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i know the vast majority of people don’t care and i’m glad i’m not one of them.

you think the millionaires worked hard to acquire their wealth? 😂 i’m not at all forgetting olivia’s privilege that’s the point i’m making hahaha. she’s a privileged rich girl who is choosing to not use her platform to support things that actually matter and i am leaving her alone i’m not interacting with any of her socials because i’m done giving people like her more money.
They’re working harder than the people sat moaning about them, if you think blocking celebs is gonna do anything then you’re deluded , get your money up, the public gave them the platform by watching them, following them and buying their products.. now all of a sudden the same people are mad at what they’ve caused 🤣 I just think it’s ironic and funny.

She’s not using her platform because it doesn’t affect her, she’s not educated and quite frankly doesn’t care which I don’t blame her? Maybe she is pro-Israel? Maybe she’s not getting caught up in the pro Palestine cesspit / cult?

Why place so much pressure on a 22 year old girl? She also more than likely has Jewish and Israeli friends now after social climbing so wouldn’t want to make them feel even more targeted than they are.

You’re still on her thread, talking about her and giving her exposure , the more you talk about her it gives this thread more exposure through the algorithm so that’s a bit contradictory.
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It’s funny to imagine if she had stayed in Ireland when she bought the house what would’ve happened. She could’ve went down the emma chamberlain route of being a youtuber (a better one) then a socialite but she’s just went straight to socialite without any proper grounding to fall back on as her YouTube has fallen off. I also give it 2 years max with these influencers everyone is so sick of them and their laziness! Especially if you don’t contribute anything else other than a 10 second tik tok of you parading about

Also I listened to her podcast the other week in the car and had to turn it off I could feel my brain rotting. It’s all about boys and generic things we all do that doesn’t need 20 minute airtime.
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If you don’t already know that killing innocent people is bad then Olivia Neill is not going to be the person to change your mind
Sadly for some people, it does take influencers and celebs to actually highlight social issues! It’s shitty but that’s the world we live in, so she could do the bare minimum in fairness
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Lmao in her most recent pod she says how she’s good friends with Zack Bia and doesn’t understand why people are mean/take the piss out of him????? olivia pls be fr

she’s acting as if she didn’t use to make fun of him back in her Lewys and Flossie days…. Hypocrite

she’s also in la for a month, I feel sorry for her poor cats
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Chatty Member
That’s not what I mean I’m saying dressing her in all off the designer clothes won’t make her posh or classy she’s still a spoil useless high climber jobless twat!! She still
Opens her mouth and shit 💩 comes out off it… with her pointless podcasts!!
I get this is typically a hate forum but this just screams jealously lmao
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idk i feel like the fact she's starving herself, doesn't anything of substance and surrounded by superficial social climbers probably has more to do with her depression
ngl i think the thing she'll like most is supressed appetite
meds don't really work like that tho, you're supposed to titrate for a week and try different dosages until you the find the right one for you.
i really doubt it would start working this quickly for her

girl don't teach me about adhd - i literally have it and i'm taking meds for it.
it just pisses me off that there's literally a shortage in the UK, but people like olivia are taking meds when they literally don't need it
medication doesn't fix all the problems related to adhd, you need to work on those skills in therapy, but it does help you concentrate and get on with your work. Like what does olivia do besides getting piss drunk, and posting the odd tiktok? and why you do need meds for that?
My doctor literally said i don't have to take my meds on the days i'm not working.
My bf and his sister both have ADHD, he got told to only take it when he has work but she got told to take it every day no matter what 🤷‍♀️. Moral of the story is that (shock!) medicines and medical conditions impact everyone differently.
Now can we move on because this conversation is dry af and could literally be never-ending.
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descendent of an aristocrat look to her lol like you'd see her in a painting in a state home.
Flossie is pretty but this is a bit much imo lol
She has the least sense of fashion out of all of them and wears so much more heavier make up too, like not always nicely applied.
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The whole things where she’s like yeah I’ve been sleeping loads for like twelve hours straight… how can she be so dumb that’s literally a symptom of not eating enough your body doesn’t have enough energy🙄
The story of her choking on her vomit in her sleep is actually horrific, that’s straight up overdose behaviour if that’s not a cry for help I don’t know what is
She wasn’t just “really tired” she had alcohol poisoning! Kind of shitty for her to put Ruby in such a scary position and for Ruby to not have called an ambulance
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Chatty Member
I'm assuming your bf's sister actually has an occupation and responsibilities beyond posting on ig and tiktok?
Why are meds (that are so hard to get for people who actually need them b/c they have a job/are in education) being wasted on influencers who don't do shit? Read the posts before this - You're not her doctor, but she admitted that he said she didn't to take them (shock!) , and she said she was hyperfocusing whilst talking them, which isn't normal. Moral of the story: she's only talking them to supress her appetite.
Don't reply to my message if you don't want to continue the convo - you're only adding to the dryness.
so uneducated its crazy, go back to school babes
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See the ADHD medication convo can we please just wrap it. Not Olivia’s fault if there is a national shortage. She is just as entitled as the next person with ADHD to meds. She pays taxes, and I’m sure the meds were funded privately as well, let’s leave it there.
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I think its brilliant that more women are realising that they might have ADHD and are able to get the help for it. Also we don't know if her diagnosis was private or not, but I do think it is important to not invalidate someones diagnosis of something that has a large affect on someones day to day life. I think it is important for people to be mindful of a topic that is very personal to people and not weaponise it against someone. As someone who received a NHS ADHD diagnosis after years of waiting I think if people can afford to get it done privately then that frees up NHS spaces for those who can't afford to pay. I completely understand peoples frustration of individuals not diagnosed seeing it as a quirky personality trait, but I also think if people are going to turn it against her then you're also part of the problem. I understand she's posted about it publicly but I also think its important in general that people are mindful that neurodiversity is a sensitive topic.
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She admits this herself. Even the person prescribing them said she didn’t really need them. Olivia just wanted to dabble for a week or so to see how she feels. It seems to have really helped though?
Even if she did have adhd, I feel like the people that need meds have a 9-5 or are studying full time. Why would you need meds to post PR and show off about your hookups on your “podcast” ?
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Here we go… another influencer buying an adhd diagnosis to be ✨ quirky ✨
I’m not an expert but people have suspected she has it since she started YouTube while still in school so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a genuine diagnosis. There are a lot of women who are discovering they have it in adulthood because nobody knew what the signs were when they were little because of stereotypes of only screaming, violent little boys being able to have ADHD. Not everyone needs meds though. I’m sure the appetite suppressing side effect will appeal to her though…
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I think it's clear what your point was and idk why people are doubling down on you. Almost putting words in your mouth.

If the shoe fits it fits, if it doesn't, clearly that's not what you were talking about. Seems you can't say anything about adhd and the surge in diagnosis (both real and not) and how SOME people exploit it
I see what you mean. But times are changing, and neurodivergency is taken more seriously. A surge in diagnosis is inevitable. There's also been a surge in the diagnosis of depression and anxiety. That doesn't mean more people are experiencing these issues, it just means less people used to be diagnosed.

My boyfriend went through the process of getting diagnosed with ADHD. Even if you go private, it's a really really strict, long, very highly regulated process. Especially for adults (essentially because less "legit" people can vouch for your everyday behaviour, unlike children who often get referred by teachers). Medication is even more harshly regulated, because people sell it.

Is Olivia gonna use it for clout? Yeah probably. Does it mean she doesn't have "real" adhd? Probably not x
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I’m not an expert but people have suspected she has it since she started YouTube while still in school so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a genuine diagnosis. There are a lot of women who are discovering they have it in adulthood because nobody knew what the signs were when they were little because of stereotypes of only screaming, violent little boys being able to have ADHD. Not everyone needs meds though. I’m sure the appetite suppressing side effect will appeal to her though…
True, but when I have now seen probably 50+ influencers all come out with the “life changing” ADHD diagnosis and use it in every clip, reel and caption it does make you a bit tired of hearing it from them, especially when they don’t have the 5 year NHS waitlist and simply ✨ buy one✨.
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VIP Member
True, but when I have now seen probably 50+ influencers all come out with the “life changing” ADHD diagnosis and use it in every clip, reel and caption it does make you a bit tired of hearing it from them, especially when they don’t have the 5 year NHS waitlist and simply ✨ buy one✨.
I think it's clear what your point was and idk why people are doubling down on you. Almost putting words in your mouth.

If the shoe fits it fits, if it doesn't, clearly that's not what you were talking about. Seems you can't say anything about adhd and the surge in diagnosis (both real and not) and how SOME people exploit it
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