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Chatty Member
I completely understand she has MH problems but she doesn't want to even try & get on in life. She clearly hates being independent in the outside world so does anything to draw attention to herself to get put back into hospital. She is just a huge drain on tax payers. Tiktok is just giving her the attention she needs & people blowing smoke up her arse aren't helping.
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Imi from a fairly wealthy family and I always feel her parents throw money at the situation rather than addressing it
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Live for the 2nd day in a row asking for money to get a taxi to the hospital for her medication? Lots saying they have sent some and she’s claiming they haven’t 😬 feel for her but concerned what this money is going towards with her addictions
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I also saw this person with their partner. they were sat on the hospital bed together kissing and laughing whilst hooked up to a drip. Do they think this is a game?
I think some of these people do. It’s like they get bored at home and think ‘let’s do a trip to the hospital for the weekend’.
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Lots of accounts on my FYP making fun of some Katya girl who I know Holly called out a few times. had a thought that she might be the one behind the accounts, she does thrive on drama after all. I could be wrong!
I think the Katya girl just saw how much attention Holly was getting on TikTok being on a section 3 in hospital, and now she's trying to get in that situation herself by acting like Holly. Ngl it has briefly crossed my mind before, how does Holly get access to help and support so easily, when lots of people like me have to fight to get any help?
I do wish she'd stop posting about her 'best friend' Ian, yes it's very sad what's happened but her followers don't need to see 10 videos about him every day.
It's also worrying that she's publicly posting about having an open funeral for Ian where all her followers are invited, when she's got her dangerous ex boyfriend trying to track her down.
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As soon as discharge was mentioned she looked drunk on leave and jumped again. I understand that the rnli have to save her but it is a drain on resources and must be traumatic for others to watch her jump. She complains so much about hospital but then does everything she can to stay there.
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Shes back on the ward after attempting to end it all poor thing she looks really lost but still manages to ask for paypal donations

which account are you looking at? She seems to have loads. She dragged her last admission out for far longer than it needed to be. She bragged almost daily that she was ‘detained under section 3 the mental health act‘ and didn’t want to be, yet wasn’t proactive in moving forward. She got so much donated to her from her followers last time, and set up an amazon wish list, with gifts coming in daily. she would do things that she knew would attract the attention of the public, like wearing hospital pyjamas under her clothes, then removing the clothes and dancing on tables or around steps by the Thames. the amount of times the police were called for her being ‘missing’ during her admission was crazy in itself.

I like her personality, I think she’s quite funny. I just don’t like the boasting about being in hospital and the constant begging.
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VIP Member
Why kick someone when they are down - if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything - this is about a young lady who has addictions and mental health problems - she has lost a friend and pet that she was close to and has tried so hard to keep out of hospital - do you really think she wants to be in there!!! Grow up and move on - Happy Christmas 🎄
Yes, she loves it there and thrives on the attention hence why she keeps manipulating her way back in
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Her skin looks absolutely terrible recently and she can barely string a sentence together from all the meds I assume. Its so sad to see her like this when she could have a whole life on the outside! Poor girl is the definition of institutionalised. I would love to know as someone who has worked on several mental health wards what therapeutic work they actually do with her and what plans etc get put in place for her to stop coming back the way she does.
When I was in hospital (not sectioned) there was no therapy. You could have a chat with your key nurse if you wanted, and ward round with the Dr was once a week. It was a place of safety and for medication. I got more knowledge/support/care from other patients in my bay than most of the staff tbh. Not the same hospital as Holly obviously.

Hopefully a robust safety plan and care plan which she will be compliant with can be put in place for her, so that she has the best chance of success in the community
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Chatty Member
She said she has younger siblings and that’s why she can’t go home and live with them which is fair enough. But I don’t think she has a bad relationship with them! She’d said in one of her videos. Mind you she’s always lying about stuff
She said she hadn't seen them in over 2 years. I get completely she can't live with them but her parents never visit her which is very odd to me. In over 2 years you would find a day in which you could visit your own daughter. It's like they've had enough of her attention seeking.
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She will get kicked out of PICU as soon as they realise she very clearly is not psychotic at all and has a personality disorder
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Chatty Member
She’s back in hospital. She’s barely posted in the last 6 months and now she’s posted 4/5 videos in 24hr
That's what I was thinking... as much as I do have sympathy for her, I think she knows what she's doing when she's dancing about wearing hospital pyjamas on TikTok. She's in her late twenties, it's not cool and she's probably triggering a lot of people. I wonder how long she'll be in for this time.
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Chatty Member
Katya lives near me, apparently she is now waiting to go to a PD unit. Which hopefully will prevent her keep wasting emergency services time. Seems like that Lauren needs it too. Don’t know Destiny. Personally, I think Holly need to go to one also, she says she doesn’t have EUPD but she has traits for sure… she could get treatment for her comorbid conditions and may finally get on with sorting her life out.
If Katya goes to a PD unit then I feel sorry for the other patients there...
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