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I think your parents neighbours are related to my neighbours, sound exactly the same 🤬
Some people are just awful arent they. These houses were brand new and you can just tell that this family has wrecked their house and brought the street down with their behaviour. It wouldnt surprise me if they had been evicted due to similar problems in the past. I grew up on a council estate so i have seen my fair share of families like this.
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This mum+dad+son on our street now have four cars, a 4x4, estate, hatchback and mini. It’s a tiny terraced road with limited parking. They only go out in the 4x4 with the son but have added a fourth that’s not been moved since it arrived last week. They take up 1/4 of the street with their vehicles and barely leave the house 🙄
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We've got new neighbours, a small family - moved in about 6 months ago - I don't know them because they're a few hundred yards away. No issues so far until this last 10 days when there's been lots of cars coming and going from 11pm to around 3am, every night, there's groups of males either in the house or sat in cars. I'm baffled. It's like the house has been taken over by all these males at night, but it seems normal during the day. I'm awake most nights now with the slamming of cars doors :(
Sounds like a brothel.
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I posted on here over a week or so ago about the smelly neighbour and her cats with fleas etc

well on Monday I was filling up littlens paddling pool etc and she’s just standing at her upstairs window with her kid just watching me! Then the kids are talking to one another babbling, and she’s still there after 5 mins just watching me pump the pool up, she then says can her kid come over to play I previously mentioned he has delays etc so can’t communicate, I’m on the spot and couldn’t say no as they can’t even use their garden as it’s filled with split cat shit bags, they come through the back gate and no swim stuff for her kid as he doesn’t have any so luckily I still had some from my little boy that he doesn’t wear as too small so said she could have them, then I see he is still covered in flea bites all over his legs!

they were only a couple of hours as her kid got chilly and was whinging so took him back home, the weather got so warm that the cat litter bags honked and I text her saying could she clear them and she said she didn’t realise it was bad and that she was going to do it this week but was so exhausted, those bags have been there since may!!

I did see the Tuesday she had cleared them which I was glad about but the cat litter tray in their garden still stinks so bad

then today I’m out in the garden just pottering and she’s at the window again! I just ignored her and then she got the message and we came inside then 5 mins later she texts me and said sorry if her kid was bothering us and she isn’t spying on us

I just can’t be in my own garden without her there! Fucks me right off
honestly i would be reportinbh that to social services, having a child covered in flea bites is neglect
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Suns out scums out.....
Aint that the truth, the ones at the back of me cranked up their shitty Kerrang compilation cds(they literally play the same two all the time) and was out drinking from 12 until 10pm in the blazing sun. They have this massive speaker they put in the garden and the music is that loud I could hear it pulling up in my car with my radio on. So nobody has any chance of opening windows or working/sitting in the garden. I did get some joy watching them turn redder and redder though so there is that.
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she’s also put him in the same nursery as my little one, I think I mentioned in my first post a week or so ago that the nursery thought he had chicken pox but she had to say it was flea bites, so they would of noted that down, I’m going to speak to nursery on Tuesday and report my concerns as their house is a total shit hole and there’s dust and cat hair everywhere and left over food all over the sides, no wonder the poor note has a constant chesty cough breathing all that shit in all the time
Thats awful. Please say something, its not as black and white as just making a complaint to social services and in they swoop to take a child away. They will support her and help her to parent the child better. Sometimes ppl just dont know, maybe she had a similar upbringing!
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Chatty Member
Absolutely livid. Have just come home from work to find someone has left a lovely big bit of phlegm spit on the communal stairs. The ones leading up to my flat to be exact. I know exactly who it was too because I hear him make *those* noises when he’s coming in and out but he usually spits outside, which is still vile, but looks like this time he’d thought he’d do it indoors. It’s fucking rancid and I’m not about to clean up a grown man’s spit but the only other option is to step over it when I come in or out the flat. Great👍🏼

Can I report this to the council? I own my flat but I’m about 99% sure he rents his from the council.
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Chatty Member
This weeks cringe from the neighbours
Dad to preteen son “Shut up, you’re ruining my f’ing life”
Preteen son “F off you fat f’ing c*nt”
If that were my neighbours I'd die laughing - they're a very middle class couple so more like, "I'm so cross with you!" and "I was just trying to be CONSTRUCTIVE, Marjorie!"
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I didn't realise I was doing this (albeit with my front door, also a fire door and very neavy) my next door neighbour explained the issue and i now make sure to close it carefully, as long as they are reasonable and you are polite about it this should work
I agree. You need to speak to them because they are probably totally unaware you can hear it so clearly. If it continues, I’d be inclined to let my fire doors bang shut too just so they can hear for themselves how loud it is but then I’m petty like that! 😁
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under the ivy

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My next door neighbour thinks it’s hilarious to park where I normally park if I’m out. Meaning that when I come home, I have to parallel park between her SUV and next door but one’s Transit. She normally parks behind the transit but it’s a little game she likes to play.

When she goes out, I park awkwardly so she can’t fit behind the van and has to go over the road 😅
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Hey all! Would you inform your neighbours before having a bbq on a sunny day? We’ve just set one up (not lit it or anything) and our next door neighbour has popped his head over our fence saying he’d appreciate a heads up ‘every time we want to light that thing’ … is that normal etiquette?!
I find him looking over your fence more offensive. I hate that people just think that they can invade your private space! It is different if it's a low fence under 5ft or something, but climbing up to look over to say something is really rude. He should have knocked the door if he had anything to say, the cheeky shit!

I would have gone mad and I have done in the past when it's happened to me 😄
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So I wrote on here on the 6th December about my neighbours cat poo roof and had previous posts about their filthy child and house etc, I contacted environmental health and they didn’t get back to me, I contacted them again a month later and they asked for photo evidence which I sent them, they have since sent a letter to them and have now booked an appt for an inspection, this complaint also was forwarded to the nursery the child goes too and they have child services contacting them next week, hopefully this is the biggest kick up their arses to provide a clean healthy home for their kid! They now think the world is against them and they live perfectly fine 🙄 clearly not if environmental health and social services are involved
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Well, I’m pleased to report that the bullying and harassment has ceased! 🥳 For the moment.😕 I have to be prepared for swamp boy and his wildebeest GF (I have to find humour some how) to regroup and change tactics. They really are quite the sneaky pair, and that, coupled with the fact that the council failed on so many levels to help in any way, made it so difficult for me to be able to do much else, but take the abuse. So. After reaching my breaking point over the weekend. I blew my top. And they went quiet. And they’ve been quiet. In fact, you could hear a gnat fart in my immediate neighbourhood yesterday it was so quiet. I hope that is the end of the harassment for once and for all. Thanks for your support, I’ll keep you updated x
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Our neighbours (Husband, Wife 2 Daughters about 13, 15 yrs old) have 3 huge 4X4 cars. One is the husbands, one is the wife’s and the third one is some sort of shared one that they use when they go camping and holds loads of camping equipment.

My family, (Me 20’s, Dad, Mum) have a car each. Our house is long and we can fit all our cars outside our house. Our driveway is narrow and we all work at different times so we never use our drive way. Their drive way is a lot wider than ours, and don’t use theirs either.

Neighbours: husband works from home and the wife works full time. One of their 3 4X4s is always parked bang outside our gates (driveway) so instead of fitting all 3 of our cars outside we can only fit 1 behind their 4X4 monster truck.

Although we don’t use our drive way and yes we don’t own the road:LOL:, it’s starting to annoy me.

My dad has asked them nicely in the past not to block our drive, as on the days he’s not working he likes to come onto the drive and clean his car. And they always respond “yes we’ll move it later” but they continue to park there.

Do I sound petty or would you be annoyed by this too?
As someone who has a neighbour that doesn’t use their drive, I can’t sympathise 😂 yes they shouldn’t block your drive but it would only bug me if it was actually being used. My street is very busy and my neighbour parking on the street when his drive can fit 3 cars at least is really bloody annoying when I come home and can’t get parked anywhere near my house.
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Neighbour opposite has twice put mixed recycling and food in my wheelie bin, I only know it’s them cause there was birthday cards in each bag with their name on it (idiots!). I’m mad cause I could get in trouble with the ~bin police~ but I know the family so it’s a bit awkward to confront them. I’ve just flung it outside their house instead though so hopefully they take the hint 😂😤
My mum moved in June. About two weeks after she moved in she was on the phone to me and my sister and was complaining that her new neighbour is using her bin. It went on and she was like yeh I lift the lid to my bin, number 3 and…and me and my sister burst out laughing. She said what? We had to remind her she is number 1! So it was actually her who has been using the wrong bin!! 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Hopefully someone here can offer some advice… we own our house, rear neighbour is a tenant. They are constantly smoking weed in their garden (by the rear fence) so our garden stinks, we can’t hang washing outside etc. is there anything we can realistically do?
I've recently had this with both neighbours, both smoking a lot 6+ hours constantly to the point it was coming through vents when my windows was shut.

One side couldnt apologised enough, they didn't realise it was that bad and now I don't smell it.

Other side though, asked nicely and was laughed at, would purposely start when my kids were playing outside. So after a month of constant asking to stop. Police come and had a word multiple times. They listened up until yesterday afternoon. Kids playing in the garden and they come out again, so I squirted them with the hose and gave them a few 'kind' words. 🤣 They said sorry and haven't smelt it since!
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I hate that the advice you get is to put on ear phones to block out noisy neighbours.

Erm no, how about they put the head phones on, or even better shut the hell up!

(Have very noisy neighbours a few doors down, turned a quiet cul-de-sac into a construction zone every time the sun shines, and gets aggressive when told to cut it out. I wish all the dickheads could go live together and make each other's lives hell, and leave us quiet people to relax and enjoy the peace!)
I was at the end of the garden and my husband on the patio at the top of the garden by the house.

I shout up to him "Mr HoGi can you get me my headphones please" he asked which ones and I replied "my noise cancelling ones"

Trying to passive aggressively tell the neighbour to shut the fuck up but it didn't work 😑
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My next door neighbours child is also fucking feral. He’s about 4, screams constantly, tells his mum to fuck off and I often see him throwing rubbish over the fence into our garden. Delightful 😁
Sounds like my neighbours. We've lived here for nearly 13 years + they have made our lives a misery from day one. The eldest is nearly 15 years old + his twin brother + sister have just turned 12. All they do is screech, scream, bang around the house, kick balls against the fence + into our garden. It's been constant from practically day one. I hate them with a passion.
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My neighbours are sooooo loud. The man has the biggest booming voice I’ve ever head and the daughter runs up and down the house screaming (today it was 7.30am she was bouncing a ball the lounge and I could hear it from my bedroom 🙄)
Alexa play drum and bass ..... 😈
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Chatty Member
Thank you everyone. I’m on the same page as all of you and completely understand that I need to get out for the sake of my own mental health. This will only get better if I remove myself from the situation. I’m still unwell with laryngitis at the moment but will be speaking with family once I’m better again.

The party lasted until around 4am. If I wasn’t unwell I would’ve had to be up for work at 6am. It’s not even as if it was the weekend, it was a Wednesday night ffs. She doesn’t work and although I don’t know if there are certain medical or mental health conditions preventing her from working, she has absolutely no consideration for those of us that do have to go out and make a living. She doesn’t even have consideration for her own daughter that lives with her. She’s without a doubt the worst neighbour I have but the rest aren’t exactly rainbows and sunshine either. I live in a block of 6 where one is a drug dealer and deals to Ms Arsehole downstairs. My neighbour directly above has a teenage son that screams and shouts at his video games at all hours of the day and night and throws fits of rage, throwing stuff at the floor which is my ceiling and makes no attempt to ask him to calm down. The neighbours I share a floor with have young kids who also throw fits of rage which I could forgive due to their age, but they let them litter the hallway and use chalk to redecorate but don’t wash it away afterwards meaning it gets all over your shoes and makes a complete mess of everything. I could honestly go on forever about the problems I’ve had living here.

Renting out unfortunately isn’t an option as I used a help to buy scheme to purchase the property where the government ‘own’ a small percentage. It’s not shared ownership, the property is completely in my name but the amount the government put in went down more as a deposit. I would have to pay that money back and remortgage if I wanted to rent it out but in all honesty I’d rather sell and never look back.
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