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good luck getting them to control a young child. I’m all in support of people ranting about full grown adults being dicks on this thread but you’re seriously going to complain about a child crying and being up at 7am?
Being dicks? 😂. This is a thread to moan about neighbours. If you’re easily offended you best go elsewhere.

Yes I am going to complain about the noise. I was already up but I don’t want to hear someone else’s child running around and banging round at 7am on a Sunday. I would’ve never been allowed to make such a NOISE as some people in the world are actually CONSIDERATE of their neighbours. Not mine tho and apparently not you either.
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So I’m on holiday. I have a security camera on my house. Someone has taken it upon themselves to park on my drive. What the actual fuck? They’ve been there overnight. Loads of parking elsewhere on the estate. Guess people can’t be arsed to walk.
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Ah sorry to hear that. It's unusual that the council would make you put up with that. Have they suggested having a microphone in your house to record the noise?

My neighbour has been told three times by police to leave us alone, but she's still winding us up. The police won't do anything though because there's no threat of violence, apparently ... even though the harassment act doesn't mention that there has to be a threat of violence.
Unfortunately for me it’s my normal. Before this lovely pair, it was a man with mental health and drug/alcohol addiction problems. Amongst other shenanigans he would hit my bedroom wall with a heavy chair while screaming my name. Every single day. When he was trying to kick my back down I called the police. He stopped and they called me back 3 days later. During the conversation I was asked by the policeman if I think I should have empathy for him because of his situation. I was diagnosed with clinic depression, I have a hip dysplasia, and a problem with my sacroiliac joint. I wonder if the police officer asked him the same question?When I contacted the council about it I got exactly the same response. I just opted to live with that, because there wasn’t much choice. So I lived with that for 2 years and then he died. That’s the only reason that stopped. Otherwise I would still be living with that. I recorded the slamming myself on my phone. I was told my housing officer left yesterday and never bothered saying anything to the anti social team anyway. So that’s the end of that. I need to get the money together quickly and seek legal advice. That’s my only option left.
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Just found this thread and so glad I have somewhere I can finally vent my frustrations 😂 I swear my walls are made from paper because I can hear my neighbours love making sessions every fucking night 🥴 every moan, groan and bed creek. At first it was amusing, but now it’s just annoying. I can hear the head board bang off my wall too and it’s like a slow round of applause 🙄 the only saving grace is that he only lasts about 2 minutes every time 😂 and she squeals like a fucking pig 🐷
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Rockin' Robin

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I live above a grumpy senior citizen, who barely spoke to me until the pandemic hit the uk. He used to bang on his ceiling when I walked around my living room. Apparently he can hear low frequency noises. This would sometimes be accompanied by profanities. In fact he has a temper, and I pity anyone bearing the brunt of it.
I have been unwell for the last 3 weeks, and have been mostly staying with my partner. I left my cycle in the communial yard, so earlier this week I went to fetch it. One of the first things he said to me when he saw me was "where have you been, I thought you had died of covid." Its not the first time he has said that to me, I was too annoyed to respond to him.
Stupid man.
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Update ⛄
Went over and booted Frosty in the balls last night 😂 His body went one direction while his head rolled the other 😂 felt a little bit guilty after, but it serves the wee bastards right after pelting me in the face with their stone-clad snowballs.
Reminds me of the bin man who was sacked for drop kicking a snowman 🤣🤣
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I wanted an early night last night but got woken up by my ring doorbell notifying me of someone at my door. The person who walks their dog across my lawn walked it across my law and let it wonder up my drive to my front door. Staying up tonight to try and catch him to have a word. On what planet do people find that acceptable?
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Haven't been living here long.

My only encounter with my neighbour was him shouting 'what colour is it?'
When I was putting the bin out in the dark
It was so dark he actually made me jump as he appeared behind the hedge

Then he said I'm your neighbour btw
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Friday we exchanged contracts and will be moving next Friday. I’m not going to miss the little shits from nextdoor coming home from school, slamming doors and yelling “fuck” at 5 minute intervals as they shoot things on their PlayStation !
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My faith in some of my neighbours has been restored. Finally something positive .. someone has decided that they will organise a monthly tidy up of the green area and they dropped notes into everyones letter box.

I saw two men weeding the kerb along the green today while I was working from home and I went out to thank them and I said I would love to help out. Another neighbour came out too and we are going to set up a FB page for our little section of the larger estate.

We ranted about litter that the kids are causing and it was nice to not feel so alone in my annoyance! Hopefully this will make a difference.

The litter and kids congregating by my drive is my two biggest annoyances! Baby steps hopefully.
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The other night the neighbours attached to us started drilling something at 9.30 at night. They’re both home all day. They have young kids too but they’re usually up till gone 11pm anyway I suppose, so wouldn’t expect them to care we have as well.

Then last night the neighbours on the other side started using a circular saw outside, literally just below our bedroom window, to cut up some laminate flooring at 9.30pm also, which went on until near 11pm. They are also home all day and don’t work (mum and 3 adult kids all in their 20s), but they wait until that time to start. They were chainsawing trees at night a few weeks ago too.

I feel like no one has any common sense or decency anymore. There’s just no care or thought for anyone else. It doesn’t work to live so close to people like it maybe did when houses were built decades ago and people had manners.
Youre right, ppl seem to have lost all sense of respect for their neighbours. I was always taught to keep the peace with the neighbours, if they complain there must be a reason.
If someone had an actual emergency i could understand noise late into the night, or if they had work going all day into the night because the workmen needed to finish that day perhaps. Its just absolute lack of common sense.
Same as our parking wars neighbours, they havent got the sense they were born with to see that they are the problem! They double park and block the road instead of being logical and realising they will block the road. Utter morons
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Winthropp Tuesday

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This might get me barred ….but we dealt with extremely noisy neighbours who were having there music on between 12 midnight until 3/4 am every bloody night waking about 6 of us neighbours and all of us had work we all complained to the council and sadly london borough council were unable to do anything after writing to the family they weren’t interested and it carried on so we all decided that it was a waste of time even complaining to the council anymore, one of us knew some extremely unpleasant ,heavy built,hard as nails gentlemen who one night when the music was at full blast smashed the front door to open it ( they did knock but obviously couldn’t of heard through the noise) went straight into the lounge with the residents who were now in total shock unplugged the stereo picked it up took it outside smashed it with a mallet and advised the noisy neighbours if they ever make that sort of noise again the mallet will be over their head !!!!!!!!! They moved out 3 weeks later. I’m not bragging I’m just saying that ppl like that there is only one way to stop them making countless neighbours life a misery
Impressive!! Like others have said sometimes it’s the only language people understand…and if it gets to you that much (as this clearly had) then I think it’s honestly fair enough. Admire your courage, genuinely!
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Can i scream this loudly enough? Every bastard day there's crap in my garden from 1 of the scumbags up the street. None of them seem to have a clue how to properly use a bin and when they DO the lid is always half cocked so MORE crap spills out into the street.
Dont even get me started on dog shit!
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But a child being a child at that time of the morning is not them being inconsiderate, it’s the reality of having young children.
It is inconsiderate when you are child free by choice so didn't sign up for the "reality of having young children"
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We don’t own our house, so don’t have the worry of selling it.

We have spoken to them previously several times regarding the dogs, and asking them to move their vehicles when they’ve blocked us in and requested they stop parking in front of it. They still don’t listen, though. My boyfriend went to work this morning in the car, no sooner he got to the end of the street, they moved one of their cars in front of our house. Weirdos!

I’ve said to my partner I think I’m going to put a note through their door and then see what happens from there. At least with a note I can prove what has been said and moves any room for allegations/denial of contact.
If you are in a position to move out I honestly would. It is not worth the worry and impact on your health.

I know it shouldn’t matter and you should not have to move but I wouldn’t put myself through it if there was an option to leave.
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Chatty Member
So unfortunately this is going to be a long and serious one - TW possibly for stalking and harassment.

For background, myself and my partner bought our dream house three years ago, we live in a small cul-de-sac of only 6 houses in a small village and we are a bit out of the way so it's quite a secluded area. When we moved in we had no issues with the neighbours until our direct next door neighbour sold the house and a new neighbour moved in. I would consider us to be good neighbours, we have socialised with all our neighbours, say hello in passing and chat for a few minutes and we have even helped neighbours grit their driveways in the icy weather and helped them with their gardens (cutting grass etc.) - most of our neighbours are elderly except a family with adult children and the neighbour we are having the issue with who is a single man around his late 40s, and we are a young couple with no kids. Our house is detached so there is no issues with noise and we have a driveway for both our cars so no issues in that regard. Apart from all this we really keep ourselves to ourselves, I'm quite shy and not interested in being friends with the neighbours aside from the usual niceties.

When our previous next door neighbour moved we first met our new neighbour as he was moving into the house while we were doing some work in the front garden, we introduced ourselves, chatted a bit and that was it. We both felt he seemed a bit odd, he had moved on his own across the country with no job to go to and it was a bit unusual that he had bought the house next to us which was a fairly expensive family home when he was living on his own and had no employment. We also found out that he was looking for jobs in the area that were generally minimum wage roles (bartending, shop assistant etc.) and he previously worked in a care home, to be clear, I don't think that there's anything wrong with that but it seemed very odd when we knew how much he had paid for the house. He offered all this information without any prompting from us. Myself and my partner both found it a bit strange but thought he likely had family money and a big deposit or something and never thought too much of it after that. In the two years he has lived there he has got a few jobs here and there and been sacked from every single one, he seems to rub a lot of people up the wrong way and I do find he comes across as a bit arrogant and patronising which is quite strange as he is also quite soft spoken and he definitely doesn't have a tough guy persona (he reminds me of Phil Spencer lol).

The first incident happened a few months later when my partner was away for the weekend on a stag do, I was doing some work in our back garden and he popped up over the fence and started talking to me while I was obviously busy. He talked to me for 2 hours and I felt completely trapped, no matter how much I tried to politely leave the conversation he kept on going on going and asking me all manner of personal questions, he then asked me if I wanted to come over to his for dinner as I was on my own for the weekend, I hadn't told him this and I felt sick at his words, I made an excuse and left and didn't go back out again. For the whole weekend I was scared to leave the house in case I saw him. I told my partner about this and he said I was probably worried for nothing and that the guy was probably being over friendly as he doesn't know anyone in the area. I hoped that this was true but unfortunately not... over the next few months he managed to corner me multiple times when I was outside doing anything - always when my partner was not home. I chatted politely and for too long because he honestly was scaring me and I wasn't sure how he would react if I was rude or fobbed him off. The things he would try to talk about were deeply personal, asking me where I work, how much I earn, whether I work from home, he even asked me about medical issues that I have after he saw my partner bringing me home from the hospital after a surgery.

Then things started to escalate further, a few days after an incident where he had approached me while my partner was actually home and I managed to hurriedly make an excuse and dash into the house where my partner was waiting at the door for me, I got a knock on the door from said neighbour. It was on a weekday in the middle of the day when I was working from home and my partner was out at work and wouldn't be home for several hours. The neighbour told me he wanted to see a tree in our garden that was overhanging his fence as he wanted to prune it and walked into our house and through to the back without invitation to look out of the window at the tree. He then sat down at our dining room table and started questioning me, he told me that he thought my partner was abusing me as I was always nervous around him and because I wouldn't speak to him when my partner was there. I told him I was fine and there was no issue, he stayed in my house for around 45 minutes and made comments that I was "cute" and "pretty" before I eventually convinced him to leave me alone because I was working, at this point my anxiety was through the roof and after he left I had a full blown panic attack and actually had to finish work early because I was so shaken up. Since then he has knocked on the door multiple times when I am home alone, I have managed to ignore him most of the time but our door is right next to a window into our downstairs which is all open plan so if I'm downstairs he can see me through the window and he stands there until I answer. He has done various things which seem like excuses to come over and try to get into the house and on some occasions he has brought me gifts, luckily I have managed to keep him out.

Things escalated even further last week, he knocked on the door and as I was expecting a parcel I went to the door without thinking. I opened the door and he told me he wanted to "clear the air between us", he said that he thought my partner was jealous of us speaking to each other and being friends because he is a "single guy" and he seemed quite agitated and forceful I managed to get rid of him and I immediately left the house and went to work from the office instead, since this has happened I have been working in the office a lot more as I am scared to be at home on my own in case he comes over and I have noticed that he has been watching me leave and come back. I have purchased and installed a ring doorbell today and I'm hoping this will deter him from coming to the door.

As if the whole situation couldn't get any weirder, my dad called me today to say that a family member of my neighbour who he knows as they work in a shop he goes to, had warned my dad that my neighbour had been talking about me to his family saying that my partner was jealous of our friendship etc. she told him he is a real weirdo and that he is also a drug user and drug dealer! Bear in mind that my dad barely knows this girl aside from him visiting the shop that she works at (he has had parts invoiced to me at my address before so it is in their system which is how she must have known he was my dad), but she was able to provide details of who me and my partner are to my dad which makes me think that the neighbour must talk about us/me a lot.

Genuinely I'm worried that this guy is obsessed with me, I'm scared for my safety and I'm not sure if there's anything I can do about it. I'm reluctant to go to the police as I don't think he has committed a crime and I don't have any evidence. I think they would go and speak to him I'm worried that this will make things worse. Has anyone had a similar situation and what did you do?
I don't mean to worry you, but this is highly concerning behaviour that can be associated with high risk offenders (stalking, sexual violence or intimate partner violence). I report it to the police via 101 immediately and ask if there is any information they are able to disclose to you. If he is a known offender, and is on licence or anything, this could be enough to get him recalled. If not, then there is evidence that his behaviour has already started raising concerns and helps to evidence any escalation.

I'd echo comments suggesting ring doorbells at the front and back door and a chain on the door. I'd also recommend being as firm as you are comfortable with, stating that you're not comfortable with his questions/interaction and you are ending it. You could also add that you'd prefer to no longer have any communication but again, only do this if you feel comfortable and have safety protocols on place e.g. doorbell recording interaction with chain on door. I'd advise against doing it when alone, unless the door is locked and bolted as a chain can be broken with minimal force.

Chances are, this guy is just an unsocialised creepy weirdo but much better to be safe than sorry. Good luck and take care x
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Just bought a new car and popped it in my parking space. In the space of a week there are two scratches on the rear door which align with next doors car rear door…. When the first appeared I gave them the benefit of the doubt but I’ve not been out and the second appeared a few cm above the other. I appreciate the spaces are narrow, their car is large and they have a toddler to get out but it’s frustrating!!! I can’t park any further over as mine is the last space before a fenced area.

How would I mention something without sounding accusatory as they are, in the times we have spoken, really polite. I’ve never had a “nice” car before so I’m a little upset.
Reverse your car in. If scratches appear on the other side, it’s got to be them. Tcut them out and put a camera up, then you have proof
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😡 heard someone outside my bedroom window early hours of Monday morning. Cut a long story short, my neighbour (the ones I have moaned about on here before who haven’t even been living here a year!) was pissed up. Knocked over all my plants pot and pushed over my chimney pot which has smashed into 4 pieces. This chimney pot has been here for many years (the houses are Georgian) Absolutely livid. Got home from work and was expecting them to come round and apologise, but no, I had to go round and he was in bed so she answered the door and was bloody clueless. She said she’d get me a replacement, but it won’t be the same.
Like, wtaf?! I’m getting annoyed thinking about it again.
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I have posted on this thread before about neighbour issues. It mostly kicked off because I put up a cctv camera because the neighbours kid was coming into garden uninvited. The same neighbour has now got a ladder up against a 6ft fence and if climbed can look into my house and garden. We both have large gardens so I get the feeling the ladder is there on purpose. She kicked off about her privacy when I put up the cctv (which only records activity in my garden) and was posting notes through my door. I’ve been in a living hell for 2 years with the neighbour. Her dog constantly barking her cat trying to get in my house if doors or windows are left open, her kid destroying plants in my front garden not to mention footballs constantly coming in the garden once had 9 in one day. Tonight I was in my kitchen talking to my son and her dog started barking (we had the window open) and my son said I wish the dog would shut up and she shouted loudly “excuse me” I just want to be left alone it’s got to the point I don’t even want to leave my house.
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Just tell her you can’t afford it. There is no shame in that.
Yeah I might have to swallow my pride and say, the prices have since changed and Iv just looked on the website and it’s £26.95 for an adult and £22.95 for a child! Even more than I thought! Iv got my guttering to be done aswell this month at £755 and plus family members bdays etc I’m guna say I can’t afford it but don’t want her guilt tripping me into either them paying or saying it won’t be as special for their kid
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