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Chatty Member
So Jaya can’t go to school because she’s only got 1 set of uniform because it’s so expensive but that’s okay because she can spend all day at Asda helping Jade spend double what an extra set of uniform does on absolute rubbish 🙄 All these people in the comments sympathising about how expensive school uniform is when Jade is regularly dropping £200 just because she fancied a day out at the supermarket!
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I don’t support there being a thread on her at all she’s a lovely woman clearly and takes great care of her 2 children who are both angels dunno how anyone could have anything bad to say about her tbh
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I feel for her having so much on her plate with her health and everything, but she shouldn't be letting her teenage daughter do the night feeds knowing full well she's got to get up for school in the morning. No matter how much she insists she doesn't mind.
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I feel for her having so much on her plate with her health and everything, but she shouldn't be letting her teenage daughter do the night feeds knowing full well she's got to get up for school in the morning. No matter how much she insists she doesn't mind.
exactly what I was thinking, I was taken aback by that. What is she doing letting her child raise her other kids.. cmon now this is ridiculous she needs to give her head a wobblw
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I used to really like her but recently I started to find her so draining and quite grabby with the PO Box etc. Considering the girls are both at school most of the day and all she seems to do is eat and shop, she can be very woe is me.

Also shocked about the pregnancy. Although it does seem to be people who already have complicated lives that make them even harder for themselves. She’s a single mum on benefits in a tiny flat with a disabled daughter, even getting a dog seems like madness never mind a baby!

I might have misunderstood but I thought the guy that had stayed over a couple of times was an ex. I didn’t realise she’d actually been going on dates.
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I'm surprised, she was only going on 'dates' a short while back.

I really do like her a lot, but I'm giving her a side eye for that. It seems like a reckless thing to do if you're already struggling in many different areas (emotional, physical, financial) as she often says.
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I would have thought she would have liked to start having a life for herself considering if the kids are now at school. She could get a job, meet new people, experiences, etc. This new kid has put the kaibosh on any of that now though. Still, she be able to do what she likes to do best: eating and shopping. Plus she'll putting out video after video as the pregnancy develops so she won't be stuck for content and she'll get all the gifts rolling in.
I’m sorry but do you know how draining it is being a carer? Because from personal experience it’s extremely draining, I don’t have respite or carers but I do spend most of my time at home whilst my kids are at school generally I’m either recouping energy, sorting the house or catching up on the sleep I’ve lost. your generalisation is a bit unfair.

I do think her daughters condition is genetic; she said in a previous video they picked it up at her scans
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She’s on her own most of the time, she has an over weight daughter, daughter with needs I think she should of been cautious considering her situation, it’s selfish on jaz, by the looks of things they live in a crowded flat plus dog and no car.

I really like her but I’m a little shocked and disappointed
Lets not make comments about a 14 year old girls size, and she isn’t overweight but also she isn’t fair game - she seems like a lovely girl who’s caring and deals with a lot.
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I feel really sorry for her eldest. I’m in a bit of a bad mood today so probs gonna sound really harsh and I’ve said similar before but… I am so flipping tired of people in shitty situations popping out more kids and people acting like they’ve done something noble. You got knocked up by someone (is this baby daddy number 3?), have too small a place to live and struggle already with what’s on your plate and thought the best thing would be to pop out another? It fucking baffles me! Or is this what happens when you’re used to what you can get from the state? I’ve never claimed anything in my life (I consider this a blessing rather than a flex as I have no issue with anyone claiming) so I wouldn’t have a clue what I could get but some people seem to be so well off not working that sometimes I wonder what the hell is actually available!

I know someone who is also on baby number 3 (third baby daddy) and has a kid with additional needs, she’s off on holiday every couple months, out all the time, designer clothes and she’s a right scrubber. How is it possible?! Why has society also become so relaxed about multiple fathers? I can understand having 2 but 3 and more just shows poor judgement and is unnecessary. That’s another thing and apologise if I offend anyone, I just find it crass as it’s bragged about on social media sometimes and joked about. It’s not funny when your kids are all being treated differently by their different fathers!
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"This boy follows me everywhere"

No, Jade. You cart him about in that chair all day. Theres a difference. Lay him out safely on a sensory mat on the living room floor while you clean. Lock the dog in a separate room while you do so. Surely it's not that hard. He doesn't need to spend all day stuck strapped into something. Of course, we don't see everything but I've fast begun to learn that these mothers online love to show us what they think are the best bits of their parenting and never the worst (ironically).
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I have wondered why Jazz is always in bed. I’m aware that specialist seating can be created for her to have a place to sit in while with the family in the main living areas instead of laying flat, often in bed.
She claims Jazz likes to be left alone in bed but I just don’t buy that. Yes, like everyone else, Jazz will enjoy time by herself but I think it’s more likely that she has simply had to learn to be left laying in bed alone because it is what is easier for Jade. I totally understand the strain of caring for someone like Jazz but I get the impression Jade just can’t be bothered with her lot of the time, that’s absolutely not me saying she is a bad mother, I just see a mum that is in over her head so it baffles me as to why she thought adding a baby into the mix would work.
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I’m afraid I don’t buy “these things happen”. If you’re using effective contraception the chances of it happening are absolutely tiny. Certainly it never happened to me in 15 years of being sexually active before I decided I was financially stable enough to support kids of my own.
Not wanting to stereotype but it does seem that it’s always those with already chaotic lifestyles who get pregnant without any consideration of the consequences. Although of course we only know about what she shows on TikTok.
Okay but it’s happened to me twice in a year so just because it’s not happened to you doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen?
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Chatty Member
I remember doing my siblings night feeds, changing nappies. Rushing back from my bfs house to babysit whilst my mum was at work and my dad could lay in. I look back and think why the fuck was I wasting my teenage years doing that? But st the time I was all “ it’s ok mum I don’t mind helping you, you’re my mum it’s fine 🤦🏽‍♀️“ She takes the piss. I’ve got a disabled child not to the extent her daughter is but it’s still consuming and takes up every minute of the day helping her, dealing with school etc and I wouldn’t dream of asking the kids to help. I have 4 kids and I’ve always said my kids will not grow up to be little parents how I was. Used to like her but I just think she’s a lazy bastard to be honest. Don’t understand the situations she gets herself into.
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I’m a carer for my kids and now my husband who’s got cancer. My kids all go to school. During the day that is my time to sleep, rest, eat bath and relax, run errands, clean the house . Wouldn’t be right to go and get a job for myself just because I’m indoors. I don’t sleep at night as 2/3 kids don’t sleep. If I worked when would I get to sleep. It’s hard being a carer but someone’s got to do it and their my kids end of the day.
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I really feel sorry for Jaya, this is a child that has took on an insurmountable amount of responsibility in that household, Jade would be completely fucked without her; sure she’s a teenager and there may be challenges but to make a video like that about it? That’s the thanks you give? Truly awful jade should be ashamed of herself and maybe consider how much that girl does for her and the sacrifice to her own childhood that’s caused.
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Chatty Member
I’m afraid I don’t buy “these things happen”. If you’re using effective contraception the chances of it happening are absolutely tiny. Certainly it never happened to me in 15 years of being sexually active before I decided I was financially stable enough to support kids of my own.
Not wanting to stereotype but it does seem that it’s always those with already chaotic lifestyles who get pregnant without any consideration of the consequences. Although of course we only know about what she shows on TikTok.
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Regarding her getting pregnant, these things happen and having an abortion is sometimes just out of the question. You make do, you cope because you have to. Just because her life seems hard as it is doesn’t mean we should begrudge her having another child. Her daughters are obviously well looked after
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Chatty Member
Does she though? They’re cooped up in that tiny flat with a dog as well which never seems to get walked. Even just with a buggy and a wheelchair there’s going to be no room to move at all. She barely tidies it as it is. I don’t see them doing anything except trips to Asda or Westfield either. It’s just bizarre to me that you’d bring a baby into what’s already a very chaotic set up.
Without wanting to be cynical, it could be a way for her to get that bigger flat she used to talk about wanting.
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Chatty Member
The flat situation really grinds my gears. It seems mad to me that when you’re already overcrowded and rely on the taxpayers to fund your weekly trips to Westfield that you’d bring another baby into that mess! Makes you wonder why the rest of us work hard and make responsible choices.
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It’s not right at all. Poor Jaya. Just because she says it’s ok it doesn’t mean it is - she seems to be very considerate of Jade’s feelings and doesn’t want to hurt her but this is immense pressure. She’s meant to be a teenager and I hope she can get a good education and then move out as soon as she can, I really feel for her as I know from experience and having wasted years of my own life.
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