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She seems pretty bright
She does seem bright and yet I was surprised that at 5 she couldn't count to 15 but I don't know if that is unrealistic or not at that age. I feel Amanda isn't massively interested in their schooling but again I don't know if that is fair or not.
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Purely because of the age gap. He's 67 now and she's still relatively young. I know, if I'd met and married an ex male model 20 years my junior, it would always be at the back of my mind, that one day he'd be my carer.

So, I'd expect him bolt before then!
Although Barbara Windsors fella stuck it out until the end. I would think that she would also have realised that she would be a carer for an old man, and at the same time dealing with children/ teenagers, but people change over time, and something you want in your 20's may not be all its cracked up to he in your 40's. I agree he has got a second chance, a ton more kids to work on the farm, younger woman and more money than he could dream of out of the marriage so far. He hasn't done too badly!
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I think she's a throwback to times past when it was quite the norm for women to have big families.
Also with the delegation of care to the elder siblings so it's less an act of heroism and more just stoic getting on with things and you could argue instilling old fashioned family values.
I think the way they live gives a reminder to many of not just the past and the way things used to be done but also in a sense of what some people feel like they have lost connection with
The security of a big family where people help each out a healthier more practical less cerebral way of life and the celebration of a strong powerful matriarchal figure. (Some British men really have a thing about that bordering on a fetish!)
I think rightly or wrongly she not only rules the roost but it's almost like a mini tribe the way they live and is very insular and self sufficient (they need no one) and again it's that spirit of independence (unattainable) that makes her attractive to many along with their lifestyle.....
Fancy being dependent on universal credit or being scared that you could loose your job or income at any minute? (No me neither but it's a sad reality for many at the moment).
You could say then that she has it made? There will never be a dull moment in the house and because she doesn't come across as the reflective type always lots to do and be busy with.
With that in mind I don't find it unusual that she's had such a large family it looks like she can cope with the practical side pretty well (pregnancy breast feeding and giving birth)
Once a child is born it seems as if the child is a shared responsibility and also that she expects a child to learn the ropes and help out at the earliest chance.
Many hands make light work and all that.
I also think that she's someone who thrives on being in the spotlight and whatever goes on behind the scenes (and the family must have issues just like any other) she knows how to make it look easy and takes pride and care about how she comes across and is seen by others?
As others have rightly pointed out if she was a single mother on benefits would she be praised so lavishly?
Or if she was an Irish gypsy for example they have communities in rural areas and know the traditions some of them still have very large families stay together and stay married and are also house proud and work hard and keep their figures.
Yet when was the last time that they were held up as a positive role model or praised or had people wanting to emulate their way of life?
I would say that rarely happens for the most part they are still rejected complained about and discriminated against ....
So as I said in a previous post other people work hard as well as Amanda but it looks as if when your in a group that gets discriminated against or demonised people don't take that into account or give credit because it doesn't fit into the stereotype.
Some are marginalised and naturally seen as outsiders no matter what they do or who they are or how hard they work.....that makes me very sad.
Amanda Owens is interesting to me because through her I see just how unequal and prejudiced and rooted in the past (also in a bad sense) our society is (sometimes).
I think she comes from a middle class background and was brought up in posh Harrogate. She was a model for awhile before becoming a shepherdess. I agree that if she sZ a traveller she would be demonised rather than praised. I also agree that they appear very insular. In the past rural families in remote areas would help each other out as life was so tough and the big difference between their reality and Amanda's is that there are no TV cameras money made andno book signings of social media which helps Amanda and co to be self sufficient. Communities had to rely on each other more. I have no idea how things were before the family became ytv stars
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I think its because they are a cross between the Darling Buds of May and the Walton's and are very twee. I think there's a bit of nostalgia mixed in as well. Also they tick all the right boxes, they are straight, married, White British, seen to have good British values, not claiming welfare benefits (bar C.B) etc...
Spot on you've nailed it for sure!
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Sue Radford she has a thread on her I think she has about 20 children now. (Sorry not sure of the exact figure because she keeps having more babies!)
I find her life a little sad though she seems more of a victim than Amanda Owens she had her first child very young and Noel was old enough to know better and really she seems taken advantage of (statutory rape) and someone who hasn't grown up or developed past that age.
She definitely must be addicted to being pregnant because it's dangerous for her now but she still goes ahead and risks her life.
They say they are self sufficient but let down customers with their pie business and it looks like Sue leaves most of the childcare to the other girls.
I think it's a case of Sue was exploited while young and now she exploits others and the cycle continues.
People on the thread generally speaking don't seem to like them because they are using their family for material gains and to live it up and really I think it's a case of no one (apart from Sue's daughter's) would want to be like them and people are just a bit repulsed by them to be honest. (Or that's the general impression I get).
I find it disturbing as well and wonder why the media give them such praise and interest not because of their lifestyle but because (as I mentioned before) Noel's grooming and impregnation of Sue which has never really caused an outcry! It should have done!
I can't escape the feeling that it's all a bit tawdry they are not the wholesome family they first appeared to be! (Not that it's Sue's fault)
Again Sue is accustomed to living like that but I can't help but think that it's a form of controlling behaviour that she has gotten used to and has come to emulate.
She defines herself by her fertility it's all a bit basic and sad but then maybe it's the only way she knows how to gain attention and feel special which is sad in itself?
She gets criticised but how would you be able to mature and be a good parent if you'd never taken stock of yourself or discovered who you are?
It seems to me as if pregnancy is a form of temporary relief and distraction (and denial) so she doesn't have to look at what is really bothering her.
Her unhealthy relationship with Noel?
So yeah she's the opposite of Amanda in many ways she isn't self aware of aspirational or middle class or an ex model so they are relatively well known but I think it's to their detriment?
They might get gifted things or the odd holiday but I don't think it's made Sue happy just brought out her bad habits because as I've said she just isn't very well equipped to deal with even a small element of fame (or attention).
So you'll get people calling her out and feeling free to have a go at her parenting choices (and his) and really I think they are just being used by the media for cheap content.
Unlike Amanda who plays the media to her advantage but then Sue is not as glamourous or seen as being hard working so there is an element of seeing Sue as fair game for criticism which makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.
She is said to be lazy and indolent and feckless and all the rest but really no one has ever intervened in the life of this woman no social worker or family member or friend or health visitor to say really when she started having babies she was too young and it was abusive and really I see from sue a massive grab for security and safety (in numbers) and just burying herself (and hiding) in the role of mother.
She's damaged and maybe she doesn't seem it now but there has been a time when she was vulnerable and she should have been supported and now she's caught out because she doesn't know how to support her daughter's and so the cycle continues.
I find it an uncomfortable watch tbh

Misbehaving - they have 22 !!! I didn't know they had that many, they had about 12 last time I saw them. o_O
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I always think that everything isn’t as rosy as portrayed between her and Raven. Ravens body language and facial expressions give a lot away. I just don’t think she would publicly humiliate her. Clemmie is a right rebel 😂
I don't think so either - she did not have a good start at York Uni with Covid but think she will find her feet more this coming year and branch out a little, maybe not going home so much and having time with friends.
I also think Raven liked looking after the younger ones but not as much as was expected by Amanda.
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Just lets hope it's not Clemmie, I really think she could be the rebel (if there is going to be one).
I always think that everything isn’t as rosy as portrayed between her and Raven. Ravens body language and facial expressions give a lot away. I just don’t think she would publicly humiliate her. Clemmie is a right rebel 😂
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She's a bit of a weirdo isn't she? A model marrying some divorced farmer and having kids. Then going off with some ugly, 5 times married 70 year old when she actually has a TV profile.

People mad thinking it's for money. The guy has 5 wives and designs websites (equivalent of cutting lawns) for a living.
It’s all very odd isn’t it?
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Fair enough, but it is not appropriate for a farm yard, you are far more likely to slip and slide in heels than in wellies. I am wondering if wearing bangles is a Yorkshire thing as Jeanie who appears in the Yorkshire vet wear s loads of them as well.
🤣 it’s really not a ‘Yorkshire thing’ 😎
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Jeanie is like the village idiot. Screams at walkers going past. Threatens to throw dog shite at ya. They have been offered a fortune for housing on there land. The vets has been sold no longer owned by peter no longer treats farm animals n gone to shite
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Maybe it was so they knew she was being filmed? I did find it a bit dry. The success of Yorkshire Farm are the kids I think.
I used to like it but I don't want to watch Amanda's new programme I never liked her and I despise her after her cheating.
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Pretty much blaming the media for their problems. I suggest they should be thankful of the media for making them money through TV shows, books, media appearances etc.
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I am reading her first book, The Yorkshire Shepherdess. I didn't realise that this is Clive's second marriage and he has a grown up son and daughter. He is a father of 11.....
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See his daughter from a previous marriage has raised her head 🙄 seriously she’s in her 40s moaning about not sharing in their wealth ( or words to that effect ) .
Maybe accept the fact their wealth is down to serious hard graft and basically nothing to do with you love , the jealousy is literally palpable… I should add my husband has one of these from his first marriage, as soon as he met me her mother wanted him back 🤦🏽‍♀️
Clive didn’t stay after he gave her away at the wedding apparently, there’s a reason for that , you didn’t invite his wife 🤔
Haven't seen any of this, was the wedding recently? So they didn't invite his wife, what about the kids?
I agree with you, they've made their money through very hard work and probably Amanda has made quite abit from her books and TV appearances.
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