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Chatty Member
I don’t mean this to sound unkind but why should she be rehoused? The majority of her situation is her own doing. She could have got herself an admin job working from home while the girls are at school during the day and bettered her life herself instead of having another baby.
There’s plenty of people who are overcrowded and rent privately but receive no help. Or those that simply can’t afford an extra bedroom/maternity leave/nursery fees so only have 1 baby or wait until they’re in a better financial position to do so.
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I was simply pointing out something that Jade seems completely oblivious to. To be completely honest her parenting is absolutely abysmal and she should never have got pregnant in the first place. But it’s done now and yet again it’s her other children that suffer.
I can’t believe the amount of people that bang on about what a great mum she is when she’s verging on neglectful in so many ways. Even the poor dog, I can’t imagine he’s been walked in months and if he has it will have been Jaya doing it.
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It's all such a waste. She could be putting away a fair chunk for Jaya in savings. For her driving lessons, first car, ANYTHING.

It's haul of crap after haul of crap. I'm sorry, but if it is benefits, it just goes to show that some people absolutely do get too much. Nobody should be getting that kind of disposable income. People who earn £50,000 a year don't have that kind of money to fritter away.
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I feel really sorry for her eldest. I’m in a bit of a bad mood today so probs gonna sound really harsh and I’ve said similar before but… I am so flipping tired of people in shitty situations popping out more kids and people acting like they’ve done something noble. You got knocked up by someone (is this baby daddy number 3?), have too small a place to live and struggle already with what’s on your plate and thought the best thing would be to pop out another? It fucking baffles me! Or is this what happens when you’re used to what you can get from the state? I’ve never claimed anything in my life (I consider this a blessing rather than a flex as I have no issue with anyone claiming) so I wouldn’t have a clue what I could get but some people seem to be so well off not working that sometimes I wonder what the hell is actually available!

I know someone who is also on baby number 3 (third baby daddy) and has a kid with additional needs, she’s off on holiday every couple months, out all the time, designer clothes and she’s a right scrubber. How is it possible?! Why has society also become so relaxed about multiple fathers? I can understand having 2 but 3 and more just shows poor judgement and is unnecessary. That’s another thing and apologise if I offend anyone, I just find it crass as it’s bragged about on social media sometimes and joked about. It’s not funny when your kids are all being treated differently by their different fathers!
I agree with this as a mother of children with two different fathers. People don't realise how hard it can be, the emotional trauma it can cause if one child has a better relationship with their father than the other. It's a struggle that I've been dealing with with my son for years and we're getting through it but it is devastating to watch.

I've got no idea if the children have the same father. But it's clear that either way, she's caused herself at least another 18 years of struggle. I think it's also easy to lose your identity as a mother and eventually, that's sometimes all you can see yourself as. Shes classed as a full time carer and therefore won't be getting a job anytime soon, Jaya is growing up and won't rely on her for much longer, Jaz has carers and she's limited in what she can do for her and how she can parent her. I wonder if the new baby was had with that in mind, even if subconsciously.
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She 100% is definitely going to need to be rehoused sharpish
This irks me a bit about people - not you, the expectation to be rehoused because they’ve had more kids. There’s a couple on TikTok NirvanaParis and her fella who bang on about being rehoused and talk smack about the council but they knew they lived in a small flat prior to having another kid.

Not to centre myself in the discussion because I know there’s thouands of others like myself but I live in a 2 bed house and it’s not fit for kids (heating isn’t great and the spare room is my office and is small) when I got pregnant a couple years ago I couldn’t afford to move and after weighing up what would be best for the child decided not to go ahead with the pregnancy. But if I had I wouldn’t have been whinging to the council, it would’ve just been my problem to sort. In the same way that people struggle with the child or children they have now, they know not to have more because it would be selfish to the child and their other children so ensure that it doesn’t happen - why are some of us suffering abortions and sacrificing yet others appear to be doing haul after haul whilst expecting the council to solve issues they created whilst being careless. It does irk me. And before anyone says well there should be more funding or whatever, if we all relied on it then the country would be screwed. It’s just annoying how some of us have to prioritise and think before we make lifechanging decisions yet others just seem to do it regardless.
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It’s just laziness the lack of things she does for/with Jaz. I’ve mentioned before my child has similar needs, I do not have carers, I wish I did believe me - but I do it all on my own with my husband. We actively look out for specialist activities to take her too, if there is nothing on that weekend then we fulfil her sensory needs usually by going for walks in the woodland, and doing sensory activities together. It doesn’t have to cost money and it doesn’t take much effort to do these things, and it upsets me seeing Jaz in her bed so much, it’s almost a form of neglect to be honest. Along with the fact she gets carers/respite there’s not really any excuse to be honest. She lives in London, there is a whole magnitude of things to do there
Firstly, I know you don’t do it for the accolades, but your child is lucky to have you and your husband, parents with differently abled kids have the patience of saints.

I guess what I’m getting at, is that some people are raised to do the absolute best by their kids, have examples of things to do etc. I very much get the idea that she lived in a block and was left to her own devices and so doesn’t know much better. It’s not as if she does amazing activities with her able bodied child either. Some people just don’t get that in order to raise well rounded kids you actively have to make an effort. It’s lazy absolutely but some people don’t know any better and it’s really sad.
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I think it's mad that she feeds Jaya that shite constantly. I won't and will not discuss a child's weight here but we can all agree that Jade should be promoting healthy eating, regardless of her kids' bmi. It's fucking lazy. She can't blame the baby either. She's always been like this. Even her roast dinners were a calorie fest.
I can understand when caring has wiped you out that it’s an easy option but it shouldn’t be so frequent or vast. Luke the sheer amount for two people is crazy I have a family of four and we don’t eat that much. Also adapting healthier techniques such as buying ready meals or even micro rice or salad pots and frozen chicken breasts cooked and sliced on top is such a quick tea and has saved me on those days where I’m knackered.

I don’t want to comment on her daughters weight, but like I said I am plus size myself and I think that girl has way too much to deal with at her young age and comfort eats. Her mom needs to stop relying so heavily on her and stealing her childhood.
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tbh i don’t think she planned a baby to get moved, she already knows how the council works.
it’s years and years wait and a baby doesn’t change that. if anything she would’ve had the baby years ago to get moved.
I don't think she planned the baby to get moved. I think she intentionally got pregnant knowing Jaya is growing up and the benefits (the ones she gets for jaya) are gonna stop eventually. Yes, she gets care allowance for Jas, but this new baby pretty much ensures she's set and comfortable for the next 16-18 years.
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These tiktok mumfluencers don't give a shit about the flack their kids get. If they did, they'd come off tiktok altogether.
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Chatty Member
I’d have been mortified if my mum had of said some of these things so publicly about me at that age it was bad enough it being discussed with family! My heart breaks for the poor girl she’s the second parent in that home, probably battling a shit ton of hormones and school life which can be hard in itself & now being publicly shamed online for a literal phase majority of teenage girls go through ☹ I can’t wait for her to be old enough to run a mile I really hope she does
That’s such a good point. I remember being a teenager and being mortified when my mum would recount something I’d done wrong to family members. I bet there’s kids at her school that see her mum’s videos and all sorts. How embarrassing for her.
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I haven’t seen the video as I no longer go on TikTok but I can only imagine. She has no interest in that poor girl other than to use her for a babysitting service. What if she’s battling mental health & having SUI thoughts she can’t speak to her slag of a mother because a she’s either spreading her legs, galavanting around Westfield or acting like she’s the only one in the world to have a disabled child. That could push her over the edge with the backlash.
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I really like her! I dunno what it is about her videos but they soothe me in some weird way, she has such a cool auntie feel about her
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Lets not make comments about a 14 year old girls size, and she isn’t overweight but also she isn’t fair game - she seems like a lovely girl who’s caring and deals with a lot.
Agreed! She is also a child and cannot legally consent to being in her mum’s videos, so it’s extra not cool to slate her appearence here.
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we can quite clearly see jayas size no need to point her out as obese on here.
it’s sad that at 14 she’s practically the other mum in that house she should be living her life , doing what other teens are doing
i’m sure she feels like she has to be there for her mum etc
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She’s just posted on her insta about going shopping and randomly buying things she likes for Reyne. Where does she get her money from?!!! It’s actually peed me off if I’m honest, all of these people at home, not working, able to shop and live very comfortably while I work full time and it’s not easy right now.
Willing to bet most of the money she gets for Jas is spent on the other two. Like people have said before on this thread, sure she can't play with toys like the average child but spend the money on enriching activities. It IS possible. Yes, its hard. But its miles better than her laying in bed alone all the time.
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Chatty Member
Even ignoring the clothing hauls, I want to know how she affords all the food! It’s insane how much she buys when it’s only her and Jaya that eat food and then the almost daily McDonalds/Chinese/chicken shop. I’ve definitely gone wrong somewhere!
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