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Our neighbour mows his lawn every couple of days. Its ridiculous 😂 i dont mind as hes one of the decent ones but its a running joke in our house. The clampets over the road have a different car there every day. I think after losing her job she has taken up another job if you know what I mean 😂 i wish i had a way to start this rumour
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I have a few neighbours who brush them onto the other side of the shared driveway. Don’t think they’ve ever heard of wind.
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Sounds like my neighbours. We've lived here for nearly 13 years + they have made our lives a misery from day one. The eldest is nearly 15 years old + his twin brother + sister have just turned 12. All they do is screech, scream, bang around the house, kick balls against the fence + into our garden. It's been constant from practically day one. I hate them with a passion.
Just had similar move into my vicinity. Two little girls who seem to play 'who can scream the loudest' for about 3 hours every afternoon/evening. Any adults around them seem to encourage the screaming. Older brother who just boots the football as hard as he can, where ever he feels like it. Again, cheered on by the adults.

I love kids, think they're just aces, but these kids are driving me bloody nuts and they've only been here a fortnight. Why do parents think it's acceptable? When I was a kid, none of that shit would fly.
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My issue with my neighbours started last year when they got upset I bought a new car and parked it in a private courtyard we all had a key to use. The 19 year old boy blocked the car in by partially blocking the gate on the road and when we knocked to ask him to move it, he slammed the door in our face. His mum was just as rude and disrespectful as they believed it was owned by them and I needed to "follow the procedure" and ask their permission to use it. It turned out they hated us without us knowing and this was a way for them to show it. It ended with police being called despite THEM throwing racist abuse at me. I declined to take the matter further as I just wanted to get on with life.

A few weeks after that our mutual housing provider came out and told them they need to share it, we are both their tenants and they need to STFU. Completely embarrassed them and that was that. A couple of months after I found out the land was privately owned and started correspondance with them asking for permission to park there. Permission was denied but they were aware of the "issue" of people with access parking there when they shouldn't. They appreciated me reaching out and were very nice over the situation including giving me the code for emergencies.

Towards the end of December 2021 the boy got a new car (not as nice as mine 😂) and started regularly parking in the courtyard area. Doesn't bother us as housing told us to share and we are happy in front of our house. We also knew we were moving out soon so I couldn't care less.

They have been bad recently by shouting through the wall about how I'm a racist and everything happening to them is because of me. Threatening to smash my door down, putting the hairdryer on so I can't hear their conversations lol. They don't think anything could be my husband because he is the same race as them. It has been stressing me out and upsetting me.

I shouted through the wall telling them to come talk to my face as I had enough and they were incredibly quiet the last few days. I saw one of the boys on Saturday and he walked past us in the street without saying a word. Not such a bad man now is he 😂

I was getting ready to put it all behind me but I received an email last night from the private owner of the land again. They are putting up notices this week and will be changing the locks this week. They are going to be fuming. I want to go sit there and watch it unfold 😂 😂 😂 😂

Let's hope they learn that consequences have actions. If they weren't such C's to my family and bad mouthed us regularly I am sure they wouldn't be hit by karma like this. I am now blessed with lovely neighbours and owning my home.
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Kids know what they’re doing with snowballs/ what they’re putting in them. Every year in highschool we’d get the snowball talk and every year someone was pelted with either ice balls or ones with rocks in. Years later I drove past the highschool to have kids pelting my car with ice and rock balls. It’s not just this kind of thing either- I live in an underfunded area where anytime we get something nice it’s trashed, they’re vaping or smoking on the bus etc. Gangs are becoming more of an issue too- they’re being signed up because they have no criminal record and have nothing to do/ no money. Every generation has their bad eggs but I do feel like this kind of thing is getting worse, or at least in my neck of the woods where the majority of people have just given up hope.
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So. This morning I possibly saved a child's life but put my own family in danger, I'm so conflicted and scared. There was a baby not even 2 roaming the roads bare foot, no nappy and soiled clothes. I tried the house where I thought he may be from shouted and knocked no answer.
So I waited about 20 mins and rang the police. In the mean time another neighbor came out and said omg you know who that kids father is and told me.

He is a dangerous criminal who has no problem knocking down people's doors and hospitalizing them.

Now I am terrified of what is to come. And my husband will be furious I got involved but the child was in harm's way and could of being killed as we are close to a main road.

The police parked in my driveway and said I could may an anonymous complaint and I said you just parked in my drive it's very obvious.
Honey I hope for the best for you and I hope you’re just blowing it out of proportion a little bit. You did a great thing. You saved a child. X
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I don't park in my drive but only because the children next door to me and all of their friends play kerbs against my kerb and no one elses. The noise of the ball and ball banging agaisnt my car, my front door, living room window etc drove me distracted and I now purposely park on the road to block the kerb.

We face onto a massive green area and the kids and their friends often just hang around on our shared wall or right outside my drive (and often in it too) rather than play on the green. Once or twice they play in the shared side entrance we have between our two houses. It drives me demented as they are so loud and they stay out late during summer holidays. Summer holidays in Ireland are 2 months for primary and 3 for secondary. I cant wait until they all go back to school and they will hopefully be going in earlier. I just want a bit of peace and quiet.

It actually really gets me down sometimes as I just want an occasional early night. It annoys me as when I drive through the estate no other house has a dozen kids outside their house. There is 3 kids next door to me and 1 next door to them on the other side but they draw all the kids to our row. The 3 kids mum died before I moved in and I feel bad for them...this was like 5 years ago but my patience is wearing thing. I live there 3.5 years. I feel i can't saying anything to the dad as kids are allowed play but i just wish they were more aware of the fact they have neighbours who have to get up for work in the morning and maybe play on the green a bit more. It's a bloody massive green. The Dad is friendly and we make chit chat but not sure how he would take it. My mum thinks I am over reacting which really annoys me too! On top of that they often leave their litter on the road and none of the parents or kids pick it up.

Sorry for the long rant.
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Just spoke to the builder next door… they are completely hitting and ripping out the flat located next to my bedroom. He said it’s gonna take months and months… that’s 8-9 months of this year of constant renovations from all of my neighbours when I’m paying £700 a month rent and forking out even more money in order to not be here in the evenings and weekends. Every weekend ruined. Do I have any rights at all?? Feels so unfair, I can’t stop crying ☹
You can claim compensation for the noise. Contact your local environmental health/Council to see how you go about making a claim. It will be impacting on your life heavily so I'd deffo fight for a bit of compo. They were building a road at the back of my father's house years ago, he claimed and had a few grand for noise disturbance
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I know this sounds odd, but I'm convinced my neighbour is a perve.

I've posted on here agggges ago.... but basically, we're lucky to live in decently sized large 3 bedroomed homes. My next door neighbours are an older couple (later 60s - both retired) and it's just the two of them who live in their home.

BUTTTT... what gets me is the man, he's so weird, like you'll see him randomly looking over the fence and will look away when you see him, he doesn't talk to us and is just strange. The part that gets me is, he sits in his garage day and night until early hours. With his computer in there. I just don't understand why he doesn't have it in the house? He can be in there until 3am and back out there and 9am. Even on Christmas day he's out there.

We were chatting to his wife one day and she mentioned he's into gaming, so I asked what sort of gaming and she didn't know, she said he doesn't talk about it.

It just seems so odd to me? Why would he sit in a freezing garage? What's he actually up to?
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Struggling to sleep again. At midnight I overheard my neighbours talking about ruining me and my OH. They keep saying “it’s her” and putting blame onto me. I lost my cool now. I said loudly I can hear everything they are saying and if they’re brave they should come knock on my door. They’re pathetic losers blaming every mishap on me and need to stop chatting behind backs. It quickly went very quiet and hardly heard a peep since. It’s a 19 year old boy who thinks he runs the street and can talk about us nonstop.

The housing noise complaint doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere either which is frustrating. They were drilling and banging after 10pm on the weekend.

We move on Friday so not much longer left to go.
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Well it’s started for the summer, my neighbours having 15 people in their garden every night until 3am, laughing and singing all night.
Once or twice a week is ok but it’s every night.
Just went to make some tea and someone laughed so loud I jumped out of my skin lol
This is what I'm waiting for, as soon as the weather warms up the neighbours at the back crank up the 1998 best of nu metal and have a bonfire until midnight. Its so frustrating as I have to be up at half 4 for work some days and not only that you cant keep your windows open on hot evenings/nights as the smoke blows in and the music is that loud. I have worn noise cancelling headphones up loud and I can still hear it at times. They just get more and more pissed and launch their glasses bottles in the bin and shout over each other as they cant hear over the music. I have fantasies of destroying their giant bluetooth speaker.
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I'm going to do this all the way along my garden the side the neighbour from hell is. What a shame the only sun she gets is from my side. It's very light on the other side so she won't suffer a light problem but the actual sun all late morning and afternoon come from my side unless its late then she can have the setting sun at the back.

The worm turned and if it's a petty fight she wants then that is what she will get. The reason I'm doing this is so I can have my climbers, she won't let my plants grow she cuts the tops off as soon as she sees them

I was feeling a little guilty about making plans to get this trellis done. I thought maybe I should give her a chance to live and let live.. seeing as housing wrote to her about not cutting my plants. Went out this morning and my plants have all been cut so now its full steam ahead!
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Been a while since I’ve ranted on here..

I feel like I’m at breaking point now and am seriously considering asking family if I can move back home and sell my flat. I was sent home from work today due to laryngitis, I managed to get a few hours sleep but my downstairs neighbours have been having a party since around lunchtime. Music blasting in the living room with an extra speaker out the back so it’s echoing all throughout the building. Kids paddling pool full of beer cans and cigarettes. Doesn’t sound like it’s going to end any time soon and I can’t even call the non emergency police line as I literally have no voice at all.

It’s been almost 3 years of hell. I think it’s time to admit defeat. It’s time to acknowledge just how depressed I am living here. I can’t afford to sell and buy anywhere new as I stupidly took out loans to help with renovation costs and with the current cost of living going up I’m only just getting by. I’m due a little bit of a pay rise this year but not enough to make a difference. If I sell and move back home I’d be cutting my outgoings significantly and could pay off debts quicker and be able to save money to put towards somewhere new.

I don’t really want to be 30 and moving back home but it seems like my only option.
I am so sorry to hear this. If it is compromising your mental health you need to make the jump and sell IMO.
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Chatty Member
That's what I just think when I see him to be honest hahahaha! I've built up a bit of an idea in my head that he's a bit of a crazy porn addict.. Watch this, the bloke will be just innocently be playing farm simulator or something hahaha
Well I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s mind went straight to the gutter, I hate that I immediately thought “porn!” 😆
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So I have a neighbour who lives opposite me who is a drug dealer, he has numerous people going into his house all day everyday, even through the lockdowns he didn’t care that he was having people always going into the property, I have filed numerous 101 reports and they finally came and took evidence from the property and he was arrested, he is now on probation and doubt he’s been to court as they are taking ages! It was reported in the local newspaper (not him personally but the road we live on mentioning the raid he had) he stopped for a while after that and now he’s back up to his normal tricks again and having constant visits again, I have reported to 101 again! Nothing seems to be done about him! He rents his house and his landlord doesn’t seem to care, I own my house so it’s not as easy to just get up and move to get away from it

anyone else have issues with drug dealer neighbours or had issues?
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Oh my god. Glad you are here to tell the tale. Years ago, someone near me got killed in the same situation.
Thank you ❤
Yeah my windscreen and front light casing was smashed to bits.
It’s so weird how people have no thought that people can die this way, or do they just not care? The kids were about 15 so not too young to know what could happen.
Made me sad for a while but just glad it was me and not a car with a baby inside or elderly.
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Princess of Scots

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Upstairs neighbour has 3 children under 4. They don't seem to have any structure to their day. They rarely even go out of the house. The eldest 2 don't go to nursery. They scream and run up and down the hall all day until 11pm most nights . On Tuesday they were still screaming at 1am.

I work from home and it's so distracting when I'm trying to work. There is absolutely no respite and no peace and quiet in the house.

The other neighbours from the other side are constantly watching us. If I'm in the kitchen and they are in their garden they are shouting over to us trying to talk to us. Their kids will persistently try to grab your attention by shouting and screaming until you notice. I feel like I'm always getting watched. Their parents aren't much better and constantly seem to be looking over at us in the kitchen.
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I've got a bulky waste collection for tomorrow where I can throw items of furniture away for free. My neighbours were loudly talking about how dare we fly tip on the street. We think we are better than others blah blah blah. I had already written it out but I have added 10 very clear signs with the case reference for our collection and the date. They sounded gutted when they went out to sneak photos. Who actually gets a kick out of this shit?!
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Does anyone else have parking wars on their street? The bottom end drive me nuts with the double parking - it’s like they’re fighting for a spot outside their house (but then also don’t use their driveways, or think of converting their front lawn into a driveway). Sometimes there’s not room for an ambulance to get down and you can never use the pavement to walk down the street because there’s cars parked almost fully on the pavement.
To top it off, next door has had someone move in with them. I share a driveway with them and instead of parking a car on the driveway they have a trailer there. They asked me if they can park infront of my house, and I thought it was a temporary thing and ultimately I have no leg to stand on so I said fine. I’m usually pretty chill about stuff like that. But a few months have gone past and it’s starting to bug me. The car makes it awkward for people to get in and out of the drive (it’s a big one) and now I have no space for visitors without blocking the drive (which isn’t always an issue). I’m really tempted to turn my front lawn into parking and having my curb dropped so people can’t park there- but don’t want to come across as an arsehole or start any issues.
Start issues i say!
My street is terrible for it but I'm lucky to have a massive drive and only 1 car. Due to this fact the c u next Tuesday across the road seems to think she should make use of my driveway by turning it into a completely unnecessary turning circle. Theres more than enough room to turn a normal sized car around on the road without going a cars length up my drive but she insists on it. Because of this my drive is all twisted and broken.
I have absolutely no desire to fix the broken swamp land either. Let it look horrible, she's looking at it not me!
Once i can afford to get my drive done im getting gates and padlocking them 😂
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Kofi Annan

Well-known member
They told me to move if it was upsetting me that much. I made an official complaint, initially at the local stage (call to the station) and then when the Sergeant backed up the PC's comment I logged a complaint via the website.
I then got a call from an Inspector who told me it was a civil matter, even though there was criminal damage (painted our windows black, poured paint through the sunroof of our car and more) and also threats to kill. They just refused to do anything.

In the end my mental health was so fragile we fled and left our home to be repossessed.
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