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I could understand it right now, especially if her c section scar isn't healing right. But its always been like this, even before she was pregnant.

I'm genuinely not sure how she's going to deal with a toddler running around that flat with all the shite she's got stacked up in it either. It's not as easy as it used to be to get rehoused in a bigger place. Especially not in London.
It will be even harder to rehouse her as she will need an accessible property to meet Jazz’s needs too. I think she has been incredibly irresponsible with her life choices but expects everyone else to pick up the pieces.
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Willing to bet most of the money she gets for Jas is spent on the other two. Like people have said before on this thread, sure she can't play with toys like the average child but spend the money on enriching activities. It IS possible. Yes, its hard. But its miles better than her laying in bed alone all the time.
^ exactly this.
The money she receives to help make Jas life a bit more comfortable.. adaptations, days out, sensory toys, all the extra things disabled children need that aren’t covered is what it’s meant for. She’ll be getting high rate for care and mobility. Which is a bit of a joke in itself because she never takes her anywhere or enriches her life, throwing on the tv constantly is just lazy parenting.
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The rumours thing was ridiculous.
A mom trying to do her best? Her best is bloody awful; she uses her eldest daughter as a carer and a babysitter to her two other children completely ignoring that she’s a child herself. She absolutely neglects Jas, and she won’t address that because she knows it’s true; and I hope that she feels self loathing and disgust in herself at the pit of her stomach for how she’s letting her down. Her disability makes things challenging, not impossible.
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absolutely her daughter should not be doing that
i suppose it’s easier for her to just let her do it.

poor girl as lovely as she is and doesn’t mind shouldn’t be doing that
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I really hope social services are involved and I say that not being a bitch but because Jaya needs respite and Jazz needs more input in her life than laying in bed watching Disney. It’s neglect at the end of the day, and now she’s added a baby into the mix it’s clear she’s not handling it all very well. I’m concerned to be honest. Obviously it pisses me off, I mentioned before having a child with similar needs we don’t get carers or respite like she does, our child sleeps on Average 3hrs a night and yet we give our child much more fulfilment. I’m not trying to blow my own trumpet but seriously how could you just leave your child like that almost all day? Her only socialisation seems to be school it’s such a shame really sad to see. I don’t know how she didn’t panic thinking if this babe has a complex needs too, then what would she do?.
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I’d have been mortified if my mum had of said some of these things so publicly about me at that age it was bad enough it being discussed with family! My heart breaks for the poor girl she’s the second parent in that home, probably battling a shit ton of hormones and school life which can be hard in itself & now being publicly shamed online for a literal phase majority of teenage girls go through ☹ I can’t wait for her to be old enough to run a mile I really hope she does
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This isn’t aimed at anyone on benefits, but we have one child and both work , hubby does 60 ish hours a week and I work 35 a week over 2 jobs and the only help we get it £85 a month in child benefit and I am so greatful for that ! However I think a lot of people who work for their money don’t waste it as much as people who are on benefits because they know what they had to do to get that money ! One of my jobs I work in a school kitchen and every time I order a takeaway (which tbf isn’t a lot atm!) I tell myself I worked a whole lunchtime ( which is 4 hours) just for a takeaway which puts me off sometimes because I know what I had to do to get that takeaway (hope I’m making sense here !) but if I didn’t earn it I’d probably just spend it on tat because I didn’t have to do anything to have it !!!!
(Please excuse me banging on,I hope I make sense !) xx
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I think when we consider her carers allowance, universal credit for herself, money for both girls that may or may not come in (they have the same surname which is different from Jade’s so I assume it’s the same dad but could be wrong!) she could be making a lot. Just a shame it gets spent on shite 🤣 when you bear this in mind though, it’s the attitude of so many - why work when you can get paid to do fuck all? It’s so hard cause these benefits greatly help a lot of people, but a lot of people work the system to their advantage.

I don’t know whether she’s naive to the extra things she could do with Jaz, or just can’t be bothered. I’m really hoping it’s the former. I just feel for her. She’s local to where I grew up and I see so many people fall into this rut, albeit with different complications.
It’s just laziness the lack of things she does for/with Jaz. I’ve mentioned before my child has similar needs, I do not have carers, I wish I did believe me - but I do it all on my own with my husband. We actively look out for specialist activities to take her too, if there is nothing on that weekend then we fulfil her sensory needs usually by going for walks in the woodland, and doing sensory activities together. It doesn’t have to cost money and it doesn’t take much effort to do these things, and it upsets me seeing Jaz in her bed so much, it’s almost a form of neglect to be honest. Along with the fact she gets carers/respite there’s not really any excuse to be honest. She lives in London, there is a whole magnitude of things to do there
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I really do feel sorry for Jaya. She’s 14 and obese and Jade admits they’ve been living off takeaways recently but both want to start eating more healthy. She’s the mother, she should be helping her to live a more healthy life, not feeding her takeaways! It’s honestly madness that she doesn’t see it. Then she actually roasts a chicken and proceeds to load up half the plate with chips! It’s actually really sad how self sufficient she has to be at 14 and instead of Jade spending time with her and helping her, she goes and has another baby.
It’s why I won’t have more children. It’s unfair imo. My eldest isn’t disabled but my youngest has complex needs quite similar to how Jazz is, and I’d absolutely love to have another child but it’s just so unfair, being a young carer & a sibling to a complex needs child is a heavy burden. I hope she is also accessing respite because she needs it too, she is still a child
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She’s selfish. The fact that she’s not even embarrassed to post that her teenager is doing her baby’s night feeds shows that.

she’s extremely fortunate that she seems to have a good care support system in place for Jaz. I know so many people with disabled children who are meant to receive round the clock care for their children but half the time staff don’t turn up, shifts cancelled last minute etc :(
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She’s a selfish and pretty crappy mom. She’s negligent to jas; relies on the oldest to be an ad hoc carer and babysitter at 15 no less.
She doesn’t do anything fulfilling to any of those kids lives, it’s shopping or tv. It’s ridiculous. The flat is bigger than my home and I too have a disabled daughter, her adaptations are much better than mine - she should be grateful and have her home to suit her kids needs not hers aka shopping for shit. She is just basically a chav, and I’m sorry to say this but I genuinely think she had that baby to top up her benefits now her eldest is reaching that age where she won’t qualify for them
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we can quite clearly see jayas size no need to point her out as obese on here.
it’s sad that at 14 she’s practically the other mum in that house she should be living her life , doing what other teens are doing
i’m sure she feels like she has to be there for her mum etc
Thank you! The same conversation took place a page or two back - why are people so comfortable talking about a CHILD'S weight online? You can't claim you feel sorry or worried for their wellbeing and then in the next breath write something that would be hugely upsetting for any 14 to read about themself, and could potential cause long term damage to their self esteem. Make it make sense.

This is a page for us to discuss Jadie, not the appearance of her 14 child who cannot consent to even being online. You can comment on someone's parenting without discussing the children directly.
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She’s on her own most of the time, she has an over weight daughter, daughter with needs I think she should of been cautious considering her situation, it’s selfish on jaz, by the looks of things they live in a crowded flat plus dog and no car.

I really like her but I’m a little shocked and disappointed
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i think jaya and jaz have the same dad.
i completely get where you’re coming from though.
it honestly baffles me why she had another baby. i don’t think she’s had another baby to claim anything because she seemed to do quite alright even before the baby!

we’re in a cost of living crisis and yet i’ve never seen someone eat so many takeaways and do as many shopping hauls!

jaya sadly is a parent to the baby not a sibling. she has far too much responsibility for someone so young. everyone thinks it’s really admirable and sweet but sadly it’s not. she should be out loving her life , experiencing the world not being an emotional crutch to her mum.
I feel really sorry for her eldest. I’m in a bit of a bad mood today so probs gonna sound really harsh and I’ve said similar before but… I am so flipping tired of people in shitty situations popping out more kids and people acting like they’ve done something noble. You got knocked up by someone (is this baby daddy number 3?), have too small a place to live and struggle already with what’s on your plate and thought the best thing would be to pop out another? It fucking baffles me! Or is this what happens when you’re used to what you can get from the state? I’ve never claimed anything in my life (I consider this a blessing rather than a flex as I have no issue with anyone claiming) so I wouldn’t have a clue what I could get but some people seem to be so well off not working that sometimes I wonder what the hell is actually available!

I know someone who is also on baby number 3 (third baby daddy) and has a kid with additional needs, she’s off on holiday every couple months, out all the time, designer clothes and she’s a right scrubber. How is it possible?! Why has society also become so relaxed about multiple fathers? I can understand having 2 but 3 and more just shows poor judgement and is unnecessary. That’s another thing and apologise if I offend anyone, I just find it crass as it’s bragged about on social media sometimes and joked about. It’s not funny when your kids are all being treated differently by their different fathers!
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So Jaya can’t go to school because she’s only got 1 set of uniform because it’s so expensive but that’s okay because she can spend all day at Asda helping Jade spend double what an extra set of uniform does on absolute rubbish 🙄 All these people in the comments sympathising about how expensive school uniform is when Jade is regularly dropping £200 just because she fancied a day out at the supermarket!
She didn’t even need to mention Jaya only had one either given the situation, I’d have assumed it had all gone in at once at the weekend and got stuck if she hadn’t.

I do think it’s shitty AF of the school though - they’re effectively punishing Jaya for her mum not buying an extra set of uniform and being disorganised generally. Neither of which are her fault and the girl has enough responsibility put on her without that. You’re not telling me they didn’t have a spare jumper/lost and found jumper she could have put on for the day - they should appreciate she made the effort to go in despite not having uniform cos a lot of kids wouldn’t have.
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see this is the problem.
her eldest is lovely and i’m sure she loves helping out but jade relies on her quite a bit which is unfair for a 14year old (not sure how old she is)

she doesn’t seem to ask for much either , her mum couldn’t do xyz and for her birthday as she was unwell with sickness and a few other times she’s been on the back burner.

it’s probably not intentional but that must upset her but she’s so understanding as she’s had no other choice but to be her mums support

but i can not for the life of me wonder what went through her head to have another baby.
not saying that having a disabled child means you can’t have other kids etc but she was already struggling with jas and now a newborn.

I wonder how she'll cope when her eldest moves on. If she's got any sense about her she'll go out and lead her own life. It's quite obvious that she'll be expected to help a lot around the house, with her sister and with the new baby. Selfish of Jade if you ask me.
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She's damaging her relationship with her eldest and if she carries on it'll be beyond repair. We'll soon see how much Jade appreciates Jaya when she's no longer there to parent her kids for her! If I were here I'd finish up school and college then clear off far away from her mother.
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I think her comments have been saying the same things too recently. Funny how she hasn’t addressed doing more with Jas though.
she won't discuss that because sadly it's true and she knows it.
good luck to her finding an accessible property in london. they are few and far between so yes I do absolutely think that she thought having another baby would make her overcrowded by 1 one and she thought it would speed things up.
no ones saying she got pregnant on purpose to move and get money etc but it will certainly help
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It's all such a waste. She could be putting away a fair chunk for Jaya in savings. For her driving lessons, first car, ANYTHING.

It's haul of crap after haul of crap. I'm sorry, but if it is benefits, it just goes to show that some people absolutely do get too much. Nobody should be getting that kind of disposable income. People who earn £50,000 a year don't have that kind of money to fritter away.
The thing is if it is benefits which I think it is, it’s meant to be spent on the person that it’s for I.E Jasmine. Like I said I’m just assuming, maybe baby daddy has a lot of money and is providing who knows. What I think sucks lately is people showing off their hauls and shit when half of us are going without to make ends meet, when we work.. it just irks people the wrong wY
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I wonder how she'll cope when her eldest moves on. If she's got any sense about her she'll go out and lead her own life. It's quite obvious that she'll be expected to help a lot around the house, with her sister and with the new baby. Selfish of Jade if you ask me.
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