goes into what happened on the days leading up to MH’s death and the night itself. It showed that it was definite suicide. He was desperate! He rang his ex girlfriend and she was on her way to the hotel but was unfortunately too late. Paula didn’t accept he would have left her and TL so made out if was a sex game gone wrong.
He was clearly off his nut on drugs and booze and it said there was a bath run, so maybe that’s why he was naked!
This is really quite sad. Poor man.
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Chatty Member
Could she maybe have had surgery as well though. 😅
Shame if she needed to go down that road. Hope not. At least she doesn't seem to have the balloon lips.

As for Peaches, growing up it looks like she needed a strong hand to get her through adolescence and from what I can gather, the girls were pretty much left to get on with it.
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