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I thought he might possibly be back at work, but then remembered on one of the GP posts put on here that Pea said he’s been working at home throughout lockdown, but she posted a photo to stories one day of him apparently cycling back from work and getting home. It’s all a bit confusing! But still, WHERE IS HE? it is like he’s just disappeared!! So odd!!
Probably pretending to go to work and merrily cycling away on his bike, then spending the day crying in a bus stop with his hat
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Never in a million years did I think I would say this. I saw R and P at the local park today and R was actually really polite and wanted to play with the other kids. It was P that seemed really protective. R just wanted to be a normal kid.
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I agree. Attention seeking - if the crying was that bad, the last thing you'd want to do is start filming it. Why was she doing that? Weird. Also, in those stories in the car, again, Ember's head is not supported. It's just rolling around constantly.

I just can’t think of any time that I’ve thought omg my child is crying I need to video her. Clutching a straws being an ‘honest parent’ pretty sure filming your child distressed is quite far from the gentle parenting ideal.
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Does everyone remember that she filmed herself in labour all strapped up with monitors and posted it on insta with Raven? Did she do anything similar with Ember?
If I remember correctly I think she said she was maybe in slow labour 🤔 then a post announcing baby E’s arrival. Wham bam thank you mam.

8 grid posts since her arrival and only featured alone on 3. I agree with everything that’s been said here, Nicola seems so detached from the baby, it’s super sad to see even as a total bystander. I cannot imagine the pain they went through losing W but you’d think she’d treat all her children the same but you can see a clear difference between R and E.
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Oh my GOD I’ve wanted this thread for SO SO LONG - going straight to number 1 to catch up

So my main beef with this account is like what most others have said- I arrive really hard to be a ‘gentle parent’ myself, still breastfeed a child over 1, bed share etc etc. The thing is a) I don’t need to tell the world I do these things on a public Instagram, because the way I parent isn’t the concern of anyone else and also, it’s BORING for others to read and b) a MASSIVE part of gentle parenting is BOUNDARIES and finding alternative ways to prepare your child for the world in ways that take their development, mental health and emotional wellbeing into account, while also teaching them about autonomy and being a well rounded and helpful person. It is NOT about letting them do what the fuck they want with no regard for anyone else or anyone’s possessions. It makes me laugh that on her public insta she portrays herself as some wise parenting guru but privately on a closed gentle parenting fb group and extended bf she is there asking the most basic of questions. Then she will present to the world that she has all the answers. She’s been so smug because she works fuck all hours and had one single child who was practically a baby. Can’t wait to see how having 2 is going to smash her tranquil perfect parenting world
I used to really like this account but I agree with everything you've just said!!
My daughter was breastfed until 3.5, we didn’t co sleep but I like to think my parenting was of the gentle approach.... but she knows there are rules. Unless you were close to me you wouldn’t know she was breastfed for that long .. there isn’t a need for people to know. I’m not ashamed of it but at the same time I wouldn’t share everytime she drinks from a cup to social media so why share the breastfeeding ??
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Why won’t she go to the doctors about how she’s feeling?
I wish she could see how unwell she is. I’ve been there though and you can’t usually see it yourself.
When the washing machine broke yesterday she was so stressed, plus all the other minor issues she felt were the end of the world - this is all a sure sign of depression. You feel your problems are huge when really they’re easily fixed.

I know we joke on here but I really wish she would get some help. I wish she would LET people help her. Surely if her mum saw her in this state she’d intervene? Does she not listen to anyone?

I can’t imagine how hard it is for her placing all this guilt on herself in the name of gentle parenting. This isn’t going to get any better until she admits she’s struggling and gets some medication - sorry to be so blunt but it’s true.
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She has no idea how ppl do it? Usually we implement rules, routines, boundaries, clean up as we go, multi task with putting a wash in whilst the toddler watches TV. Do a few activities but encourage toddler to play alone. It's quite easy really 😅
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I would say not having a washing machine with a toddler and a newborn is pretty shit and an actual problem.
She does talk as if she has no help whatsoever. Saying thank god for Instagram regarding people sending things. Surely Dean or her Mum could pop to the shops for nappies!
I agree it’s an actual problem but I also think that most people would just sort it. It’s not groundbreaking insta content. To me it’s just moaning that yet something else has gone wrong but also feel that Insta is like this a lot lately

Has anyone read her book? I’ve been recommended to purchase it in a loss group as I’m struggling, but no really sure it’ll help me as I’ve had several miscarriages and I thought it was aimed at later losses? (Sorry if I’ve not worded that right) Is it just her life story? As someone who used to be friends with dean I don’t wanna read her life story.. she pushed that on me years ago when I met her 🤣
I’m sorry to hear you’re suffering multiple miscarriages. I haven’t read her book as I find her preachy and when contacting her directly when we had our loss it made me feel like that book wasn’t built on empathy when it came out. After we experienced our neonatal death I found that the best thing was to physically talk to someone about what happened. Bereavement midwives are brilliant if you have access to one.

We are currently going through a period of time where we too have experienced multiple miscarriages and although this is a different feeling of loss it is still really hard. In all honestly talking to someone can make you feel like there’s still hope.

Pea herself has been very open about her multiple miscarriages when they were trying for Raven so the book may touch on this if you’re still interested but the only thing that helped me see the bigger picture at play in all situations was chatting to someone. It doesn’t even have to be a therapist, a willing friend or even your GP 🙂

Why is Raven feeding at 10am?!
I have a daughter similar in age to Raven and I cannot imagine her breast feeding at this age. It honestly makes me feel a bit funny and reminds me of ‘bitty’ on Little Britain where the grown man is still breast feeding at like 40. Fine if it’s what you want to do, I don’t really care. I just don’t want to see it hence the unfollow so I don’t have to 😂
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I feel really uncomfortable about her latest post and feel tempted to comment.
It’s not just about Raven and how raven is settling and how Raven is feeding and her guilt being stuck under a sleeping baby. It’s not just a sleeping baby, it’s her newest daughter who deserves (and not to mention needs!) the bulk of her attention. Ember is finally named down in paragraph 4 or something.
I completely agree with this! If Raven was still a baby herself I could maybe understand it more. For example when I was born my siblings were 1 year and 2 years old, but I got the priority still and the milk I needed and my dad done more with the other two so my mum could feed me.
All the tandem feeding comments and sleeping comments, Raven is 3.5 years old? At that age she should be old enough to understand sharing, weaning and sleeping by herself because she has a new sister. Nicola harps on about how she's so bright and advanced yet keeps her like a baby in so many ways.
She has a new baby now, its time to let Raven behave her age.

I completely agree with this! If Raven was still a baby herself I could maybe understand it more. For example when I was born my siblings were 1 year and 2 years old, but I got the priority still and the milk I needed and my dad done more with the other two so my mum could feed me.
All the tandem feeding comments and sleeping comments, Raven is 3.5 years old? At that age she should be old enough to understand sharing, weaning and sleeping by herself because she has a new sister. Nicola harps on about how she's so bright and advanced yet keeps her like a baby in so many ways.
She has a new baby now, its time to let Raven behave her age.
Also to add, other than stating Ember has gained weight. There's nothing about her in that post and how she's doing. It's all about N & R! I know she's a newborn but still, she deserves to be gushed about. Poor little mite is such an afterthought.
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That post on her instagram has took all my power not to comment on. She has made it sound like Ember has ruined her and Ravens life ffs. It's made me so angry
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I sometimes wonder whether she genuinely thinks she’s the superior parent than a mother who doesn’t co-sleep, breast feed, says no occasionally. I’d love her to meet my incredible 5 year old who bottle fed, slept in her own room from 6 months. She probably thinks she’s practically neglected because of these things...I hate to sound like her but she’s confident, content, bright and we couldn’t be closer. All the things she does are just a display of this ‘gentle’ ideal she holds in such high regard. It’s so unnecessary and she’ll lose herself in pursuit of this parenting perfection.
I would guess you are confident and secure in your parenting ability where as Pea is desperately insecure and clutching at straws. She has to put others down to build herself up.
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This is why those with big followers piss me off - why can’t she be honest and real instead of smug pictures of her tandem feeding when clearly her reality is the opposite!
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I'm disgusted by that screen shot.
Queen R takes precedent again.
I agree with others, I know it's weird to say but I really dislike R. She just looks like a little shit and it's not her fault but there it is.
My daughter was 4 in December and she can be savage, but she's empathic, kind, respectful and polite, because I've taught her to be.
Pea hasn't taught r Any of the skills she needs as she grows up.
That poor baby, I'd kill for a 2nd but am now infertile and this just breaks my heart
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Oh my god that picture... genuinely don’t have an opinion on when someone should breastfeed till. You do you. But Raven deserves some fucking privacy, she doesn’t need her nursing for a nap broadcast to the fucking world. I cannot fathom how she is so ~gentle and yet has no boundaries for her children and what she will and won’t share. That photo is so intimate I almost feel like it’s intrusive to look at it.
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Can’t help but think Dean and Ember are just extras in the P and R show ... don’t understand why she went on to have another baby, it’s quite evident that the only reason was to give Raven a sibling and I personally think even that is something she now regrets doing!

She should have not only prepared R for E’s arrival, she should have prepared herself as well and been realistic about her expectations.
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Her posts about Winter are beautifully written and very emotive. The rest is all tripe, you can tell when she’s invested in her writing and when she’s not (Embers birth). Ultimately though I really dislike all the wordy parenting captions that don’t really make any sense, perfectly imperfect parent is another one who does it, I just can’t get to the end and if I do I genuinely couldn’t tell you what on Earth it was about.
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I am honestly so shocked at this woman. A newborn dumped in the front seat, whilst older sibling rides safely in back (is this because R will try to hit E? Yikes). A newborn left to cry whilst older sibling is fed. A pack of lies told to social media. Pea looks so ill. Believing that turning your back to a child whilst literally bedsharing and nursing them is abandonment. I'm sorry but Pea is very ill.
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