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she is in a three bedroom but she needs an accessible property. she was talking about a three floor flat/house she wants.

i just think in all honesty she was “dating” the baby dads but in fact it was a sneaky link and she got pregnant.

i don’t think she ever thinks jaya will go onto leave so i highly doubt the baby was to stop the pressure of moving 😂 she’s also entitled to an extra bedroom as jas gets carers
She isn’t entitled to an extra bedroom as (assuming her tiktok is accurate) Jas doesn’t have overnight carers, they come in the morning for her.


VIP Member
I feel bad for her, she must be so overwhelmed. I hope she sorts her driving out soon as that’ll make things a million times easier for her.


VIP Member
Why is that poor baby always in his buggy even at home?! I always want to give her the benefit of the doubt but omg how lazy is she. Does he even have a playmat?
he does but she lays it on the sofa 🤔
also yikes why is he in the sit me up on top of a kitchen work surface


VIP Member
Why did she pile her dirty laundry up like that?! Wtf 😳

I mean I know it must be shit to not have a washing machine but she lives in London - surely she could’ve used some kind of launderette pick up service, or surely her nan or one of the sisters could’ve done some washing for her?! She’s very weird sometimes.


Chatty Member
What is this supposed to mean? 🤔
I guess it’s aimed at one of their dads. It doesn’t make sense. If a child doesn’t want to see that person, you can’t keep them away from them?



Chatty Member
Just watched her most recent video. Will the council find them somewhere bigger once Rein gets a bit older? Can’t imagine Jade will want to share a room with a toddler and he can’t really go in with either of the girls.


She didn’t even need to mention Jaya only had one either given the situation, I’d have assumed it had all gone in at once at the weekend and got stuck if she hadn’t.

I do think it’s shitty AF of the school though - they’re effectively punishing Jaya for her mum not buying an extra set of uniform and being disorganised generally. Neither of which are her fault and the girl has enough responsibility put on her without that. You’re not telling me they didn’t have a spare jumper/lost and found jumper she could have put on for the day - they should appreciate she made the effort to go in despite not having uniform cos a lot of kids wouldn’t have.
my kids school sells spare uniform for a fiver a piece - blazer £5, kilt £5, jumper £5 shirts and ties are a quid.

I imagine if they let the students come in ‘own clothes’ with a letter from mum it would cause a free for all and most kids would never be in uniform.


Chatty Member
She does make me laugh. On a health kick so hasn’t had a takeaway in 10 days, only 2 cans of red bull in 2 weeks and wants to show people how they too can eat healthy meals 😂


Chatty Member
I do wonder how she’s ever going to go out with the baby and Jas when he’s too big for a carrier.


VIP Member
She's quite quiet about the father of her kids and I don't blame her tbh. But I do hope that the babbys father pulls his finger out and supports her.


VIP Member
there’s laundrettes or even taking it to her family. yeah it’s an inconvenience but there’s ways around it.
can’t believe her idea of taking jas out was to go to a shopping centre especially in this heat 🤯


VIP Member
She’s really lucky to have an adapted all level home, I know I sound horrid but she should’ve thought about that before getting pregnant.
I doubt she’ll get anywhere else. Maybe she’ll just have to sacrifice her own room and sleep on the sofa 💁🏼‍♀️ I would
exactly this! it’s all one level and she also has a garden. her garden is of a nice size more then what most families in flats have!
not saying that people shouldn’t expand their families etc however she has made thsm
even more overcrowded.
plenty of families in crap temporary accommodation that should be housed before she’s rehomed
That’s a good point, there’s quite a few mums on TikTok who have moved into the living room so their kids can have their own room. I just wish she’d get rid of the clutter, that flat could be so much nicer if there wasn’t stuff everywhere
even though it’s not ideal it’s what you have you to do.
she does have a nice flat that she could do so much more with.