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VIP Member
Pixie is the double of Bob’s sister!
I can see her in Ffi Ffi too
i once had to interview a lady who was a "groupie" in the 1970s music scene in NYC and she remembers having flings/ONS with 20-something rockers when she was 14/15. she was in her late 50s when talking about it and still just said she felt it was "a different time" and that neither she nor the men were that bothered about her age, it was common and most girls in that scenario were underage. she was a "latchkey kid" who had almost no parental supervision and her own mother was quite young herself, if i recall correctly. you read books by the old super groupies like lori maddox and sable starr and they themselves still glorify this abuse, but they are of that generation. even the movie 'almost famous' from the 2000s, isnt penny lane (kate hudsons character) meant to be 15 or 16? and it's not seen as icky at all that she is a groupie.
i think attitudes have shifted so much further than we realise in the last 30-40 years towards protecting girls and calling out predators - or maybe even more recently than that, i myself had a 20 year old boyfriend when i was a young and vulnerable 15 and that was in the early 2000s and it's only now in my 30s that i have processed what was a very unequal and sexually exploitative relationship and feel able to call it out.
ETA i just remembered i also knew a rock band from my local area in that period (2000s) who wrote a song called 'underage girl song' about their love of young girls! they were all in their 20s as well...
We live in a completely different world, sounds like you have an exciting job.
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No one expected MH to die that young so there was no proper provision for Tiger, as everything had been tied up in trusts to avoid tax.
I remember seeing him on TGIF before he died and he looked truly horrendous. He was all thin, Sallow in the face, his hair was greasy and lank, he was shaky and I honestly find it hard to believe he was as blissfully happy as PY has made it seem
Video to that interview

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Can remember reading some lurid details in Gerry Agar's book years which would suggest (if true of course) that he definitely wasn't impotent. Also tbh I think Paula would have dumped him pretty quickly if he was. She seemed addicted to their sexual exploits and totally intoxicated by him.
She was obviously fertile so maybe it was him who had the fertility problem then? But yeah, I doubt he was impotent.
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Yes and that’s why they allegedly broke up. Also how strange was that relationship? So odd
If that's true, she is complicit in covering up a murder. Also, is the rumour Thomas killed her or his dad killed her? Why leave the baby there either way? It would have been easy to have said ' I brought the baby back because I didn't think he was safe, but she was fast asleep ' or even ' no one answered the door'.
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The only person who knows is Michael and he isn’t here to tell us.
I believe he was very slurry and hard to understand on the phone as he was so intoxicated
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Chatty Member
Are they still a couple?
No, daisy Lowe is having a baby with someone else right now.

Tom has fully gone back into unknown person status hasn't he. I know he's got that Instagram for his alter ego/clothing but it looks like he's from a wealthy family and they're raising the boys. Gosh the boys must be so grown up now.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
There was a rumour on this site or some other site that the husband had something to do with her death. He had confessed when drunk, again I don’t remember for certain the exact facts of what he said. But what stood out was her family’s response is “she would have died anyway “ and left it! Really the story told doesn’t add up. Especially when there were so many professional’s involved(his dad). 99% of time if something doesn’t add up, there is something wrong.
Yes wasn't the rumour he told Daisy Lowe? When they went out for that very brief period?
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I find the Paula and peaches story so tragic. I hope peaches sons are ok, it's so sad. I'm happy the other daughters seem to be doing well and seem to have broke the Yates curse.
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I watched to doc on Hughie Green at the weekend, a journo friend told the Sun or News of the World.
The journo/friend announced it in his eulogy at the funeral, that Huggies had another child, and that she was a top UK tv presenter.
That was bad enough, but I actually think what her mother did was worse. She was asked if there was any truth in that because Paula was going to sue. The mother said it was totally untrue, Paula did the DNA just for evidence to sue the papers and stop them saying Hughie was her father.
It was quite a strange programme altogether really. I think whoever made it was at massive pains to not offend the Geldof family (Bob). Big chunks glossed over or left out, and the bizarre inclusion of Grace Dent and Vanessa Feltz who never mentioned actually meeting her.
It wasn't bad, just really quite odd.
I suppose there are people who liked her and like TTD said, want to celebrate her life. There’s plenty of hate written about her, so it’s just another perspective. There‘s three sides to every story.
yep. Being diagnosed with Austism has no real baring on a personality disorder. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, and they can be misdiagnosed for the other (they frequently are).

I don’t know when Courtney’s autism diagnosis was made and I’m not qualified to diagnose her (obviously) but the childhood trauma, the substance abuse, the personal instability which are all well documented - lends itself more to a PD rather than autism. And of course, PDs are also hereditary.
I think both are likely!
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VIP Member
She was obviously fertile so maybe it was him who had the fertility problem then? But yeah, I doubt he was impotent.
But also, with the drug-taking and Paula being a bit older by then, it would have made it less easy to conceive?
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By making out his death was a ritualistic sex experiment gone wrong? I think that was extremely disrespectful of Paula and had nothing to do with her caring for her daughters feelings.
I agree. It was so twisted of Paula to prefer the idea that Michael died in such a grubby, sordid way. But she would rather have believed anything rather than suicide.

I know in the U.K., coroners are quite reluctant to rule a death as suicide without concrete proof, such as a note. I think it boils down to some quite old fashioned ideas about suicide being taboo and shameful for the family. That’s why deaths that seem to be quite obvious suicides as ruled as accident or misadventure if there is no note.

I wonder if inquests in Australia follow similar rules? I don’t remember anything about Michael leaving a note?
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Chatty Member
This is a gossip site so you may as well talk more about it.
Nope. It veers into a complicated global political spider web, and Tattle, I’ve learnt, is not the best place for that sort of content given its strict rules and having to tip toe around and “not hurt people’s feelings” an all that. Not blaming Tattle in slightest, those are their rules and so be it.

I’ve got my other websites for that where you can get into massive barneys with other people and speak freely without fear of getting a warning or ban or paid trolls trynin to attack, or shut down the conversation.

I come here mainly for the sardonic commentary on all the fame monsters misbehaviours we can shit on together.
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Jane Tee

VIP Member
The photos of her is interesting. Yes he could've been brooding over them prior to taking his life.
In an interview afterwards Paula took it that he was masturbating using them before his 'accident'.
Two different interpretations of the same set of events.
Yeh i always thought he was trying for a quick w@nk before taking the bath hed ran, but was so off his nut he miscalculated and died.
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VIP Member
Didn’t Paula and Bob get married when they had been together for 10 years? Which would have meant they started dating in 1976 when she was 16/17.
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Chatty Member
Shame, I was dying to hear about Bono's role in the Illuminati ;)

As to you won't hear one Irish person speak about it, well every single Irish person must know about Bono and Andrea Corr by now, including my 86 year old gran.
Pete you make me laugh always! Hey, be nice to the Illuminati otherwise they’ll lock you up forever in your 15 minute city 😉 😉

Btw before any accusation of derailing 😂 I was the one who contribute a fair bit to Peaches gossip at the beginning of all these threads, to point where the kind lady who started the threads changed the name to Peaches and the Geldofs because we realised there was non stop fascination with the whole entire family, and yes, of course that includes Michael for whoever said it didn’t or shouldn’t.

Yes, I knew about Andrea Corr haha and so does my Irish nan too 😂 That‘s idle gossip, not the same category as people “hanging themselves”.
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I don’t understand why it would be irrelevant though? It’s widely reported to be at the start of their relationship. So how does a 17 year old without a job, living in a squat in London with no family support, pay to travel to Paris in 1976? I wonder if it was paid for by Geldof or his management. Yates didn’t get her first journalism job until 1979 so probably had very limited funds.
Where have you gotten her being living in a squat without family support from?

IIRC her mum moved to London after the divorce from Jess Yates and I’d assumed Paula joined her there and was supported by family money.

The point of the Paris trip was that Paula surprised BG so doesn’t really sound like he hand funded it, plus she supposedly followed his band around on yours.

The most obvious answer, as a teen without a career underway at that time, is that she was supported by her family until she started her journalism.
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