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I’m devastated to find out that my neighbour is claiming a part of my garden is his. He knows damn well it’s not. He’s watched me plant the garden, tend it, water it etc for years. He’s never once said anything about it. It’s like he’s watched me sink money into the garden and now he’ll take it for himself. Why are people so horrible? I can’t fight this, I don’t have the money now. Nor will I be able to move easily as he’s created a dispute.
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Ok good this has made me feel better! I thought it was unreasonable! Will be lighting my new bbq with pride this afternoon and dickhead next door can suck one 😁
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The other night the neighbours attached to us started drilling something at 9.30 at night. They’re both home all day. They have young kids too but they’re usually up till gone 11pm anyway I suppose, so wouldn’t expect them to care we have as well.

Then last night the neighbours on the other side started using a circular saw outside, literally just below our bedroom window, to cut up some laminate flooring at 9.30pm also, which went on until near 11pm. They are also home all day and don’t work (mum and 3 adult kids all in their 20s), but they wait until that time to start. They were chainsawing trees at night a few weeks ago too.

I feel like no one has any common sense or decency anymore. There’s just no care or thought for anyone else. It doesn’t work to live so close to people like it maybe did when houses were built decades ago and people had manners.
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My noisy neighbours went away for a week and honestly the difference in my sleep has been incredible. I didnt realise how much I hear them until they went away. Low and behold thurs night I suddenly hear a load of banging and dogs barking and shouting....yeah they are back. Their house literally echoes!

On another note my parents live in a fairly fancy new build area(they are disabled so local authority moved them there), they have this family who moved on the quiet close beginning of last year and they are proper chavvy. They let their kids play in the road and leave random chairs over peoples drives or in the middle of the road(from football) toys in peoples gardens, just shite everywhere. My mum has carers twice a day as does the lady next door and the amount of times you have to stop the car and move a load of shite out the way is ridiculous. The house the family lives in has a tiny path in front of it and the family all pile outside and sit on chairs in the road and give you the evil eye when they have to move so you can drive your car past. There a few people in the little close who have disabilities so carers and ambulances are a fairly regular occurance. I know my mums carers have been questioned by this family whenever they ask them to move along. The police have been called several times as they have been full blown fighting in the street with another family. They have been put there from our local housing authority and apparantly they have had loads of complaints about them. No idea why they havent moved them out, the front of their house is covered in weird rubbish like bottles, halloween/xmas decs, broken furniture etc. I can just see one of the kids getting run over, its an accident waiting to happen. There is a big green literally around the corner and the family has a back garden so why they think its okay to let them play on a road I dont know.

Also this might be a coincidence but my mum has been having a large gas bill for the past 6 months, when she showed me the letter not only was her address on it but the chavvy family's address was on it too!! She didnt even notice. It has been sorted now and she has been paid back but I have no idea how that could happen, their house numbers are completely different.
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Why do people need to stand in the street and have conversations at the top of their lungs.

One neighbour who does it constantly was in the street the other day talking about their chemotherapy appointment. Another neighbour saw them two days later and asked how the appointment went. She called him rude and vile for eavesdropping.
He said it’s hardly eavesdropping when you’re stood outside my house shouting your business for the next four streets to hear.
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A note saying please do not block my drive and stuck onto the screen with pritt-stick is very effective
What is also effective:
Waiting for them to come back and telling them off 😜. She won’t be doing it again

Must be a neighbours girlfriend. She was only about 18. Pulled a right face when I told her she’s blocked me in for hours. she said I’m going now. Welllll that’s ok then isn’t it 🙄🙄
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What a nightmare.
What drama is she causing?
She has stopped talking to everyone, no reasons.. but our homes join, so its complain complain complain .. she cuts my plants as soon as they can be seen higher then the fence. moans when my blossom tree sheds its the tiniest tree ever, plants on that side of the garden mysteriously die as do the ones out the front , my cemented in bird feeder was pulled over and broke, she stalks my FB with different profiles , called out the police saying I broke covid rules. ( I didn't) called the police when my friend swore in my garden , police interviewed her 3 times for saying fuck WTF? She cuts my plants and police say its nothing to do with them even though its illegal to do so.

She has alone drunken parties where she screams insults at me.. stood outside my living room window looking in laughing with a friend of hers. I had three of my grandchildren here and it was really scary.
I could write a short book on the things she has done in the couple of years she has been here. Housing and local council say to just live my life without worry as im not doing anything wrong but how awful people like this are allowed to just get away with this behaviour..
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I dont know why people give kids the benefit of the doubt so much. I would put money on them not being 2 or 3 year old kids who dont have the dexterity or knowledge to scoop up the snow where theres no stones. Its the dragged up delinquents who are mummys little angels. The only reason they harass other adults is because they arent getting the attention they need from their own parents.
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My crazy neighbour has started doing something crazier .... I have a medium-sized tree in my garden that birds like to nest in. At the moment, it's a wood pigeon that's nesting ... or trying to. I have a fence close to the tree so the birds perch there before flying into the tree. The fence borders my crazy neighbour. She's now taken to coming out and shooing the birds off my fence, and out of the tree, or knocking on the windows to scare them away. I'd sympathise if there was a serious bird poo problem, but it all lands on my side, and I don't care about it.

She's recently put up some bird feeders in her own garden, so not sure what the hell the issue is!

I'm ill, and one of the few pleasures in life for me is nature, and my garden is natural and I like that. I feel like she's slowly eroding the pleasure I get from my garden ... what with the noise from the music, telly, her listening to my conversations, gossiping about me with neighbours, shoving my plants off my fence ... This is a detached house too, still can't get away from it ...
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I don’t need to go anywhere thanks. I know what it’s like to have arsehole neighbours but I really think you need to have a word with yourself complaining about a child being awake and making noise at 7am. Kids don’t care if it’s a Sunday.

I have had drug dealer neighbours, neighbours doing drugs and stinking my house out with the smell, having parties every night of the week, blaring music at all hours, doing DIY late at night, parking over my drive etc and I’ve complained because that is rude and inconsiderate. But a child being a child at that time of the morning is not them being inconsiderate, it’s the reality of having young children.
Again, this is a thread to complain about neighbours…. Which is what I’m doing here. You didn’t hear the noise so you don’t know how loud it was. Not that I need to explain myself to you. My neighbours child is absolutely feral so yes I will complain. They can’t control their child so I have to put up with the racket?! I don’t think so.
I guess you’re one of the noisy neighbours that’ll just “let children be children” and everyone else has to put up with it.🙄

It is inconsiderate to allow they level of noise just because they’re young.
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That sounds horrendous , definitely not normal and I would be as worried and stressed out as you.
I don’t want to worry you but I would buy a small personal attack alarm and keep it close at hand when you’re outside or you answer the door. I carry one when I’m walking in the dark and it makes me less anxious about the “what if something happens” scenario.

A Ring doorbell is a great idea and I hope it works.
I’d also put a chain on the front door so you know he can’t enter your house if you accidentally open the door to him again.

I was once in a position where I said to the police that I don’t have any proof of a crime and they said that I do - I have my own experience and my statement, that’s all it takes to start building a case. Also you have a potential witness from that shop who can back up what you’re saying (that he seems obsessed with you).

You will have a local neighbourhood policing team. Contact them via 101 or you local force website and arrange to meet them somewhere other than your house. They often have drop-in sessions at town halls etc. Tell them what’s going on. You don’t have to have them speak to him - they may have some advice for how to deal with him.

He sounds creepy as hell and you shouldn’t have to put up with him. It’s unwanted attention and that’s harassment.
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This is going to come across petty, but 🤷🏼‍♀️
i have an outdoor tap on the side of my outbuilding that is opposite the back of my house. It comes out of the ground and I solve checked with the neighbour on my other side to confirm it was definitely my tap as he’s been there since year dot. The neighbour’s have a small shed that is attached to my outbuilding on the side where the tap is (We are a row of terraces) and they moved in a few months back. I’m not on a water meter, however, I think they have been using my outdoor tap to water their plants (they have quite a few and are growing something in one of those zip up green houses)
And I think the neighbour on the other side of them has been feeding the plants for them while they’ve been on holiday… so I think the neighbour 2 doors down has been using it as well!! I only know this as the tap is turned in the other direction I left it in. I’m out of the house 8.30- 5.30pm, so have no idea when it’s getting used 🙄 I told myself I’d wait until I saw them using it, but if they’re using it while I’m at work, how am I to know?! Am I being ridiculous?
Just quoting myself here… my outdoor tap exploded this week due to how cold it was. Typically when I was at work. I got a plumber out and he’s isolated it for me so it can’t be used 😈👍🏻
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So i have not wrote on this bit for a while as i was living in hell anyways on friday night my neighbour and his mum attacked me and my other neighbour and the police are looking for him we don't know if he has been caught and we are not allowed back unless someone is with us. Sent an email to council told them i need a move and no doubt we will have to argue with them over it
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I live in a flat and my bedroom wall adjoins onto my neighbours bedroom wall. He's got a new girlfriend and she is very loud in bed. They usually start up around 11 at night which is when I'm usually trying to get to sleep. This has been going on maybe once or twice a week for a few weeks now, I popped a polite note in to ask if they could be considerate of noise and didn't hear anything for a couple of weeks. Now she's round nearly every other night, I'm having to go and sleep on the sofa most nights because my usually sturdy ear plugs can't block the noise out. Has anyone else been in a similar position and how have you dealt with it? I'm not sure how to go round and speak to him in person and ask him to get his girlfriend to stop being noisy.

I'm considering buying some Bose ear buds to see if that will work but it's a lot of money to spend...!
Buy an air horn it’s cheaper
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Just to chime in my husband and I have moved from a semi detached house that we had a lot of problems with the neighbour. Noise, swearing at us, telling his neighbours we were harassing him etc. I can't believe how at peace I feel.

Like the previous poster mentioned - I wish I could get him back for what he did to us but for now I will enjoy how free and light I feel. I want to echo all the other posters who said - move if you can, even if its a slight downgrade - it will be worth it. Suffer whats going on and don't lodge complaints etc if you have to sell as you need to disclose it. We never complained to anyone and just put our heads down and focussed on moving.
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Weird shouty neighbour i mentioned before was barking back at his dogs today and then screaming at them to shut up...this was all in the garden for everyone to hear.
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If that were my neighbours I'd die laughing - they're a very middle class couple so more like, "I'm so cross with you!" and "I was just trying to be CONSTRUCTIVE, Marjorie!"
I think it’s more the Dad constantly belittling the kids calling them re tards and saying they have ruined his life 😢
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