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But in reality unless you live in a detached house you won’t ever be able to guarantee child free people being your neighbours.

So what are people with young children meant to do if you don’t like the noise? Kids make noise, especially when are young which the poster said they were. I have a toddler and yes they make noise and we do teach them about volume and using inside voices and try to stop any banging etc no matter what time of day. But if someone said to me about them crying at night or being up at 7am I’d tell them where to go.

To me it doesn’t compare at all to some of the issues people have had on here, where ADULTS are being arsehole neighbours.
Like I say I think it is inconsiderate to let kids make loud noise at 7am on a Sunday.

I was bought up to not screech and scream like so many kids these days do. I could be silenced from a look alone.

Thankfully I am in a detached house. But if my neighbours kids were screaming at 7am I would be exceptionally pissed off.

Parents could parent their children rather than sticking them in the garden at 7am and just letting them make all sorts of noise, but that sort of parenting doesn't seem to happen these days. It's all gentle parenting that is raising a load of entitled snowflakes
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My car was keyed the other day. obviously, I have no proof, sadly I have a car cam but as yet not been able to get it fitted. Will need to do that. a few months back the first letter of the make of my car was taken off. So now have a usion and not a fusion. 🤣

I know this might not have been her, and if it was a one-off then I would not give her a thought. But killing and cutting my plants, pulling down my birdfeeder making new FB accounts to troll me lets me know I have an obsessed lady in my hands.
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I think having issues with old neighbours has traumatised me a little.
I'm having fitted wardrobes added today and it is noisy as one would expect. But I know next door sometimes do night shifts so I'm really worried what if I'm disturbing them and causing them trouble.
But then I know I'm entitled to do what I want and it is only for two days! Completely irrational fear of mine right now. Thought I would share and see if anyone else has been like this?

I am like this - we had horrible problems before and the amount of anxiety I still have as a result. I wince when I hear my husband tramping up the stairs (even though its totally normal) incase it sets off neighbours.
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My next door neighbours constant slamming of their front door everytime they open it. I hope one day they slam it off its hinges 🤣

So recently, kids near us have taken it upon themselves to climb over fences to retrieve footballs and tennis balls. I have caught them twice, didn't go mad but just said please come round the front and knock on because i don't want you falling.
Well, you can guess what happened yesterday. Ball comes over, kid, about 9yo, climbs up my 5.5ft back fence...loses footing and face plants in my back garden. I just glanced him falling so could do nothing to prevent it. I was on my way to unlocking my back door when my doorbell frantically goes and its his skally mum asking me to open the gate so she can get him. She must have been watching to come round so quickly. I silently open my gate, let her in to scoop him up and said nothing and then she starts going mad at me for showing no emotion and had my gate not been locked this would not have happened. Sorry what? I explained I told them to come knock on as I didn't want them falling so there is no sympathy from me at all. Sorry but they have been told and any parent who thinks its ok for their kid to climb over into someones garden needs their head feeling. If that had have been me when i was a kid my dad would have asked to be let in and then threw me back over the fence and then frog marched me to the neighbour to apologise in person 😅
I don't hate kids, I am aunty to 11 and we are trying for our first. Kids play out i get that and its great they arent glued to an XBox all day long but for fuck sake teach them about the concept of other peoples property and its not ok to climb over peoples fences.
As for the lad who fell, sprained wrist and bruises. Still have zero sympathy.
Omg cheeky bitch! I'd have been mortified if my son had done that! As you say, he'd have had a clip around the ear. You should have sent her over the fence head first 😄
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Am having this problem as well but it's been for 12 YEARS now

So the house two down from me has 2 kids an the girl just screamed every day morning to night, that stupid crying scream but not actually crying, it stopped a few years ago an I thought thank god

now the next door neighbour has 2 kids, an they do the same, morning to night it's this screaming cry nonsense, ones 3 an the others 2, like how do you even tell them, I don't have kids, not sure I want them but I sure as hell don't want to listen to others, how do you even mention it to them that you are sick of it, even with the windows an doors closed I can still hear it an with the heat an having to open windows it's just worse now, they just make noise for the sake of it but it's that screeching kind
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My next door neighbours constant slamming of their front door everytime they open it. I hope one day they slam it off its hinges 🤣

So recently, kids near us have taken it upon themselves to climb over fences to retrieve footballs and tennis balls. I have caught them twice, didn't go mad but just said please come round the front and knock on because i don't want you falling.
Well, you can guess what happened yesterday. Ball comes over, kid, about 9yo, climbs up my 5.5ft back fence...loses footing and face plants in my back garden. I just glanced him falling so could do nothing to prevent it. I was on my way to unlocking my back door when my doorbell frantically goes and its his skally mum asking me to open the gate so she can get him. She must have been watching to come round so quickly. I silently open my gate, let her in to scoop him up and said nothing and then she starts going mad at me for showing no emotion and had my gate not been locked this would not have happened. Sorry what? I explained I told them to come knock on as I didn't want them falling so there is no sympathy from me at all. Sorry but they have been told and any parent who thinks its ok for their kid to climb over into someones garden needs their head feeling. If that had have been me when i was a kid my dad would have asked to be let in and then threw me back over the fence and then frog marched me to the neighbour to apologise in person 😅
I don't hate kids, I am aunty to 11 and we are trying for our first. Kids play out i get that and its great they arent glued to an XBox all day long but for fuck sake teach them about the concept of other peoples property and its not ok to climb over peoples fences.
As for the lad who fell, sprained wrist and bruises. Still have zero sympathy.
What a cheek! Its just this horrible mentality they have where everyone should just bow down to their sodding convenience! Hopefully he will think on before he does it again!
Kids used to do it round mine when I was young, a girl gouged her leg on a nail... never did it again! Mind we are in the days now where her parents would sue the unsuspecting neighbours for having a nail sticking out 🙄
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The dogs are getting even worse (I didn’t even think this was possible!!!)

Started barking at 8am. Have hardly stopped all day. They are still barking now at 11.40pm 😡 I can’t cope with this.

Reported previously to council but no joy.
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I know this sounds odd, but I'm convinced my neighbour is a perve.

I've posted on here agggges ago.... but basically, we're lucky to live in decently sized large 3 bedroomed homes. My next door neighbours are an older couple (later 60s - both retired) and it's just the two of them who live in their home.

BUTTTT... what gets me is the man, he's so weird, like you'll see him randomly looking over the fence and will look away when you see him, he doesn't talk to us and is just strange. The part that gets me is, he sits in his garage day and night until early hours. With his computer in there. I just don't understand why he doesn't have it in the house? He can be in there until 3am and back out there and 9am. Even on Christmas day he's out there.

We were chatting to his wife one day and she mentioned he's into gaming, so I asked what sort of gaming and she didn't know, she said he doesn't talk about it.

It just seems so odd to me? Why would he sit in a freezing garage? What's he actually up to?
I'd say mega porn addict for sure 😳
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My neighbor watched me clear our parking area (shared car park) of leaves before she swept her ginnel and pushed them all into the car park, blocking a drain. It's happened before and I cleared them that time, almost filling my green bin.
Not this time mf, I went out and threw them all back up her ginnel. Sick to death of her.
I love how your actions are in direct contrast to your username :ROFLMAO:
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That sounds horrendous , definitely not normal and I would be as worried and stressed out as you.
I don’t want to worry you but I would buy a small personal attack alarm and keep it close at hand when you’re outside or you answer the door. I carry one when I’m walking in the dark and it makes me less anxious about the “what if something happens” scenario.

A Ring doorbell is a great idea and I hope it works.
I’d also put a chain on the front door so you know he can’t enter your house if you accidentally open the door to him again.

I was once in a position where I said to the police that I don’t have any proof of a crime and they said that I do - I have my own experience and my statement, that’s all it takes to start building a case. Also you have a potential witness from that shop who can back up what you’re saying (that he seems obsessed with you).

You will have a local neighbourhood policing team. Contact them via 101 or you local force website and arrange to meet them somewhere other than your house. They often have drop-in sessions at town halls etc. Tell them what’s going on. You don’t have to have them speak to him - they may have some advice for how to deal with him.

He sounds creepy as hell and you shouldn’t have to put up with him. It’s unwanted attention and that’s harassment.
Thank you for the advice, I will definitely get a personal alarm and look at contacting the neighbourhood policing team
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I loathe screaming kids - I was bought up not to scream because yeah, it's obviously annoying and antisocial, but also because when you really scream it could lack impact. It goes right through me.

I'd love to understand how people who's household is the source of antisocial noises live with it themselves?
Like if my kid was the screamer I'd shut that down pretty fuckin quick because I myself don't want to hear that!
Ditto people who let their dogs bark for extended periods - surely it's annoying to them too?? Our neighbour's dog is set off by visitors to basically anyone, anyone's doorbells, postmen at any door, anything and nothing, and 90% of the time they do nothing at all and the other 10% they say "shaddaaap" in a soothing voice. The dog, naturally doesn't speak English and only knows that they make that sound once he's made his.

My piss is boiled away to a thick, angry urine syrup listening to it.
Hundred percent this point, I was ALWAYS brought up to scream in an emergency and never otherwise

I don't know if this is just post pandemic, but even outside of holidays where I live there seem to be loaods of young children not in school
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But in reality unless you live in a detached house you won’t ever be able to guarantee child free people being your neighbours.

So what are people with young children meant to do if you don’t like the noise? Kids make noise, especially when are young which the poster said they were. I have a toddler and yes they make noise and we do teach them about volume and using inside voices and try to stop any banging etc no matter what time of day. But if someone said to me about them crying at night or being up at 7am I’d tell them where to go.

To me it doesn’t compare at all to some of the issues people have had on here, where ADULTS are being arsehole neighbours.
They don’t have to be child free. Just a bit considerate of others. It was so loud it was setting the dog off barking which is also not ideal at 7am!

I don’t care if it doesn’t compare at all to you. People are different and like/dislike different thing. I don’t want to hear someone’s feral child running up and down the house early in the morning.

They are definitley those “gentle parents”. No rules or boundaries. They let her run across the road whilst half heartedly saying ohhh don’t do that. come here etc. she’ll be an arse when she’s older with no rules
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Little Bear

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I don't have children yet but when I would babysit my nieces and nephews my sisters wanted baths to be done by 7pm. Age 5-6 I would reckon 8pm. However, they had to be up and out the house for 6:30am for nursery at 7am as my sisters started work early.
The kids round our end play out until gone 10pm some nights.
It’s complete madness and I feel old saying it but in my day I was in bed for 7pm at that age🙈 my dad would get in from work and mum would go off to work for 6pm we would watch an episode of the Simpson’s, bath then bed by 7!
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If you lived in an old terrace house and you were having a new roof put on… you would have the decency to warn your neighbour’s on either side, wouldn’t you, before the work was done? Came home from work and there’s scaffolding at the front and back… fair enough. Then yesterday morning, the scaffolders came and put a ladder diagonally across my front door to climd onto the scaffolding and they’ve knocked over my plant pots!! Fuck me. Manners cost nothing.
Oh, and they should have actually asked me if I was ok with them putting on a new roof on as they have to take some of my tiles off when they join them. Dicks.
We are in a semi detached and always tell our neighbours about noisy work and they reciprocate.
The problem with tradies is they dont care if you have asked or not and will just put scaffolding up where they need. Our neighbour was horrified to see them in our garden putting scaffolding poles on our side to support their side.
I was absolutely fine about it, we had got our floor done and it was horrifically noisy and i didn't pre-empt this and tell the neighbours so I felt in debt to them for that one 😂

I think a lot of ppl have just lost their manners overall with stuff like this. We have to share our spaces and as such we should be mindful and tolerable to certain levels.

That said. On the other side, not attached. I swear he makes noise on purpose. Constantly has his radio BLASTING at 7am and mows the lawn at all hours...
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My neighbour leaves her washing out all night. If it rains overnight then she leaves it out all the next day to dry again. Is this part of some kinda hack that I'm not aware of, or is it a bit manky?
It's manky. Doing it once or twice, perhaps forgetful and normal. But leaving it out that long? I'd be worried the birds had had a pooping party on it....
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Our neighbours (Husband, Wife 2 Daughters about 13, 15 yrs old) have 3 huge 4X4 cars. One is the husbands, one is the wife’s and the third one is some sort of shared one that they use when they go camping and holds loads of camping equipment.

My family, (Me 20’s, Dad, Mum) have a car each. Our house is long and we can fit all our cars outside our house. Our driveway is narrow and we all work at different times so we never use our drive way. Their drive way is a lot wider than ours, and don’t use theirs either.

Neighbours: husband works from home and the wife works full time. One of their 3 4X4s is always parked bang outside our gates (driveway) so instead of fitting all 3 of our cars outside we can only fit 1 behind their 4X4 monster truck.

Although we don’t use our drive way and yes we don’t own the road:LOL:, it’s starting to annoy me.

My dad has asked them nicely in the past not to block our drive, as on the days he’s not working he likes to come onto the drive and clean his car. And they always respond “yes we’ll move it later” but they continue to park there.

Do I sound petty or would you be annoyed by this too?
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Only 8 more days until I move. So much to update you guys on but no idea where to start. Struggling to eat/sleep I am so anxious. I can hear them scream abuse and accusations at me through the walls but can't pick it up on my mobile recording. I've got other people to verify they can hear the shouting but their phones don't pick it up either. They are accusing me of racism despite the fact my husband, his mum, and my son are all the same race 🤯🤯 I hate racists more than anything. It's an absolute empty accusation and on police record they were racist to me. OH is laughing it off but it is really hurting me that they are saying this about me.
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No this is the parents fault, the kids have learned that if they do it then they get what they want, I've heard argument after argument with the grandparents telling them to stop this crap because they are only teaching the kids that all they need to do is whine an they win, it's honestly a pain in the ass listening to it every day, I have 30+ second cousins in the family an a young neice all between weeks old an a few years old an not one of them do this morning to night 7 days a week
I agree. Our neighbours have 2 children who scream and whine constantly to get their own way. Sitting in the garden in the summer becomes impossible due to the noise and constant screaming. Ironically the same neighbours moaned when we told them in advance we would be having a new driveway installed 🤣
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Have you downloaded his deeds ?
I had a very unpleasant and not to mention expensive row with my neighbour many years ago which ended up in the High Court ( we won ) over a boundary.
Also check your home insurance for legal protection. You may or may not have this within your policy.
I feel for you, it’s horrible.
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