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Screaming kids, barking dogs, fighting in the middle of the street and Screaming the street down from 3am last night. All attributed to 3 households! I wish them a long, cold, dark winter 😂
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Kofi Annan

Well-known member
We can't have anything on our adjoining fence.
I had some of those planters that have hooks on. She tipped them off in the middle of the night so when I woke up all the plants had been destroyed by passing wildlife and we had to clear up shit tons of soil and gravel.
Cannot stand her.
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Norfolking Good

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I totally concour. We moved a year ago and for the first time we sat in our garden all summer without listening to the neighbours music, all her phone calls on speakerphone or then jabbering at full blast until midnight. It was bliss to just have normal background noise.
For all the money it costs you to move, do it!
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I think having issues with old neighbours has traumatised me a little.
I'm having fitted wardrobes added today and it is noisy as one would expect. But I know next door sometimes do night shifts so I'm really worried what if I'm disturbing them and causing them trouble.
But then I know I'm entitled to do what I want and it is only for two days! Completely irrational fear of mine right now. Thought I would share and see if anyone else has been like this?
If you feel really bad about making noise, go tell your neighbor in advance, or leave them a friendly note. It sets the tone, and if they are reasonable people they will totally appreciate the warning.
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Chatty Member
Upstairs neighbour has 3 children under 4. They don't seem to have any structure to their day. They rarely even go out of the house. The eldest 2 don't go to nursery. They scream and run up and down the hall all day until 11pm most nights . On Tuesday they were still screaming at 1am.

I work from home and it's so distracting when I'm trying to work. There is absolutely no respite and no peace and quiet in the house.

The other neighbours from the other side are constantly watching us. If I'm in the kitchen and they are in their garden they are shouting over to us trying to talk to us. Their kids will persistently try to grab your attention by shouting and screaming until you notice. I feel like I'm always getting watched. Their parents aren't much better and constantly seem to be looking over at us in the kitchen.
As a parent I just don’t understand this, how do these parents cope with no routine and hearing their kids screaming until late at night??? I would not cope at all! We’re out most days even if it’s just a walk to the shops and we have a bedtime routine. Not trying to make out I’m a perfect parent btw but I just couldn’t be in the house 24/7 with all that noise 🤯
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Used to have very neighbours that lived in the houses behind and would be seen looking into people houses 😮. My father took it upon enthusiastically himself to wave at her every time. She soon stopped 😂
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They are 2 and 3 years old. That’s what kids do at that age. Even if the parents ask 100 times they will always have meltdowns for no reason as they have no idea how loud or annoying they are being.
No this is the parents fault, the kids have learned that if they do it then they get what they want, I've heard argument after argument with the grandparents telling them to stop this crap because they are only teaching the kids that all they need to do is whine an they win, it's honestly a pain in the ass listening to it every day, I have 30+ second cousins in the family an a young neice all between weeks old an a few years old an not one of them do this morning to night 7 days a week
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Crazy neighbour's taking pictures of my garden again. I know it's not illegal as she's stood on the pavement, but with all the harassment we've had she's clearly just doing it to upset us/annoy us. She's unhinged.
I'd take pics of hers the same time she's doing it and make sure they know
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Chatty Member
Crazy neighbour's taking pictures of my garden again. I know it's not illegal as she's stood on the pavement, but with all the harassment we've had she's clearly just doing it to upset us/annoy us. She's unhinged.
Take pictures of her taking pictures to try freak her out!
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So. This morning I possibly saved a child's life but put my own family in danger, I'm so conflicted and scared. There was a baby not even 2 roaming the roads bare foot, no nappy and soiled clothes. I tried the house where I thought he may be from shouted and knocked no answer.
So I waited about 20 mins and rang the police. In the mean time another neighbor came out and said omg you know who that kids father is and told me.

He is a dangerous criminal who has no problem knocking down people's doors and hospitalizing them.

Now I am terrified of what is to come. And my husband will be furious I got involved but the child was in harm's way and could of being killed as we are close to a main road.

The police parked in my driveway and said I could may an anonymous complaint and I said you just parked in my drive it's very obvious.
You did the right thing a wonderful thing, If the father or family say anything it should be thank you as anything could have happened.
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My neighbour is currently out doing work in his front garden and his wife was away with the car. I was in the garden letting my dogs out and she came back and someone had parked in the space she left, bearing in mind they have a drive that can fit 3 cars. She opened the window of the car and said ‘ffs where am I supposed to park’ and her husband replied ‘I know it’s a joke you leave for 10mins and someone steals your space, paying road tax for nothing’

I really wanted to shout ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL?!?! YOU are the reason other people can’t get parked near their homes because you don’t use your fucking drive!

Happy Friday.
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One of my friends, who died a few years ago had a terrible neighbour experience. Her and her partner who was a fireman who worked shift bought an ex council house. They had viewed the house and fell in love with it. They knew a family lived next door amd thought noth8ng of it as they themselves were trying for a baby. The problems started almost immediately. The woman who lived next door in a council house had six children, three were 18 and over. The youngest three were just feral. No dinner times or bedtime. They played in the street, usually breaking something, or stealing cars. The police were constant visitors to the house. The front garden suddenly become a place for wrecked cars and car repairs, going long into the night with outside drinking snd weed smoking. The woman of the house declared my friend to be a ‘snob’ because she wouldn’t chat long or let her come into her house. She was drunk most days and had developed a habit of knock8ng my friends door and ask8ng for bits of money, strange amounts like £2.50, never more than £3. After about the twentieth time of asking, getting amd not replaying my friend put her foot down and told her never to ask again. The woman wen5 ballistic and accused her of trying to starve her children by refusing her the price of some potatoes. She wasn’t buying potatoes, her dealer sold her read6 made spliffs for a quid each.
After that their house was under siege. Day and night. Banging on inside walls calling her and her husband names. Every time they left the house there would be smashed eggs, ketchup, all sorts squirted on doors and windows. The car was vandalised so often they sold it and her husband took a bus to work. It was 24/7 harassment. The three elder sons sexually harassed my friend. She contacted the police and co7ncil. The council sent a warning letter to the woman but nothing changed. My friend told me she was seriously th8nkimg about contacting social services about the kids. They didn’t eat regularly or ever attend school, amd it was the kids that were vandalising the home. But she was reluctant to do it b3cause she feared the reaction she would get. They put the house up for sale. Every time some came for a viewing the noise and trouble was immediate. The elder sons shouting at the prospective buyers. Every evening in the summer months the front garden was full of yobs. My friend and her husband decided to move anyway, regardless if they sold thehouse or not.
One even8ng, late about 11 o’clock a knock at the door. It was the woman next door. Her youngest kid hadn’t come home,he was 7, had they seen him. They hadn’t, so off she went. The next morning a police car was parked outside the house. The child had been found dead. Hit by a train on the tracks where he and his brothers played.
For about three mon5hs following the death the noise abated. My friend actually cooked an even8ng meal every night for the family. Suddenly the house sold. They were delighted. The day after they told the woman threywere moving out the trouble started back up. Almost immediately and in the same form. Vandalism, name calling and the thugs were back in the front garden all night longdrinking and smoking and making noise. She said it was as if the child hadn’t died, everything just reverted back to the past. They moved out one early Sunday morning, everyth8ng thrown in a van and they never looked back. She said she felt guilty not warning the new owners about the problems they had had, but she wanted to flee. About six months later her husband, the fireman was called to a ‘shout’. He found himself attending a fire in his old house. The thugs were out on the street shouting burn baby burn, clearly enjoying themselves. The house burnt to the ground. No one was hurt. It was an arson attack. No one was charged.
That story is absolutely horrendous, I feel very sorry for your late friend having to go through that.

Imagine taking pleasure in making other peoples lives a misery, there are some very cruel people in this world.
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Chatty Member
I’ve only just found out about this thread the day after my nightmare neighbour has been finally kicked out after a section 21 being served to her. Took months and months of numerous complaints to the apartment block management, the council, the police etc etc but omg the relief to know she’s gone is unreal! She genuinely ruined my life for months
I hope you can get your life back ❤

Home is supposed to be where we all feel relaxed & safe but a shitty neighbour can make it he’ll on Earth.

My neighbour is with a private landlord & really doesn’t give a shit as long as they pay their rent x
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VIP Member
Totally agree about anti social people, a tiny minority who ruin everything. I don't know of any who have been forcibly moved though
Its bizarre how these ppl live. I swear the asbo house in our street and the asbo house in the street behind think they live in bloody butlins or something. Just because every day is a holiday for you, does not mean it is for everyone else.
There was a full scale fight in our otherwise quiet, nice street the other week 🙄 absolutely feral. Round them all up and put them in a ghetto
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Why do people block peoples drives these days? My neighbour is completely blocking another neighbour's drive, and now a guest of another neighbour has just shown up and completely blocked another neighbour's drive. So now if any of the 3 cars come back to try get on their driveways they arent going to be able to, and since the weather is quite frankly terrifying no one is out so there's no where else for them to park.

I get that legally you CAN do it but its a complete nonsense and as proven by that poor couple who've just been killed over parking I think there probably should be some kind of legality brought in when it comes to blocking access to your own property.

Also this weather can do one. My fence is looking increasingly weak and I think I will cry if it goes over. We are on a corner so if it goes my whole garden is open to the world and his thieving mates 🙄
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Why do people need to stand in the street and have conversations at the top of their lungs.

One neighbour who does it constantly was in the street the other day talking about their chemotherapy appointment. Another neighbour saw them two days later and asked how the appointment went. She called him rude and vile for eavesdropping.
He said it’s hardly eavesdropping when you’re stood outside my house shouting your business for the next four streets to hear.
Haha I love that! My neighbours do this until 3am in their hot tub that’s right outside my bedroom window 😏

I learnt that the auntie can’t be trusted, she shagged someone from church who stole 40k from the church? I may have got something mixed up because their loud af bubble jets were keep coming on and spoiling the chat for me 😅
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@Kofi Annan wow I can't believe they would stoop that low! I will make sure I have a quick word with them to let them know.

I got back around 9pm last night and things were suspiciously quiet next door. Only half a day until OH gets home, we pick our son up from school and we spend the final 7 days running around finishing painting and getting everything ready. Flooring is booked for Tuesday. TV and broadband for Wednesday and movers for Friday.

I spent a good 20 minutes talking to my new neighbours on one side last night. The difference is like night and day! They are absolutely lovely, really friendly, can't help us enough. They are a very polite and nice family who have very polite older children living there too. He went out of his way to give me bus route numbers, taxi firm numbers, kosher butcher recommendations. Maybe this is our reward for dealing with these wronguns for so long?
I am yet to properly meet the other side of me but they seem nice from a quick introduction to OH and my son. They are also doing works to the property before moving in. So hopefully we get to say a proper hello soon.

This house has been my husband's home for over 30 years. It will be so difficult and sad leaving here knowing the finality that we will never be able to return. We did plan to buy 2023/2024 and sadly the neighbours disgusting reaction to our new car has pushed that earlier than expected. We never realised they hated us so much. It's such a shame but at least I own a beautiful home in a nice quiet area now.
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