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Controversial but I don’t think Izzy with post about Barcelona for at least a few days.. to be ‘mysterious’ there will be some eventually but she will wait a few days cause she loves the idea people are watching
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i think above all of this there is a poor little child in the middle of it some of the comments page is replying to on her tiktok is just uncalled for, she’s giving out too much info for tiktok that doesn’t need to be shared. if he gets on a plane with her then who fkn cares paige leave him to it and keep your focus on your little girl !
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Now Paige has stopped pandering to their behaviour the thrill will wear off and the spark they think they have all fizzle out. The spark is just adrenaline and being sneaky it’s nothing more than that. Izzy will get bored and try go for attention somewhere else.
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Yes she was. He has been saying it’s because he wasn’t ready for ottilie thag he did this even though they planned ottilie and that he was hoping they could have another baby together one day. He can’t seem to see why this holiday isn’t “just a holiday”. He told her today he wasn’t going and he knows he wants Paige and then 3 hours later said he is going and that’s that
God Izzy must feel so special 🤣🤣🤣 Paige is well rid. If Izzy was my daughter I’d be thoroughly ashamed, makes you wonder how she’s been raised, I get she’s an adult but i’d do everything in my power to get her not to go on that holiday if I was her mum. Absolute circus it is and there’s a poor innocent wee baby involved. Disgusting from Izzy and Nathan. I’m glad he’s going because hopefully this is the reality check Paige needed
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I had to block Izzy her victim mentality and clap backs were disgusting she’s a horrible little girl who will learn the hard way. If a man can cheat on a beautiful home, nice cars, pets, baby (a planned one) and a girlfriend you’ve built a life with for years you’ll cheat on anyone. She forgets what he’s been saying to Paige before this holiday
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Gone off her a bit after the live the other day. Was bragging about the fact she beat him up when he was packing his stuff to leave. Not saying he's not been an almighty c u next tuesday but if that was the reverse and a man did that it wouldn't be funny so why's it alright for a woman to do it 😬
She’s annoying me now. Domestic violence is disgusting regardless of what someone has or hasn’t done.

She slated Issy for her appearance but she’s no better looking than her? They’re both identical. Fake eyelashes, lips and sunbeds which are ageing them.

She needs to grow up as it’s getting embarrassing.
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Izzy’s selfie - those puffy eyes show someone’s been crying I think.
I personally think all the hate/grief the two of them have gotten has likely bonded them 🤷🏽‍♀️ a bit like “nothing bonds two people than hating the same person” - Izzy and Nathan have the constant omg look at what I’ve been sent, once that dies down and the intial excitement of being “free” of responsibilities dies down, I don’t think they’ll last long. 6 months/a year max if they hold out to “proof people wrong”
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Paige has won but doesn’t realise it. She has a cute daughter, dog, lovely new build, nicely decorated home for half price (as he pays half) and a nice car for free. She just needs to upgrade after enjoying being single for a bit. This is when it’ll finally hit Nathan.
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I’m gonna go different here, I think Nathan is in lust with Izzy, she’s young+outgoing and he can be carefree and reckless when they spend time together,- something he can longer be as ‘dad’ and something that probably gives him a buzz- thus possibly made him feel some resentment towards Izzy and family life, however I think his heart is with Paige and deep down he does love her and will deeply regret this one day, so far he’s been able to play both, but the day he realises he’s truly fucked it with Paige will be when that regret sets in ps…he’s a dickugly piece of shit !
When you have an affair, you create limerence with the affair partner, this almost becomes like an addiction - you are probably correct but Nathan will not realise that until it’s to late, if at all & will probably just think he is in true love with her because it can become almost like an obsession. Brutal 🥺
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I’ve done a right investigation with my mum this morning and I totally think it’s been going on months! She’s so nasty using sounds on TikTok “hey hey you you I don’t like your girlfriend” and also her mate uploaded one with Izzy and she mouths “I can’t say his name because he be cheating and I am the reason” LIKE WHY girl like this man is horrid and he’s legit about 5 foot 9 I’m PERPLEXED how he’s managed to pull this off! 🤭🤣
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I think this is Paige’s humour it comes across really dry, all of it needs to stop now. Nathan shouldn’t be going on holiday with Izzy, if he wants to be with Izzy he needs to sit down and explain to Paige that, work out a co parenting situation where him & Paige barely have to speak HOWEVER I genuinely think he has only booked this holiday with Izzy because Paige was flaunting her run way model figure last week 🫣 the whole thing is insanity!! If I was Izzy’s parents (I know she’s 21 but she’s still at home and obviously quite immature) I would seriously sit down with her and be like “your pretty, you do not need this grief, that man will be unfaithful to you & getting jealous over Paige whenever she falls in love again he wants you both fighting over him, telling you one thing & telling her whatever to keep her happy - please re consider your holiday with him” if any of my children were getting this level of online hate for a situationionship with someone 7 years older than them, I would seriously be getting upset now. 😣

Apparently Nathan admitted he only messaged Izzy because Paige made a diggy TikTok video when she was on holiday. The fact Izzy no doubt knows this and is still acting like she’s won something is embarrassing for her life and soul 😭

Even trying to throw digs at Paige saying she paid for her half of their holiday herself.

Like, the fugliest man in England picks you up and drops you when he gets a knockback from Paige, thinks you’re not even worth a paid for holiday and that’s meant to be a flex 😭

I get that she’s young but she’s too old to be this stupid. He’s humiliating her and she’s humiliating herself.
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What famous man who can sleep with any girl they wanted would want a 21 year old CHILD who acts the way she does all over social media 🤣🤔
She’s liking comments saying social services should be involved because Paige goes out and has a drink with her mates whilst the baby’s with Nathan, she’s not okay
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She said they absolutely aren’t proud and don’t understand why he’s doing all this. And she said she contacted them and said if they ever welcome Dizzy into their family they’ll lose her and her daughter.
Everyone supporting Izzy was saying Paige is vile for using the daughter as a weapon, well I’m just speaking from experience as a daughter - my dad cheated on my mum, I haven’t seen him for years, my mum never bad mouthed him but as I grew and realised what happened I lost respect for him, has none of Izzy’s following or Nathan himself grasped that Ottilie will grow up herself and realise all of this and potentially distance herself from her dad. They don’t stay little for long, Nathan has some serious serious explaining to do!
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I just can’t believe she’s giving him the option of another chance here, he’s already done the worst and booked a holiday whether he goes or not. Ties should be well and truly cut now
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I think this is Paige’s humour it comes across really dry, all of it needs to stop now. Nathan shouldn’t be going on holiday with Izzy, if he wants to be with Izzy he needs to sit down and explain to Paige that, work out a co parenting situation where him & Paige barely have to speak HOWEVER I genuinely think he has only booked this holiday with Izzy because Paige was flaunting her run way model figure last week 🫣 the whole thing is insanity!! If I was Izzy’s parents (I know she’s 21 but she’s still at home and obviously quite immature) I would seriously sit down with her and be like “your pretty, you do not need this grief, that man will be unfaithful to you & getting jealous over Paige whenever she falls in love again he wants you both fighting over him, telling you one thing & telling her whatever to keep her happy - please re consider your holiday with him” if any of my children were getting this level of online hate for a situationionship with someone 7 years older than them, I would seriously be getting upset now. 😣
Apparently Izzy’s parents knew about her having an affair and don’t care which I find absolutely insane!!
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Right did they go on the holiday? From Izzy’s story the other day I think she was with a girl abroad but idk???

I hope Nathan bottled it and Izzy took her friend instead… as she probably paid for it all anyway!
I can’t believe this girl is still acting the victim in her comments. About you don’t owe Paige anything… you owe her the very least to fuck off and leave everything alone not booking holidays!
It’s sad because Paige said her and Izzy had been speaking on the phone last week and Izzy was meant to be keeping her updated. She’s trying to keep her close and be nice because she’s scared that Nathan and Izzy will run off together and it’s going to really hurt but I think that’s the best thing for Paige. It’s come back and bit her because there’s no way Izzy would ever be friendly or keep paige in the loop because she’s an entitled little skank.
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Ohhh I thought they meant they were going this week not next. But yeah, he’s pissed off that she had a great holiday and posted content etc. He doesn’t care about who he goes away with he just wants to point score.
Izzy just shows her immaturity daily and has no idea of the impact that bringing the words ‘social services’ into an argument can have. She’s a dosey little cow who needs a slap.
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