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This girl! She’s loving her time on the PICU! Causing and getting involved in fights, headbanging, self harming, not eating, the list is endless. She’s applied for a tribunal but clearly doesnt want to leave.
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This kissing is like she’s kissing someone for the first time 🤣🤣 so awkward

unfortunately some nhs MH wards couldn’t care less what patients get up to. They should have been kicked out and arrested over the knife incident. They’re posting videos with other patients in which is an absolute no as well.

sort it out, ladies. People are going to die over Xmas because there are no MH beds. I dread to think how many beds are taken up by people clowning about.

Also why would they tell H she had home leave 24/25th then claim it is escorted? No ward would do that. They can’t facilitate leaves on a normal day, never mind Christmas Day.
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Chatty Member
Well she’s already escaping again from days out and coming back drunk etc. So you’re probably right there
I don't get why the medical professionals keep repeating the cycle of sticking her on a section 3 in an acute ward, a locked rehab would be more suited to her I think.
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When I was in hospital (not sectioned) there was no therapy. You could have a chat with your key nurse if you wanted, and ward round with the Dr was once a week. It was a place of safety and for medication. I got more knowledge/support/care from other patients in my bay than most of the staff tbh. Not the same hospital as Holly obviously.

Hopefully a robust safety plan and care plan which she will be compliant with can be put in place for her, so that she has the best chance of success in the community
The problem is she’s repeating the same cycle:
- Gets sectioned, is inpatient, high risk and needs watched
- Plans to abscond/escape because she supposedly hates being there
- Absconds
- Brought back to the ward under supervision
- Gets to a point where she can be discharged
- Jumps in the Thames or goes by the banks of the Thames

Aaaaaand repeat. Tbh at what point do you accept someone is beyond help. There’s clearly something wrong with her but it’s more to do with her desperate need to get attention by any means possible. She was offered a place to live as she claims she can’t go back to her parents but she fucked that up as well. It’s such a waste for those who actually want to get better and desperately need these resources.
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New member
I don't understand why she bangs on about being discharged, like she isn't going to hurt herself intentionally and intentionally end up back there within weeks - if that!
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Chatty Member
Holly now on live packing a bag for running away tomorrow when she’s on home leave. She said she’s going to take the bus to her friends and smoke and drink. All this on a live
She does it everytime as she knows that if home leave goes well it's nearer to her leaving for good. She constantly moans when in the hospital about everything yet never wants to actually leave.
I don't know what the answer is to do with someone like her as she doesn't want help. She must cost the system a fortune.
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Both Holly and Katya have been on my fyp this morning. Imagine if they were put in the same unit 🙈 (highly unlikely, I know!)
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Just seen she is ‘planning her next escape’ when she is meant to be discharged in 4 days? Immature and obviously wanting to stay longer as she knows this behaviour may cause them to keep her there. She should just be discharged because the girl isn’t gonna change.
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VIP Member
Thank you! She is so full of shit her bio in particular should read “RAGING PERSONALITY DISORDER” not bloody learning difficulties, epilepsy and schizophrenia 🙄 I really do feel for the staff that look after her regularly it must be so frustrating I can’t imagine they make much progress with helping her
In my opinion she should just be cut off at this stage, NHS need to stop giving her the attention she so desperately craves. There’s only so much you can do for someone who clearly doesn’t want to help themselves. She’s still here because she wants to be, I don’t buy any of her tall tales about wanting to off herself.
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She says she doesn’t know why she is being moved to a PICU but if she has been violent to others and can’t be safely contained then of course she has been moved… she knows the system.
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Well-known member
I am super suprised she didnt make it here earlier - I followed her for a long long time, she knows how to manipulate her viewers and has tripped up on her own lies quite a few times. I feel sorry for her in respect shes clearly unwell but she needs to step off social media and help herself.

It really grates me when she starts asking for money or posting an amazon wishlist.

Oh just to add - some one did call her out once on a post asking for money, she was claiming she needed it to be able to get her meds etc. Some one commented saying she knew her personally and her supported living provided transport etc for her to get her meds and she didnt actually need money for that and telling people NOT to give her it.

Her whole relationship history is abit sus too. she said she was with a married man then a vicar and hes changed identity/job about 40 times since ive followed her

Oh just to add - some one did call her out once on a post asking for money, she was claiming she needed it to be able to get her meds etc. Some one commented saying she knew her personally and her supported living provided transport etc for her to get her meds and she didnt actually need money for that and telling people NOT to give her it.

Her whole relationship history is abit sus too. she said she was with a married man then a vicar and hes changed identity/job about 40 times since ive followed her
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I disagree about prison but I do agree these types of things do stop the rest of us from getting help. I'm in probably the worst depressive episode of my life and the CMHT won't see me, yet people like this are acting ridiculous and seem to want to be sectioned. It feels like a competitive element to be the 'most unwell' which is pretty gross. Seeing shit like this makes me so angry.

I hope you can access some help soon. I know how hard it is. <3
I think the thing is though it’s hard to know how much of it is their illness manifesting itself. Nobody who wasn’t unwell in some way would want to be sectioned, it’s a horrendous experience for a lot of people, so if they’re going back time after time there obviously is something wrong. MH conditions lead to unpalatable behaviour sometimes, and competition to be the most unwell is well recognised as part of some conditions (very common in EDs for example).

The lack of funding for people below that stage is the real issue. They’re not taking time and resources away from people who want a lower level of support from the CMHT, the funding is only there for people at their level of illness, it’s why I think Hollie seems to go off the deep end every time she’s released because she goes from 24/7 support to practically fuck all and being fobbed off like the rest of us get.
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Katya lives near me, apparently she is now waiting to go to a PD unit. Which hopefully will prevent her keep wasting emergency services time. Seems like that Lauren needs it too. Don’t know Destiny. Personally, I think Holly need to go to one also, she says she doesn’t have EUPD but she has traits for sure… she could get treatment for her comorbid conditions and may finally get on with sorting her life out.
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It really annoys me watching her and others behave like this on tiktok when there's been so many times I've needed a bed and never been able to get one. I'm simply discharged to deal with my own issues. Watching them not accept the help whilst there's people out there literally dying waiting to get into hospital makes me sick.

I'm not denying the girl is unwell but she makes it no better for herself, she has 0 desire to get well.

Although I will say, being repeatedly institutionalized can make it hard to function in reality outside of that. She's been sectioned so many times now the only way she can cope outside seems to be drinking then acting recklessly to get sectioned again. She needs to stop acting up and get a real personality. This sort of shit is why people with personality disorders (in genuine crisis) are labelled attention seekers.

Thanks to my misdiagnosis of it and the fuelling of the attention-seeking stigma from lasses like Holly it makes it impossible for anyone to look past it and offer you the help you need. I could say so much more but this girl makes me so angry.
I have also been mis-diagnosed with a PD and the stigma and awful treatment I have been had to suffer because of it has left me fighting for my life previously. And it is people like Holly, Katya, Hayley and Lauren who think it’s ok to be violent, verbally aggressive, act out and general pains in the arse, that give us a bad name.
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Back jumping into the Thames. Teamed up with that Imi girl. Locked themselves in the kitchen and were threatening staff with knives. I hope they get the police in and are arrested. It looks like they’re having the time of their lives in there
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