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How many bedrooms does her current fiat have? Apart from the absolute mess it actually looks like a nice enough flat (well for London standards) plus she has her own private (?) garden which is a rarity!
3 - she’s got a room, Jaya has a room and Jas has a room. So it’s a pretty generous size to be honest, it’s only crowded because of the amount of shit she buys and the seeming complete lack of storage in the main room. She is overcrowded by council standards now but that’s because she chose to have the baby.
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She's portrays this perfect devoted mum act on tiktok but I'm willing to bet she's anything but. She definitely smokes weed. Only need to look at her eyes to know that. It's the dog I feel sorry for. Bet the poor little bastard never gets a good walk.

Do you think she realises how different boys are to girls? She seems to have had an easy ride with Jaya when she was a toddler by the sounds of it. Trust me love, if hes anything like mine, that little boy is not gonna give you a break.
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I feel really sorry for her eldest. I’m in a bit of a bad mood today so probs gonna sound really harsh and I’ve said similar before but… I am so flipping tired of people in shitty situations popping out more kids and people acting like they’ve done something noble. You got knocked up by someone (is this baby daddy number 3?), have too small a place to live and struggle already with what’s on your plate and thought the best thing would be to pop out another? It fucking baffles me! Or is this what happens when you’re used to what you can get from the state? I’ve never claimed anything in my life (I consider this a blessing rather than a flex as I have no issue with anyone claiming) so I wouldn’t have a clue what I could get but some people seem to be so well off not working that sometimes I wonder what the hell is actually available!

I know someone who is also on baby number 3 (third baby daddy) and has a kid with additional needs, she’s off on holiday every couple months, out all the time, designer clothes and she’s a right scrubber. How is it possible?! Why has society also become so relaxed about multiple fathers? I can understand having 2 but 3 and more just shows poor judgement and is unnecessary. That’s another thing and apologise if I offend anyone, I just find it crass as it’s bragged about on social media sometimes and joked about. It’s not funny when your kids are all being treated differently by their different fathers!
🙌🏼 Could not have said it any better
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I honestly think her flat would be ample size if she decluttered there’s stacks of shit in every room which makes it look claustrophobic. I could not live like that especially now she’s going to have a baby roaming at some point. Thought she was sweet when I first saw her come up on my fyp but as a previous poster said it used to drive me mad seeing her be able to go out and spend hundreds of £ on tat - don’t begrudge people on benefits being able to afford treats for themselves etc. but I did find it shocking that she clearly has so much disposable income.
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I’m sorry and this makes me sound like a Tory but I’m defo not, I don’t think the council should re-house anyone who expands their family beyond 2 children when they don’t have the room to do it.
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However I think a lot of people who work for their money don’t waste it as much as people who are on benefits because they know what they had to do to get that money !
What a load of shite. If that were the case then why is there so much credit card debt out there? Some people are wasteful, and I'd say the ones more likely to spunk money up the wall are the ones earning a wage.
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her being overcrowded by one isn’t going to get her a move as quick as she thinks it is.

she won’t be the only person in her borough needing an adapted property

her flat is actually a decent size
she was only wanting to move from that flat as jas’s chair is too big for the hallway (for that i don’t blame her)
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Maybe because she’s worried about her mum doing them stoned…
i don’t think that’s he reason 🤣
however i think jaya loves her siblings and will do whatever she can to help
jadie needs to put her foot down and not let her daughter do so.
Willing to bet most of the money she gets for Jas is spent on the other two. Like people have said before on this thread, sure she can't play with toys like the average child but spend the money on enriching activities. It IS possible. Yes, its hard. But its miles better than her laying in bed alone all the time.
10000% i work with sen children and some of these parents have nothing or any ideas on things to do. however they make it work.
i was in shock when in her one of her latest vlogs she was in bed till 2 and then was in bed watching stuff.
i understand it’s hard going from 2 to 3 kids however none of her kids asked for this.
she’s lazy i’m sorry.
yes it’s hard and overwhelming however she chose this to have three kids.
not everyone who receives these benefits is frittering it away on mindless hauls of tat from wilko and ridiculous trainers for a four month old baby.
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I remember doing my siblings night feeds, changing nappies. Rushing back from my bfs house to babysit whilst my mum was at work and my dad could lay in. I look back and think why the fuck was I wasting my teenage years doing that? But st the time I was all “ it’s ok mum I don’t mind helping you, you’re my mum it’s fine 🤦🏽‍♀️“ She takes the piss. I’ve got a disabled child not to the extent her daughter is but it’s still consuming and takes up every minute of the day helping her, dealing with school etc and I wouldn’t dream of asking the kids to help. I have 4 kids and I’ve always said my kids will not grow up to be little parents how I was. Used to like her but I just think she’s a lazy bastard to be honest. Don’t understand the situations she gets herself into.
I agree completely.
My opinion of her has changed. She is a lazy parent no doubt about it. Jaz is Always in that bed it’s disgusting, she could get funding to get Jaz a moulded seat (P-Pod), she can do things with her and take her places. She is always always in that bed and she gets carers ffs!
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she’s in no way going to get a fully adapted four bedroom house in london.
at best like someone said is she’ll probably get a ground floor adapted flat.
i’ve never known someone to constantly be out buying primark shit every other day
even her food shops are just utter crap , idk anyone benefits or not that has the funds to be buying baby clothes and trainers every other day
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I used to really like her but recently I started to find her so draining and quite grabby with the PO Box etc. Considering the girls are both at school most of the day and all she seems to do is eat and shop, she can be very woe is me.

Also shocked about the pregnancy. Although it does seem to be people who already have complicated lives that make them even harder for themselves. She’s a single mum on benefits in a tiny flat with a disabled daughter, even getting a dog seems like madness never mind a baby!

I might have misunderstood but I thought the guy that had stayed over a couple of times was an ex. I didn’t realise she’d actually been going on dates.
I would have thought she would have liked to start having a life for herself considering if the kids are now at school. She could get a job, meet new people, experiences, etc. This new kid has put the kaibosh on any of that now though. Still, she be able to do what she likes to do best: eating and shopping. Plus she'll putting out video after video as the pregnancy develops so she won't be stuck for content and she'll get all the gifts rolling in.
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I really do feel sorry for Jaya. She’s 14 and obese and Jade admits they’ve been living off takeaways recently but both want to start eating more healthy. She’s the mother, she should be helping her to live a more healthy life, not feeding her takeaways! It’s honestly madness that she doesn’t see it. Then she actually roasts a chicken and proceeds to load up half the plate with chips! It’s actually really sad how self sufficient she has to be at 14 and instead of Jade spending time with her and helping her, she goes and has another baby.
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Chatty Member
She’s just posted on her insta about going shopping and randomly buying things she likes for Reyne. Where does she get her money from?!!! It’s actually peed me off if I’m honest, all of these people at home, not working, able to shop and live very comfortably while I work full time and it’s not easy right now.
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Yeah that's a bit sly 🤔 like you say even if the poor girl says she doesn't mind it's not the point she's still in school
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She’s brand new. I wasn’t aware she even really had a partner so wondered about the pregnancy too. She does have alot on her plate and then a newborn to add to it
As someone who has a disabled child/needs similar to her daughters I’d say she’s brave af for having another baby.. I couldn’t do it. Caring is so consuming, I do worry for her I just hope she has the support in place when and where she needs it, she doesn’t want to get burnt out, bless her.
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Really sad to see that in all those Christmas presents she’s bought her daughter there is nothing sensory based to enrich her enjoyment and experience. That poor girl is just slumped in front of a tv all her life, Jade could do with some parenting courses
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Why is that poor baby always in his buggy even at home?! I always want to give her the benefit of the doubt but omg how lazy is she. Does he even have a playmat?
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Really sad to see that in all those Christmas presents she’s bought her daughter there is nothing sensory based to enrich her enjoyment and experience. That poor girl is just slumped in front of a tv all her life, Jade could do with some parenting courses
We all know she’s getting the full whack DLA benefits for her… Which should be spent on her! By law Jade is only her appointee and should be spending that money on that poor little girl on things that will improve the quality of her life.
Sorry it sounds awful but living with Jade, the poor girl has no quality of life. We all see how she pisses all her money up the wall on takeaway and random hauls of junk she doesn’t even need. Perhaps she should be using the money on what it is meant for!

disgusting behaviour
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