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Chatty Member
Has anyone else seen the learning difficulties and to her bio? Also said she was being blue lighted to the hospital to see her friend in ICU. I thought only family could see th patient in ICU? I dunno if I’m right there though. Why would they be being blue lighted? None of this makes sense…
It’s also a bit disrespectful to post a pic of her unconscious friend 😡

oh and I have seen the man has no other contacts and that’s why she’s allowed to visit
Yes I saw. Didn’t she say she’s down as Ian’s next of kin as he has nobody else?
She’s walking the dog round the streets while drunk, saying if she sees her ex she will bottle him.
Not going to end well.
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She’s said in her video someone else set the fire alarm off. Hollie, you’re forgetting what you told us in your pissed up live. You were also showing your head banging mark and it was only the other day you made a video saying how easy it is to cover fresh wounds
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I am currently sectioned in a mental health rehab, and I fought hard to get leave for Christmas. It was hard, but i put my all into focussing on getting home for Christmas. I have 3 nights at my dads and I’m due to go back on Tuesday, where I will continue to focus on my recovery ☺ My aim is discharge in 2023 and I will work my arse off to make that happen.
I hope you are enjoying your leave, and I hope you get your discharge goal for next year.

Acute wards definitely aren't a fun place. I find them terrifying. I've been "lucky" that the wards for my area was joined to the geriatric ward, so it wasn't a place with a lot of alarms or really violent patients. But even then I'm not desperate to return anytime soon.

From what I've seen the tiktok mental health communism divided on Holly (and Imi) with some saying that her behaviour and depiction of MH wards is really harmful, and others saying that anyone who speaks out against her just doesn't understand how ill she is. I know that what we see is a moment in time, but it does feel like Holly is clever and knows what to post to maximise views and discussion
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She seems doing better now i dont see her on live much since she did rehab i hope thats because she is clean and happy. She does seem very vulnerable
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VIP Member
She didn’t get her home leave as some man reported her to her ward due to what she said on her live last night about running away. And now she’s mad. Lol
She absolutely loves showing off she’s on the ward doesn’t she, always on live bragging about it, it’s exhausting
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if u mean kat
Its a fake mark if u look st her katsrecovery2023 page when the moves her head the mark disapears
I had to come off TikTok because of her and Elizabeth edgely. The way they infuriated me with their attention seeking BS (knowing how drained emergency services are working in the sector) drove me to new depths of anger.
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It’s ridiculous.
hollie is obviously very jealous of Imi and her family paying for private rehab. They are both immature and need to just block each other and move on.
give it a few weeks and hollie will be downing vodka and orange juice again and get herself sectioned for the next instalment of drama.
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Chatty Member
Holly now on live packing a bag for running away tomorrow when she’s on home leave. She said she’s going to take the bus to her friends and smoke and drink. All this on a live
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I’m shocked at the size of her face for someone who claims they “don’t eat”….
She does eat.
Coupled with her alcoholism it’s made her face swell badly. She was in general hospital a couple of weeks ago and due to get more tests.

She knows what she is doing and why she is in the isolation unit in the PICU. She is loving the drama and attention she is getting from it. She is being violent and that’s why she is isolated.
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Imagine live streaming after being section 136 for about the 4th time in a week. Slagging people off, boasting about having hidden items, filming being restrained and laughing about it.
It’s about time Liz was put in prison like the rest of them. This is why people with mental illness like myself can’t get help. Absolute disgrace
I disagree about prison but I do agree these types of things do stop the rest of us from getting help. I'm in probably the worst depressive episode of my life and the CMHT won't see me, yet people like this are acting ridiculous and seem to want to be sectioned. It feels like a competitive element to be the 'most unwell' which is pretty gross. Seeing shit like this makes me so angry.

I hope you can access some help soon. I know how hard it is. <3
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New member
Anyone see her live this evening? Set off the fire alarm twice, escaped into a courtyard and repeatedly threatened to hurt staff
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This girl! She’s loving her time on the PICU! Causing and getting involved in fights, headbanging, self harming, not eating, the list is endless. She’s applied for a tribunal but clearly doesnt want to leave.
Behaviour like that is actually the quickest way to leave PICU tbh
They’ll diagnose her with EUPD and send her back to acute asap probably with notes recommending to discharge her
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She’s fallen out with imi and imi has set up a troll page. Apparently she posted on her own account about being dead? Did anyone see that? Now she’s posting videos of Hollie admitting she has been diagnosed with eupd on hospital.Hollie.e. Must admit a bit of a low blow from Imi as Hollie seems to just want to get on with her life (for now)
Was it imi who posted that she herself was dead? It’s not the first time she’s done that !
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Chatty Member
Shes back on the ward after attempting to end it all poor thing she looks really lost but still manages to ask for paypal donations
I just looked on both of her accounts, she's just reposted old videos of when she was in hospital before, not currently in hospital.
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