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Can you actually do anything about a neighbour smoking weed or do you just have to live with it?!

family are 3 doors down so thankfully a bit distanced from us. Teenage (probably 18) son smokes weed out of his bedroom window (at the back of the house so can smell from the garden) It’s not just one joint on an evening, maybe I’d forgive that, it’s honestly morning noon and night.

it bloody stinks and it’s embarrassing when people come and visit you and the whole street smells like weed.

Im not a prude but it’s constant and it’s quite unpleasant.

being really honest i don’t fancy going to speak to them because they are all a bit scary although to be fair I’ve never had any bother from them.

I do wonder if it annoys any other neighbours especially the closer ones but I haven’t asked as not sure who is friends with who (we’re quite new here)
I did 101 reports on a neighbour that smoked weed, eventually it stopped, heard him moaning that a neighbour whinged about him 🤣
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I wanted an early night last night but got woken up by my ring doorbell notifying me of someone at my door. The person who walks their dog across my lawn walked it across my law and let it wonder up my drive to my front door. Staying up tonight to try and catch him to have a word. On what planet do people find that acceptable?
I would go over very early in the morning and wake him up to discuss it
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Yes, i have both his and my title register and plan.
sorry that happened to you, it is emotionally draining. wouldn't wish it on anyone.
home insurance legal team are getting back to me. sounds like they'll just send him a "back off" letter and rubbish his claims.
the previous owner has verbally said it is mine and they owned the house for 20 years. they're going to write a letter stating that.
i'm really sad that the neighbour always seems to be getting at me for something. they must be bored.

Some just love the drama. The lady next door has moved over and over again due to bad neighbours. I told her she wont find that here as everyone is lovely, friendly and quiet It turns out she was the problem, she isn't happy unless there is a drama going on.

Don't get pulled into anything because if he is anything like mine they will now have this idea you did them wrong. Just live your life ad don't give them a thought
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After such a long time that isnsuch a lack of respect anyway, I would be livid regardless but at least come over immediately the next day. How did he react when you refused the suggestions?
I looked at the photos and said “hmm I don’t like them” 😂 he said it would get sorted whatever it cost but I feel like this could be rumbling on for a while until i find one I like. 😤🤯

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I lived near a family and if the husband had their car , she would borrow her dad's , except for during the summer , she drove a convertible. The same convertible for a few summers in a row , only during the summer months. It puzzled me as it wasn't a new car or anything particularly fancy ( it was a vauxhall astra convertible).

If the cars were newish, I would think they were hired.
Its more the fact theres so many of them doing it. I dunno why but i just find the concept of lending someone my car really strange 😂 its bad enough when youve took it to the garage and theyve moved your seat and you spend the next 2 months like friggin goldilocks 😂
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Going to have to rant about the couple by me. Theyve been on holiday and ive just seen their car pull up which filled me with rage. The whole family drive about 3 car lengths PAST their house then reverse back to park.

I know this sounds petty but theres a million worse things they do, for 1 they seem to think they control the parking in the street, regularly block me and surrounding neighbours in our drives, and insist on having their 3 vehicles as close as possible even if that means moving it several times over the space of a few hours.

But yes they inability to maneuver their car fills me with rage. I can reverse my car onto my drive without touching anyones property or the path. They drive fully ONTO my drive to reverse onto theirs!

As im writing this theyve taken back custody of the street and a friend has appeared, parking over the neighbours drive 😐🙈 hate them...
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It's that time of year again when my neighbour gets his leafblower out and blows all the leaves from his garden onto the road. At least he's stopped blowing them into my driveway after I mentioned how rude it was .... :rolleyes:
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They are rented. The one I have most problems with who is directly below me is private rented, I have the details regarding the person who owns the property but have held back on getting in touch as I know that becomes a sticky situation when trying to sell. The rest I believe are council rented. There’s one other owner who is on the ground floor on the opposite side, she’s a lovely older woman, but is a bit of a pushover tbh and never says anything to the one having constant parties but will happily chat away to her like old friends.

I’ve contacted the council and police over the years but nobody is interested. I got fed up of fighting a losing battle.

Although moving back home does seem like the obvious answer, I do have to remind myself just how miserable I was living at home. I don’t have the best relationship with my family especially when we’re in close proximity for extended periods of time. My other option would be to downsize to a 1 bedroom flat but then I run the risk of having bad neighbours again. It would mean freeing up some money though as 1 beds would obviously be cheaper to buy and I think I’ll make a smallish profit on my current property. I would need to go back and speak to my mortgage adviser though about affordability etc. I’m still on a fixed rate until 2024 and I have absolutely no idea what the current rates are.

My brain is too fried from medication and lack of sleep to think straight right now. Need to make sure I’m in the right frame of mind and have seriously considered ALL options before making any final decisions. Ugh, joys of being an adult😑
I am sorry. It’s just a shit situation all around. It’s wrong that decent human beings should suffer because of the behaviour of a minority.
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There’s no “rule” against feeding stray cats is there? Swear I overheard some busybody saying they’re going to ring the council because “people don’t understand the problems they cause”. They have them on speed dial. Too much time on their hands 🤬
No there isn't, I would never feed a cat I thought wasn't stray as you don't know if they are on a specific diet etc and you risk kind of "luring" the cat away from its owners
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Another Saturday another round of the vile neighbours blocking everyones drives rather than walk 2 seconds further 🙄 luckily its not mine, i think theyve realised by now that blocking me in just unleashes actual hell 😂 i dont back down. But other ppl in the street who do back down are having to endure this utter BS

Its now like we live in a terraced street with ONLY on street parking. There's plenty room for everyone, you have your car parked outside of you house as is apparently your god given right. But then you have so many cars you overspill into everyone else's way. Rather than being in ANY WAY courteous, and just parking further down the street, you just block people's drives! 🙄

Absolutely vile family! The way they go on when someone parks outside their house or a delivery van is there for 2 seconds too! Well im sure you can imagine...
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that’s good, I mean not to sound like a square but it is a class B drug. So calling 101 not a bad move actually! Did it take many calls for it to stop?

I wouldn’t care if he was taking class As in the comfort of his own house but don’t subject me to that god awful smell 😩
I did the online reports and stayed anonymous, like you I don’t care what they do in their house but I don’t want to smell it in my garden or through the windows, I would say it took a couple months of reporting it when I smelt it etc so not sure how many reports exactly
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My skunk smoking neighbours are currently on the piss & sniff 😫 music blaring, windows wide open, now considering they were throwing bottles at each other last weekend me tinks it's gona be a long night ☹😡
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Ive mentioned this before but I dont understand what my neighbours do before bed that consists of a good hour of banging and slamming doors. Its's every night!! I swear they have some kind of Crystal Maze style get up where they have to open several doors to get into bed. Their whole house is laminate an everything is so echoey I can hear all sorts. How do you not notice this?
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She has cut my sodding plants again! Last night as I was looking out the back window I see two hands reach over my fence and cut the tops off some of my plants.

I could understand if maybe she was OCD in some way and could not bear to see plants hanging over and needs to keep things neat.. But this is her own garden street side and it goes right around the corner and along the road looks a right mess and water dumps people after a heavy rainfall.

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I think having issues with old neighbours has traumatised me a little.
I'm having fitted wardrobes added today and it is noisy as one would expect. But I know next door sometimes do night shifts so I'm really worried what if I'm disturbing them and causing them trouble.
But then I know I'm entitled to do what I want and it is only for two days! Completely irrational fear of mine right now. Thought I would share and see if anyone else has been like this?
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Random short story:- I go to bed tonight, trying to get to sleep and I hear a man shouting outside. I can’t hear what he’s shouting until I open my window and he’s shouting for help because something’s on fire. Shoes and dressing gown on and I’m out in the back lane looking for him. No more shouting, no fire, no smoke. Back into bed and half an hour later he’s shouting again, he’s shouting his house is on fire. Open my window to see where his voice is coming from and he stops. I can only think the gentleman has mental health issues ☹.
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Just bought a new car and popped it in my parking space. In the space of a week there are two scratches on the rear door which align with next doors car rear door…. When the first appeared I gave them the benefit of the doubt but I’ve not been out and the second appeared a few cm above the other. I appreciate the spaces are narrow, their car is large and they have a toddler to get out but it’s frustrating!!! I can’t park any further over as mine is the last space before a fenced area.

How would I mention something without sounding accusatory as they are, in the times we have spoken, really polite. I’ve never had a “nice” car before so I’m a little upset.
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So I have a neighbour who lives opposite me who is a drug dealer, he has numerous people going into his house all day everyday, even through the lockdowns he didn’t care that he was having people always going into the property, I have filed numerous 101 reports and they finally came and took evidence from the property and he was arrested, he is now on probation and doubt he’s been to court as they are taking ages! It was reported in the local newspaper (not him personally but the road we live on mentioning the raid he had) he stopped for a while after that and now he’s back up to his normal tricks again and having constant visits again, I have reported to 101 again! Nothing seems to be done about him! He rents his house and his landlord doesn’t seem to care, I own my house so it’s not as easy to just get up and move to get away from it

anyone else have issues with drug dealer neighbours or had issues?
Yes! I used to call it crack o'clock. The clients would wait on our road for the dealers to drop by. Normally 15-20 minutes and you can always hear them argue or shout how long the "businessmen" are taking. Suddenly one day before lockdown it just stopped. I rarely see them now! I did a few 101 reports but like you I didn't really see results.

Sadly they were probably the better part of the ASB here. Drunks urinating on my doorstep, parked up cars blasting music until at least 3am, screaming, drunken fights on my road are definitely way worse. Someone was stabbed not long ago opposite my house. Sadly it all comes from the bars and clubs nearby. People come onto my road to urinate because there are too few club toilets and public toilets. So people urinate in between parked cars, on walls/fence, some women squat on our doorsteps. Crazy to say that drug dealing is the better of the two evils?!
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Neighbour opposite has twice put mixed recycling and food in my wheelie bin, I only know it’s them cause there was birthday cards in each bag with their name on it (idiots!). I’m mad cause I could get in trouble with the ~bin police~ but I know the family so it’s a bit awkward to confront them. I’ve just flung it outside their house instead though so hopefully they take the hint 😂😤
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