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I stick by what I said. She got knocked up to secure another 18 years of Universal Credit now that Jaya is coming to her later teen years.
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she is very overwhelmed
also not sure why she’s so surprised jaya is “playing up” when it comes to school
she’s doing night feeds but also probably just wants to spend time with her mum.
before they used to go gym together , get bubble tea etc and now it’s like she’s just a second mum
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I also agree. She's had enough on her plate as it was and then to have another kid and be so blase about it is ridiculous. She seriously needs to give her head a wobble and I hope that Jaya doesn't fall into the same rut that she has and makes a go of it.
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Jaya is old enough, in my opinion, to consent to being filmed. Jaz isn't. The slow zooming in on her face in videos makes me uncomfortable for her. Being rolled out for views on social media is just gross, especially when the child in question can't express whether or not they want to be on camera. There are other ways to show the reality of caring for a child with additional needs. That isn't it.
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Lol a friend of mine got caught on the DLR, had to give her phone data due to some partnership TFL have with Apple… long story short, she’s got a VERY big fine 🤣 Jaya has a free oyster she’s got no reason to not tap.

I’ve got no disabled friends or family - I’ve always wondered what accessible things they could get up to without a car. There must be lots, a shame she doesn’t do these things. Jas must also be in so much pain if that chair is too small for her, bless her.
It’s out there if you look for it. I’m in the midlands & although there isn’t *loads* there is things to do, and a simple walk in the woods is great sensory fulfilment - feeding ducks, looking at leaves and pine cones etc which is more than she ever does. She’s in London there must be a shit ton to do, and sen schools often advertise appropriate clubs and things. Jas gets carers if she really can’t be arsed to take her out herself she can get the carers to do it and she does the bulk of the care and get her respite while jas is doing something enriching to her life
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I agree completely.
My opinion of her has changed. She is a lazy parent no doubt about it. Jaz is Always in that bed it’s disgusting, she could get funding to get Jaz a moulded seat (P-Pod), she can do things with her and take her places. She is always always in that bed and she gets carers ffs!
I could understand it right now, especially if her c section scar isn't healing right. But its always been like this, even before she was pregnant.

I'm genuinely not sure how she's going to deal with a toddler running around that flat with all the shite she's got stacked up in it either. It's not as easy as it used to be to get rehoused in a bigger place. Especially not in London.
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she is very overwhelmed
also not sure why she’s so surprised jaya is “playing up” when it comes to school
she’s doing night feeds but also probably just wants to spend time with her mum.
before they used to go gym together , get bubble tea etc and now it’s like she’s just a second mum
She’s probably knackered and sees that all her mum seems to do all day is go shopping, so she wants to do that instead of school… don’t know why Jadie can’t see it. Also not sure why sometimes she seems to be hinting the babies father is really involved and others that he’s not at all, really odd.
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and receive gifted things
don’t get wrong i really do like her , think she’s a great mum
but the sheer amount of shopping she does is ridiculous how is she getting that amount of money
I hate to say this but… DLA. Her daughter will get highest rate for both, she’ll get carers and UC carers element, then she probably gets direct payments from the council also. I could be completely wrong and I sure hope I am but… yeah.
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She can’t. A 4 bedroom ground floor flat in Tower Hamlets is like gold dust. She actually probably hasn’t got much choice but to wait for a 3 bed once Jaya is out. Babies are a blessing but they had little room for Jasmine’s wheelchair as it was.
Still stand by the opinion that the new baby was no accident. She knew what she was doing and it's irresponsible imo. Crazy that she'd put them all through the madness of it.
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if jaya is staying on at education she’ll be entitled to claim for her until she leaves education. you can claim up until 19.

i don’t think she’s had a baby for the money i think she’s made crap life choices and ended up with a baby.
she’s very selfish and i feel desperately sad for jaya especially
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Even ignoring the clothing hauls, I want to know how she affords all the food! It’s insane how much she buys when it’s only her and Jaya that eat food and then the almost daily McDonalds/Chinese/chicken shop. I’ve definitely gone wrong somewhere!
I think it's mad that she feeds Jaya that shite constantly. I won't and will not discuss a child's weight here but we can all agree that Jade should be promoting healthy eating, regardless of her kids' bmi. It's fucking lazy. She can't blame the baby either. She's always been like this. Even her roast dinners were a calorie fest.
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she’s very lucky with the carers for jaz. i remember around christmas they took her to meet santa and to a party etc it was lovely.

i kind of don’t agree about her needing the tools to do better because i think she has those. she could easily get jas a chair to sit her in , do sensory activities with her , go on days out adapted to her needs however i think jade chooses not too.

she used to go swimming with jaya , gym etc.
i think she’s in a rut and struggling immensely with her mental health and that is SO hard.

if anything i feel for jaya as lovely as it is that she’s so close with her mum i fear she’s an emotional clutch. i can imagine she’s privy to her mums struggles and is almost like another parent in that house.

i don’t think she expects anyone to pick up the pieces because she’s pretty much raised those two girls on her own.
she needs to be rehoused and it’ll probably be outside of london. i hope she moves soon as it’ll effect jaya doing her gcse’s
Picking up the pieces was maybe the wrong phrase, I just meant that she doesn’t seem to think things through and unfortunately a lot of the responsibility for her situation falls to other people. I don’t even think it’s accurate to say she raised the two girls on her own, yes she has been a single parent but Jaya has played a big part in her own upbringing and has taken a lot of responsibility for Jazz and now the baby too. The majority of Jazz’s needs are met by carers, it is great she has access to that support as I know many families with disabled children who don’t but outwith the things the carers do with Jazz her life doesn’t seem to consist of much more than school or being laid in bed. I totally appreciate how difficult Jade’s situation is but at some point she needs to accept some responsibility as the only adult in their home and think about the effect her decisions and choices are having on her children.
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I was simply pointing out something that Jade seems completely oblivious to. To be completely honest her parenting is absolutely abysmal and she should never have got pregnant in the first place. But it’s done now and yet again it’s her other children that suffer.
I can’t believe the amount of people that bang on about what a great mum she is when she’s verging on neglectful in so many ways. Even the poor dog, I can’t imagine he’s been walked in months and if he has it will have been Jaya doing it.
What I will say is and perhaps she chooses not to film it, and I’m wrong …but it comes across that she doesn’t do much with Jazz. The majority of the time she is in her bed, there are things out there to do with PMLD children you just have to search for it. I think it’s be nice to see her vlog about some day out she’s done that caters to jazz needs.
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I think what amazes me most is how invested she is in herself. Working out, trying to eat healthy etc. But she clearly couldn't give a rats ass about enriching her kids lives.
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I really hope social services are involved and I say that not being a bitch but because Jaya needs respite and Jazz needs more input in her life than laying in bed watching Disney. It’s neglect at the end of the day, and now she’s added a baby into the mix it’s clear she’s not handling it all very well. I’m concerned to be honest. Obviously it pisses me off, I mentioned before having a child with similar needs we don’t get carers or respite like she does, our child sleeps on Average 3hrs a night and yet we give our child much more fulfilment. I’m not trying to blow my own trumpet but seriously how could you just leave your child like that almost all day? Her only socialisation seems to be school it’s such a shame really sad to see. I don’t know how she didn’t panic thinking if this babe has a complex needs too, then what would she do?.
Hey I also have a child with additional needs who barely sleeps it’s so hard isn’t it.
I Just wanted to send you a hug because it’s so hard. My daughter who is nearly 8 has just started to sleep now up to around 5-6 hours.
From around 18 months old she’s only ever slept around 3 hours a night. You sound like a lovely parent. I find the hardest part of being a parent to a child like this, is the constant worrying of are we doing enough? Am I enough etc? I honestly don’t understand how she just leaves her to be in bed all day. I’ve shown my daughter so much cool stuff and done so many courses to even understand my daughter better. It baffles me that we get these special children and some parents just leave them to it 😞
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What video is that comment from Jaya on? And which one is the cinema trip on? Feel like I’m so behind!
Jade has a huge property for Tower Hamlets standards - she’d be really hard pressed to find a 4 bedroom flat in the Borough, anything that many rooms would be split level. I understand things happen but the baby really wasn’t a great idea. She’s a massive hoarder and I don’t judge her for going out to Westfield and buying that cheap tat but because it’s clear she’s not really getting a lot of enjoyment from much else. I feel a bit sad for her in the main.

Also - what 15 year old leaves the house without her oyster?!
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I do wonder how she's going to manage all these trips to Westfield to spend hundreds of pounds on shite from Primark and banquets large enough to feed Henry VIII and his court. I don't begrudge anyone treating themselves, working or otherwise, but going back over some of her old videos I'm absolutely astounded by the amount she must be raking in. She never mentions donations from her followers either so it must be coming out of her own pocket. I've always assumed that the father (i don't know if the kids have the same dad?) doesn't contribute financially because he's never mentioned. Either way, as I'm sure I've said on this thread already, disabled child or not, nobody claiming benefits should be comfortable enough to throw money down the shitter like she did last year.

Also, just me being a petty bitch so feel free to call me out on the fact, the constant fake giggling in her videos is irritating as fuck. It's the equivalent of laughing at your own joke and it's cringe. So sue me 😂
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